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Assigning Function Data

The "Assign" function allows you to assign function data from the navigators to functions placed in the schematic. This allows you, for example, to assign an unplaced function to a component, transfer the data of an already placed function to another component, or assign function templates.

An assigned function must have as many or more connection points than the component. Depending on the selected object, a variety of data is assigned to the component:

  • DT: If during the assignment a DT is selected in the navigator, all associated functions can be assigned one by one. This can be done either individually by mouse-click or blockwise by opening a frame around the required components. When assigning interruption points, only the interruption point name is assigned to the component.
  • Unplaced function: If an unplaced function is selected in the navigator during the assignment, the original function of the component is replaced by the unplaced function.
  • Placed function: If a placed function is selected in the navigator during the assignment, the data of this function is transferred to another component. The original function remains unchanged.
  • Function template: If during the assignment a function template is selected in the navigator, its data is transferred to the component, and the function of the component superimposes the function template.

Assign using multiple selection

Using the [Ctrl] or [Shift] keys, it is also possible to select multiple functions simultaneously, activate the "Assign" mode via the popup menu, and then assign them successively to a component. With this approach, EPLAN remembers the selected functions, and you can move them, one by one, to the required components. After each click, the next function hangs on the cursor.

See also