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Dialog Synchronize pre-planning data

In this dialog the segments from the data source to be imported are displayed in a table and compared with the segments existing in the project. The displayed scope can be limited by using filters. Depending on the displayed status information you specify the action to be carried out with the segments.

Overview of the main dialog elements:


This drop-down list displays all the available filters. A chosen filter is activated automatically. The "- Not activated -" entry deactivates the filter and causes an unfiltered display of the data. Click [...] to open the Filter dialog. Here you can create, edit, delete, copy, export, import, and manage filters.

The popup menu of the Filter drop-down list contains the following entries:

  • Deactivate: This popup menu item is available if a filter has been set: Resets the filter setting to the "- Not activated -" entry.
  • Activate <filter name>: This popup menu item is available if the filter setting is "- Not activated -": Reactivates the last active filter.

This allows you to toggle rapidly between the unfiltered representation and a representation filtered in accordance with your requirements.


Use this field, via Quick input, to adjust quickly the value of a filter criterion for a defined and activated filter.


Please note that an activated filter does not influence the import. The complete file is always imported on the basis of the set actions. It is therefore advisable to deactivate all the filters before the import and to check the actions specified in the table.


The contents of the selected import file are displayed in the table. The column headers correspond to the assigned EPLAN properties. In addition the following columns are always displayed:

  • Line: Contains a running line number.
  • Status: This column indicates through an icon whether the segments are not yet contained in the project, whether they already exist in the project, whether they have been deleted in the data source or whether the segments in the project and in the data source have different editing states (for example other property values).
  • Action: Here you specify which action is to be carried out with the segments depending on the displayed status.



    Possible action

    New: The segment in the data source is not yet contained in the project.

    Import or None

    Identical: The segment in the data source is already contained in the project and will not be imported once more. All property values are identical.


    Deleted: The segment is only contained in the project, and not in the data source. This segment is deleted in the project by using the Delete action.

    Delete or None

    Deleted: The segment is contained in the data source and in the project. One or more property values differ, for example the part number.


    Fields with changed property values have a dark-gray background. The Tooltip for such a field shows the respective value in the project.

    Change or None

    Invalid: The segment cannot be assigned, for example because the segment definition or the designation is not clear.


  • Segment definition: Name (identifying): Displays the identifying name of the assigned segment definition.
  • Designation (full): Displays the complete designation of the segment.

Filter (status):

Here you can filter the segments to be imported in accordance with their status information in addition to the filter set above. The following values are possible:

  • All: Displays all the segments from the import file.
  • Changed: Displays the segments that exist in both the data source and in the project and that differ.
  • Deleted: Displays the segments that only exist in the project and have been deleted in the data source.
  • Identical: Displays the segments that exist in both the data source and in the project and that are identical.
  • New: Displays only segments that do not yet exist in the project.