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P026043: No routing track between source and target found. <x>


The routing path network between the source and target of a connection is incomplete.

Possible causes are:

  • A wire duct, a routing path or a curve does not exist as part of the routing path network.
  • A wire duct, a routing path or a curve is not connected graphically with one of the routing path network objects mentioned beforehand.
  • A connection filter has been defined for a wire duct, a routing path or a curve. This filter ensures that a connection that does not fulfill the filter criterion cannot be routed across the routing path network.


  1. Locate the source of the connection to be routed in the layout space using the Go to (graphic) functionality from the popup menu in the Message management dialog. You may optionally also jump to the target of the connection to be routed in the layout space by using the Go to (2nd coordinate) functionality from the popup menu.
  2. Follow the routing path network in the layout space from the source or from the target.
  3. Add to the routing path network the missing routing path network object, such as the missing routing path.

    Or close the existing gaps between the routing path network objects by connecting them correctly graphically.

    Or checked the used connection filter and deactivate it if necessary.
  4. Route the connections again.


Using a new check run (any desired scheme) this module-specific message can be deleted from the message management dialog.