Pages can be copied within a project as well as between different projects. It is possible to copy individual pages or entire blocks of pages.
You have selected at least one page in the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog.
- Select the command Copy from / to. (To this purpose you first have to Customize the ribbon and then assign the desired command to a user-defined command group.)
In the Copy pages dialog, the source and target projects are displayed in two tree views. The project where the data is to be copied to is shown in the right field Current project. This project is currently open and selected in the page navigator. Initially, the current project is displayed in both fields, since copy operations most often take place within the same project.
- In the left field Selected project select the source project where the data is to be copied from. This can be an already open project or one that has not yet been opened. Using [...] you can open the project selection dialog; click
(Open) to choose any desired project from any directory.
- If necessary, set a Filter for the source project to display only specific project pages.
- In the Selected project field at the left, select the pages that you wish to copy. You can also select a structure level, which selects all pages below the structure level.
The properties of the (first) selected page are displayed in the Properties table.
- Use the arrow keys to copy the selected pages into the target project in the Current project field to the right.
In the Adapt structure dialog, the page numbers, the page descriptions, and the structure identifiers of the source and target pages are listed on the Pages tab.
You can either retain the page numbers, page descriptions and structure identifiers, or change them. If the pages already exist in the target project, then the Overwrite check box is automatically selected. Deselect this if you do not want to overwrite the pages, and change the page properties. - Select [Number] to open the Number pages dialog and renumber the copied pages.
- If the copied DTs contain structure identifiers, you can change the visible DTs in the DT tab.
- Click [OK].
A prompt appears if the target project contains pages with the same name that would be overwritten. If you click [Yes] the pages in the target project will be overwritten. Click [No] to return to the Adapt structure dialog and change your settings.
If you selected the With prompt option by means of the commands File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online), the Insertion mode dialog is displayed. You specify here as to how device tags should be numbered on the copied pages.
- Click [OK].
The pages are inserted into the target project, and the structure identifiers and DT are changed accordingly.
In the page navigator, you can move and copy pages via Drag & Drop. Hold down the [Ctrl] key to copy pages.
See also