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P026011: 3D graphic of the part placement collides with <x>


The 3D graphic of the part placement has been moved in the layout space and now collides with the 3D graphic for an enclosure, a mounting panel, a mounting rail or another part placement. In a collision, the outlines of the items "merge" into one another.

<x> indicates the part designation and the displayed DT of the part placement with which the collision has occurred.


  1. From the Message management dialog, locate the part placement that caused the collision in the layout space by double clicking the message.

    The part placement in question will be highlighted in color.
  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the part placement away, then place it on the mounting panel or mounting rail in a position where it no longer causes a collision. Changing the 3D viewpoint or rotating the viewing angle may help you prevent a further collision.
  3. If required, start a new check run.