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EPLAN Properties

ID Designation Object classes Description Category Field type Index R/O API define
1000 Structure identifier Structure identifiers Structure identifier without sub-identifier and preceding sign, e.g. "UA1". Data Monolingual text No Yes LOCATION_NAME
1001 Complete structure identifier Structure identifiers Complete structure identifier (including sub-identifier) without preceding sign, e.g. "A.UA1.UA2". Data Monolingual text No Yes LOCATION_FULLNAME
1002 Structure description Structure identifiers Description for the structure identifier, displayed in structure identifier management. Data Multilingual text No No LOCATION_DESCRIPTION
1003 Complete structure identifier with preceding sign Structure identifiers Complete structure identifier (including sub-identifier) with preceding sign, e.g. "=A.UA1.UA2". Data Monolingual text No Yes LOCATION_FULLNAME_WITHPREFIX
1004 Identifier block Structure identifiers Provides the identifier block to which the structure identifier belongs, e.g. "Function designation," "Location designation" etc. The property can be used in forms for the structure identifier overview. Data Monolingual text No Yes LOCATION_TYPENAME
1005 Usage count Structure identifiers Specifies how often a structure identifier is used in the project ("?" = not updated, * = not used, but a sub-identifier exists). No category Monolingual text No Yes LOCATION_USE
1006 Identifier block (ID) Structure identifiers Provides (regardless of the language) the identifier block to which the structure identifier belongs, e.g. "Function designation," "Location designation" etc. This property can be used in reports, e.g. in the structure identifier overview. No category Integer No Yes LOCATION_TYPENAME_NR
1007 Structure description 2 Structure identifiers Description for the structure identifier, displayed in structure identifier management. Data Multilingual text No No LOCATION_DESCRIPTION_2
1008 Structure description 3 Structure identifiers Description for the structure identifier, displayed in structure identifier management. Data Multilingual text No No LOCATION_DESCRIPTION_3
1009 Structure description Supplementary field Structure identifiers Describing supplementary text for the structure identifier, displayed in structure identifier management. Data Multilingual text Yes, 10 No LOCATION_DESCRIPTION_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD
1010 Structure identifier: superior name component Structure identifiers Outputs the xth name component of a structure identifier using the index.
Example: For a structure identifier in the form of "=A.B.C.D" the index 3 returns the value "C".
Data Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes LOCATION_NAMEPART
1011 Structure identifier superior Structure identifiers Data Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes LOCATION_UPPERLOCATION
1012 Structure identifier superior: Description Structure identifiers Data Multilingual text Yes, 10 Yes LOCATION_UPPERLOCATION_DESCRIPTION
1100 Function designation (main identifier) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_PLANT
1101 Function designation (sub-identifier 1) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT1
1102 Function designation (sub-identifier 2) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT2
1103 Function designation (sub-identifier 3) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT3
1104 Function designation (sub-identifier 4) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT4
1105 Function designation (sub-identifier 5) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT5
1106 Function designation (sub-identifier 6) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT6
1107 Function designation (sub-identifier 7) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT7
1108 Function designation (sub-identifier 8) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT8
1109 Function designation (sub-identifier 9) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT9
1120 Function designation Page
Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Terminal strip (in reports)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full function designation name, e.g. "A.UA1.UA2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLPLANT
1121 Function designation (sub-identifier, complete) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
For a function designation provides all the sub-identifiers, for example "UA1.UA2" at a complete function designation "A.UA1.UA2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLSUBPLANT
1122 Function designation (leading identifiers) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Supplies leading identifiers up to the hierarchy level specified by the index, for example, "A.UA.UA2" for index 3 for a function designation "A.UA.UA2.UA3.UA4". No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes DESIGNATION_PLANT_LEADINGPARTS
1128 Function designation (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Part of function designation that is entered at this planning object. The entire function designation for a planning object consists in this case of the own individual part and all the parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No No DESIGNATION_PLANT_PART
1129 Function designation (visible) Function (base object) Shows the component of the respective identifier block of the displayed DT. Blanks or line breaks that are available in the displayed DT are not displayed for this property. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_PLANT_VISIBLE
1130 Function designation (main identifier): Description Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_PLANT_DESCR
1131 Function designation (sub-identifier 1): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT1_DESCR
1132 Function designation (sub-identifier 2): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT2_DESCR
1133 Function designation (sub-identifier 3): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT3_DESCR
1134 Function designation (sub-identifier 4): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT4_DESCR
1135 Function designation (sub-identifier 5): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT5_DESCR
1136 Function designation (sub-identifier 6): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT6_DESCR
1137 Function designation (sub-identifier 7): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT7_DESCR
1138 Function designation (sub-identifier 8): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT8_DESCR
1139 Function designation (sub-identifier 9): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT9_DESCR
1140 Function designation with preceding sign Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the full function designation name with preceding sign, e.g. "=A.UA1.UA2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLPLANT_WITHPREFIX
1150 Function designation: Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLPLANT_DESCR
1200 Location designation (main identifier) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_LOCATION
1201 Location designation (sub-identifier 1) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION1
1202 Location designation (sub-identifier 2) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION2
1203 Location designation (sub-identifier 3) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION3
1204 Location designation (sub-identifier 4) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION4
1205 Location designation (sub-identifier 5) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION5
1206 Location designation (sub-identifier 6) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION6
1207 Location designation (sub-identifier 7) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION7
1208 Location designation (sub-identifier 8) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION8
1209 Location designation (sub-identifier 9) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION9
1220 Location designation Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full location designation name, e.g. "O.UO1.UO2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLLOCATION
1221 Location designation (sub-identifier, complete) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides all the sub-identifiers for a location designation, e.g. "UO1.UO2" at a complete location designation "O.UO1.UO2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLSUBLOCATION
1222 Location designation (leading identifiers) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Supplies leading identifiers up to the hierarchy level specified by the index, for example, "O.UO.UO2" for index 3 for a location designation "O.UO.UO2.UO3.UO4". No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes DESIGNATION_LOCATION_LEADINGPARTS
1228 Location designation (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Part of the location designation that is entered at this planning object. The entire location designation for a planning object consists in this case of the own individual part and all the parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No No DESIGNATION_LOCATION_PART
1229 Location designation (visible) Function (base object) Shows the component of the respective identifier block of the displayed DT. Blanks or line breaks that are available in the displayed DT are not displayed for this property. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_LOCATION_VISIBLE
1230 Location designation (main identifier): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_LOCATION_DESCR
1231 Location designation (sub-identifier 1): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION1_DESCR
1232 Location designation (sub-identifier 2): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION2_DESCR
1233 Location designation (sub-identifier 3): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION3_DESCR
1234 Location designation (sub-identifier 4): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION4_DESCR
1235 Location designation (sub-identifier 5): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION5_DESCR
1236 Location designation (sub-identifier 6): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION6_DESCR
1237 Location designation (sub-identifier 7): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION7_DESCR
1238 Location designation (sub-identifier 8): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION8_DESCR
1239 Location designation (sub-identifier 9): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION9_DESCR
1240 Location designation with preceding sign Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the full location designation names with preceding sign, e.g. "+O.UO1.UO2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLLOCATION_WITHPREFIX
1250 Location designation: Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1300 Functional assignment (main identifier) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
1301 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 1) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1302 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 2) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1303 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 3) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1304 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 4) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1305 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 5) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1306 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 6) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1307 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 7) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1308 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 8) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1309 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 9) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1320 Functional assignment Page
Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Terminal strip (in reports)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full functional assignment. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT
1321 Functional assignment (sub-identifier, complete) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full name of the functional assignment with all the sub-identifiers. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLSUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT
1322 Functional assignment (leading identifiers) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1328 Functional assignment (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Part of the functional assignment that is entered at this planning object. The entire functional assignment for a planning object consists in this case of the own individual part and all the parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No No DESIGNATION_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_PART
1329 Functional assignment (visible) Function (base object) Shows the component of the respective identifier block of the displayed DT. Blanks or line breaks that are available in the displayed DT are not displayed for this property. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_VISIBLE
1330 Functional assignment (main identifier): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1331 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 1): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1332 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 2): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1333 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 3): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1334 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 4): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1335 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 5): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1336 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 6): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1337 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 7): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1338 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 8): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1339 Functional assignment (sub-identifier 9): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1340 Functional assignment with preceding sign Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the full functional assignment with preceding sign. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_WITHPREFIX
1350 Functional assignment: Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1400 Installation site (main identifier) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
1401 Installation site (sub-identifier 1) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1402 Installation site (sub-identifier 2) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1403 Installation site (sub-identifier 3) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1404 Installation site (sub-identifier 4) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1405 Installation site (sub-identifier 5) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1406 Installation site (sub-identifier 6) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1407 Installation site (sub-identifier 7) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1408 Installation site (sub-identifier 8) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1409 Installation site (sub-identifier 9) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1420 Installation site Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Segment (pre-planning)
1421 Installation site (sub-identifier, complete) Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full name of the installation site with all the sub-identifiers. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLSUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION
1422 Installation site (leading identifiers) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1428 Installation site (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Part of the installation site that is entered at this planning object. The entire installation site for a planning object consists in this case of the own individual part and all the parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No No DESIGNATION_PLACEOFINSTALLATION_PART
1429 Installation site (visible) Function (base object) Shows the component of the respective identifier block of the displayed DT. Blanks or line breaks that are available in the displayed DT are not displayed for this property. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_PLACEOFINSTALLATION_VISIBLE
1430 Installation site (main identifier): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1431 Installation site (sub-identifier 1): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1432 Installation site (sub-identifier 2): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1433 Installation site (sub-identifier 3): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1434 Installation site (sub-identifier 4): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1435 Installation site (sub-identifier 5): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1436 Installation site (sub-identifier 6): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1437 Installation site (sub-identifier 7): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1438 Installation site (sub-identifier 8): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1439 Installation site (sub-identifier 9): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1440 Installation site with preceding sign Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the full installation site with preceding sign. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLPLACEOFINSTALLATION_WITHPREFIX
1450 Installation site: Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1500 Document type (main identifier) Page
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_DOCTYPE
1520 Document type Page
Segment (pre-planning)
Part of the structure identifier of the document type that is entered at this structure segment or planning object. The entire structure identifier of a planning object consists of all parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLDOCTYPE
1521 Document type (sub-identifier, complete) Page
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLSUBDOCTYPE
1522 Document type (leading identifiers) Page
Segment (pre-planning)
No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes DESIGNATION_DOCTYPE_LEADINGPARTS
1528 Document type (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Part of the document type that is entered at this planning object. The entire document type for a planning object consists in this case of the own individual part and all the parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No No DESIGNATION_DOCTYPE_PART
1530 Document type (main identifier): Description Page
Segment (pre-planning)
Description of the document type. Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_DOCTYPE_DESCR
1540 Document type with preceding sign Page
Segment (pre-planning)
1550 Document type: Description Page
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLDOCTYPE_DESCR
1600 User-defined structure (main identifier) Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the main identifier of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED
1601 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 1) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 1 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB1
1602 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 2) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 2 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB2
1603 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 3) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 3 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB3
1604 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 4) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 4 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB4
1605 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 5) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 5 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB5
1606 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 6) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 6 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB6
1607 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 7) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 7 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB7
1608 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 8) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 8 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB8
1609 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 9) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the sublevel 9 of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB9
1620 User-defined structure Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full character string of the user-defined structure. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLUSERDEFINED
1621 User-defined structure (sub-identifier, complete) Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full name of the user-defined structure with all the sub-identifiers. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLSUBUSERDEFINED
1622 User-defined structure (leading identifiers) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_LEADINGPARTS
1628 User-defined structure (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Part of the user-defined structure that is entered at this planning object. The entire user-defined structure for a planning object consists in this case of the own individual part and all the parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No No DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_PART
1629 User-defined structure (visible) Function (base object) Shows the component of the respective identifier block of the displayed DT. Blanks or line breaks that are available in the displayed DT are not displayed for this property. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_VISIBLE
1630 User-defined structure (main identifier): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_DESCR
1631 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 1): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1632 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 2): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1633 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 3): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1634 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 4): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1635 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 5): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1636 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 6): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1637 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 7): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1638 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 8): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1639 User-defined structure (sub-identifier 9): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1640 User-defined structure with preceding sign Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1650 User-defined structure: Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1700 Higher-level function number (main identifier) Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
The first (and in this case only) hierarchy level of the higher-level function number. Is required for fluid power. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER
1720 Higher-level function number Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Segment (pre-planning)
Full higher-level function number. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLINSTALLATIONNUMBER
1721 Higher-level function number (sub-identifier, complete) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Function (base object)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full name of the higher-level function number with all the sub-identifiers. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLSUBINSTALLATIONNUMBER
1722 Higher-level function number (leading identifiers) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
1728 Higher-level function number (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Part of the higher-level function number that is entered at this planning object. The entire higher-level function number for a planning object consists in this case of the own individual part and all the parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No No DESIGNATION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER_PART
1729 Higher-level function number (visible) Function (base object) Shows the component of the respective identifier block of the displayed DT. Blanks or line breaks that are available in the displayed DT are not displayed for this property. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER_VISIBLE
1730 Higher-level function number (main identifier): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Higher-level function number description. Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER_DESCR
1740 Higher-level function number with preceding sign Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1750 Higher-level function number: Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
1800 Product (main identifier) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_PRODUCT
1801 Product (sub-identifier 1) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT1
1802 Product (sub-identifier 2) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT2
1803 Product (sub-identifier 3) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT3
1804 Product (sub-identifier 4) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT4
1805 Product (sub-identifier 5) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT5
1806 Product (sub-identifier 6) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT6
1807 Product (sub-identifier 7) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT7
1808 Product (sub-identifier 8) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT8
1809 Product (sub-identifier 9) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT9
1820 Product Page
Function (base object)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Terminal strip (in reports)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full product aspect, e.g. "U-UA1-UA2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLPRODUCT
1821 Product (sub-identifier, complete) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the full name of the product aspect with all the sub-identifiers, e.g. "UA-UA2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLSUBPRODUCT
1822 Product (leading identifiers) Page
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes DESIGNATION_PRODUCT_LEADINGPARTS
1828 Product aspect (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Part of the product aspect that is entered at this planning object. The entire product aspect for a planning object consists in this case of the own individual part and all the parts of the superior structure segments and planning objects. Devices Monolingual text No No DESIGNATION_PRODUCT_PART
1829 Product (visible) Function (base object) Shows the "Product aspect" component of the visible DT. A value is only displayed here if the extended reference identification is activated in the project structure and the product aspect is used for structuring. Blanks or line breaks that are available in the displayed DT are not displayed for this property. Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_PRODUCT_VISIBLE
1830 Product (main identifier): Description Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_PRODUCT_DESCR
1831 Product (sub-identifier 1): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT1_DESCR
1832 Product (sub-identifier 2): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT2_DESCR
1833 Product (sub-identifier 3): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT3_DESCR
1834 Product (sub-identifier 4): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT4_DESCR
1835 Product (sub-identifier 5): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT5_DESCR
1836 Product (sub-identifier 6): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT6_DESCR
1837 Product (sub-identifier 7): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT7_DESCR
1838 Product (sub-identifier 8): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT8_DESCR
1839 Product (sub-identifier 9): Description Connection
Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT9_DESCR
1840 Product with preceding sign Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the full product aspect with preceding sign, e.g. "U-UA1-UA2". Devices Monolingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLPRODUCT_WITHPREFIX
1850 Product: Description Connection
Function (base object)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Devices Multilingual text No Yes DESIGNATION_FULLPRODUCT_DESCR
2000 Object identification Basic object Internal object identifier. No category Monolingual text No Yes PROPUSER_DBOBJECTID
3010 Last editor: ID Project
Form (base object)
Function definition library
Symbol library
The value entered as a "User code". Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROPUSER_LAST_USERCODE
3011 Last editor: Name Project
Form (base object)
Function definition library
Symbol library
The name associated with the user code. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROPUSER_LAST_USERNAME
3012 Last editor: Phone Project
Form (base object)
Function definition library
Symbol library
The telephone number associated with the user code. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROPUSER_LAST_USERPHONE
3013 Last editor: E-mail Project
Form (base object)
Function definition library
Symbol library
The e-mail address associated with the user code. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROPUSER_LAST_USEREMAIL
3014 Change protection Function
Structure identifiers
Segment (pre-planning)
Interruption point
Segment definition (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
If this property is activated for an object (e.g. page, function, planning object, hierarchy level in a navigator) the complete object as well as all the subordinate objects are protected against all types of change. This means that not only the parts data are protected, as at device protection, but rather that all the properties of the object can no longer be changed and that the object cannot be deleted or moved. This property is assigned automatically inter alia during the generation of subprojects. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes WRITEPROTECTED
3015 Change protection (hierarchical) Function
Structure identifiers
Segment (pre-planning)
Interruption point
Segment definition (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Shows whether an object (for example a page, function, planning object, hierarchy level in a navigator) is protected itself or is protected by a superior object. This property also exists at other objects that can be protected by a superior object, for example at interruption points or graphical element. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes WRITEPROTECTED_AUTOMATIC
10000 Project name Project Provides the project name without file name extension. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_NAME
10001 Project structure: Functional assignment Project Project structure for the functional assignment, identified by "==". No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT
10002 Project structure: Function designation Project Project structure for the function designation, identified by "=". No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLANT
10003 Project structure: Installation site Project Project structure for the installation site, identified by "++". No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLACEOFINSTALLATION
10004 Project structure: Location designation Project Project structure for the location designation, identified by "+". No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_LOCATION
10005 Project structure: Higher-level function number Project Project structure for the higher-level function number in fluid power. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_INSTALLATIONNUMBER
10006 Project structure: Document type Project The document type valid only for pages and external documents is stored in this project structure. The KKS identifier is normally entered here. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_DOCUMENTSTRUCTURE
10007 Project structure: User-defined structure Project Defines the structure of the user-defined structure. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_USERDEFINED
10008 Show tab for DT structures Project Controls the visibility of the "Structure" tab in the project properties. No category Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_SHOWDTSTRUCTURETAB
10009 Project name (full) Project Name of the project file including file name extension and the full file path. Data Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_FULL_PROJECTNAME
10010 Project path Project Relative file path of the project file, starting from the directory entered in the user settings as the general project directory. Only one value can then be displayed when there is a discrepancy between the project directory entered in the user settings and the current project path. Data Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_PROJECTPATH
10011 Project description Project Description of the project. Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_INSTALLATIONNAME
10012 Use page name in DT Project This setting is used to monitor whether the page name for devices is to be adopted in the prefix of the DT. No category Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_TAKEOVERPAGENUMBER
10013 Job number Project Enter the project number or the job number here. Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_DRAWINGNUMBER
10014 Commission Project Enter e.g. the project number or a job number here. Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_COMMISSION
10015 Company name Project Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_COMPANYNAME
10016 Company address 1 Project Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_COMPANYADDRESS1
10017 Company address 2 Project Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_COMPANYADDRESS2
10018 Separator for structures Project Contains all structure separators in coded form (except the document structure).
Format: Number of entries and then, separated by tabs, higher-level and lower level structure identifier.
No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_CODEDSEPARATORS
10019 Nested device tags Project This stores a coded value defining which device tags are nested and in what manner.
Format: Number of entries and then each setting separated by tabs (as 0 or 1 coded Boolean variables).
10020 Creator Project The sign-in name or user code of the project creator is displayed here. Specify whether the sign-in name or user code is to be output in the user settings. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATOR
10021 Creation date Project Date the project was created. The property is automatically assigned and cannot be changed. Revision Time / Date No No PROJ_CREATIONDATE
10022 Last editor: Sign-in name Project User code of the last person to edit the project. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_LASTMODIFICATOR
10023 Modification date Project Date of last changes to the project. Revision Time / Date No Yes PROJ_LASTMODIFICATIONDATE
10024 Last translation: Date Project The date of the last foreign language translation. How the date is displayed can be configured in the project settings. Revision Time / Date No No PROJ_LASTTRANSLATIONDATE
10025 Responsible for project Project Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_RESPONSIBLEFORPROJECT
10026 Project end Project Revision Time / Date No No PROJ_PROJECTEND
10027 Date Project Provides the current date as a character string corresponding to the currently defined formatting. Revision Time / Date No Yes PROJ_ACTUALDATE
10028 Project start Project Revision Time / Date No No PROJ_PROJECTBEGIN
10029 Superior structure formats Project A coded value is stored here, indicating which structures are to be "superior", i.e. the identifying name or DT element. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_SPECIALDINMODE
10030 Make Project Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_MAKE
10031 Project: Type Project Serves to indicate the type, e.g. machine or plant. Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_TYPE
10032 Place of installation Project Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_LOCATIONOFINSTALLATION
10033 Part features Project Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_PARTFEATURES
10034 Environmental consideration Project Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_ENVIRONMENTALCONSIDERATION
10035 Location Project Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_LOCATION
10036 Regulation Project Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_REGULATION
10037 Degree of protection Project Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_DEGOFPROTECTION
10038 Enclosures Project Data Multilingual text No No PROJ_ENCLOSURES
10039 Power supply Project Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_POWERINPUT
10040 Input lead Project Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_LEADIN
10041 Control voltage Project Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_CONTROLVOLTAGE
10042 Manufacturing date Project Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_MANUFACTURINGDATE
10043 Last EPLAN version used Project EPLAN version used for the last change. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_LASTUSEDVERSION
10044 Last EPLAN build number used Project EPLAN build number used for the last change. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_LASTUSEDBUILDNUMBER
10045 Project path (full) Project Complete file path of the project file, but without the project file name. Data Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_FULL_PROJECTPATH
10046 Creation time Project The time the project was created. How the time is displayed can be configured in the project settings. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_CREATIONTIME
10047 Modification time Project The time the project was last changed. How the time is displayed can be configured in the project settings. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_LASTMODIFICATIONTIME
10048 Last translation: Time Project The time of the last foreign language translation. How the time is displayed can be configured in the project settings. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_LASTTRANSLATIONTIME
10050 Structure format for pages Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying name elements, for the page name. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_PAGE
10051 Structure format for interruption points Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying name elements, for interruption points. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_INTERRUPTIONPOINT
10053 Structure format for busbars Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for busbars. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_BUSBAR
10054 Superior structure format for all devices Project Defines the superior structure format for all devices. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_MASTERDEVICES
10055 Structure format for general devices Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for general devices. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_STANDARDDEVICE
10056 Structure format for black boxes Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for black boxes. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_DEVICEBOX
10057 Structure format for PLC / bus technology Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for PLC/bus technology. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLC
10058 Time of the day Project Provides the current date as a character string corresponding to the currently defined formatting. Revision Time / Date No Yes PROJ_ACTUALTIME
10059 Structure format for terminal strips Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for terminal strips. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_TERMINALSTRIP
10060 Structure format for plugs Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for plugs. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_PLUG
10061 Structure format for cables Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for cables. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_CABLE
10062 Structure format for structure boxes Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for structure boxes. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_LOCATIONBOX
10063 Structure format for fluid devices Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for Fluid devices. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_FLUID
10064 Structure format for fluid connection splicer / line connector Project Specifies the structure format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for Fluid connection splicers / line connectors. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_DISTRIBUTOR
10065 Number of frozen pages per page type Project Provides the number of frozen pages for each page type in the project. The page type is specified via the index (in the help system in the "Page types" section). Data Integer Yes, 100 Yes PROJ_FROZENPERPAGETYPE
10069 Project: Template Project Displays the template (basic project, or, for a copied project, the source project) from which the project was created. To differentiate, the file extension is displayed in addition to the file name. Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_ORIGIN
10070 Naming format for pages Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive name elements, for pages. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PAGE
10071 Naming format for interruption points Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive name elements, for interruption points. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_INTERRUPTIONPOINT
10073 Naming format for busbars Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for busbars. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_BUSBAR
10074 Superior naming format for all devices Project Contains the combined quantity of all naming elements used in the device naming formats. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_MASTERDEVICES
10075 Naming format for devices Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for general devices. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DEVICE
10076 Naming format for black boxes Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for black boxes. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DEVICEBOX
10077 Naming format for PLC / bus technology Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying DT elements, for PLC/bus technology. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PLC
10079 Naming format for terminal strips Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for terminal strips. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_TERMINALSTRIP
10080 Naming format for plugs Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for plugs. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_PLUG
10081 Naming format for cables Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for cables. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_CABLE
10082 Naming format for structure boxes Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for structure boxes. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_LOCATIONBOX
10083 Naming format for fluid devices Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for Fluid devices. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_FLUID
10084 Naming format for fluid connection splicer / line connector Project Specifies the naming format, i.e., the identifying and descriptive DT elements, for Fluid connection splicers / line connectors. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR
10085 Structure format for mechanical devices Project Specifies the structure format, i.e. the identifying DT elements, for mechanical devices. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_MECHANIC
10086 Naming format for mechanical devices Project Specifies the naming format, i.e. the identifying and describing DT elements, for mechanical devices. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_NAMEFORMAT_MECHANIC
10089 Sequence of the project structures in the page name Project Describes the sequence of the project structures in the page name and furthermore also defines the sorting of the pages. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_STRUCTURESEQUENCE_PAGE
10090 Edit DT in individual fields Project This specifies that the DT is edited in individual fields and a standard format is not used. No category Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_DEVTAGFORMAT_ENABLECUSTOMFORMAT
10091 Sequence of individual DT properties Project Describes the sequence of the individual DT properties when the DT is edited in individual fields. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_DEVTAGFORMAT_CUSTOMFORMAT
10092 Structure of tree structure in page tree Project Specifies the layout of the project structure for the display in the tree view of the page navigator. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_PDD_PAGES_HIERARCHY
10093 Show descriptive identifiers in page tree Project Specifies whether the tree view of the page navigator shows describing structure identifiers. No category Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_PDD_PAGES_SHOWDESCRSTRUCTURES
10094 Structure of the tree structure in the device navigators Project Specifies the layout of the project structure for the display in the tree view of the device navigators. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_PDD_DEVICES_HIERARCHY
10095 Show descriptive identifiers in device navigators Project Specifies whether the tree view of the device navigators shows describing structure identifiers. No category Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_PDD_DEVICES_SHOWDESCRSTRUCTURES
10096 Block property: Format (potential definition) Project Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_POTENTIALDEFINITION
10097 Block property: Format (piping definition) Project Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PROCESSDEFINITION
10098 Highest revision index (change tracking) Project Delivers the highest revision index of all pages and layout spaces in the project. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJECT_HIGHEST_REVISION_INDEX
10099 Project structure: Product Project Project structure for the higher-level function number in fluid power. No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_HIERARCHY_PRODUCT
10100 Customer: Short name Project Short name of customer. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERID
10101 Customer: Title Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERTITLE
10102 Customer: Name 1 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME1
10103 Customer: Name 2 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME2
10104 Customer: Name 3 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERNAME3
10105 Customer: Street Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERSTREET
10106 Customer: P.O. box Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERPOBOX
10107 Customer: Zip code (City) Project City zip code. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERZIPCODE
10108 Customer: City Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERCITY
10109 Customer: Country Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERCOUNTRY
10110 Customer: Phone Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERTELEPHONE
10111 Customer: Fax Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERFAX
10112 Customer: E-mail Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMEREMAIL
10113 Customer: Zip code (P.O. box) Project Postbox zip code. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERZIPCODEPOBOX
10114 Customer: State / Region Project Region of a country (federal state). The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERREGION
10115 Customer: Full name Project Full name of customer. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERLONGNAME
10116 Customer: Customer number Project Number managed under personal details. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERNUMBER
10117 Customer: Description Project This property is used for entering internal information or remarks, such as "responsible for sales, part ...., good credit" and so on. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. Customer Multilingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMERNOTE
10120 Unique project ID for the Cloud Project No category Monolingual text No No PROJ_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID
10130 End customer: Short name Project Short name of end customer. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERID
10131 End customer: Title Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERTITLE
10132 End customer: Name 1 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME1
10133 End customer: Name 2 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME2
10134 End customer: Name 3 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERNAME3
10135 End customer: Street Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERSTREET
10136 End customer: P.O. box Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERPOBOX
10137 End customer: Zip code (City) Project City zip code. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERZIPCODE
10138 End customer: City Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERCITY
10139 End customer: Country Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERCOUNTRY
10140 End customer: Phone Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERTELEPHONE
10141 End customer: Fax Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERFAX
10142 End customer: E-mail Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMEREMAIL
10143 End customer: Zip code (P.O. box) Project Postbox zip code. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMERZIPCODEPOBOX
10144 End customer: State / Region Project Region of a country (federal state). The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_REGION
10145 End customer: Full name Project Full name of end customer. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_LONGNAME
10146 End customer: Customer number Project Number managed under personal details. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Monolingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_NUMBER
10147 End customer: Description Project This property is used for entering internal information or remarks, such as "responsible for sales, part ...., good credit" and so on. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant customer data from parts management via project management. End customer Multilingual text No No PROJ_ENDCUSTOMER_NOTE
10149 Revision: Original project name Project Name of original project from which the revision was generated. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_REVISIONSPARENT_NAME
10150 Revisions Project Revision designations, max 1,000 allowed. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISIONS
10151 Revision: Original project name (complete) Project Name of original project from which the revision was generated, including file name extension and complete file path. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_REVISIONSPARENT
10152 Revision marker (from property comparison) Project
Segment (pre-planning)
Marker text that displays the changes to an object in a revision (compatible with EPLAN 21). Revision Monolingual text No No INSTANCE_REVISIONMARKER
10153 Revision change marker (from property comparison) Project
Segment (pre-planning)
Displays the type of change to an object in a revision (added, changed or deleted). Revision Monolingual text No No INSTANCE_REVISIONID
10154 Revision: Change tracking started Project Indicates when the change tracking started during a revision. No category Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_START
10155 Revision name (change tracking) Project Revision name (change tracking), max. 1,000 possible. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_NAME
10156 Revision comment (change tracking) Project Revision comment (change tracking), max. 1,000 allowed. Revision Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_DESCRIPTION
10157 Revision created by (change tracking) Project Revision created by (change tracking), max. 1,000 allowed. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USER
10158 Revision date (change tracking) Project Revision date (change tracking), max. 1,000 allowed. Revision Time / Date Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_DATE
10159 Revision time (change tracking) Project Time when a project was changed during a revision. The time display can be specified in the project settings. A max. of 1,000 records allowed. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes PROJ_REVISION_LOG_TIME
10160 Approved by Project Shows the editor who has checked the project. This property can be entered in the project properties. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_REVISION_APPROVEDBY
10161 Approved date Project Shows date and time of checking the project. This property can be entered in the project properties. Revision Time / Date No No PROJ_REVISION_APPROVEDDATE
10162 Checked by Project Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_REVISION_CHECKEDBY
10163 Checked date Project Revision Time / Date No No PROJ_REVISION_CHECKEDDATE
10164 Revision: Temporary reference project Project Specifies whether it is a temporary reference project. (Temporary reference projects can be deleted at any time.) No category Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_REVISION_TEMP
10180 Customer code Project Data Monolingual text No No PROJ_CUSTOMIDENTIFICATION
10181 User Project Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_IDENTIFICATION
10182 Workstation Project Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_STATION
10184 Unique project ID Project Unique project ID, used in the project management. No category Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_GUID
10185 License number of dongle Project
The license number of the dongle used for the last change. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_SERIALNUMBERDONGLE
10190 User code (change tracking) Project
Layout space
Shows the user code that was specified in the user settings. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERCODE
10191 User name (change tracking) Project
Layout space
Shows the user name that was specified in the user settings. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERNAME
10192 User: Phone number (change tracking) Project
Layout space
Shows the phone number that was specified in the user settings. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USERPHONE
10193 User: E-mail address (change tracking) Project
Layout space
Shows the e-mail address that was specified in the user settings. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_USEREMAIL
10195 Defined working section (from change tracking) Project The property is used in projects with revised defined working sections. Shows the defined working section that was completed in a revision, a maximum of 1,000 is possible. This allows you, for example, to view the revision status of the individual defined working sections in the project properties. Revision Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_REVISION_LOG_EDITINGAREA
10200 Number of pages per page type Project Provides the number of pages for each page type in the project. The page type is specified via the index (in the help system in the "Page types" section). Data Integer Yes, 100 Yes PROJ_COUNTPERPAGETYPE
10230 Creator: Short name Project Short designation of the project creator. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORID
10231 Creator: Title Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORTITLE
10232 Creator: Name 1 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORNAME1
10233 Creator: Name 2 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORNAME2
10234 Creator: Name 3 Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORNAME3
10235 Creator: Street Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORSTREET
10236 Creator: P.O. box Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORPOBOX
10237 Creator: Zip code (City) Project City zip code. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORZIPCODE
10238 Creator: City Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORCITY
10239 Creator: Country Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORCOUNTRY
10240 Creator: Phone Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORTELEPHONE
10241 Creator: Fax Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORFAX
10242 Creator: E-mail Project The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATOREMAIL
10243 Creator: Zip code (P.O. box) Project Postbox zip code. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORZIPCODEPOBOX
10244 Creator: State / Region Project State within a country. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORREGION
10245 Creator: Full name Project Full name of project creator. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORLONGNAME
10246 Creator: Customer number Project Number managed under personal details. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Monolingual text No No PROJ_CREATORNUMBER
10247 Creator: Description Project This property is used for entering internal information or remarks, such as "responsible for sales, part......, good credit, etc." and so on. The property can be automatically populated with the relevant manufacturer/supplier data from parts management via project management. Revision Multilingual text No No PROJ_CREATORNOTE
10250 Last modification date per page type Project Provides the last modification date of the pages in the project for each page type. The page type is specified via the index (in the help system in the "Page types" section). Revision Time / Date Yes, 100 Yes PROJ_DATEPERPAGETYPE
10251 Last modification time per page type Project Provides the last modification time of the pages in the project for each page type. The page type is specified via the index (in the help system in the "Page types" section). The time representation can be configured in the project settings. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes PROJ_TIMEPERPAGETYPE
10300 Total no. of pages Project Indicates the total number of pages in a project. Data Integer No Yes PROJ_PAGECOUNT
10301 Created pages Project Provides the number of manually generated pages in a project. Data Integer No Yes PROJ_EDITEDPAGES
10302 Generated report pages Project Provides the number of (automatically generated) report pages in a project. Data Integer No Yes PROJ_GENERATEDPAGES
10303 Project status Project Provides the information of the individual messaging areas in a tab-delimited character string. No category Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_PROJECTSTATUS
10304 Number of layout spaces Project Data Integer No Yes PROJECT_INSTALLATIONSPACECOUNT
10310 Thermal design: Voltage Project Voltage for calculating the power dissipation. Thermal design Integer No No PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_VOLTAGE
10311 Thermal design: Frequency Project Frequency for calculating the power dissipation. Thermal design Integer No No PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_FREQUENCY
10312 Thermal design: Simultaneity factor Project Simultaneity factor for calculating the power dissipation. The simultaneity factor is an estimated value that takes into consideration the fact all the devices are never switched on simultaneously at full power in a plant. Thermal design Decimal number No No PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_SIMULTANEITYFACTOR
10313 Thermal design: Total power dissipation for air-conditioning field Project Total power dissipation for air-conditioning fields, contains the calculation of the power dissipation. Thermal design Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJECT_POWERDISSIPATION_POWER_OF_ZONE
10370 Customer Project This property is populated during the data transfer of projects from EPLAN 5. It is only required for EPLAN 5 due to compatibility reasons and is no longer used in new projects. If data has been backed up in EPLAN 5 and the project has been filed off, the name of the customer to whom the project was delivered is indicated here. Archive data Monolingual text No Yes PROJ_CUSTOMER
10450 Start page name with document type Project Defines whether the document type is placed in front of the page name. This property is only descriptive; the actual setting is made via the project structures. No category Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_ADDITIONALINFO_DOCUMENTSTRUCTUREINFRONT
10500 Source language Project Project setting for the source language. Data Integer No Yes PROJ_SOURCELANGUAGE
10510 Data backup: Complete backup Project In the project management, shows whether the project has been completely or minimally backed up. Archive data Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_BACKUP_FULL
10511 Data backup: Back up external documents Project In the project management, shows whether external documents were also saved in the backup. Archive data Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_BACKUP_EXTDOCS
10512 Data backup: Back up image files Project In the project management, shows whether image files were also saved in the backup. Archive data Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_BACKUP_IMAGES
10513 Data backup: Reorganize project Project In the project management, shows whether the project was reorganized on backup. Archive data Boolean (True / False) No No PROJ_BACKUP_COMPRESS
10514 Data backup: Method Project In the project management, shows the manner in which the project was backed up (back up/ filed off / archived). Archive data Integer No No PROJ_BACKUP_METHOD
10515 Data backup: Backup medium Project In the project management, shows the medium used to back up the project. Archive data Integer No No PROJ_BACKUP_MEDIUM
10516 Data backup: E-mail message split size in MB Project In the project management, shows the size of the parts used for an email backup of the project. Archive data Decimal number No No PROJ_BACKUP_SPLITSIZE
10517 Data backup: Backup directory Project In the project management, shows the directory used to back up the project. Archive data Monolingual text No No PROJ_BACKUP_BACKUPPATH
10518 Data backup: Description Project In the project management, shows the description of the last backup. Archive data Monolingual text No No PROJ_BACKUP_DESCRIPTION
10600 Block property: Format (general devices) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_FUNCTION
10601 Block property: Format (terminal strip definition) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT
10602 Block property: Format (terminal) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_TERMINAL
10603 Block property: Format (plug definition) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT
10604 Block property: Format (pin) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLUG
10605 Block property: Format (PLC box) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLCBOX
10606 Block property: Format (PLC connection point) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 300 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL
10607 Block property: Format (cable / shield) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CABLE
10608 Block property: Format (connection) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_CONNECTION
10609 Block property: Format (interruption point) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT
10610 Block property: Format (black box) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_BLACKBOX
10611 Block property: Format (device connection point) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL
10612 Block property: Format (busbar) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_BUSBAR
10613 Block property: Format (fluid device) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE
10614 Block property: Format (fluid connection splicer / line connector) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR
10615 Block property: Format (PCT loop) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLT
10616 Block property: Format (PCT loop function) Project Predefines which properties are specified in the relevant block property. If you assign a "Block property [n]" to a function and a format is not entered for either the function or the symbol, then the program uses the relevant format property that has been entered for this function category in the project. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLTFUNCTION
10617 Block property: Format (process engineering) Project Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PROCESS
10618 Block property: Format (page) Project Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PAGE
10619 Block property: Format (mechanical) Project Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_MECHANIC
10620 Format of displayed DT: General devices Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_FUNCTION
10621 Format of displayed DT: Terminal strip definition Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT
10622 Format of displayed DT: Terminal Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_TERMINAL
10623 Format of displayed DT: Plug definition Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT
10624 Format of displayed DT: Pin Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLUG
10625 Format of displayed DT: PLC box Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLCBOX
10626 Format of displayed DT: PLC connection point Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL
10627 Format of displayed DT: Cable / shield Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_CABLE
10629 Format of displayed DT: Interruption point Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT
10630 Format of displayed DT: Black box Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_BLACKBOX
10631 Format of displayed DT: Device connection point Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL
10632 Format of displayed DT: Busbar Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_BUSBAR
10633 Format of displayed DT: Fluid device Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE
10634 Format of displayed DT: Fluid connection splicer / line connector Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR
10635 Format of displayed DT: Cable connection Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_DTFORMAT_CABLE_CONNECTION
10640 Format of full DT: General devices Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_FUNCTION
10641 Format of full DT: Terminal strip definition Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_TERMINAL_DEF_TEXT
10642 Format of full DT: Terminal Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_TERMINAL
10643 Format of full DT: Plug definition Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CONNECTOR_DEF_TEXT
10644 Format of full DT: Pin Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLUG
10645 Format of full DT: PLC box Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLCBOX
10646 Format of full DT: PLC connection point Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_PLC_TERMINAL
10647 Format of full DT: Cable / shield Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CABLE
10649 Format of full DT: Interruption point Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_INTERRUPTION_POINT
10650 Format of full DT: Black box Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_BLACKBOX
10651 Format of full DT: Device connection point Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_DEVICE_END_TERMINAL
10652 Format of full DT: Busbar Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_BUSBAR
10653 Format of full DT: Fluid device Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_FLUIDDEVICE
10654 Format of full DT: Fluid connection splicer / line connector Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_DISTRIBUTOR
10655 Format of full DT: Cable connection Project Formats Monolingual text No No PROJ_FULLDTFORMAT_CABLE_CONNECTION
10660 Block property: Replacement text Project Using this project property, you can define up to ten tables for replacement texts (via the index). You can use these tables to replace the values of block properties: When editing block properties you can use the dialog Format: Block property to select the table with the replacement texts to be used for a property. The values of the selected property are then compared to the texts defined in the table and replaced accordingly. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 10 No PROJ_BLOCKPROPERTY_REPLACETEXT
10661 Block property: Format (pre-planning) Project Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_PLAOBJECT
10662 Block property: Format (structure box) Project Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PROJ_BLOCKFORMAT_LOCATIONBOX
10901 Supplementary field Project Max. 1,000 words in the supplementary fields for the project that can be specified using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No PROJ_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD
10902 Type of project Project Indicates the type of project, e.g. "Macro project". Settings Integer No Yes PROJ_NUMERICTYPE
10950 AutomationML: Company Project This property can be used for the AutomationML export to specify an additional structure. If this property is filled, it is output in the AML file above the project structure defined by the identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No No PROJECT_ENTERPRISE
10951 AutomationML: Works Project This property can be used for the AutomationML export to specify an additional structure. If this property is filled, it is output in the AML file above the project structure defined by the identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No No PROJECT_SITE
10952 AutomationML: Building Project This property can be used for the AutomationML export to specify an additional structure. If this property is filled, it is output in the AML file above the project structure defined by the identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No No PROJECT_AREA
10953 AutomationML: Plant Project This property can be used for the AutomationML export to specify an additional structure. If this property is filled, it is output in the AML file above the project structure defined by the identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No No PROJECT_PRODUCTION_LINE
10954 AutomationML: Area Project This property can be used for the AutomationML export to specify an additional structure. If this property is filled, it is output in the AML file above the project structure defined by the identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No No PROJECT_WORK_CELL
11000 Page name Page Consists of the page number, i.e. the page counter and subcounter. Data Monolingual text No No PAGE_NAME
11001 Modification time (automatic) Page The time the page was last changed. How the time is displayed can be configured in the project settings. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_LASTAUTOMODIFICATIONTIME
11002 Creation time Page The time the page was created. How the time is displayed can be configured in the project settings. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_CREATIONTIME
11003 Watermark (revision) Page Watermark text for version-controlled pages, stored as a project setting. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_REVISION_WATERMARK
11004 Number of pages per structure Page Indicates the number of pages within a structure identifier. For example, if three pages are available under the location designation "ET1", "3" is output here. Special Integer No Yes PAGE_NUMBERPAGES_IN_LOCATION
11005 At least one object with revision marker (from property comparison) Page At least one object per page has a revision marker. Revision Boolean (True / False) No No PAGE_INSTANCE_WITH_REVISIONMARKER
11006 Automatically generated Page Shows whether the page has been automatically generated, and provides information about the author:
0 = No
1 = Single-line representation (PLC schematic generation)
2 = Multi-line representation (PLC schematic generation)
3 = I/O overview (PLC schematic generation)
4 = Rack overview (PLC schematic generation)
5 = EPLAN Engineering Configuration
6 = Schematic generator (ESG)
7 = Report
8 = Pre-planning.
11007 At least one object or page with revision marker (from property comparison) Page At least one object per page or the page itself has a revision marker. Revision Boolean (True / False) No No PAGE_INSTANCE_OR_PAGE_WITH_REVISIONMARKER
11008 Macro: Name Page
Macro box
Layout space
File name of the macro. Macro Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PAGE_MACRO_NAME
11009 Page name (full) Page Full page name; contains page names and the identifying and describing identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_FULLNAME
11010 Page name (identifying) Page Identifying page name; contains page names and the identifying, but not describing identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_IDENTNAME
11011 Page description Page Descriptive text for the page, is displayed in (e.g.) the tree view of the page navigator or in reports. Line breaks are permitted. Data Multilingual text No No PAGE_NOMINATIOMN
11012 Page counter Page This property can be used in forms (for example for the Table of contents), but is not designed for use in filters. No category Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_COUNTER
11013 Page subcounter Page This property can be used in forms (for example for the Table of contents), but is not designed for use in filters. No category Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_SUBCOUNTER
11014 Macro: Description Page
Macro box
Layout space
Description text for the macro. Macro Multilingual text Yes, 100 No PAGE_MACRO_DESCRIPTION
11015 Form name Page Name of the form used by the page. Selection is made from a list of available forms. Settings Monolingual text No No PAGE_FORMULAR
11016 Plot frame name Page Name of the plot frame used by the page.
If you assign a value using the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data are available in the project.
Settings Monolingual text No No PAGE_FORMPLOT
11017 Page type Page Defines the page type, i.e. whether it is a page for schematics, mounting panels, terminal diagrams, etc. Settings Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_TYPE
11018 Macro: Name Layout space File name of the 3D macro. Macro Monolingual text No No INSTALLATIONSPACE_MACRO_NAME
11019 Macro: Description Layout space Description text for the 3D macro. Macro Multilingual text No No INSTALLATIONSPACE_MACRO_DESCRIPTION
11020 Creator Page Here the sign-in name or the combination of the user code and user name of the creator of the page is displayed. Specify whether the sign-in name or user code and name is to be output in the user settings. Revision Monolingual text No No PAGE_CREATOR
11021 Creation date Page Date the page was created. Revision Time / Date No No PAGE_CREATIONDATE
11022 Last editor: Sign-in name Page Sign-in name of the last person who edited the page. Revision Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_LASTMODIFICATOR
11023 Modification date (manual) Page Revision Time / Date No No PAGE_LASTMANUMODIFICATIONDATE
11024 Modification date (automatic) Page Revision Time / Date No No PAGE_LASTAUTOMODIFICATIONDATE
11025 Macro: Version Layout space Version designation of the macro. Macro Monolingual text No No INSTALLATIONSPACE_MACRO_VERSION
11026 Macro: Source / reference Layout space Macro Monolingual text No No INSTALLATIONSPACE_MACROSOURCEREF
11029 Page type (ID) Page Defines the page type, i.e. whether it is a page for schematics, mounting panels, terminal diagrams, etc. No category Integer No Yes PAGE_TYPE_NUMERIC
11030 Drawing number Page Data Multilingual text No No PAGE_DRAWINGID
11031 Suppl. field: Page Page Data Multilingual text No No PAGE_ADDITIONALPAGE
11032 Suppl. field: Group Page Data Multilingual text No No PAGE_ADDITIONALGROUP
11033 Suppl. field: Sheet no. Page The sheet number is used in addition to the page name and can consist of any combination of numbers and letters. It must be unique within an identifier block (same function designation / location designation). A start number must be entered, e.g. M1 or LM010, so that the property can be automatically assigned in reports. Data Monolingual text No No PAGE_ADDITIONALSHEETNUMBER
11034 Macro: Source / reference Page Macro Monolingual text No No PAGE_MACROSOURCEREF
11035 Keep parts at placement Page This property is evaluated during the generation of macros from a macro project, and assigned to the generated macro variants. If the property is activated, the macro stored on the part is placed unchanged when a device is inserted. The part number of the device is not used in this case, but instead the part numbers entered in the macro are retained.
If the property is deactivated, the part number of the device is used, and carried over to the main function of the macro.
Settings Boolean (True / False) No No PAGE_KEPP_PARTS_BY_INSERT_MACRO
11036 Object identifier Page The object identifier is used for the identification of pages in accordance with DIN EN 61355-1. In doing so, the object identifier assigns a document (i.e. a project page) to a certain object (e.g. a function, a location, or a product). Data Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_OBJECTCODE
11037 Trade Page Determines the technology to be applied or selected. Depending on the page type, miscellaneous trades are available for a project page:
0 = Electrical engineering
1 = Mechanics
2 = Hydraulics
3 = Pneumatics
4 = Cooling
5 = Lubrication
6 = Process engineering
7 = Fluid power, general
99 = General.
The "General" trade is the default setting when generating report pages. If you filter defined working sections by certain trades, pages with the "General" trade are output along any other trade.
Data Integer No No PAGE_CRAFT
11038 Structure identifier with separators stored in the object identifier Page The unique structure identifier without leading separator stored in the object identifier. An empty string is output either if no valid structure identifier is stored in the object identifier or if several structure identifiers are stored. This property serves for display purposes in the page navigator. No category Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_OBJECTCODE_STRUCTUREWITHOUTPREFIX
11039 Part of the structure identifier without separators stored in the object identifier Page Supplies a part of the unique structure identifier without leading separator stored in the object identifier. An empty string is output either if no valid structure identifier is stored in the object identifier or if several structure identifiers are stored. This property serves to display in the page navigator. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes PAGE_OBJECTCODE_STRUCTUREPARTWITHOUTPREFIX
11040 Next page Page Name / number of the page following the current page. Not repeated for identical structure identifiers. Special Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_NEXT
11041 Previous page Page Name / number of the page before the current page. Not repeated for identical structure identifiers. Special Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_PREV
11042 Page number Page Part of the page name. The page number consists of the page counter and the page's subcounter. Identifier blocks like function designation or location designation are not displayed. Data Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_NUMBER
11043 Highest page number per structure Page Indicates the highest number of pages used within a structure identifier. For example, if three pages are available with the page numbers "1," "3" and "5" under the location designation "ET1", "5" is output here. Special Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_MAXNUMBERLOCATION
11044 Scale (ratio) Page Shows the contents of the property Scale (ID 11048) as a property, for example "10 : 1" or "1 : 4". You can place this property as a special text on project pages. Settings Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_SCALE_RELATION
11045 Contains results in the search results list Page With the help of this property the pages contained in the search results list can be taken into consideration when pages are filtered. No category Boolean (True / False) No Yes PAGE_HAS_RESULTS_IN_SEARCHLIST
11048 Scale Page Scale 1:x. A dimension definition can be added to every page, regardless of type. This is required when you are using dimensions or to correctly scale graphical macros when inserting them. Settings Decimal number No No PAGE_SCALE
11049 Frozen report page Page Indicated whether a reporting page has been frozen. This type of page is no longer to be assigned to a reporting block and will no longer be updated. Special Boolean (True / False) No Yes PAGE_FROZEN_EVALUATIONPAGE
11050 Automatic page modified Page Shows whether an automatically created page has been subsequently manually edited. The property is automatically assigned and cannot be changed. Special Boolean (True / False) No No PAGE_AUTOPAGECHANGED
11051 Grid Page Raster setting of the page. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No PAGE_SOLUTION
11056 Macro: Source project Page Project name of the project used to create the macro. Macro Monolingual text No No PAGE_MACROSOURCEPROJECT
11057 Macro: Description Page Description text for the macro. Macro Multilingual text No No PAGE_MACRODESCRIPTION
11058 External document Page External document that is integrated into the project via the page type "External document". In doing so, the external document is referenced by an entry in the page properties. Settings Monolingual text No No PAGE_EXTDOCUMENT
11059 Special remarks of creator Page Data Multilingual text No No PAGE_ANNOTATION
11060 Change of standard: Do not rotate and flip Page Pages with this property are not rotated or flipped when changing standards. This property is activated by default for pages with type "Fluid power schematic". Settings Boolean (True / False) No No PAGE_DONT_CHANGESTANDARD
11062 Number of pages per property Page Indicates the number of pages with a specific property. The property is specified in the "Number of pages / Page name per property" project setting. A report run is used to count the pages with the same value as this property, and the result is written to the "Page names per property" property. Special Integer No No PAGE_NUMBERPAGES_WITH_PROPERTY
11063 Page names per property Page Shows the names of the pages with a specified property. The property is specified in the "Number of pages / Page name per property" project setting. A report run is used to list the pages with the same value as this property, and the page names are written to the "Page names per property" property. Special Monolingual text No No PAGE_PAGENAMES_WITH_PROPERTY
11064 Page counter per property Page With this property you can have the information displayed in the page properties or in a plot frame on the number of pages including the present one exist with a specific property (for example Page "4" with function designation "A31"). The property is specified in the "Number of pages / Page name per property" project setting. A report run is used to count the pages with the same value as this property, and the counter is written to the "Page counter per property" property. Special Integer No No PAGE_PAGENUMBER_WITH_PROPERTY
11066 Source Page Specifies the source used for generating the page. Symbol libraries, symbols, and symbol variants are entered from the symbol editor. The full file name is entered from the form editor and plot frame editor. Data Monolingual text No No PAGE_SOURCE
11067 Report: Source project Page Specifies the project from which the data for the report is taken. Data Monolingual text No No PAGE_SOURCE_PROJECT
11070 Revision created by (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Revision created by (change tracking), max. 1,000 allowed. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_USER
11071 Revision index (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Text used to identify change. Existing values can be selected from a list. A max. of 1,000 is allowed. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_NAME
11072 Revision description (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Revision description (change tracking), max. 1,000 allowed. Revision Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_DESCRIPTION
11073 Reason for revision change (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Reason for revision change (change tracking), max. 1,000 allowed. Revision Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_CHANGE
11074 Revision date (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Date on which a change was carried out within a revision. A max. of 1,000 is allowed. Revision Time / Date Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_DATE
11075 Associated project revision (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Outputs the internal index value of the associated project revision (from change tracking) on a page; max. 1,000 entries are allowed. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_PROJ_REV
11076 Page in draft mode Page As soon as you make changes to a page in a revision, it is marked as a "draft". This is shown visually with a watermark on the page, and the page is assigned this property. This mark is retained until you complete the page. Revision Boolean (True / False) No No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_DRAFT
11077 Associated revision name (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Outputs the name of the associated project revision (from change tracking) on a page; max. 1,000 entries are allowed. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes PAGE_REVISION_LOG_PROJ_REVNAME
11078 Revision time (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Time when a page was changed during a revision. The time display can be specified in the project settings. A max. of 1,000 is allowed. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes PAGE_REVISION_LOG_TIME
11079 Defined working section (from change tracking) Page
Layout space
The property is used during the revisioning of defined working sections. Displays the defined working section to which the page (or the layout space) belongs that was changed in a revision. A max. of 1,000 is allowed. You can, for example, use the property as a filter criterion in the page navigator in order to filter pages that were changed at a specific revision (e.g. Index 2). Revision Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_EDITINGAREA
11080 Approved by Page Shows the editor who has checked the page. This property can be entered in the Page properties dialog. Revision Monolingual text No No PAGE_REVISION_APPROVEDBY
11081 Approved date Page Shows date and time of checking the page. This property can be entered in the Page properties dialog. Revision Time / Date No No PAGE_REVISION_APPROVEDDATE
11082 Checked by Page Revision Monolingual text No No PAGE_REVISION_CHECKEDBY
11083 Checked date Page Revision Time / Date No No PAGE_REVISION_CHECKEDDATE
11084 Origin Page Filled in during a data transfer from EPLAN 21 with the value of the corresponding EPLAN 21 property, but not otherwise used. Revision Monolingual text No No PAGE_REVISION_SOURCE
11085 Replacement of Page Filled in during a data transfer from EPLAN 21 with the value of the corresponding EPLAN 21 property, but not otherwise used. Revision Monolingual text No No PAGE_REVISION_SUBSTITUTIONOF
11086 Replaced by Page Revision Monolingual text No No PAGE_REVISION_REPLACEDBY
11087 Revision: Approved by (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Shows the editor who has checked the revision. This property can be entered in the Edit revision data dialog; it is not translatable. The index corresponds to the revision index, max. 1000 entries are possible. Revision Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_APPROVEDBY
11088 Revision: Approved date (change tracking) Page
Layout space
Shows date and time of checking the revision. This property can be entered in the Edit revision data dialog. The index corresponds to the revision index, max. 1,000 entries are possible. Revision Time / Date Yes, 1000 No PAGE_REVISION_LOG_APPROVEDDATE
11090 Block property Page Shows the properties that have been specified in the relevant format property "Block property: Format [n]". The joint index [n] represents the relevant block and format properties. Data Monolingual text Yes, 100 Yes PAGE_BLOCK_VALUE
11091 Block property: Format Page Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No PAGE_BLOCK_FORMAT
11901 Supplementary field Page Max. 1,000 words in the supplementary fields for the page that can be specified using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No PAGE_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD
11910 Macro: Name Page File name of the page macro, if required with path specifications. Both relative as well as absolute directory paths are allowed. Macro Monolingual text No No PAGE_MACRO
11911 Macro: Version Page Version designation of the macro. Macro Monolingual text No No PAGE_MACRO_VERSION
12002 Row height Plot frame Height of the grid rows. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 No FRAME_POSITIONSIZE
12003 Grid offset X Plot frame Grid offset in the X direction relative to the origin. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_EVALUATION_AREA_START_POINT_X
12004 Grid offset Y Plot frame Grid offset in the Y direction relative to the origin. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_EVALUATION_AREA_START_POINT_Y
12005 Number of columns Plot frame Number of grid columns. Settings Integer No No FRAME_NUMBER_OF_ROWS
12006 Number of rows Plot frame Number of grid rows. Settings Integer No No FRAME_NUMBER_OF_COLUMS
12007 Number of ladders Plot frame Specifies how many 'ladders' are shown on a page for JIC projects. Settings Integer No No FRAME_NUMBER_OF_LADDERS
12009 Row numbering format Plot frame Format of the row numbers: 0 = numeric, 1 = alphanumeric. Settings Integer No No FRAME_FORMAT_OF_NUMBERING_POSITION
12010 Alphabetical column / row distribution Plot frame Sequence of characters used for implementation of column and row numbers in strings. The entry '0123456789ABCDEF', for instance, results in hexadecimal column designations. Settings Monolingual text No No FRAME_ROW_AND_POS_ALPHABETIC_ALLOCATION
12011 Column numbering format Plot frame Format of the column numbers: 0 = numeric, 1 = alphanumeric. Settings Integer No No FRAME_FORMAT_OF_ROW_NUMBERS
12012 Asynchronous columns Plot frame Semi-colon delimited list of length values in EPLAN coordinates, defines the width of individual columns (starting at the left) for asynchronous plot frames. Settings Monolingual text No No FRAME_ASYNCHRON_ROWS
12013 Asynchronous rows Plot frame Semi-colon delimited list of length values in EPLAN coordinates, defines the width of individual rows (starting at the left) for asynchronous plot frames. Settings Monolingual text No No FRAME_ASYNCHRON_POS
12014 Show column designation on non-logical pages Plot frame Specifies whether the column designations for this plot frame should also be output on non-logic pages (non-schematic pages). By default, designations are suppressed on non-logical pages. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FRAME_ROW_DESC_OF_NON_LOGICAL_PAGES
12016 Page orientation / paper format Plot frame Plot frame orientation: 0 = Landscape format, 1 = Portrait format. Settings Integer No No FRAME_PAGE_ORIENTATION
12025 Start value (column) Plot frame
The column numbers of the grid are normally numbered from left to right (starting with 0). A different starting value can be provided here; this is useful for project-wide numbering. Settings Integer No No FRAME_PATH_STARTID
12026 Start value (row) Plot frame
The row numbers of the grid are normally numbered from left to right (starting with 0). A different starting value can be provided here; this is useful for project-wide numbering. Settings Integer No No FRAME_POS_STARTID
12027 String for column designation Page
Plot frame
Set of character strings that overwrite the predefined column designations. Required for the project-wide numbering of columns and entered during automatic numbering. A character string is saved for each index value; max. 1,000 character strings allowed. Settings Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FRAME_PATH_ALPHASET
12028 String for row designation Plot frame
Set of character strings that overwrite the predefined row designations. Required for the project-wide numbering of rows and entered during automatic numbering. A character string is saved for each index value; max. 1,000 character strings allowed. Settings Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FRAME_POS_ALPHASET
12029 Number of characters for column / row Plot frame
Number of characters for column and row numbers for numerical representation; fills in the "missing" digits with zeros, such as column number "1" in the three-digit representation: "001". Settings Integer No No FRAME_PATHPOS_MINDIGITS
12030 Add page names Plot frame If this property is activated, the page name is added to the column designation (page name + column designation). Relevant for the NFPA standard. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FRAME_ADD_PAGENAME
12031 Continuous row / column designation Plot frame For ladder logic: The rows are incremented exactly like the columns, that is, each row designation only exists once per page. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FRAME_CONT_LADDER_DESCR
12032 String for alphanumeric Plot frame If an alphanumeric column and row numbering format is specified for a plot frame (ID 12009 or ID 12011), then you enter the value of the column or row designations here. The entry '0123456789ABCDEF', for instance, results in hexadecimal designations. Settings Monolingual text No No FRAME_DEFAULT_ALPHASET
12033 Plot frame dimensions: X axis Plot frame Defines the X axis dimensions of the plot frame. Required for 100 % zoom. Formats Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_AREA_X
12034 Plot frame dimensions: Y axis Plot frame Defines the Y axis dimensions of the plot frame. Required for 100 % zoom. Formats Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_AREA_Y
12035 Inverse column numbering Plot frame This property sets column numbering from right to left, for projects that comply with the GOST standard. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FRAME_PATH_REVERSE_NUMBERING
12036 Inverse row numbering Plot frame This property sets row numbering from bottom to top, for projects that comply with the GOST standard. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FRAME_POS_REVERSE_NUMBERING
12050 DXF export: Name of block Plot frame Name of the block generated by the DXF / DWG export. Settings Monolingual text No No FRAME_DXF_BLOCKNAME
12051 DXF export: Insertion point (X) Plot frame This is used to set an origin offset for the whole page in a plot frame. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_DXF_INSERTXCOORD
12052 DXF export: Insertion point (Y) Plot frame This is used to set an origin offset for the whole page in a plot frame. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_DXF_INSERTYCOORD
12059 Contact image margin (on component) Plot frame
For automatically aligned contact images, this value specifies the clearance of the contact image to the insertion point of the component, in the X or Y direction, depending on the plot frame. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_MOTORSWITCH_OFFSET
12060 Contact image margin (in path) Plot frame
For automatically aligned contact images, this value specifies the distance of the contact image to the bottom of the page or the relevant "Ladder" borders (depending on the plot frame used). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_CONTACTIMAGE_OFFSET
12061 Contact image offset Plot frame
For automatically aligned contact images, this value specifies the offset of the contact image relative to the placement. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_CONTACTIMAGE_POSTPONEMENT
12062 Property arrangement: Automatic Y coordinate (path) Plot frame
Specifies the value for the Y-coordinate for property arrangements at which the display property Y coordinate automatic (path) is activated. The value is relative to the point of origin of the page. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_AUTOY_OFFSET
12063 Property arrangement: Automatic X coordinate (path) Plot frame
Specifies the value for the X-coordinate for property arrangements at which the display property X coordinate automatic (path) is activated. The value is relative to the point of origin of the page. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FRAME_AUTOX_OFFSET
12099 Number of messages Plot frame Shows the total number of all messages during the data transfer of plot frames. Messages Integer No No FRAME_ERRORCOUNT
12100 Error: Graphic Plot frame Indicates whether a problem occurred with any graphics during the data transfer of plot frames. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No FRAME_GRAPHICERROR
12101 Error: Property placement Plot frame Indicates whether a problem occurred with any placed properties during the data transfer of plot frames. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No FRAME_PLACEDPROPERROR
12102 Column width Plot frame Width of grid columns. A max. of 1,000 is allowed. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 No FRAME_PATHSIZE
12103 Reporting direction Plot frame Indicates the reporting direction for a plot frame:
0 = Vertical,
1 = Horizontal.
For projects according to IEC standards, the reporting direction is typically "vertical"; for projects according to the NFPA standards, it is usually horizontal. For projects according to the GOST standard, the reporting direction is typically "vertical"; a column numbered from right to left and a row numbered from the bottom to top can also be set via the properties "Inverse column numbering" (ID 12035) and "Inverse row numbering" (ID 12036).
12104 DT adoption: Search direction conforming to GOST standard Plot frame This plot frame property allows the search direction for DT adoption to be changed to suit the GOST standard. If this property is activated, then in plot frames with a "Vertical" report generation direction, the DT is searched for towards the right and with a "Horizontal" report generation direction the DT is searched for downwards. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FRAME_DEVTAGSEARCHDIR_FOR_GOST
12105 DT adoption: Only from boxes Plot frame This plot frame property allows the search direction for DT adoption to be changed. If this property is activated, the DT is only adopted from the box surrounding the function (black box, PLC box) on the corresponding project pages. If the function is not located in a box, no DT can be adopted. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FRAME_DEVTAGSEARCHDIR_BOXESONLY
12200 Error (import) Plot frame Indicates whether a problem occurred during the data transfer of plot frames. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No FRAME_IMPORTERROR
13000 Form type Form Defines the form type, i.e., whether it is a form for a device tag list, terminal diagram, etc. Data Monolingual text No Yes FORM_TYPE
13001 Plot frame to edit form Form The plot frame that is used for editing the form.
If you assign a value using the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data are available in the project.
Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_FRAME
13002 Form handling Form Defines the form as being static or dynamic: 0 = static, 1 = dynamic. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_BEHAVIOUR_STATIC_DYN
13003 Regenerate header after change Form In this form property, you define the properties that cause a new data header area to be generated on the report page when they change. Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_RECREATE_MAINTITLE
13004 No. of columns Form Maximum number of columns to be generated on a page. Settings Integer No No FORM_COL_SIZE
13005 No. of rows Form Maximum number of rows to be generated on a page. Settings Integer No No FORM_ROW_SIZE
13006 Column width Form Width of the individual columns on a form. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_COL_WIDTH
13007 Row height Form Height of the individual rows on a form. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_ROW_HEIGHT
13008 Form orientation Form Sequence in which rows and columns are to be filled out: 0 = By row or 1 = By column. "By row" means that all the cells of a row are populated first before switching to the next row. In this case, jumpers are displayed vertically. "By column" means that all cells of a column are populated first before switching to the next column. In this case, jumpers are displayed horizontally. Settings Integer No No FORM_BEHAVIOUR_ROW_COL
13009 Dynamic line adjustment Form If indirect properties are indexed with 0, then the values for all (meaningful) indices are printed together. This is generally done using one-row lists separated by semicolons. In forms, however, you can output these values as separate elements (rows/columns).
Example: Indirect target.Name(0) results in M1;M2;X1:2. If dynamic row adjustment is activated, then these four target names are printed under each other.
Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_DYN_ROW_ALIGN
13010 Jumpers: Height of first level Form Height of a first level jumper in the terminal diagram. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_FIRST_LEV_HEIGHT
13011 Connections Form Used in forms for representing the terminal diagram. The assignment of a connection to two connection points is thus shown as a three-tuple (an ordered quantity of assignments); multiple connection assignments are each separated by a "pipe" character.
Example: For the current cable, the entry "1;2:red|2;3;|;3;4;blue" means: The red conductor of the cable type connects Connection point 1 with Connection point 2. The second conductor of the cable type connects Connection point 2 with Connection point 3. The blue conductor of the cable type connects Connection point 3 with Connection point 4.
13012 Jumpers: Spacing Form Clearance between two jumpers at neighboring levels. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_DISTANCE
13013 Jumpers: Radius of connecting points Form Nodes of jumpers are graphically shown in the terminal diagram with a small filled circle. The radius of this circle is specified with this property (in software coordinates). (Start and end "legs" don't have dots.) Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_CP_RADIUS
13014 Jumpers: Radius for nodes Form If jumpers are shown graphically in the terminal diagram, then a small filled circle is set on the base line on each leg of the jumper. The radius of this circle is specified with this property (in software coordinates). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_NODE_RADIUS
13015 Jumpers: Height of internal wire jumper / insertable jumper Form Height of an internal wire jumper or insertable jumper of the first level in the terminal diagram. If the property is not set, the "Jumpers: Height of first level" property is used instead. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_WIRE_JUMPER_INT_HEIGHT
13016 Jumpers: Height of external wire jumper/ insertable jumper Form Height of an external wire jumper or insertable jumper of the first level in the terminal diagram. If the property is not set, the "Jumpers: Height of first level" property is used instead. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_WIRE_JUMPER_EXT_HEIGHT
13017 Jumpers: Spacing of internal wire jumper/ insertable jumper Form Clearance between two internal wire jumpers or insertable jumpers at neighboring levels. If the property is not set, the "Jumpers: Height of first level" property is used instead. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_WIRE_JUMPER_INT_DISTANCE
13018 Jumpers: Spacing of external wire jumper/ insertable jumper Form Clearance between two external wire jumpers or insertable jumpers at neighboring levels. If the property is not set, the "Jumpers: Height of first level" property is used instead. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_WIRE_JUMPER_EXT_DISTANCE
13019 Format for automatic page description Form Format for automatically assigned page descriptions in the generation of reporting lists. Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_PAGE_DESC_AUTOFORMAT
13020 Assignment: Index to graphic Form A fixed graphic can be inserted in connection diagrams or other forms using the "Graphic" placeholder. The configuration property exists for the placeholder to allow the graphic to be exchanged with any other graphic. Here you assign an index value to the graphic. The graphic is then selected in the "Graphic" placeholder by specifying the index value. Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_RELATION_INDEX_GRAPHIC
13021 Assignment: Function definition to graphic Form Assignment of a function definition to a symbol variant. Used when generating a page in order to create a fixed symbol graphic. Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_RELATION_FUNC_DEF_GRAPHIC
13026 Assignment: Property / value to graphic Form
Plot frame
Assignment of a property and / or a value to a symbol variant. This property contains the assignment table assigning a graphic to the property and / or the value. A max. of 10 assignments allowed. Settings Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FORM_BEHAVIOUR_PROPERTY_VAL_GRAPHIC
13027 Jumper display Form Graphical display of jumpers: 0 = Line or 1 = Angle. Settings Integer No No FORM_JUMPER_BEHAVIOUR_LINE_ANGLE
13028 Jumpers: Line thickness Form Line thickness used for displaying jumpers. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_JUMPER_LINE_WIDTH
13029 Jumpers: Number of levels Form Number of all jumper levels. Settings Integer No No FORM_JUMPER_COUNT_LAYERS
13030 Cable chart: No. of cables A Form Maximum number of columns or rows (dependent on the form orientation) that can be displayed in the cable chart (for terminal connection points with the form position A). Settings Integer No No FORM_CABLE_COUNT_A
13031 Cable chart: Spacing for data area A Form Distance to be displayed for the data area of the cable chart (for terminal connection points with the form position A). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLE_DISTANCE_A
13032 Cable chart: No. of cables B Form Maximum number of columns or rows (dependent on the form orientation) that can be displayed in the cable chart (for terminal connection points with the form position B). Settings Integer No No FORM_CABLE_COUNT_B
13033 Cable chart: Spacing for data area B Form Distance to be displayed for the data area of the cable chart (for terminal connection points with the form position B). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLE_DISTANCE_B
13034 Cable chart: No. of cables C Form Maximum number of columns or rows (dependent on the form orientation) that can be displayed in the cable chart (for terminal connection points with the form position C). Settings Integer No No FORM_CABLE_COUNT_C
13035 Cable chart: Spacing for data area C Form Distance to be displayed for the data area of the cable chart (for terminal connection points with the form position C). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLE_DISTANCE_C
13036 Cable chart: No. of cables D Form Maximum number of columns or rows (dependent on the form orientation) that can be displayed in the cable chart (for terminal connection points with the form position D). Settings Integer No No FORM_CABLE_COUNT_D
13037 Cable chart: Spacing for data area D Form Distance to be displayed for the data area of the cable chart (for terminal connection points with the form position D). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLE_DISTANCE_D
13038 Cable chart: No. of cables (internal) Form Maximum number of columns or rows (dependent on the form orientation) that can be displayed in the cable chart (for internal terminal connection points). Settings Integer No No FORM_CABLE_COUNT_INT
13039 Cable chart: Spacing for data area, internal Form Distance to be displayed for the data area of the cable chart (for internal terminal connection points). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLE_DISTANCE_INT
13040 Cable chart: No. of cables (external) Form Maximum number of columns or rows (dependent on the form orientation) that can be displayed in the cable chart (for external terminal connection points). Settings Integer No No FORM_CABLE_COUNT_EXT
13041 Cable chart: Spacing for data area, external Form Distance to be displayed for the data area of the cable chart (for external terminal connection points). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLE_DISTANCE_EXT
13042 Horizontal symbol distance Form Distance to be displayed between neighboring symbols. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_SYMBOL_ABREAST_DISTANCE
13043 Number of adjacent symbols Form Number of neighboring symbols to be displayed. Settings Integer No No FORM_SYMBOL_ABREAST_COUNT
13044 Graphic for saddle, insertable and wire jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. Saddle jumpers, insertable jumpers and wire jumpers are represented by the same graphic. If these jumpers be represented by different graphics, the properties for separate jumper graphics must be used instead, e.g. "Graphic for internal wire jumpers" (ID 13045), "Graphic for external wire jumpers" (ID 13046), "Graphic for saddle jumpers" (ID 13047), etc. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_ALL
13045 Graphic for internal wire jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_WIRE_INTERNAL
13046 Graphic for external wire jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_WIRE_EXTERNAL
13047 Graphic for saddle jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_SADDLE
13048 Connection graphic Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_CONNECTION
13049 Symbol graphic Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_SYMBOL
13050 Component graphic Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_SYMBREF
13051 Graphic for wire jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_WIRE
13052 Combine multi-level terminals Form Specifies whether multi-level terminals are displayed next to each other or under each other; useful for terminal line-up diagrams. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_COMBINE_MULTI_LEVEL_TERMINAL
13053 Structure identifier overview Form Selection of structure identifiers to be displayed in the form:
0 = All structure identifiers
1 = Structure identifiers of the pages
2 = Structure identifiers used.
13054 Summarize external and internal targets in internal targets Form If this property is activated in a form for a device connection diagram, then external and internal targets are output together as internal targets. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_ALL_TARGETS_AS_INTERN
13055 Use 'Plot frame to edit form' property for reports Form Specifies whether the "Use 'Plot frame to edit form' property for reports" property is used or not. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_FRAME_USEINREPORTS
13056 Form for subsequent pages Form Shows the form for the following page, which can also have its own plot frame. The form for the following page is used with its plot frame as of the second page of a reporting block. If another next page form has been entered for the next page form, this is not taken into account when generating reports.
If you assign a value via the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data are in the project.
Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_NEXTPAGEFORM
13057 Result from value set Form Shows the indexed content of the value set. For each value set, all possible assignments to the function properties are reported. (That is, all possible values that take on the property of the function through an assignment of the value set are reported.) No category Monolingual text Yes, 100 Yes FORM_PLACEHOLDER_RESULT
13058 Placeholder format Form Shows all variable assignments that are entered in the placeholder object (i.e. entries from the "Variable" column on the "Assignment" tab of the "Placeholder object" dialog). No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_PLACEHOLDER_FORMAT
13059 Separator for multiple values Form If several values are output in a text, then the character entered here is used as a separator. (A character string or a line break can also be entered as a separator.) If the property remains empty then a semicolon is used as a separator. Example: A1;A3;A6. Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_MULTIRESULT_SEPARATOR
13060 Generate data headers for the first x sorting properties Form This property specifies whether and which sorting properties are to be used when generating a new data header area:
0 = No new data header area,
1 = First sorting property is used for a new data header area,
2 = First and second sorting properties will be used for a new data header area,
3 = First, second, and third sorting properties will be used for a new data header area etc.
13061 Graphic for jumpers: Female pin end Form Placeholder for generating graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_JACKSIDE
13062 Graphic for jumpers: Male pin end Form Placeholder for generating graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_PINSIDE
13063 Consecutive number Form Can be used in the data area and in the data header area of reports that are output in list form (for example parts lists, summarized parts lists, terminal strip overviews, etc.) in order to number all of the rows. Every report block is separately numbered. The property can also be used at a manufacturing data export. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_LINE_COUNTER
13064 Manufacturer / supplier list Form Monitors the report action of the manufacturer/supplier list:
0 = Manufacturers and suppliers,
1 = Only manufacturers,
2 = Only suppliers.
13065 Graphic for internal saddle jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_SADDLE_INTERNAL
13066 Graphic for external saddle jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_SADDLE_EXTERNAL
13067 Cable chart: Spacing for header A Form Distance to be displayed for the header of the cable chart (for terminal connections with the form position A). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLETABLE_HEAD_DISTANCE_A
13068 Cable chart: Spacing for header B Form Distance to be displayed for the header of the cable chart (for terminal connections with the form position B). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLETABLE_HEAD_DISTANCE_B
13069 Cable chart: Spacing for header C Form Distance to be displayed for the header of the cable chart (for terminal connections with the form position C). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLETABLE_HEAD_DISTANCE_C
13070 Cable chart: Spacing for header D Form Distance to be displayed for the header of the cable chart (for terminal connections with the form position D). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLETABLE_HEAD_DISTANCE_D
13071 Cable chart: Spacing for header, internal Form Distance to be displayed for the header of the cable chart (for internal terminal connections). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLETABLE_HEAD_DISTANCE_INT
13072 Cable chart: Spacing for header, external Form Distance to be displayed for the header of the cable chart (for external terminal connections). Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CABLETABLE_HEAD_DISTANCE_EXT
13073 Graphic for insertable jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_INSERTION
13074 Graphic for internal insertable jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_INSERTION_INTERNAL
13075 Graphic for external insertable jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_INSERTION_EXTERNAL
13076 Cable chart: Header perpendicular to data area Form If this property is activated, the header of the cable chart is displayed across the data area. If it is not activated, the header has the same setup as the data area. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_CABLETABLEHEAD_ATHWART_TO_CABLETABLEDATA
13077 Connection diagram: Number of steps, internal Form For connection point diagrams with variable levels, this specifies how many levels are planned for displaying internal targets. Settings Integer No No FORM_CONNECTIONDIAGRAM_INT_STEPCOUNT
13078 Connection diagram: Interval between steps, internal Form For connection point diagrams with variable levels, this specifies the spacing between two levels when displaying internal targets. All levels are displayed with the same spacing. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CONNECTIONDIAGRAM_INT_STEPOFFSET
13079 Connection diagram: Number of steps, external Form For connection point diagrams with variable levels, this specifies how many levels are planned for displaying external targets. Settings Integer No No FORM_CONNECTIONDIAGRAM_EXT_STEPCOUNT
13080 Connection diagram: Interval between steps, external Form For connection point diagrams with variable levels, this specifies the spacing between two levels when displaying external targets. All levels are displayed with the same spacing. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORM_CONNECTIONDIAGRAM_EXT_STEPOFFSET
13081 Suppress data lines Form There can be blank data rows in reports when the output properties are blank. Blank data lines are not output if this property is selected. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_SUPPRESS_EMPTY_LINES
13082 Separator for combined values Form When several values with numbers are entered at the end of a text, the character (or character sequence) entered here is used as a separator. If the property remains blank, the character sequence "..." is used as a separator. Example: A1...A5 or A1-A5. Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_SUMUP_SEPARATOR
13083 Reuse header for new column Form The header is repeated by default for every device when reporting dynamic forms. If this property is activated, the header is also repeated in each new column of the report. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_HEADER_IN_EACH_COLUMN
13084 Connection diagram: Display all targets Form If this property is activated, all targets will be output up to the first level in the connection diagram. For all other levels, only the first targets are output. In the connection diagram, the targets are placed in a row and are only entered when the connection points belong to the same device and are next to each other in the graphic. In case of several targets, the connection graphic is represented as an oblique line.
If the property is deactivated, always the first target will be output.
13085 Connection diagram: Output only connected connection points at targets Form This property stands for device, terminal, cable as well as pin-connection diagrams. If it is activated, only the connected connection points of the displayed targets are output. This helps to save space in the connection diagrams. This property only relates to targets and does not affect the devices, cables, terminal strips, or plugs to be evaluated. These functions are also listed in the connection diagrams. Only the connected function connection points are output at the terminal strip, e.g. in a terminal connection diagram for a motor which is the target of a terminal strip. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_CONNECTIONDIAGRAM_ONLYCONNECTEDCP
13086 Connection diagram: Internal targets in table form Form If this form property is enabled, the properties of the internal targets are displayed in table format (and not grouped) in connection diagrams. A separate row is displayed for every target. If the internal and external targets are displayed in table format, the column width of the form is not shrunk to the report page.
If the property is not enabled, the grouped internal targets are output. With grouped targets, the column width of the form is automatically split in half on the report page. Targets that are not grouped are output with the full column width.
13087 Connection diagram: External targets in table form Form If this form property is enabled, the properties of the external targets are displayed in table format (and not grouped) in connection diagrams. A separate row is displayed for every target. If the internal and external targets are displayed in table format, the column width of the form is not shrunk to the report page.
If the property is not enabled, the grouped external targets are output. With grouped targets, the column width of the form is automatically split in half on the report page. Targets that are not grouped are output with the full column width.
13088 Revision output with deleted pages Form If this form property is enabled, deleted pages are output in the revision overview. The option "Pages" must also be selected for the "Revision output type" property (ID 13106). Deleted pages are not output when the property is not enabled. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_REVISIONOVERVIEW_TYPE_DELETEDPAGES
13089 Number of combined records Form This property can be used together with the "Combine in a line by" (ID 13111) property and indicates the number of objects that have been combined in a line. No category Integer No Yes FORM_SUMOBJECTSCOUNT
13090 Connection diagram: Do not divide targets Form If this property is activated, targets in connection point diagrams are always represented completely on a report page, rather than distributed on several report pages. Terminal strips and plugs are always separated regardless of this setting, if necessary, and the separation is drawn with a dotted line. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_CONNECTIONDIAGRAM_NOBREAKBLOCKSONPAGE
13091 Number of targets at target connection point Form This property can be used in terminal diagrams to identify connections that originate from a terminal and connect, from a terminal target, other targets. The value contains the number of the targets identified at the target connection point. In this context, only wire targets are considered, but no jumper targets. No category Integer No Yes FORM_NUMBER_OF_DESTINATION
13092 Consecutive number (header) Form Can be used in reports that are output in list form (e.g. parts lists, summarized parts lists, terminal strip overviews, etc.) in order to number all of the rows. Every report block is separately numbered. Within a report block, the row number starts again with "1" when the header changes.
The criterion that triggers a change in the header is defined by you in the properties "Regenerate header after change" (ID 13003) or "Generate data headers for the first x sorting properties" (ID 13060).
No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_LINE_COUNTER_CAPTION
13093 Consecutive number (page) Form Can be used in reports that are output in list form (e.g. parts lists, summarized parts lists, terminal strip overviews, etc.) in order to number all of the rows. Every report block is separately numbered. Within a report block, the row number starts on each new page again with "1". No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_LINE_COUNTER_PAGE
13094 Graphic for internal switching jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. In the report, by way of a simple graphic, it is shown whether terminals are connected to each other via a closed or open switching jumper. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_SWITCHABLE_INTERNAL
13095 Graphic for external switching jumpers Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. In the report, by way of a simple graphic, it is shown whether terminals are connected to each other via a closed or open switching jumper. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_JUMPER_SWITCHABLE_EXTERNAL
13096 Jumpers: Suppress graphic for fin options Form Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_SUPPRESS_SADDLE_JUMPER_POSSIBILITY
13099 Number of messages Form Total of all messages during the data transfer of forms. Messages Integer No No FORM_ERRORCOUNT
13100 Error: Graphic Form Indicates whether a problem occurred with any graphics during the data transfer of forms. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No FORM_GRAPHICERROR
13101 Error: Property placement Form Indicates whether a problem occurred with any placed properties during the data transfer of forms. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No FORM_PLACEDPROPERROR
13102 Adapt row height dynamically Form Adjusts the row height in dynamic forms. If a cell contains longer text that causes a line break, then only this row automatically becomes higher. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_ADAPT_LINEHEIGHT
13103 Use new column for each device Form In dynamically summarized reports, a new device (e.g. terminal strip or plug) begins in a new column. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_NEWDEVICE_IN_NEWCOLUMN
13104 Display alignable accessories Form Enables/disables the display of accessories that can be aligned in reports. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_VIEW_ACCESSORIES
13105 No line feed in data header area Form Controls the position of the data header area in forms. If the property is activated then the data header area is output with the next data row. If the property is deactivated then the data header area is output in its own row. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_CAPTION_IN_DATALINE
13106 Revision output type Form This form property shows which revision data are output in the revision overview:
Pages: The revision data relevant to the page and the project are output.
Project: Only the revision data relevant to the project are output.
Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_REVISIONOVERVIEW_TYPE
13107 Cable graphic Form Placeholder for generated graphics in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes FORM_GRAPHIC_CABLELINE
13108 Replace variable values with text Form This property is only available in summarized parts lists. If it is activated, then a text - not a value - from the project settings will be output for the corresponding property in functions that have a variable defined in the placeholder object. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_REPLACE_VAR_VALUES
13109 Symbol variant Form Specifies which symbol variant is displayed for output in the form for symbols that are represented by the "Symbol graphic" property. Settings Integer No No FORM_SYMBOL_VARIANT
13110 Reuse data header area for new column Form The data header area is repeated by default for every function for reporting dynamic forms. If this property is enabled, the data header area is also repeated in every new column of the report. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_CAPTION_IN_EACH_COLUMN
13111 Combine in a line by Form You specify the form properties for which identical data are to be entered in a row. For instance, you can combine the data for each page type in the table of contents. A semi-colon and the character sequence "..." are used as separators by default for entered values. However, you can also specify other separators via the properties "Separator for multiple values" and "Separator for combined values". Settings Monolingual text No No FORM_SUMMARIZE_PROPERTIES
13112 Align graphics to insertion point (without alignment box) Form The property can be used in forms and does affect all placeholders for graphics for which the alignment box has not been activated. The handle is set at the insertion point of the placeholder text for the symbols and macros inserted via this type of placeholder. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_USE_PHT_INSERTIONPOINT
13113 Connection point-specific output Form If this property is activated, a row is generated in terminal diagrams and terminal connection diagrams for each pair of connection points. Terminals with more than two connection points are automatically split across multiple rows. In addition, terminal connection points that are not connected are output. In addition, jumpers between an internal and an external connection point are not evaluated and displayed as jumpers. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_TERMCON_ORIENTED
13114 Output only used symbols Form If this property is activated, only the symbols actually used in the project will be output in the symbol overview. If the property is deactivated, all symbols of the symbol libraries stored in the project will be output. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_USED_SYMBOLS_ONLY
13115 Alphanumeric sorting for internal connection points Form This form property is intended for use in table device connection diagrams in order to output the connection points there in an alphanumeric, collated, manner. For all connection points to be output internally and collated jointly, you must also activate the "Summarize external and internal targets in internal targets" (ID 13054) property. You cannot collate only external connection points.
In the case of alphanumeric collating, however, the logical association of the connection points is not always visible in the report. This sorting is first realized according to the "Plug designation (automatic)" (ID 20431) property, and then according to the connection point designation.
Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_SORT_INTERNAL_CP
13116 Properties formatted: Replacement text Form Using this form property, you can define up to ten tables for replacement texts (via the index). You can use these tables to replace the values of these properties when generating reports of forms that contain placeholder texts with formatted properties: When editing placeholder texts, you can select the table of replacement texts to be used for a property in the dialog Format: Block property. The values of the selected property are then compared to texts defined in the table and replaced accordingly.
When creating reports of forms, priority is given to the tables defined in this form property. If the selected table is not defined in the form property, the table of the same name will instead be used from the "Block property: Replacement text" (ID 10660) project property.
Formats Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FORM_BLOCKPROPERTY_REPLACETEXT
13117 Connection diagram: Target tracking across all devices Form If this property is activated, the target tracking in connection point diagrams will be continued via any devices. For the search for further targets, the Target tracking (PLC) to property is used in the connection point logic of the devices. In addition, the Connection point diagram: Output only connected connection points (ID 13085) property is evaluated as activated.
The last external and internal target is in each case the first device found for which no connection points have been specified for the transfer in the Target tracking (PLC) to property.
13118 Apply abbreviation rules to all structure properties Form Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_REDUCE_STRUCTUREPROPS
13119 Output all subordinate segments Form When this form property is activated, all the subordinate segments are also determined and output for each segment in the data area of a report of the type "Structure segment plan" or "Planning object plan". Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_SUBOBJECTS_RECURSIVE
13120 Suppress property placements Form This property is only available for forms of the "Symbol overview" type. If the property is activated, only the symbol graphics are output in the symbol overview, but not the properties displayed by default at the symbol. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_SUPRESS_PROPERTYINSTANCES
13121 Connection diagram: Output only connected connection points Form This property is only available for device connection diagrams. if it is activated, only the connected connection points of the reported device are displayed. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FORM_MAINEVALUATIONOBJECT_ONLYCONNECTEDCP
13200 Error (import) Form Indicates whether a problem occurred during the data transfer of forms. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No FORM_IMPORTERROR
14020 Creator Form (base object) Author of the form, plot frame or outline. Revision Monolingual text No No DMGDOC_CREATOR
14021 Creation date Form (base object) Creation date of the form, plot frame or outline. Revision Time / Date No No DMGDOC_CREATIONDATE
14022 Last editor: Sign-in name Form (base object) User code of the last editor of the form, plot frame or outline. Revision Monolingual text No No DMGDOC_LASTMODIFICATOR
14023 Modification date (automatic) Form (base object) Date of the last change to the form, plot frame or outline. Revision Time / Date No No DMGDOC_LASTMODIFICATIONDATE
14100 Outline type / form type Outline definition Defines the type of the outline or of the form. Possible values: Outline extrusion, Outline NC record generation, Form (copper). Data Monolingual text No Yes CONTOURDEFINITION_TYPE
14101 Outline: Variant Outline definition Data Integer No No CONTOURDEFINITION_VARIANT
15000 Symbol library Symbol library
Name of the symbol library, determined from the database name. Data Monolingual text No Yes SYMBLIB_NAME
15011 Symbol library description Symbol library Data Multilingual text No No SYMBLIB_DESC
15012 Version Symbol library Version of the symbol library. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMBLIB_VERSION
15013 Grid Symbol library Logical grid size of the symbol library. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No SYMBLIB_LOGICGRID
15015 Number of symbols Symbol library Number of symbols in a symbol library. Data Integer No Yes SYMBLIB_SYMBOLCOUNT
15016 Number of locked symbols Symbol library Number of locked symbols in a symbol library. Data Integer No Yes SYMBLIB_LOCKEDSYMBOLCOUNT
15017 Number of symbol variants Symbol library Number of symbol variants in a symbol library. Data Integer No Yes SYMBLIB_VARIANTCOUNT
15019 Company code Symbol library Short designation of the company that created this symbol library. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMBLIB_COMPANY
15020 Creator Symbol library Creator of the symbol library. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMBLIB_CREATOR
15021 Creation date Symbol library Creation date of the symbol library. Revision Time / Date No No SYMBLIB_CREATIONDATE
15022 Last editor: Sign-in name Symbol library User code of the last person to edit the symbol library. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMBLIB_LASTMODIFICATOR
15023 Modification date (automatic) Symbol library Date of last change to the symbol library. Revision Time / Date No No SYMBLIB_LASTMODIFICATIONDATE
15024 Modification date (manual) Symbol library Manually entered date of last change. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMBLIB_MANUALDATE
15030 Plot frame to edit symbol Symbol library The plot frame which is used for editing the symbol.
If you assign a value using the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data are available in the project.
Settings Monolingual text No No SYMBLIB_FRAME
15031 Compressed symbol library Symbol library This property is assigned to a symbol library if one or more symbol variants were deleted from the symbol library during compression. In a comparison with the complete symbol library, however, the compressed symbol library is still considered equal in the system master data. Data Boolean (True / False) No No SYMBOLLIBRARY_REMOVED_VARIANT
15098 Name of original symbol library Symbol library This property is used internally. It contains the name of the original symbol library if the symbol library has been converted. It is possible check whether the symbol library is compatible with an "old" EPLAN 5 symbol library. No category Monolingual text No No SYMBLIB_OLDNAME
15099 Number of messages Symbol library Total of all messages during the data transfer of symbol libraries. Messages Integer No No SYMBLIB_ERRORCOUNT
15100 Error: Function definition Symbol library Indicates whether a function definition was missing during the data transfer of symbol libraries. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_FUNCDEFERROR
15101 Error: Connection point Symbol library Indicates whether a problem occurred with any connection points during the data transfer of symbol libraries. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_CONNECTIONERROR
15102 Error: Symbol variant Symbol library Indicates whether a problem occurred with any symbol variants during the data transfer of symbol libraries. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_VARIANTERROR
15103 Error: Representation type Symbol library Indicates whether a problem occurred with any representation type during the data transfer of symbol libraries. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_FUNCTYPEERROR
15104 Error: Connection point logic Symbol library Indicates whether a problem occurred with any connection point logic during the data transfer of symbol libraries. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_LOGICERROR
15105 Error: Symbol graphic Symbol library Indicates whether a problem occurred with any symbol graphics during the data transfer of symbol libraries. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_GRAPHICERROR
15106 Error: Property placement Symbol library Indicates whether a problem occurred with any placed properties during the data transfer of symbol libraries. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_PLACEDPROPERROR
15200 Error (import) Symbol library Shows whether a problem occurred during the symbol libraries data transfer that can be solved in the function definition assignment dialog. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_IMPORTERROR
15201 Error (symbol editor) Symbol library Shows whether a problem occurred during the symbol libraries data transfer that can be solved in the symbol editor. Max. of 1,024 are recorded. Messages Monolingual text Yes, 1024 No SYMBLIB_ERRORSYMBOLED
15500 Function definition library Function definition library Name of the function definition library. No category Monolingual text No Yes FCTDEFLIB_NAME
15501 Modification date Function definition library Date of last changes to the function definition library. Since function definition libraries cannot be subsequently changed, only generated, this also reflects the creation date. No category Time / Date No No FCTDEFLIB_LASTMODIFICATIONDATE
15502 Version information of function definition library Function definition library No category Monolingual text No No FCTDEFLIB_VERSION
15503 Creator Function definition library Creator of the function definition library. No category Monolingual text No No FCTDEFLIB_CREATOR
15504 Creation date Function definition library Creation date of the function definition library. No category Time / Date No No FCTDEFLIB_CREATIONDATE
15505 Last editor: Sign-in name Function definition library User code of the last person to edit the function definition library. No category Monolingual text No No FCTDEFLIB_LASTMODIFICATOR
15901 Supplementary field Symbol library Max. 1,000 supplementary fields for the symbol library that can be specified using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No SYMBLIB_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD
16000 Name Symbol Identifying designation of the symbol, i.e. the identifier letter according to a standard. No category Monolingual text No Yes SYMB_NAME
16001 Connection point number Symbol Internal connection point number. Either a consecutive number or a "n" (for a variable connection number) or a "z" (for the last connection point with a variable connection number). No category Monolingual text Yes, 100 Yes SYMB_CONNECTIONNUMBER
16002 Number Symbol Symbol number, indicates the position of the symbol in the symbol library. Data Integer No Yes SYMB_NR
16003 Default variant Symbol The symbol variant with which the symbol is placed as standard. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_VARIANT
16004 Default property arrangement for variant A Symbol When placing the corresponding symbol variants, this assignment set is used for the properties. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_PROPERTYSET_A
16005 Default property arrangement for variant B Symbol When placing the corresponding symbol variants, this assignment set is used for the properties. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_PROPERTYSET_B
16006 Default property arrangement for variant C Symbol When placing the corresponding symbol variants, this assignment set is used for the properties. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_PROPERTYSET_C
16007 Default property arrangement for variant D Symbol When placing the corresponding symbol variants, this assignment set is used for the properties. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_PROPERTYSET_D
16008 Default property arrangement for variant E Symbol When placing the corresponding symbol variants, this assignment set is used for the properties. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_PROPERTYSET_E
16009 Default property arrangement for variant F Symbol When placing the corresponding symbol variants, this assignment set is used for the properties. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_PROPERTYSET_F
16010 Target tracking Symbol The logic model is stored for "virtual" functions, such as T-nodes and corner nodes. Target tracking determines the direction of the "paths" from one device to another for automatic reports. Data Monolingual text No No SYMB_LOGICMODEL
16011 Symbol description Symbol Data Multilingual text No No SYMB_DESC
16012 Prevent new placement Symbol Prevents the symbol being used in new schematics. If this property is activated, then the symbol is no longer shown in the project symbol selection, i.e. it can no longer be newly inserted. The symbol can still be edited in the master data. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No SYMB_PREVENTPLACEMENT
16013 Supplementary field Symbol Max. 99 supplementary fields for the symbol that can be specified using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 99 No SYMB_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD
16014 Default property arrangement for variant G Symbol When placing the corresponding symbol variants, this assignment set is used for the properties. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_PROPERTYSET_G
16015 Default property arrangement for variant H Symbol When placing the corresponding symbol variants, this assignment set is used for the properties. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_PROPERTYSET_H
16016 PCT type Symbol
PCT loop
Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The PCT type defines which symbol is placed in the P&I diagram for the PCT loop / PCT loop function. Data Integer No No SYMB_PLTTYPE
16017 Trade (function definition) Symbol Shows the trade specified in the function definition. Data Multilingual text No Yes SYMB_CRAFT
16018 Main function Symbol Settings Integer No No SYMB_MAINFUNCTION
16019 Intrinsically safe Symbol Shows whether an intrinsically safe function is generated when using the symbol:
0 = Not defined (the "Intrinsically safe" property is not observed when placing and replacing a symbol).
1 =Yes (an intrinsically safe function is generated when placing and replacing a symbol for this symbol).
2 = No (a function that is not intrinsically safe is generated when placing and replacing a symbol for this symbol).
The visibility of the property depends on the type of symbol.
16020 Creator Symbol Creator of the symbol. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMB_CREATOR
16021 Creation date Symbol Creation date of the symbol. Revision Time / Date No No SYMB_CREATIONDATE
16022 Last editor: Sign-in name Symbol User code of the last person to edit the symbol. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMB_LASTMODIFICATOR
16023 Modification date (automatic) Symbol Date of last changes to the symbol. Revision Time / Date No No SYMB_LASTAUTOMODIFICATIONDATE
16024 Modification note Symbol Modification note for changes to a symbol. Revision Multilingual text No No SYMB_MODIFICATIONCOMMENT
16025 Modification date (manual) Symbol Manually entered change date of the symbol. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMB_LASTMANUMODIFICATIONDATE
16026 Version Symbol Manually defined version number of the symbol. Revision Monolingual text No No SYMB_VERSION
16027 Symbol representation type (encoded) Symbol Shows in coded form the representation type of the symbol:
1 = Multi-line
2 = Single-line
38 = P&I diagram
-2 = Pair cross-reference
3 = Overview
-3 = External
5 = Graphic
8 = Panel layout
-6 = Detailed panel layout.
16028 Symbol representation type Symbol Shows the representation type of the symbol, e.g. "Multi-line" or "Overview". No category Monolingual text No Yes SYMB_SYBMOLFUNCTIONTYPE_NAME
16030 Use first variant of connection definition point symbol Symbol The corresponding variants are normally always used when placing cable symbols and their relevant connection definition point symbols. If this property is enabled, the first variant of the connection definition point symbol is always used when placing or moving the cable symbol. Data Boolean (True / False) No No SYMB_CABLE_RELATED_VDP_SYMBOL_ID_USE_1ST_VARIANT_ONLY
16031 Symbol variant assignment (internal) Symbol This property is populated during the data transfer of projects from EPLAN 5. It is only required for EPLAN 5 due to compatibility reasons and is no longer used in new projects. The assignment of the variants for data transfer is stored here. No category Integer Yes, 4 No SYMB_IMPORTEDVARIANTMAPPING
16032 Symbol for contact image of motor overload switch Symbol Symbol data Monolingual text No No SYMB_MOTOR_CONTACT_IMAGE
16033 Default property arrangement for variant A (alternative) Symbol Name of the alternative standard property arrangement (e.g. top right) for the GOST 2.701-84 standard. This property is used when the standard property arrangement is selected for the component and the "Use alternative property arrangement" project setting is enabled. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTYSET_A
16034 Default property arrangement for variant B (alternative) Symbol Name of the alternative standard property arrangement (e.g. top right) for the GOST 2.701-84 standard. This property is used when the standard property arrangement is selected for the component and the "Use alternative property arrangement" project setting is enabled. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTYSET_B
16035 Default property arrangement for variant C (alternative) Symbol Name of the alternative standard property arrangement (e.g. top right) for the GOST 2.701-84 standard. This property is used when the standard property arrangement is selected for the component and the "Use alternative property arrangement" project setting is enabled. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTYSET_C
16036 Default property arrangement for variant D (alternative) Symbol Name of the alternative standard property arrangement (e.g. top right) for the GOST 2.701-84 standard. This property is used when the standard property arrangement is selected for the component and the "Use alternative property arrangement" project setting is enabled. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTYSET_D
16037 Default property arrangement for variant E (alternative) Symbol Name of the alternative standard property arrangement (e.g. top right) for the GOST 2.701-84 standard. This property is used when the standard property arrangement is selected for the component and the "Use alternative property arrangement" project setting is enabled. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTYSET_E
16038 Default property arrangement for variant F (alternative) Symbol Name of the alternative standard property arrangement (e.g. top right) for the GOST 2.701-84 standard. This property is used when the standard property arrangement is selected for the component and the "Use alternative property arrangement" project setting is enabled. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTYSET_F
16039 Default property arrangement for variant G (alternative) Symbol Name of the alternative standard property arrangement (e.g. top right) for the GOST 2.701-84 standard. This property is used when the standard property arrangement is selected for the component and the "Use alternative property arrangement" project setting is enabled. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTYSET_G
16040 DXF export: Name of block Symbol Name of the block generated by the DXF / DWG export. Settings Monolingual text No No SYMB_DXF_BLOCKNAME
16041 Default property arrangement for variant H (alternative) Symbol Name of the alternative standard property arrangement (e.g. top right) for the GOST 2.701-84 standard. This property is used when the standard property arrangement is selected for the component and the "Use alternative property arrangement" project setting is enabled. Settings Integer No No SYMB_DEFAULT_ALTERNATIVE_PROPERTYSET_H
16042 With signal isolation Symbol Shows whether a function with signal isolation is generated when using the symbol. The visibility of the property depends on the type of symbol. The following values are possible:
0 = Not defined (The property is not observed when placing and replacing the symbol.)
1 = Yes (A function with signal isolation is generated for this symbol when placing and replacing the symbol.)
2 = No (A function without signal isolation is generated for this symbol when placing and replacing the symbol.)
16043 Net-connecting Symbol Shows whether a net-connecting function is created when placing and replacing a symbol. The visibility of the property depends on the type of symbol. The following values are possible:
0 = Not defined (the property is not observed when placing and replacing the symbol).
1 = Yes (a net-connecting function is generated for this symbol when placing and replacing the symbol).
2 = No (a function that does not connect nets is generated for this symbol when placing and replacing the symbol).
16044 Safety function Symbol Shows whether a function that is relevant to safety is generated when placing and replacing a symbol. The visibility of the property depends on the type of symbol. The following values are possible:
0 = Not defined (the property is not observed when placing and replacing the symbol).
1 = Yes (a function that is relevant to safety is created for this symbol when placing and replacing the symbol).
2 = No (a function that is not relevant to safety is created for this symbol when placing and replacing the symbol).
16045 Transformation point Symbol The transformation point is used as the base point for rotation and flipping. Each symbol variant can have its own transformation point; symbol variants are distinguished via the index. The transformation point is entered as a coordinate in mm, e.g., "2.0/2.0". The entry refers to the insertion point of the respective symbol variant. If a transformation point has not been defined for a symbol variant, the first connection point of the symbol will be used as a base point. Data Monolingual text Yes, 16 No SYMBOL_TRANSFORMATION_POINT
16050 Property arrangements Symbol Contains multi-language designations for user-defined sets of properties (max. 64). No category Multilingual text Yes, 64 No SYMB_PROPERTYINSTANCESET
16901 Variant name Symbol variant Name of the symbol variant. No category Monolingual text No Yes SYMBVAR_NAME
16902 Number of connecting points Symbol variant No category Integer No Yes SYMBVAR_CONPOINTSCOUNT
16903 Symbol name Symbol variant Identifying designation of the symbol, i.e. the identifier letter according to a standard. No category Monolingual text No Yes SYMBVAR_SYMB_NAME
16904 Symbol number Symbol variant Symbol number, indicates the position of the symbol in the symbol library. No category Integer No Yes SYMBVAR_SYMB_NR
16905 Symbol library Symbol variant Name of the symbol library, determined from the database name. No category Monolingual text No Yes SYMBVAR_SYMBLIB_NAME
16906 Symbol description Symbol variant No category Multilingual text No Yes SYMBVAR_SYMB_DESC
18000 Name (form, plot frame, outline, form (copper)) Form (base object) Name of the form, plot frame, outline or form. Data Monolingual text No No FORMBASE_NAME
18011 Description (form, plot frame, outline, form (copper)) Form (base object) Description of the form, plot frame, outline or form. Data Multilingual text No No FORMBASE_DESC
18021 Company code Form (base object) Short designation of the company who has generated this form, plot frame or outline. Data Monolingual text No No FORMBASE_COMPANY
18031 Modification date (manual) Form (base object) Manually entered date of last change. Revision Monolingual text No No FORMBASE_MANUALDATE
18041 Supplementary field Form (base object) Max. 99 supplementary fields for the form / plot frame that can be specified using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 99 No FORMBASE_ADDITION
18051 Version Form (base object) Manually entered version number of the form, plot frame or outline. Revision Monolingual text No No FORMBASE_VERSION
18061 Grid Form (base object) Logical grid spacing of the form, plot frame or outline. Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FORMBASE_LOGICGRID
19002 X coordinate Reference (base object)
Placement on layer
General Decimal number No Yes INSTANCE_XCOORD
19003 Y coordinate Reference (base object)
Placement on layer
General Decimal number No Yes INSTANCE_YCOORD
19005 Column number Placement on layer
Reference (base object)
Part reference
Provides the column number where the placement is currently located. General Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_PATHID
19006 Row number Placement on layer
Reference (base object)
Part reference
Provides the row number where the placement is currently located. General Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_POSID
19007 Placement Placement on layer
Reference (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Provides the full placement consisting of page, internal column and internal row (these do not reflect the column and row numbers). For functions and interruption points, the own cross-reference is output. General Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_FULLPLACEMENTLOCATION
19008 User-defined property arrangement: Name Reference (base object)
Model view
Internal property for the user-defined property arrangement specified on the component. No category Monolingual text No No INSTANCE_USER_DEFINED_PROPERTYSET
19010 Color Placement on layer Formats Integer No No INSTANCE_COLOR
19011 Line type Graphical element Formats Integer No No INSTANCE_LINESTYLE
19015 Font Formats Integer No No INSTANCE_FONT
19016 Alignment Formats Integer No No INSTANCE_DIRECTION
19017 Font size Symbol library

Formats Coordinates (only X or Y) No No INSTANCE_SIZE
19019 Layer Placement on layer Formats Integer No No INSTANCE_LAYER
19020 Page type Reference (base object)
Placement on layer
General Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_PAGETYPE
19021 Representation type / report type Reference (base object)
Part reference
The representation type is displayed for component and part placements, e.g. "Multi-line". The report type is displayed here for reports, e.g. "Enclosure legend". No category Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_TYPE
19022 Page name Reference (base object)
Part reference
Placement on layer
Part reference (summarized representation types)
For component or part placements, outputs the page names (page counters + subcounters) of the page on which the corresponding component or item is placed. General Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_PAGENAME
19023 Page name (full) Reference (base object)
Part reference
Placement on layer
Part reference (summarized representation types)
For component or part placements, outputs the full page names (page name + all identifier blocks) of the page on which the corresponding component or item is placed. General Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_PAGEFULLNAME
19024 Page description Placement on layer General Multilingual text No Yes INSTANCE_PAGENOMINATION
19030 Revision marker (change tracking) Placement
Project option
Segment (pre-planning)
Automatically entered marker text at modified objects in a revision. The marker text is composed from a number of different properties, e.g. revision name, creator, and modification date. Revision Monolingual text No No INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_MARKER
19031 Revision marker format (change tracking) Placement
Project option
Segment (pre-planning)
Defines the formatting of the revision marker text. Revision Monolingual text No No INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_MARKER_FORMAT
19032 Modification date (change tracking) Placement
Project option
Segment (pre-planning)
Date on which an object in a revision was modified. This property is displayed as standard in the automatically generated revision marker. Revision Time / Date No No INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_DATE
19033 Creator (change tracking) Placement
Project option
Segment (pre-planning)
Editor that changed the object in a revision. This property is displayed as standard in the automatically generated revision marker. Revision Monolingual text No No INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_USER
19034 Modification time (change tracking) Placement
Project option
Segment (pre-planning)
Time at which an object in a revision was modified. This property is displayed as standard in the automatically generated revision marker. The time representation can be configured in the project settings. Revision Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_TIME
19070 Bundle: Connection point designation Bundle connection point
The bundle connection point designation identifies a connection within a bundle. It occurs in pairs (but not more often) for each bundle: At the connection point entering the bundle and at the connection point leaving the bundle. Several bundle connection point numbers can also be entered, separated by commas. Data Monolingual text No No STRANDCONNECTOR_DESIGNATION
19071 Bundle: Connection point description Bundle connection point Bundle description. Data Monolingual text No No STRANDCONNECTOR_DESCRIPTION
19072 Bundle: Connection point data Bundle connection point Contains either the bundle description or, if this is not present, the bundle connection point designation. Data Monolingual text No Yes STRANDCONNECTOR_DATA_AUTOMATIC
19100 Parametric rules Placement on layer Determines how size-adjusting symbols should behave when zooming in and out. Settings Monolingual text No No INSTANCE_PARAMETRICRULE
19101 Invisible Placement on layer Formats Integer No No INSTANCE_INVISIBLE
19102 Line thickness Graphical element Formats Coordinates (only X or Y) No No INSTANCE_WIDTH
19103 Graphical placement Placement on layer No category Monolingual text No Yes INSTANCE_GEDLOCATION
19150 Pattern length Graphical element Formats Coordinates (only X or Y) No No INSTANCE_LINESTYLEFACTOR
19151 Line end style Graphical element Formats Integer No No INSTANCE_LINEENDTYPE
19201 Text contents Text
Shows the content of graphical texts, placeholder texts, hyperlinks, and path function texts as multi-language character strings. Data Multilingual text No No TEXT_CONTENTS
19300 Placeholder object name Placeholder text Name of the placeholder object. Data Monolingual text No Yes PLACEHOLDER_NAME
19301 Placeholder object: Last value set selected Placeholder text The value set that was last assigned to the placeholder object. Data Monolingual text No No PLACEHOLDER_LASTUSEDVALUESET
19303 Value set name Placeholder text Required to generate the value set table in placeholder object overview screens and shows the names of the value sets in indexed form. Data Monolingual text Yes, 100 Yes PLACEHOLDER_VALUESET_NAME
19304 File / Document Hyperlink
Shows the image file or the document with the hyperlink. Data Monolingual text No No FILE
19305 Description (Hyperlink) Hyperlink Description text of a hyperlink; an entry is only allowed in one language. Data Monolingual text No No DESCRIPTION
19306 Image file: Description Image Description text of an image file; a multilingual entry is allowed. Data Multilingual text No No DESCRIPTION_ML
19307 Property arrangement Reference (base object)
Model view
Displays the name of the property arrangement set at the function / part placement. The property arrangement can also be assigned via this property. Data Monolingual text No No INSTANCE_ACTIVE_PROPERTYSET
19308 Placeholder object description Placeholder text Description of the placeholder object. Data Multilingual text No No PLACEHOLDER_DESCRIPTION
19310 X coordinate starting point Line Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No LINE_START_X
19311 Y coordinate starting point Line Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No LINE_START_Y
19312 X coordinate end point Line Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No LINE_END_X
19313 Y coordinate end point Line Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No LINE_END_Y
19314 Use placeholder object in EPLAN Cogineer Placeholder text If the property is activated, this placeholder object can be used in EPLAN Cogineer. Settings Boolean (True / False) No Yes PLACEHOLDER_USE_IN_COGINEER
19315 Remove placeholder object after generation with EPLAN Cogineer Placeholder text If the property is activated, the placeholder object is deleted from the schematic after the generation of the schematic with EPLAN Cogineer. Settings Boolean (True / False) No Yes PLACEHOLDER_DELETE_AFTER_USAGE_IN_COGINEER
19320 Circle radius Circle (arc / sector / ellipse) Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No DMG_ARC_RADIUS
19321 X coordinate of the center Circle (arc / sector / ellipse) Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No DMG_ARC_CENTER_X
19322 Y coordinate of the center Circle (arc / sector / ellipse) Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No DMG_ARC_CENTER_Y
19323 Starting angle Circle (arc / sector / ellipse) Data Decimal number No No DMG_ARC_STARTANGLE
19324 End angle Circle (arc / sector / ellipse) Data Decimal number No No DMG_ARC_ENDANGLE
19340 X coordinate starting point Rectangle
Macro box
Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No RECTANGLE_START_X
19341 Y coordinate starting point Rectangle
Macro box
Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No RECTANGLE_START_Y
19342 Rotation angle for rectangle Rectangle Data Decimal number No No RECTANGLE_ANGLE
19343 Rotation angle for text Text Data Decimal number No No TEXT_ANGLE
19380 Layer: Description Description text of a layer; a multilingual entry is allowed. Data Multilingual text No No DMG_LAYER_DESCRIPTION
19400 File name Mechanical object Data Monolingual text No Yes DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_DOCNAME
19401 Schematic link Mechanical object Data Integer No Yes DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_HAS_ASSOCIATION
19402 Trade 'Fluid power' Mechanical object The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_CRAFT_FLUID
19403 Trade 'Electrical engineering' Mechanical object The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_CRAFT_ELECTRICAL
19404 Object name Mechanical object Data Monolingual text No Yes DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_OBJNAME
19405 Trade 'Process engineering' Mechanical object The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_CRAFT_PROCESS
19406 Information Mechanical object Shows whether information for tracking a mechanical model is available. The property can be used for filtering. Data Multilingual text No No DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_NOTE
19407 Mechanical model is obsolete Mechanical object Shows whether the mechanical model in the file system is more current than the mechanical model in the EPLAN project. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_IS_DIRTY
19409 Airflow-specific reserved area: X coordinate starting point Mechanical object X coordinate for the starting point of the reserved area. No category Decimal number No No DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_VENTILATION_RESTRICTED_AREA_START_X
19410 Airflow-specific reserved area: Y coordinate starting point Mechanical object Y coordinate for the starting point of the reserved area. No category Decimal number No No DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_VENTILATION_RESTRICTED_AREA_START_Y
19411 Airflow-specific reserved area: Z coordinate starting point Mechanical object Z coordinate for the starting point of the reserved area. No category Decimal number No No DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_VENTILATION_RESTRICTED_AREA_START_Z
19412 Airflow-specific reserved area: X coordinate end point Mechanical object X coordinate for the end point of the reserved area. No category Decimal number No No DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_VENTILATION_RESTRICTED_AREA_END_X
19413 Airflow-specific reserved area: Y coordinate end point Mechanical object Y coordinate for the end point of the reserved area. No category Decimal number No No DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_VENTILATION_RESTRICTED_AREA_END_Y
19414 Airflow-specific reserved area: Z coordinate end point Mechanical object Z coordinate for the end point of the reserved area. No category Decimal number No No DMG_EXTERNALINSTANCE_VENTILATION_RESTRICTED_AREA_END_Z
19600 X position Door position X position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDOORPOSITION_XPOS
19601 Y position Door position Y position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDOORPOSITION_YPOS
19602 Z position Door position Z position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDOORPOSITION_ZPOS
19603 Door: Part number Door position Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEDOORPOSITION_PARTNR
19604 Door: Variant Door position Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEDOORPOSITION_VARIANT
19605 Offset X direction (drilling pattern) Offset in the X direction for the drilling pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEPARTCONSTRUCTIONPOSITION_OFFSET_X
19606 Offset Y direction (drilling pattern) Offset in the Y direction for the drilling pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEPARTCONSTRUCTIONPOSITION_OFFSET_Y
19607 Name (drilling pattern) Name of the drilling pattern. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEPARTCONSTRUCTIONPOSITION_NAME
19620 Block property: Format QR code Formats Monolingual text No No QRCODE_BLOCK_FORMAT
19621 Block property: Value QR code Data Monolingual text No Yes QRCODE_BLOCK_VALUE
19650 X position Mounting panel position Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEMOUNTINGPANELPOSITION_XPOS
19651 Y position Mounting panel position Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEMOUNTINGPANELPOSITION_YPOS
19652 Z position Mounting panel position Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEMOUNTINGPANELPOSITION_ZPOS
19653 Mounting location Mounting panel position Specifies the mounting location on the mounting panel, e.g. "Rear", "Left", "Right". Data Integer No No ARTICLEMOUNTINGPANELPOSITION_LOCATION
19654 Angle Mounting panel position Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEMOUNTINGPANELPOSITION_ANGLE
19655 Mounting panel: Part number Mounting panel position Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEMOUNTINGPANELPOSITION_PARTNR
19656 Mounting panel: Variant Mounting panel position Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEMOUNTINGPANELPOSITION_VARIANT
19700 X position Locked area position X position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLELOCKEDMOUNTINGAREAPOSITION_XPOS
19701 Y position Locked area position Y position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLELOCKEDMOUNTINGAREAPOSITION_YPOS
19702 Front Locked area position Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLELOCKEDMOUNTINGAREAPOSITION_FRONTSIDE
19703 Width Locked area position Data Decimal number No No ARTICLELOCKEDMOUNTINGAREAPOSITION_WIDTH
19704 Height Locked area position Data Decimal number No No ARTICLELOCKEDMOUNTINGAREAPOSITION_HEIGHT
19705 Type Locked area position Data Integer No No ARTICLELOCKEDMOUNTINGAREAPOSITION_TYPE
19750 X position Mounting rail position on busbar adapters X position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLESUPPORTBARPOSITION_XPOS
19751 Y position Mounting rail position on busbar adapters Y position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLESUPPORTBARPOSITION_YPOS
19752 Z position Mounting rail position on busbar adapters Z position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLESUPPORTBARPOSITION_ZPOS
19753 Mounting rail: Part number Mounting rail position on busbar adapters Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLESUPPORTBARPOSITION_PARTNR
19754 Mounting rail: Variant Mounting rail position on busbar adapters Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLESUPPORTBARPOSITION_VARIANT
19755 Length Mounting rail position on busbar adapters Data Decimal number No No ARTICLESUPPORTBARPOSITION_LENGTH
19756 Required Accessories (entered at the part) Specifies whether the part is an absolutely required accessory part. Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPOSITION_NESSECCARY
19800 Affected functions Path function text Lists all the functions for a path function text that adopt this function text from the path. Special Monolingual text No Yes PATHTEXT_FUNCTIONS
20000 Name (identifying) Function (base object)
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Identifying name of the function, consisting of the identifying device tag, the connection point designation for connection points, and the terminal designation for terminals. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_IDENTNAME
20001 Name (full) Function (base object)
Part reference
Full name, such as the identifying name, but also still contains additional describing identifier elements. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_FULLNAME
20002 Name (visible) Function (base object) Displayed name, contains the name as it was entered for the displayed DT in the properties dialog. May also contain terminal designation, etc. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_VISIBLENAME
20003 DT (superior, without project structures) Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Supplies the superior device tag without project structures.
Example: "U1" is output for "=A+O-U1-K1".
Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICETAG_MAIN
20004 DT (subordinate, without project structures) Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Supplies the subordinate device tag without project structures.
Example: "K1" is output for "=A+O-U1-K1".
Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICETAG_NESTED
20005 DT (identifying) Function (base object)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Contains the identifying device tag of the function (without terminal / connection point designation). Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAG
20006 DT (full) Function (base object)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Plugs (in reports)
Cables (in reports)
Contains the full device tag of the function (without terminal / connection point designation). Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_FULLDEVICETAG
20007 DT (identifying, without subordinate DT) Function (base object) Provides the identifying device tag without the subordinate DT. The property is used in the navigator in the tree view.
Example: "=A+O-U1" is output for "=A+O-U1-K1".
20008 DT (identifying, without project structures) Connection
Function (base object)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Provides the identifying device tag without the project structures. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAGWITHOUTSTRUCTURES
20009 DT (full, without project structures) Function (base object)
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
Provides the device tag without the project structures, i.e., the following is output:
The result is "K1" for "=A1-K1," "K1" for "-K1" and "K1-K2" for "=A1-K1-K2".
No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULL
20010 DT (displayed) Function (base object) The part of the device tag that is displayed in the graphical editor. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_VISIBLEDEVICETAG
20011 Function text Function
Structure box
Terminal strip (in reports)
Plugs (in reports)
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Manually entered function text. Data Multilingual text No No FUNC_TEXT
20012 DT: Prefix Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Specifies the prefix before an identifier letter. Any prefix can be chosen, but a number is most practical. For example, you receive a DT "4K5" with the digit "4" as the prefix. You also obtain this type of DT when you display the page number in the DT; in this case the DT changes when you change the page number. If you use a fixed prefix instead, then the DT does not change. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PREFIX
20013 DT: Identifier Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
By default, the identifier letter assigned to the function definition is adopted, but this can be overwritten. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CODE
20014 DT: Counter Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Counter for assigning DTs. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_COUNTER
20015 DT: Subcounter Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Suffix for the DT. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_SUFFIX
20016 DT (subordinate): Prefix Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows the prefix before an identifier in the subordinate DT. Any prefix can be chosen, but a number is most practical. For example, you receive a DT "4K5" with the digit "4" as the prefix. You also obtain this type of DT when you display the page number in the DT; in this case the DT changes when you change the page number. If you use a fixed prefix instead, then the DT does not change. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_NESTEDPREFIX
20017 DT (subordinate): Identifier Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Identifier in the subordinate DT. By default, the identifier letter assigned to the function definition is adopted, but this can be overwritten. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_NESTEDCODE
20018 DT (subordinate):Counter Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Counter in the subordinate DT. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_NESTEDCOUNTER
20019 DT (subordinate): Subcounter Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Suffix for the subordinate DT. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_NESTEDSUFFIX
20020 DT (project structures only) Function (base object)
Provides only the project structures, e.g. "=A1+O1". Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICETAG_ONLYSTRUCTURES
20021 Cross-reference display Function Specifies the display of cross-references:
0 = Automatic display (cross-references are only then displayed if the visible DT is not blank).
1 = Never display
2 = Always display.
20022 Function: Connection point designation Connection point
Shows the connection point designations of the function. The index can be used to define a max. of 100 sets of connection point designations. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION
20023 Function: Connection point description Connection point
Shows the connection point descriptions of the function. The index can be used to define a max. of 100 sets of connection point descriptions. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNC_CONNECTIONDESCRIPTION
20024 Mounting site (describing) Structure box
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Describing mounting site of the function. Data Multilingual text No No FUNC_MOUNTINGLOCATION
20025 Engraving text Function
Structure box
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Engraving text of the function. Data Multilingual text No No FUNC_GRAVINGTEXT
20026 Function definition Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the name of the entered function definition. Function data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_COMPONENTTYPE
20027 Technical characteristics Function
Structure box
Function template
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Technical characteristics of the function. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_TECHNICAL_CHARACTERISTIC
20028 Connection point designation Connection point
Shows the connection point designations of a connection point. A maximum of 100 connection point designations can be defined by using the index. No category Monolingual text Yes, 100 Yes FUNC_TERMINALDESIGNATION
20029 Connection point description Connection point
Shows the connection point descriptions of a connection point. A maximum of 100 connection point descriptions can be defined by using the index. No category Monolingual text Yes, 100 Yes FUNC_TERMINALDESCRIPTION
20030 Terminal / Pin designation Function
Function template
Designation of a terminal or pin. This property can only be placed separately and cannot be docked to other placed properties on the display tab of the property dialog. Devices Monolingual text No No FUNC_PINORTERMINALNUMBER
20031 Function text (automatic) Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Plugs (in reports)
Cables (in reports)
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Displays the content of the manually entered function text or, if it is empty, the path function text. When this property is displayed on a project page, the line breaks are removed. Data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_TEXT_AUTOMATIC
20032 Additional identifying name element Function
This contains the terminal designation for terminals, the pin designation for pins, and the connection point designation for connection points. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_ADDITIONALIDENTIFYINGNAMEPART
20033 Output group Function
Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
This property can be used as a filter and sorting tool in reports. It can be entered on main functions (e.g. cable definition lines, plug and terminal strip definitions). Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_OUTPUTASSEMBLY
20034 Level Function
Function template
Level of the multi-level terminal; if the value is "0", then there are no multi-level terminals, but a terminal with only one level. Data Integer No No FUNC_TERMINALLEVEL
20035 DT adoption: Search direction Function Shows the search direction for the DT adoption:
0 = According to orientation of plot frame
1 = As an alternative to orientation of plot frame
2 = Only from boxes.
Additional information can be obtained in the help system in the sections "DT adoption" and "Defining the Search Direction for DT Adoption".
20036 Connection point designation (with displayed DT) Function Provides the entered designation for connection points. This consists of the combination of a "normal" DT and connection point designation for "normal" connection points, separated by a colon (or a character that can be freely defined). Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_GEDNAMEWITHCONNECTIONDESIGNATION
20037 PLC address (with displayed DT) Function Provides the entered designation for PLC connection points. This consists of the combination of a "normal DT" and PLC address, separated by a colon (or a character that can be freely defined). Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_GEDNAMEWITHPLCADRESS
20038 Connection point designations (all) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Function template
Contains all connection point designations of a function. During entering (in the property dialog or for tabular editing) the individual values are separated by paragraph marks. For the display the values are separated by semicolons. Function data Monolingual text No No FUNC_ALLCONNECTIONDESIGNATIONS
20039 Connection point descriptions (all) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Function template
Contains all connection point descriptions of a function. During entering (in the property dialog or for tabular editing) the individual values are separated by paragraph marks. For the display the values are separated by semicolons. Function data Monolingual text No No FUNC_ALLCONNECTIONDESCRIPTIONS
20040 Cable / Conduit: Type Function
Cables (in reports)
The cable type describes the physical properties of the cable. The conduit type describes the physical properties of the conduit. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_CABLETYPE
20041 Cable / Conduit: Length with unit Function
Cables (in reports)
Length of the cable or conduit with specification of the displayed measuring unit. If you do not enter a unit, the unit of length specified in the project settings is used. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLELENGTH
20042 Cable / Conduit: Number of connections Function
Cables (in reports)
Number of conductors in the cable or number of tubes in the conduit. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_CABLEWIRECOUNT
20043 Cable / Conduit: Cross-section / diameter Function
Cables (in reports)
Default value for the connection cross-section or connection diameter of the conductors of the cable or of the tubes in the conduit. All connections are assigned by default the same value for the connection cross-section or connection diameter. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLEWIRECROSSSECTION
20044 Cables: Voltage Function
Cables (in reports)
Voltage of the cable. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLEVOLTAGE
20045 Remark Potential definition point
Cables (in reports)
Model view
Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Data Multilingual text No No FUNC_COMMENT
20046 Cable / Conduit: Length Function Length of the cable or conduit in "meter" without specification of the unit. No category Decimal number No No FUNC_CABLELENGTH_VALUE
20047 Contact / coil index Function
Function template
Specifies the index of the coil or contact. This allows the contacts to be assigned to the appropriate coils in a contactor with multiple coils. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_COILINDEX
20048 Name of target connection point (full) Function
Provides the full name of a target connection point (max. 100 words allowed). This consists of the device tag plus the connection point designation. For terminals and pins, the terminal or pin designation is output in addition to the connection point designation. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes FUNC_FULLCONNECTIONDESTINATIONNAME
20049 Cross-reference display: Display Function
Interruption point
Specifies the representation of the cross-reference display:
0 = From project settings
1 = Show by columns
2 = Show by rows.
20050 Cross-reference display: Number of rows / columns Function
Interruption point
If a row or column display of the cross-reference is set, then the number of rows or columns is defined here. Settings Integer No No FUNC_NOOFCROSSREFERENCESINBLOCK
20051 Use displayed DT as full DT Function (base object) If this property is enabled, the DT calculation, i.e. the calculation of the full DT from the visible DT, is entirely disabled. Instead, the visible DT is used directly as the full DT. This helps prevent an undesired transfer of hierarchy properties or nested elements on a full DT. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_DISABLENAMEEVALUATION
20052 Plugs: Assignment to male pin / female pin end Function template
In the case of the separate management of male and female pins, this specifies whether the pin is assigned to the male or female pin end of the plug.
0 = Automatic (i.e. the assignment is made via the DT and the function definition)
1 = Male pin end
2 = Female pin end.
20053 Cable / Conduit: Number of connections and cross-section / diameter Function
Cables (in reports)
Displays the number of connections multiplied by the cross-section (or diameter), separated by "x". Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLEWIRECOUNTANDCROSSSECTION
20054 Coil: Voltage Function Operating voltage of the coil. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_COILVOLTAGE
20055 Contact: Switching capacity Function Electrical switching capacity (in watt) of a contact at contactors and relays, is set at the coil. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CONTACTORPOWER
20056 Plugs: Number of pins Function Number of pins, set at the plug definition. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PINCOUNT
20057 Connection point cross-section Function Connection point cross-section of a plug or terminal. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CONNECTIONCROSSSECTION
20058 Name (without project structures) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Specifies the full name of a function without the project structures.
Example: "U1-X1" is output for a terminal strip "=A+O-U1-X1" and "X2:3" is output for a terminal "=A-X2:3".
No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULLNAME
20059 Automatically generated Function
Cables (in reports)
Shows if a function was generated by an automatic run (e.g., automatically generated cables). If you deactivate this property, the function is seen as manually generated and not changed during automatic processing. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLEAUTOCREATED
20060 Do not use cable when adding up cable lengths Function Omits the cable from the summing of the cable lengths. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_DONT_COUNT_CABLE
20061 Allow manual cable selection only Function Only manual cable selection is permitted for the cable. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_ALLOW_ONLY_MANUEL_CABLE_SELECTION
20062 Allow multiple PE conductors Function Suppresses the message "Several PE conductors intersected" in the project review. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_ALLOW_TWO_PE_WIRES
20063 Allow shields connected on both sides Function Suppresses the P003018 message "Shield applied too often" in the project check. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_ALLOW_TWO_SIDED_SHIELDINGS
20064 Cables: Exchange source and target Function You use this entry to define whether the target designations in the cable diagram reflect that of the terminal diagram, or whether the target designations should be swapped. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_CHANGE_SOURCE_TARGET
20065 Cable / Conduit: Unit of length Function Displayed measuring unit for the cable length or length of the conduit. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm
2 = cm
3 = dm
4 = m
5 = Meter
6 = km
8 = Inch
9 = "
10 = In
11 = ft
12 = feet
13 = foot
14 = yd
15 = yard
29 = µm.
No category Integer No No FUNC_CABLELENGTH_UNIT
20066 Special cable Function
Cables (in reports)
The cable is reported as a special cable. The message "Differing cable data" is suppressed. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_SPECIALCABLE
20067 Cable / Conduit: Designation in graphic Function
Cables (in reports)
This field is provided for the entry of text to be later displayed next to the cable or conduit in the schematic, e.g., "OELFLEX-SERVO-FD 4G1.5+2x(2x0.75StD) CP". Data Multilingual text No No FUNC_CABLE_DESIGNATION
20068 Cable / Conduit: Unit for cross-section / diameter Function
Cables (in reports)
Unit for the cross-section or diameter. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm²
2 = sqmm
3 = AWG
4 = mm
5 = KCM
6 = MCM
7 = Zoll
8 = "
9 = inch
10 = µm
11 = kcmil
12 = µm².
For pipes and hoses in fluid power and process engineering the property refers to the inner diameter.
20069 Cable name includes source / target Function
This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Specifies whether the cable name contains source and / or target. In this case the DT is handled differently in the DT calculation. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_DEVTAGINCLUDESSOURCEORDESTINATION
20070 Cable / Conduit: Cross-section / diameter with unit Function Cross-section or diameter of the connections in the cable or conduit, including units, automatically determined. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLE_AUTO_CROSSSECTION_UNIT
20071 Cable / Conduit: Number of connections, cross-section / diameter with unit Cables (in reports)
Number of connections and cross-section or diameter, including units, automatically determined. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLE_AUTO_WIRECOUNT_CROSSSECTION_UNIT
20072 Cable / Conduit: Number of connections, cross-section / diameter with unit, length with unit Function
Cables (in reports)
Number of connections, cross-section or diameter, and length, including units, automatically determined. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLE_AUTO_WIRECOUNT_CROSSSECTION_UNIT_LENGTH_UNIT
20073 Cable / Conduit: Type, number of connections, cross-section / diameter with unit Function
Cables (in reports)
Cable type or conduit type, number of connections and cross-section or diameter, including units, automatically determined. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLE_AUTO_TYPE_WIRECOUNT_CROSSSECTION_UNIT
20074 Cable / Conduit: Type, number of connections, cross-section / diameter with unit, length with unit Function
Cables (in reports)
Cable type or conduit type, number of connections, cross-section or diameter, and length, including units, automatically determined. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLE_AUTO_TYPE_WIRECOUNT_CROSSSECTION_UNIT_LENGTH_UNIT
20075 Connection point designation 1 Function Connection point designation of the first function connection point. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION1
20076 Connection point designation 2 Function Connection point designation of the second function connection point. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION2
20077 Name of target connection point Function
Provides the name of a target connection point. This consists of the connection point designation. For terminals and pins, the terminal or pin designation is output in addition to the connection point designation. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes FUNC_CONNECTIONDESTINATIONNAME
20078 Cable / Conduit: Length in unit of the project Function
Cables (in reports)
Length of the cable or conduit converted into the units defined in the project settings. The units are not displayed. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLE_AUTO_LENGTH
20079 Cable / Conduit: Length with unit of project Function
Cables (in reports)
Length of the cable or conduit, including units, converted into the units defined in the project settings. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLE_AUTO_LENGTH_UNIT
20080 Cable / Conduit: Screw connection size Function Shows the size of the thread for screw connections, e.g. "PG13.5". A screw connection helps you quickly and safely connect tube or piping with one thread. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLE_SCREWCONNECTIONSIZE
20081 Cable / Conduit: Source: Stripping length Function Here you specify the length of the connection insulation to be removed. This property is required for the transfer to packaging machines. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLE_STRIPPINGLENGTHSOURCE
20082 Cable / Conduit: Target: Stripping length Function Here you specify the length of the connection insulation to be removed. This property is required for the transfer to packaging machines. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLE_STRIPPINGLENGTHDESTINATION
20083 Cable diagram form Function Name of the cable diagram form to be used for reporting the cable.
If you assign a value using the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data are available in the project.
Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_CABLE_FORM
20084 Cable-connection diagram form Function Name of the cable connection diagram form to be used for reporting the cable.
If you assign a value using the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data are available in the project.
20085 No output to cable diagram Function Suppresses the output of the cable in the cable diagram. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_NODIAGRAM
20086 No output to cable overview Function Suppresses the output of the cable in the cable overview. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_NOOVERVIEW
20087 No output to cable-connection diagram Function Suppresses the output of the cable in the cable-connection diagram. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLE_NOCONNECTIONDIAGRAM
20088 Function definition: Area Function
Area for grouping the function definitions. Provides the area within the trade, e.g., "coils and contacts" or "motors". No category Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_CATEGORY_REGION
20089 Graphical display in reports Function A max. of 10 additional graphical identifiers for reports that are needed for EPLAN 21 data imports. Settings Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_EVALUATION_GRAPHICCODE
20090 Suppl. field for CLIP PROJECT data Function This property (max of 1,000, definable using the index) allows CLIP PROJECT data to be stored at functions when importing data from CLIP PROJECT. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNC_EXTERNAL_CLIPPROJECT
20091 Name automatically assigned Cables (in reports)
Unnamed cable definitions, shields, and connection definition points are assigned to this property during automatic cable generation. Automatically assigned names are deleted and newly assigned in the next automatic run; manually assigned names are retained. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CABLEAUTONAMED
20092 Cable assignment diagram form Function
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Shows the form to be used for the cable assignment diagram. For the report, only those cables are considered which are assigned a form in the property "Cable assignment diagram form". All other cables are ignored. Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_CABLE_LAYOUT_FORM
20093 Suppress in device tag list (if filtered) Function This setting allows suppressing devices in the device tag list by specifying an appropriate filter there. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_SUPPRESSINDEVICELIST
20094 Insert from macro as unplaced Function For functions saved in macros. If this property is assigned to a function, the function is not placed in the schematic when the macro is placed. The function is then only available as an unplaced function in the project. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_INSERTNOTPLACED
20095 Identifying name elements Function (base object)
Outputs a single value for the DT that is structured in such a way that it can be separated into individual parts and the structure elements assigned, even when using block properties and when the "Edit DT in individual fields" property (ID 10090) is enabled. If there is no format for block properties and the "Edit DT in individual fields" property is not enabled, this property corresponds precisely to the "Name (identifying)" property (ID 20000); otherwise the property outputs the individual parts of the DT using separators. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_IDENTNAMEPARTS
20096 Identifying DT elements Function (base object)
Outputs a single value for the DT that is structured in such a way that it can be separated into individual parts and the structure elements assigned, even when using block properties and when the "Edit DT in individual fields" property (ID 10090) is enabled. If there is no format for block properties and the "Edit DT in individual fields" property is not enabled, this property corresponds precisely to the "Device tag (identifying)" property (ID 20005); otherwise the property outputs the individual parts of the DT using separators. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAGPARTS
20097 Process object Function Helps you enter and display certain process data, e.g. a measurand or condition information. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCPROCESSDATA
20098 Object ID of communication unit Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Unique identifier for data exchange / synchronization between EPLAN Electric P8 and PLC configuration systems (max. 10 allowed). The object ID uniquely identifies communication units within P8. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_OBJECTID
20099 Separator for terminal strip and plug definitions Function Provides the character "=" as the separator for terminal strip and plug definitions. Formats Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEFINITIONSEPARATOR
20100 Part number Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Shows a max. of 50 of the part numbers assigned to a function. The property can be output in reports or used to group enclosure legends by part number. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTNR
20101 Part variant Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Shows a max. of 50 variants of the part number assigned to a function. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_VARIANT
20102 Number of units / quantity Project
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Shows the (max. 50) number of units of the part number assigned to a function. Part Integer Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_COUNT
20103 Record type Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
At a function for the assigned part numbers, specifies the type of parts data or cross-part data, e.g., component, assembly, cable, housing, accessory list, drilling pattern, customer. A max. of 50 is allowed. Part Integer Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTTYPE
20104 Sorting of part on terminal strip Function Sort code for the order of the alignable accessories on the terminal strip. The value is assigned in accordance with the order of the accessory parts in the dialog Edit terminal strip. Max. of 50 placements are evaluated and reported.
If you do not use main terminals, this property is displayed at the terminal strip definition ("Part reference data" category). By default the accessory is sorted to the beginning of the terminal strip.
If you use main terminals, this property is displayed at the main terminals and specifies the order of the alignable accessories relative to the associated main terminal. In this case the sort code can also have negative values.
Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_TERMINALSORTCODE
20105 Suppress in bill of materials (if filtered) Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
This setting allows suppressing the part reference in the bill of materials by specifying an appropriate filter there. A max. of 50 parts references are reported. Part Boolean (True / False) Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPRESSINPARTSLIST
20106 Communication unit (at communication units) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Name of the communication unit. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 communications units. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_NAME
20107 Configuration project (at communication units) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Main group orientation element of bus data. All objects to which the same configuration project is assigned belong together and represent the PLC configuration. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 configuration projects. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_CONFIGURATIONPROJECT
20108 Configuration project (indirect) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
SPS object
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
For a PLC connection point, this shows the configuration project of the associated PLC box. At bus ports of the "Overview" representation type the value is determined at the same single-line bus port. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCCONFIGURATIONPROJECT_INDIRECT
20109 Bus system (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Type of bus system to which a communication unit is assigned as a bus node. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 bus systems. No category Integer Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_BUSSYSTEM
20110 Number of functions Connection
Connection definition point
You can use this property to show the number of connections on connection definition points (and functions). The entered value is placed in the schematic together with the connection definition point - usually represented as a forward slash. Values such as "3+PE" are permitted. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_SINGLE_LINE_FUNCTION_COUNT
20111 Symbol library Symbol data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_SYMBLIB_NAME
20112 Symbol name Symbol data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_SYMB_NAME
20113 Symbol variant Symbol data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_SYMB_VARIANT
20114 Symbol description (function) Symbol data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_SYMB_DESC
20115 Function definition: Category Function
Function definition category, serves to group the function definitions. Function data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_CATEGORY
20116 Function definition: Group Function
Function definition group, serves to group the function definitions. Function data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_GROUP
20117 Function definition: Description Function
Function definition description. Function data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_DESC
20118 Subnet mask (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. The subnet mask defines the splitting of a bus ID (IP address within an Ethernet-based bus system) into a network component and a device / station component. The subnet mask can be used to specify how many devices can be addressed within a subnet. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUBNETMASK
20119 Standard gateway (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Packets that cannot be directly forwarded within a LAN are sent to the standard gateway (e.g. a router). No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_STANDARDGATEWAY
20120 Function text (common) Function Displays the function text (automatic) of the function or, if it is empty, the function text (automatic) of the associated main function. Data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_TEXT_COMMON
20121 Representation type Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Type of placement of a function (normally contains the page type where the function has been placed). Possible values are:
1 = Multi-line
3 = Overview
-2 = Pair cross-reference
2 = Single-line
38 = P&I diagram
43 = Topology
8 = Panel layout
-6 = Detailed panel layout
-8 = 3D mounting layout
-12 = Functional
-3 = External
7 = Graphic.
Function data Integer No No FUNC_TYPE
20122 Main function Function Defines whether a function is a main function. The main function represents a device in the devices represented in a distributed manner (e.g. the coil in a contactor). Only the main function carries (e.g.) the device definition of the device. Function data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_MAINFUNCTION
20123 With signal isolation Function Specifies whether signals end at the function or are forwarded. Function data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_POTENTIALSEPARATED
20124 Cable / Conduit: Unit for cross-section / diameter (automatic) Function Automatically determined unit for the cross-section or diameter of the cable or conduit. Possible values are:
0 = Undefined
1 = mm²
2 = sqmm
3 = AWG
4 = mm
5 = KCM
6 = MCM
7 = Zoll
8 = "
9 = inch
10 = µm
11 = kcmil
12 = µm².
For pipes and hoses in fluid power and process engineering the property refers to the inner diameter.
20125 Cable / Conduit: Alternative cross-section / diameter Function
Cables (in reports)
Alternative cross-section or diameter of the conductors of the cable or tubes in the conduit. Has to be entered manually and enables you to specify the cross-section / diameter simultaneously in different units. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLE_ALTERNATE_WIRECROSSSECTION
20126 Cable / Conduit: Unit for alternative cross-section / diameter Function
Cables (in reports)
The alternative unit for the alternative cross-section / diameter of the cable or conduit. Has to be entered manually and enables you to specify the cross-section / diameter simultaneously in different units. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm²
2 = sqmm
3 = AWG
4 = mm
5 = KCM
6 = MCM
7 = Zoll
8 = "
9 = inch
10 = µm
11 = kcmil
12 = µm².
For pipes and hoses in fluid power and process engineering the property refers to the inner diameter.
20127 Cable / Conduit: Alternative cross-section / diameter with unit Function Alternative cross-section or diameter of the cable or conduit, including units, automatically determined. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLE_AUTO_ALTERNATE_CROSSSECTION_UNIT
20128 MAC address Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Media Access Control: Unique identifier of a network device (for example network card or WLAN card). The MAC address is centrally assigned and the first 24 bits identify the respective device manufacturer. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 addresses. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_MACADDRESS
20129 DNS/PROFINET device name (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Domain name, name of an address in a network. Using the index, you can differentiate up to 10 names. The DNS (Domain Name System) is used to implement domain names in the associated IP addresses. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_DNS
20130 Node group (Interbus) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Grouping element in Interbus systems. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 groups. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_PARTICIPANTGROUP
20131 Alternative (Interbus) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Grouping element in Interbus systems. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 groups. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_ALTERNATIVE
20132 Service info (Interbus) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. The service info can be set at bus nodes in Interbus systems. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 info elements. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SERVICEINFO
20133 Bundle / Network ID (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Designation of the bus bundle or net on which the communication unit hangs. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 objects. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_DP_SYSTEM
20134 Address range (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Area for PLC addresses in a PLC box. Up to distinct 10 areas (for up to 10 communication units) can be defined using the index. The property is populated with the values that have been entered in the property of the same name (ID 23313) on the "bus data" tab of the property dialog. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_ADDRESSRANGE
20135 Start address of PLC card (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Specifies the default value for the byte address of a PLC card; this is taken into account for automatic addressing. Up to distinct 10 entries (for up to 10 communication units) can be defined using the index. The property is populated with the values that have been entered in the property of the same name (ID 23314) on the "bus data" tab of the property dialog. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_GROUP_STARTADDRESS
20136 Bus master / Bus coupler (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. When a communications unit is a bus master or bus coupler, enter the name of the bus master or coupler here. Using the index, you can differentiate up to 10 names. The property is populated with the values that are entered on the "bus data" tab of the property dialog. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_THISMASTER
20137 To bus master / bus coupler ID (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. For a PLC box, shows the name of the bus master / coupler to which the communications unit belongs. Up to distinct 10 communication units can be assigned to a PLC box using the index. The property is populated with the values that are entered on the "bus data" tab of the property dialog. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_MASTER
20138 Position / Bus ID (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. PLC bus ID of the communication unit. Describes the ID / position the bus master uses to manage a communication unit. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 addresses. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_BUS_ADDRESS
20139 PLC object ID (at communication units) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Unique identifier for data exchange / synchronization between EPLAN Electric P8 and PLC configuration systems. The object ID uniquely identifies objects of this configuration system. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 identifiers. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_PLCOBJECTID
20140 Supplementary field 1 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01
20141 Supplementary field 2 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD02
20142 Supplementary field 3 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD03
20143 Supplementary field 4 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD04
20144 Supplementary field 5 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD05
20145 Supplementary field 6 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD06
20146 Supplementary field 7 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD07
20147 Supplementary field 8 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD08
20148 Supplementary field 9 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD09
20149 Supplementary field 10 Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 supplementary fields. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD10
20150 DT: Page Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Name of the page, can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_PAGECOUNTER
20151 DT: Subpage Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Name of the subpage; can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_PAGESUBCOUNTER
20152 DT: Column Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Plot frame column, can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_COLUMN
20153 DT: Row Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Plot frame row, can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_ROW
20154 DT: Section Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_SECTION
20155 DT: Application Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_FUNCTIONCODE
20156 DT: Supplementary field 1 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01
20157 DT: Supplementary field 2 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD02
20158 DT: Supplementary field 3 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD03
20159 DT: Supplementary field 4 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD04
20160 DT: Supplementary field 5 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD05
20161 Configuration project (at PLC boxes and bus ports) Function Main group orientation element of bus data. All objects to which the same configuration project is assigned belong together and represent the PLC configuration. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCCONFIGURATIONPROJECT
20162 PLC object ID (at functions) Function Unique identifier for data exchange / synchronization between EPLAN Electric P8 and PLC configuration systems. The object ID uniquely identifies objects of this configuration system. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCOBJECTID
20163 Communication unit (at PLC connection points) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Name of the communication unit, the value is selectable from the associated main function (PLC card). No category Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCBUSTERMCOMMENTITY_NAME
20164 Bus coupler / head station Function Identifies a device as a bus coupler or head station. In the case of a head station the Rack property has to be filled additionally for the respective PLC card. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCISBUSCOUPLER
20165 Start IP address Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Start IP address of the current project. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 addresses. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_STARTIPADDRESS
20166 Potential type of connection points Function Provides the potential type of the connection points, when this is the same for all function connection points. Otherwise the "Undefined" potential type is output instead. Data Integer No Yes FUNC_POTENTIALTYPE_TERMINALPOINTS
20167 CPU Function Identifies a PLC box as the central processing unit (the processor) of a PLC controller. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCISCPU
20168 Symbol number Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_SYMB_NUMBER
20169 End IP address Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. End IP address of the current project. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 addresses. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_ENDIPADDRESS
20170 DT (subordinate): Page Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Name of the page, can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_PAGECOUNTER
20171 DT (subordinate): Subpage Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Subpage, can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_PAGESUBCOUNTER
20172 DT (subordinate): Column Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Column from the plot frame; can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_COLUMN
20173 DT (subordinate): Row Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Row from the plot frame; can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_ROW
20174 DT (subordinate): Section Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_SECTION
20175 DT (subordinate): Application Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_FUNCTIONCODE
20176 DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 1 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01
20177 DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 2 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD02
20178 DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 3 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD03
20179 DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 4 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD04
20180 DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 5 Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Can be used in the subordinate DT. This property is available only in certain, customer-specific EPLAN versions, and can be used if you have selected the "Edit DT in individual fields" project setting. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD05
20181 Domain Postfix Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Name extension for PROFINET devices. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_DOMAINPOSTFIX
20182 Use DHCP Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) facilitates the dynamic assignment of an IP address and other configuration parameters to computers in a network (e.g. internet or LAN) using the relevant server. No category Boolean (True / False) Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_USEDHCP
20183 Connection point designation (with plug designation (automatic)) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Combined property from the plug designation (automatic) and connection point designation of a PLC connection point or device connection point, separated by a colon. At bus ports the bus interface name of the bus port is displayed in addition to the plug designation. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCAUTOPLUG_AND_CONNPTDESIGNATION
20184 Power supply Function Identifies the device as a power supply. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCISPOWERSUPPLY
20185 Message text Function
Interruption point
After the check run, shows all messages output for this function. Multiple messages are separated by a line break. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION_MESSAGETEXT
20186 Marked for deletion Function
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
Connection definition point
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Marks functions or connections so that these can be found and deleted with a check run.
During the import and synchronization of the PLC data and assignment lists PLC objects (meaning PLC boxes, connection points and addresses) are marked if the respective function is only contained in the EPLAN target project, but is not part of the imported PLC data.
During an AutomationML import functions are marked if the respective function is only contained in the EPLAN target project, but is not part of the imported AML data.
During an import from Harness proD functions or connections that were deleted in Harness proD are marked in EPLAN.
20187 PLC diagram form Function This allows PLC cards (the PLC boxes) to each be assigned a separate report (a PLC diagram). The form set for the main function is only taken into account when generating reports.
If you assign a value using the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data exist in the project.
Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDIAGRAM_FORM
20188 Function definition: Category / Group / Definition Function
Outputs the function definition in the "Category / Group / Function definition" format. Function data Monolingual text No No FUNC_CATEGORY_GROUP_ID
20189 Bus distribution device Function Entered on a PLC box and identifies it as a bus distribution device. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCISBUSDISTRIBUTOR
20190 Part: External document 1 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 1" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_1
20191 Part: External document 2 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 2" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_2
20192 Part: External document 3 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 3" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_3
20193 Part: Designation 1 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "Designation 1" property of the nth part using the index. Part Multilingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR1
20194 Part: Designation 2 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "Designation 2" property of the nth part using the index. Part Multilingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR2
20196 Without sensor / actuator search for symbolic address Function If this property is enabled, no sensor/actuator search is carried out when establishing the "Symbolic address (automatic)" for an I/O connection point. Instead, the address is output when the "Use address if search for symbolic address is unsuccessful" project setting is enabled. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCNO_TARGETSEARCH_FOR_AUTOSYMBOLICADDRESS
20197 Topology: Source of routing path Routing path (topology) Indicates the topology function connected to the routing path that is the source of the connection. Data Monolingual text No No CABLINGSEGMENT_SOURCE
20198 Cross-reference display: Max. number of cross-references Function
Interruption point
Specifies the maximum number of cross-references that can be shown for a function or interruption point. The value "0" does not relate to any limitation of the cross-reference display. Settings Integer No No FUNC_MAXCROSSREFERENCEBLOCKCOUNT
20199 Revision: Contact image text (for property comparison) Function This property provides text information about a contact image. It can be used for property comparison of projects, to highlight changes to the contact image on the relevant coil and to show the result of the comparison. Changes are only specified if the content of the contact image changes, for example if a contact is deleted or added or moved to another schematic path. Changes to properties that are not visible in the contact image (e.g., technical characteristics) are not specified. Revision Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CONTACTIMAGETEXT
20200 Type designation of part Function
Provides the type designation of the part, is required for display in the part placement and contact image. Using the index you can differentiate between up to 50 entries. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_TYPENOTATION
20201 Block property Function
Interruption point
Connection definition point
PCT loop
Segment (pre-planning)
Structure box
Potential definition point
Shows the properties that have been specified in the relevant format property "Block property: Format [n]". The joint index [n] represents the relevant block and format properties. Data Monolingual text Yes, 100 Yes FUNC_BLOCK_VALUE
20202 Block property: Format Function
Interruption point
Connection definition point
PCT loop
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Segment definition (pre-planning)
Structure box
Potential definition point
Selects which properties are specified in the relevant block property. Indirect properties cannot be output via block properties. The common index represents associated block and format properties. Formats Monolingual text Yes, 100 No FUNC_BLOCK_FORMAT
20203 Part: Designation 3 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "Designation 3" property of the nth part using the index. Part Multilingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR3
20204 Subslot (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Some modules have built-in inputs and outputs or integrated interface modules that are shown as subslots. These subslots are not shown in the PLC navigator and are treated differently for data exchanges. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUBSLOT
20205 Format of displayed DT Function
Interruption point
Formats Monolingual text No No FUNC_DTFORMAT
20206 Format of full DT Function
Interruption point
Formats Monolingual text No No FUNC_FULLDTFORMAT
20208 X coordinate Part reference
X coordinate for the handle of a part placement or a function. For part placements, the handle is in the left center by default, so it is much easier to position the device on a mounting rail. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_GRIPPEROFFSET_X
20209 Y coordinate Part reference
Y coordinate for the handle of a part placement or a function. For part placements, the handle is in the left center by default, so it is much easier to position the device on a mounting rail. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_GRIPPEROFFSET_Y
20211 DT (superior, without project structures, with preceding sign) Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the superior device tag without the project structures, but with information about the preceding sign.
Example: "-U1" is output for "=A+O-U1-K1".
20212 DT (subordinate, without project structures, with preceding sign) Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the subordinate device tag without the project structures, but with information about the preceding sign.
Example: "-K1" is output for "=A+O-U1-K1".
20213 DT (full, without project structures, with preceding sign) Function (base object)
Part reference
Provides the device tag without the project structures, but with information about the preceding sign.
Example: "-K1" is output for "=A1-K1," "-K1" is output for "-K1" and "-K1-K2" is output for "=A1-K1-K2".
No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULL_WITHSEPARATOR
20214 Name (without project structures, with preceding sign) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the full name of a function without the project structures, but with information about the preceding sign.
Example: "U1-X1" is output for a terminal strip "=A+O-U1-X1" and "X2:3" is output for a terminal "=A-X2:3".
20215 DT (identifying, without project structures, with preceding sign) Connection
Function (base object)
Terminal strip (in reports)
Provides the identifying device tag without the project structures, but with information about the preceding sign. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAGWITHOUTSTRUCTURES_WITHSEPARATOR
20216 Safety function Function Shows whether a function is relevant to safety. Function data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_SAFETYRELEVANT
20217 Net-connecting Function Shows whether a function is net-connecting. Function data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_NETCONNECTING
20218 ID for net-based connections Function
Potential definition point
ID for identifying connection points for net-based connections. Every connection point has a unique ID. No category Monolingual text Yes, 100 No FUNCTION_NETBASEDWIRING_ID
20219 IDs for net-based connections Function
Potential definition point
Outputs the IDs of the connection points for a function separated by paragraph marks. Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTION_NETBASEDWIRING_IDS
20220 Main terminal Function Defines a terminal as the main terminal; the terminal is then similar to a main function. For example, for a main terminal the function templates are displayed in the terminal strip navigator, and a device selection can be performed. A terminal strip can contain as many main terminals as you want. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_MAIN
20221 Width Function
Structure box
Macro box
Allows the width of black boxes, structure boxes and PLC boxes to be specified in placeholder objects. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No RECTANGLE_WIDTH
20222 Height Structure box
Macro box
Allows the height of black boxes, structure boxes and PLC boxes to be specified in placeholder objects. The height must be entered as a negative value. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No RECTANGLE_HEIGHT
20223 Distributed terminal index Function
Function template
Distributed terminals are usually identified clearly via the terminal designation. But if you want to use identical designations for several distributed terminals (e.g., because terminals within a signal are to have the same terminal designation), then the distributed terminals must also have the same terminal designation. In this case, the distributed terminals are differentiated via the distributed terminal index. Distributed terminals with the same distributed terminal index are recognized as belonging together. The value of this property can be entered manually, or be assigned automatically during the optimization of the distributed terminals. Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_DISTRIBUTED_TERMINALINDEX
20225 Terminal / pin description Function
Function template
Description of a terminal or pin. This property can only be placed separately and cannot be docked to other placed properties on the display tab of the property dialog. Devices Monolingual text No No FUNC_PINORTERMINALDESCRIPTION
20226 Connection point designation 3 Function Connection point designation of the third function connection point. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION3
20227 Connection point designation 4 Function Connection point designation of the fourth function connection point. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION4
20228 Auxiliary terminal Function Indicates whether the terminal is an auxiliary terminal. Terminals can be managed as main terminals or auxiliary terminals. This means that auxiliary terminals can be used, for example, to represent terminals which consist of several functions (several separate terminals in one housing). Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_SECONDARY
20229 Do not use main terminals Function If this property is enabled for a terminal strip definition, the main terminals are handled in the same way as "normal" terminals. In this case, the terminal strip is not split into independent areas and is only defined via the terminal strip definition. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_STRIP_DONT_USE_MAINTERMINAL
20230 Terminal category Function
Function template
This property can be used to characterize a terminal precisely. The property is available in terminal reports, where it can be used to output terminal graphics. The following values are possible:
0 = Feed-through terminal,
1 = Isolating terminal,
2 = Switching terminal,
3 = Diode terminal,
4 = Fused terminal,
5 = Resistance terminal,
6 = Thermocouple terminal.
20231 Terminal with LED Function
Function template
Shows that the terminal has an LED. This property is available in terminal reports, where it can be used to output terminal graphics. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_HAS_LED
20232 Terminal opened Function Indicates whether the terminal is opened. If the property is activated, the connection between the internal and external sides of the terminal is separated, i.e., the potential transfer within the terminal is interrupted. This property is available in terminal reports, where it can be used to output terminal graphics. You can show the state of an isolating terminal in this way, for example. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_IS_OPEN
20234 Form for wiring diagram Function Allows for a separate form for wiring diagrams to be stated at the main function of a device. Wiring diagrams consist of several connection diagrams and are used to output information about connected conductors and targets. (Additional information can be obtained in the help system in the section "Generating wiring diagrams".)
If you assign a value via the API interface, please make sure that the corresponding master data is available in the project.
Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_FORM_CONNECTIONDIAGRAM
20235 Layout space description 3D function
Part reference
Describing text for the layout space is displayed, e.g. in the tree view of the layout space navigator or in reports. Line breaks are permitted. Data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_INSTALLATIONSPACE_DESCRIPTION
20237 Topology: Routing track Function
This property stores routing paths that a connection routed in the routing path network or a routed cable runs through. Data Monolingual text No No CABLING_PATH
20240 Topology: Routing length Function Length of a routing path or routing point. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLING_LENGTH
20241 Topology: Connection point extra length Function Additonal value that is added to the length of a connection one time. Here, for example, the length of the last routing point to the item can be entered. This information is taken into account during the route of a cable, and indicates by how much the cable is to protrude from the cable duct. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_CABLING_CP_ADDITIONAL_LENGTH
20242 Topology: Automatically generated routing path Routing path (topology) Indicates whether the routing path was generated automatically. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No CABLINGSEGMENT_AUTO_CREATED
20243 Cables: Connection point length source Function Indicates the item length of the connection that is required to connect the source item. It is by this value that the cable must project at the last routing point. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_SOURCE_CP_LENGTH
20245 Topology: Structure Function
Here, the identifier structure of the first routing path of the routing track is entered during the route. Data Monolingual text No No CABLING_STRUCTURE
20246 Cables: Connection point length target Function Indicates the item length of the connection that is required to connect the target item. It is by this value that the cable must project at the last routing point. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_DEST_CP_LENGTH
20247 Topology: Connection filter Routing path (topology) Filter for generating routing path networks. Is used during routing to control which connections may be routed through which routing track (routing paths and routing points). Connection filters are taken into account only if the "Topology: Routing track specification" (ID 31119) property has not been activated. Settings Monolingual text No No CABLINGSEGMENT_CONNECTIONFILTER
20248 Topology: Routing path cross-section Routing path (topology) Indicates the fill capacity of the routing path, and serves as a basis for calculating the fill capacity. If no routing path cross-section is entered, the fill capacity will not be calculated either. Data Value with unit No No CABLINGSEGMENT_CROSSSECTION
20250 Topology: Routing length (automatic) Routing path (topology) Length of a routing path or routing point. Is used during routing to calculate the precise length of the associated connection. Shows the content of the manually entered routing length or, when that is empty, the geometric length. Data Value with unit No Yes CABLINGSEGMENT_LENGTH_AUTO
20252 Distributed terminals cross-reference Function The distributed terminal's cross-reference refers from the first distributed terminal (according to the sequence in the terminal strip navigator and, primarily, the main terminal if one exists) to all other distributed terminals with the same terminal designation. For all other distributed terminals, this cross-reference refers back to the first distributed terminal. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DISTRIBUTED_TERMINAL_CROSSREFERENCE
20253 CPU: Name Function Name of the central processing unit (the processor) of a PLC controller. The CPU name has to be unique within the EPLAN project. For all PLC boxes always enter the complete CPU name in the form [Configuration project].[Station ID].[CPU identifier], for example "Siemens SIMATIC S7.Station 300.1".
At PLC boxes that do not represent a CPU, but rather input or output cards, enter the name of the associated CPU. All addresses with the same CPU belong in an assignment list. By entering different CPUs, multiple PLC controls can be managed in one project. When you plan several PLC controls in a project, it is therefore necessary to identify all PLC boxes via this property.
PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 128 No FUNC_PLCCPU_NAME
20254 Description Function template Description of the function template, is also displayed in the navigators. Data Multilingual text No No FUNCTEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION
20255 Start address 2 of PLC card Function For PLC cards that have both inputs and outputs, you can use this property to specify a separate start address for the address range of the outputs. This way, inputs and outputs can be addressed separately. The start address specifies the start value for the address range of a PLC card; this is taken into account for automatic addressing. The property is entered on the "PLC box" tab of the property dialog. For this property to be used, the Separate address range for inputs and outputs check box must be deactivated in the PLC-specific settings. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_2
20256 Topology: Target of routing path Routing path (topology) Indicates the topology function connected to the routing path that is the target of the connection. Data Monolingual text No No CABLINGSEGMENT_DESTINATION
20257 Cable / Conduit: Length (full) Function
Cables (in reports)
Length of the cable or conduit including units. The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_CABLELENGTH_FULL
20261 Layout space name (of the part placement) 3D function
Part reference
Displays at a part placement the name of the layout space in which the corresponding item is placed. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_INSTALLATIONSPACE
20263 Part: External document 4 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 4" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_4
20264 Part: External document 5 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 5" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_5
20265 Part: External document 6 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 6" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_6
20266 Part: External document 7 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 7" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_7
20267 Part: External document 8 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 8" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_8
20268 Part: External document 9 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 9" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_9
20269 Part: External document 10 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 10" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_10
20270 Part: External document 11 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 11" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_11
20271 Part: External document 12 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 12" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_12
20272 Part: External document 13 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 13" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_13
20273 Part: External document 14 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 14" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_14
20274 Part: External document 15 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 15" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_15
20275 Part: External document 16 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 16" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_16
20276 Part: External document 17 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 17" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_17
20277 Part: External document 18 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 18" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_18
20278 Part: External document 19 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 19" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_19
20279 Part: External document 20 Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Outputs the "External document 20" property of the nth part using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_20
20280 Distributed terminal Function
Function template
Specifies whether a terminal is a distributed terminal. Terminal connection points can be shown distributed with the aid of distributed terminals. Each distributed terminal then represents one or several connection points of the terminal. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_DISTRIBUTED_TERMINAL
20282 Data transfer rate (do not use anymore) Function This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. The data transfer rate of the bus system (value and unit). Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 values. No category Monolingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_PLCCOMMUNICATIONENTITY_TRANSMISSIONRATE
20283 Terminal with plug-in adapter Function
Function template
Shows that the terminal has a plug-in adapter. This property is available in terminal reports, where it can be used to output terminal graphics. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_HAS_PLUGADAPTER
20284 Used drilling pattern Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Shows the drilling patterns (max. 50) in use of a part number assigned to a function. Part Integer Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_CONSTRUCTION
20285 State Function Indicates the states in the "Functional" representation type. A maximum of 10 states can be defined for the function using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 10 No FUNC_FUNCTIONALTEXT
20286 Function exists with 'Functional' representation type Function Shows whether the function exists in the project with the "Functional" representation type. Status Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_FUNCTIONAL
20287 EPLAN Data Portal: Configurator Function Name of the external configurator that is accessed via the Data Portal. Such a configurator, for example, can be used to subsequently configure devices and macros that have been placed via the Data Portal. Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTION_EDP_ADAPTER
20288 EPLAN Data Portal: Configurator supplementary field Function Supplementary field of the external configurator that is accessed via the Data Portal. Here, specific information is stored for the external configurator. Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTION_EDP_ADAPTER_ADDITIONAL
20289 Integrated module Function Designates the PLC box as an integrated module. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCMODULE_ISINTEGRATED
20290 Terminal strips: Allow same designations within multi-level terminals Function This property is used to specify whether a terminal designation within multi-level terminal may occur several times. In other words, several levels may have the same terminal designation. If the property is deactivated, the terminal designation must be unique for each level. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_STRIP_ALLOW_SAME_NAME_IN_MULTILEVEL
20291 Switching jumper (internal) Function Shows the state of the switching jumper on the internal side of the terminal:
0 = None,
1 = Open,
2 = Closed.
The "Closed" setting affects the logic (connections, potentials, etc.). If this setting has been selected for a terminal, a switching jumper connection to the next terminal will be created. The "Open" setting does not affect the logic; it only serves to recognize the switching state.
20292 Switching jumper (external) Function Shows the state of the switching jumper on the external side of the terminal:
0 = None,
1 = Open,
2 = Closed.
The "Closed" setting affects the logic (connections, potentials, etc.). If this setting has been selected for a terminal, a switching jumper connection to the next terminal will be created. The "Open" setting does not affect the logic; it only serves to recognize the switching state.
20293 Switching lock Function Indicates whether the terminal is locked and cannot be switched. You can show the state of an isolating terminal in this way, for example. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_SWITCH_LOCK
20294 Device group Function
Connection definition point
Manual assignment of the function to a device group (which determines the DT format). Using this property, you can select another DT format for specific functions, e.g., a connection can then have a different DT format than a cable. If the property is empty, the device group will be derived auotmatically from the function definition. Data Integer No No FUNC_DEVICETYPE_MANUAL
20295 Connection point cross-section / diameter Connection point
Shows the connection point cross-sections / diameters of the function. The index can be used to define a max. of 100 sets of connection point cross-sections / diameters. No category Value with unit Yes, 1000 No FUNC_CONNECTIONCROSSSECTIONS
20296 Connection point cross-section / diameter (all) Function
Function template
This property contains all connection point cross-sections / diameters of a function. During entering (in the property dialog or for tabular editing) the individual values are separated by paragraph marks. For the display the values are separated by semicolons. Function data Value with unit No No FUNC_ALLCONNECTIONCROSSSECTIONS
20297 Connection point cross-section / diameter (all, depending on DT adoption) Function This property contains all connection point cross-sections / diameters of a function where the individual connection point cross-sections / diameters are separated by "¶". In addition, other connection point cross-sections / diameters of functions are also listed that are located in the search direction for the DT transfer. Function data Value with unit No No FUNC_DEPENDEDALLCONNECTIONCROSSSECTIONS
20298 Start address 2 of PLC card (indirect) Function Provides the optional second start address entered at the relevant PLC box for a PLC connection point. For PLC cards that have both inputs and outputs, you can specify a separate start address for the outputs. The value entered defines the start value for the address range of the outputs of a PLC card; this is taken into account for automatic addressing. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_2_INDIRECT
20299 Address range 2 (SIEMENS STEP 7 Classic) Function For PLC cards that have both inputs and outputs, you can use this property to specify a separate address range for the outputs. The property is entered on the "PLC box" tab of the property dialog. For this property to be reported during addressing, the Separate address range for inputs and outputs check box must be deactivated in the PLC-specific settings. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCADDRESSRANGE_2
20300 Cross-reference (main / aux. function) Structure box
Shows cross-references between main and auxiliary functions. Cross-references between structure boxes are not shown here. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CROSSREFERENCE
20301 Overview cross-reference Function Shows cross-references for overview functions. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCPAIRCROSSREFERENCE
20302 Manual cross-reference Function
Terminal strip (in reports)
Manually assigned cross-reference, displayed before all other cross-references. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_MANUALCROSSREFERENCE
20303 Contact image display Function Setting for the contact image display. No category Integer No No FUNC_CONTACTIMAGE
20304 Cross-reference to plug counterpiece Function A cross-reference to the counterpart is displayed at the plug definition (i.e. the assigned plug definition representing the receptacle / coupling). For a combined representation of male and female pins in one function, no cross-reference is displayed. A cross-reference to the matching pin is displayed at the pins. If male and female pins have the same DT, only the position of the matching pin is displayed. For non-placed direct connections, the cross-reference shows the name and position of the connected counterpart. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CROSSREFERENCETODIRECTLYCONNECTEDCOUNTERPART
20305 Main placement Structure box Defines the structure box as a main placement to which cross-references refer. This allows the display of cross-references between structure boxes. If the property is not enabled at any box, then the first structure box in the graphic is regarded as the main placement. Data Boolean (True / False) No No LOCATIONBOX_MAINPLACEMENT
20306 Cross-reference (only main functions) Function Shows cross-references for possible main functions of the device. The function category has to match here. This property can be used to show a cross-reference on a black box to the same black box placed elsewhere. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_MAINCROSSREFERENCE
20307 Safety-related values: Use case in use Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Indicates the use case that is used for the safety-related values of a part. Part Integer Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_USED_SAFETYRELATEDVALUE
20308 Bus system Function
Function template
Type of bus system to which a bus port is assigned as a bus node. The following values are possible:
0 = Other bus systems
1 = CANbus
2 = DeviceNet
3 = EtherCAT
4 = Ethernet
5 = Foundation Fieldbus
6 = Interbus
7 = Lightbus
8 = Local-bus: Rack / PLC card
9 = ModBus
10 = MPI bus
13 = ASI
14 = Local-bus: Extension
15 = X2X
16 = Powerlink
17 = CC-Link
18 = ControlNet
19 = DALI
20 = EIB
21 = EtherNet/IP
22 = FIPIO
23 = LON
24 = RS232/RS485
25 = SERCOS interface
26 = USB
27 = IPLink
28 = Axioline
29 = DIOBus
30 = RIOBus
31 = ERIOBus
32 = RIO/DIO bus
33 = MDI I/O bus
34 = VARAN
35 = CC-Link IE
36 = Modbus TCP
40 = CC-Link IE Control
41 = CC-Link IE Field
42 = IO-Link
43 = SSI
44 = ET-Connection
45 = CC-Link IE Field Basic
46 =PortToPort
48 =EtherCAT P
49 =EtherCAT G
50 =BACnet
20309 DNS/PROFINET device name Function Domain name, name of an address in a network. The DNS (Domain Name System) is used to implement domain names in the associated IP addresses. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_DNS
20310 Logical network: Bus port is master Function Identifies a bus port as the master of a bus system / logical network. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCISMASTER
20311 Physical network: Bus ID / item number Function Bus ID of the bus port. Depending on the bus system, the value is a simple number, an IP address or a combination of letters and numbers. The property in the "Bus data" tab of the property dialog is entered at the network / bus cable-connection points. Describes the address / position the bus master uses to manage a bus port. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_BUS_ADDRESS
20312 Subslot Function Some modules have built-in inputs and outputs or integrated interface modules that are shown as subslots. These subslots are not shown in the PLC navigator and are treated differently for data exchanges. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_SUBSLOT
20313 Data transfer rate Function The data transfer rate of the bus system (value and unit). Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 10 values. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_TRANSMISSIONRATE
20314 Cross-reference display: Auxiliary function as main function Function If this property is activated at an auxiliary function, it will behave, in terms of the cross-reference display, like a main function, and the main function of the same device will automatically behave like an auxiliary function. If a contact image is displayed at the main function, it is not carried over to the auxiliary function, but remains at the main function.
If the property is activated for several functions of a device, a possible main function "wins", otherwise the graphically first function.
20315 PLC-specific settings Function Displays the PLC scheme that is used with a specific CPU. Functions of a specific CPU are processed under consideration of the PLC scheme belonging to this CPU (PLC addressing, import / export of assignment lists, etc.). The value of this property can only be assigned or changed if the PLC box is the main function and the CPU (ID 20167) property is activated. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCCPU_RELATEDPLCSCHEMA
20316 Media code Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Terminal strip (in reports)
This property is used to map the designations used in the standard DIN ISO 1219-2 for fluid power in EPLAN. For fluid power devices the identifier of the device is displayed here, meaning the contents of the property DT: Identifier (ID 20013). If the project setting Fluid power: Use trade identifier as identifier (media code) is activated, the trade identifier is displayed. Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CRAFTCODE
20317 Circuit number Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
This property is used to map the designations used in the standard DIN ISO 1219-2 for fluid power in EPLAN. For fluid power devices the counter of the device is displayed here, meaning the contents of the property DT: Counter (ID 20014). Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CIRCUITNUMBER
20318 Item number Function (base object)
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
This property is used to map the designations used in the standard DIN ISO 1219-2 for fluid power in EPLAN. For fluid power devices the subcounter of the device is displayed here, meaning the contents of the property DT: Subcounter (ID 20015). Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_COMPONENTNUMBER
20321 Connection point logic: External Function Defines whether the connection point is to be interpreted as external. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 100 settings. Function data Boolean (True / False) Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_ISEXTERN
20322 Connection point logic: Cable connection point Function Defines whether the connection should lie in a cable. This setting is taken into account when automatically generating cables. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 100 settings. Function data Boolean (True / False) Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_ISCABLE
20323 Connection point logic: Intrinsic safety possible Function Specifies whether the connection point can be intrinsically safe. If it is later specified in the function that it is intrinsically safe, then all connection points will be intrinsically safe for which this property is selected. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 100 settings. Function data Boolean (True / False) Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_SAFETYISPOSSIBLE
20324 Connection point logic: Number of targets allowed Function The number of possible targets / connections that the connection point may have. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 100 settings. Function data Integer Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_DESTINATIONCOUNT
20325 Connection point logic: Number of saddle jumpers allowed Function Number of possible saddle jumpers for terminals. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 100 settings. Function data Integer Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_BRIDGECOUNT
20326 Connection point logic: Transfer potential to Function Specifies via the connection point number the other connection points to which the potential should be transferred. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 100 settings. Function data Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_POTENTIALTRANSFER
20327 Connection point logic: Consumer / source to Function Specifies via the connection point number the other connection point to which a consumer or generator (source) is internally connected. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 100 settings. Function data Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_CONSUMERSOURCES
20329 Connection point logic: Connection point type Function Function data Integer Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_TYPE
20330 Pressure level Function The nominal pressure of a pipe system specifies a reference value. The designation PN ("Pressure Nominal") is used, followed by a whole number without dimensions that indicates the design pressure in bar at room temperature (20° C). The permissible pressure is correspondingly smaller at higher temperatures, depending on the permissible material characteristics (yield point). Data Value with unit No No FUNC_PRESSURESTANDARD
20331 Continuous connection between the connection points Function Specifies at a connection splicer the connection points between which a continuous connection can run. Possible values are:
0 = None
1 = 1;2
2 = 1;3
3 = 1;4
4 = 2;3
5 = 2;4
6 = 3;4
7 = 1;2 / 3;4
8 = 1;3 / 2;4
9 = 1;4 / 2;3
20332 Topology: Fill capacity Routing path (topology) Shows the current fill capacity of a routing path as a percentage. Data Monolingual text No No CABLINGSEGMENT_FILLING
20333 Function exists with 'Topology' representation type Function Shows whether the function exists in the project with the "Topology" representation type. Status Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_CABLING
20334 MasterSystemID Function The MasterSystemID is an identification number (network number) for interface assignment during the PLC data exchange with Siemens SIMATIC STEP 7. PROFIBUS DP networks have numerical values from 1 to 99, PROFINET IO networks have numerical values as of 100. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_MASTERSYSTEMID
20335 Superior product aspect incl. name supplement Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the superior part of the full name of a function without project structures.
Example: "U1" is output for a terminal strip "=A+O-U1-X1" and "X2:3" is output for a terminal "=A-X2:3". If the function has a subordinate DT, no name supplement is output. "U1" is then output at a terminal "=A+O-U1-X1:1". This corresponds to the output for the property DT (superior, without project structures) (ID 20003) with additional specification of the terminal or connection designation.
No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICETAG_MAINNAME
20336 Subordinate product aspect incl. name supplement Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Provides the subordinate part of the full name of a function without the project structures.
Example: "X1" is output for a terminal strip "=A+O-U1-X1" and "X2:3" is output for a terminal "=A-U2-X2:3". This corresponds to the output for the property DT (subordinate, without project structures) (ID 20004) with additional specification of the terminal or connection designation.
No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICETAG_NESTEDNAME
20338 Bus system (indirect) Function Specifies the type of the bus system at a bus port of the "Overview" representation type to which the same single-line bus port is assigned as the bus node. The following values are possible: see the property "Bus system" (ID 20308). PLC data Integer No Yes FUNC_PLC_BUSSYSTEM_INDIRECT
20339 Use handle from macro Part reference
At legend numbering you have to know whether the handle from the macro or the set handle was used during placing. No category Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_USEGRIPPERFROMMACRO
20340 Handle from macro: X coordinate Part reference
X coordinate for the handle of a part placement or a function. At legend numbering you have to know whether the handle from the macro or the set handle was used during placing. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_GRIPPERFROMMACRO_X
20341 Handle from macro: Y coordinate Part reference
Y coordinate for the handle of a part placement or a function. At legend numbering you have to know whether the handle from the macro or the set handle was used during placing. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_GRIPPERFROMMACRO_Y
20342 Name (complete with connection point designations) Function Outputs the full name and behind it, separated by a colon, all the connection point designations, for example "=EB3+ET1-X0:L1". Devices Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_FULLNAME_WITH_CONNECTIONDESIGNATIONS
20343 Topology: Generated single-line Routing connection (topology) This property stores whether a routing connection was generated from a single-line cable connection. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes CONNECTIONCABLING_SINGLELINE_CREATED
20344 Topology: Routing path types Function
This property outputs the routing path types of the routing paths that a connection routed in the routing path network or a routed cable runs through. Data Multilingual text No Yes CABLING_DUCT_TYPES
20345 Topology: Routing path type (routing path) Routing path (topology) Specifies the way in which connections or cables are routed in this routing path (for example pipe, cable duct, cable platform, etc.). This results in the routing path type of the connections / cables that are routed in this routing path (property Topology: Routing path types (ID 20344)). Data Multilingual text No No CABLINGSEGMENT_DUCT_TYPE
20346 Item number list Function Displays the item numbers of all the parts separated by commas. This property allows you to display the item numbers of the parts at the functions in the graphical editor or output them in reports. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_POSNR_LIST
20347 Topology: Height difference Routing path (topology) The routing length of the vertical routing path is displayed with preceding sign in this property. The preceding sign "+" means "upwards", "-" means "downwards". The property is only filled if a direction for the height difference was specified. Data Monolingual text No Yes CABLINGSEGMENT_HEIGHT_DIFF
20348 Topology: Direction for height difference Routing path (topology)
Specifies the direction for the height difference. Possible values are "None" "Upwards" and "Downwards". Data Integer No No CABLINGSEGMENT_DIRECTION_OF_HEIGHT_DIFF
20350 Manual saddle jumpers (internal) Function The property is stored at the terminal that represents the jumper beginning of a manual saddle jumper between internal saddle jumper connection points. The "jumper crest" is defined in this property. To this purpose the increment to the next jumpered terminals is specified as well as the increment to the associated level starting from the jumper start.
Example: The value "2/0;1/-1" means that a saddle jumper exists to the terminal two away on the same level and from there to the next terminal one level lower.
Data Monolingual text Yes, 1 No FUNC_TERMINAL_JUMPER_INTERN
20351 Manual saddle jumpers (external) Function The property is stored at the terminal that represents the jumper beginning of a manual saddle jumper between external saddle jumper connection points. The "jumper crest" is defined in this property. To this purpose the increment to the next jumpered terminals is specified as well as the increment to the associated level starting from the jumper start.
Example: The value "2/0;1/-1" means that a saddle jumper exists to the terminal two away on the same level and from there to the next terminal one level lower.
Data Monolingual text Yes, 1 No FUNC_TERMINAL_JUMPER_EXTERN
20358 Harness proD GUID Function
Connection definition point
In this property Harness proD stores references to its own objects during the data exchange. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_HARNESSPROD_GUID
20359 DT ID Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
A module is a collection of parts that belong to a number of commonly nested devices. The subparts that belong to a module are identified via the DT ID. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_MODULE_ID
20365 Labeling type Function
Function template
Through this property terminals can be differentiated for the manufacturing data export, for example for differently sized labels. Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_TERMINAL_LABELTYPE
20367 Terminal: Device position Function The device position specifies the position of the terminal device to which the terminal belongs within the terminal strip. All the terminals of a terminal device have the same device position. The sort code also specifies the order of the terminals within a terminal device. Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_TERMINALDEVICEPOSITION
20369 Connection point logic: Pressure / control port Function Function data Integer Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_CONTROL_CONPOINT
20370 Connection point logic: Potential type Function Function data Integer Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_POTENTIAL_TYPE
20371 Connection point logic: Type of signal Function Function data Integer Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_SIGNAL_TYPE
20372 Connection point logic: Allow identical connection point designation Function Function data Boolean (True / False) Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_ALLOW_SAME_DESIGNATION
20373 Connection point logic: Symbol connection point Function Function data Integer Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_SYMBOL_CONPOINT
20374 Connection dimension Function
Function template
Connection point
No category Value with unit Yes, 1000 No FUNC_CONNECTIONDIMENSIONS
20375 Connection dimension (all) Function
Function template
Shows the connection dimensions of all the connection points of a function, separated by paragraph marks. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_ALLCONNECTIONDIMENSIONS
20376 Cables: Source Function Shows the source of the cable. The property can be used for the display in the schematic as well as in block properties, at external editing and in reports. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CABLE_SOURCE
20377 Cables: Target Function Shows the target of the cable. The property can be used for the display in the schematic as well as in block properties, at external editing and in reports. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CABLE_DESTINATION
20378 Connection dimension source Function Function data Value with unit No No FUNC_TERMINALSIZE_SOURCE
20379 Connection dimension target Function Function data Value with unit No No FUNC_TERMINALSIZE_DESTINATION
20380 Do not include in addressing Function
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
If this property is activated, the PLC connection point is excluded from addressing and retains its original address. Fixed hardware addresses are thus not changed during subsequent addressing or during the insertion of macros. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCTERMINAL_NO_ADRESSING
20381 Device description: Index in file Function Index in the device description file of a PLC card. Through the index it is possible to select a device in a language-neutral form within such a file. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management. The property is taken into consideration during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICE_INDEX
20382 PLC subdevice 3: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 3 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_3_INPUTS
20383 Cables: Source (with plug designation) Function Shows the source of the cable with plug designation. At bus ports the bus interface name of the bus port is displayed in addition to the plug designation. The property can be used for the display in the schematic as well as in block properties, at external editing and in reports. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CABLE_SOURCE_WITH_PLCPLUG_DESIGNATION
20384 PLC subdevice: Index Function
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
Function template
The value of this property specifies the position of the PLC subdevice to which the PLC connection point belongs. This information is required for automatic addressing. The property can also be stored in the function templates of the parts and is then transferred to the PLC connection points during a part selection. PLC data Integer No No FUNC_PLCTERMINAL_INDEX_OF_STARTADDRESS
20385 Cables: Target (with plug designation) Function Shows the target of the cable with plug designation. At bus ports the bus interface name of the bus port is displayed in addition to the plug designation. The property can be used for the display in the schematic as well as in block properties, at external editing and in reports. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_CABLE_DESTINATION_WITH_PLCPLUG_DESIGNATION
20386 Physical network: Bus ID / item number 2 Function Second bus ID of the bus port. The property in the "Bus data" tab of the property dialog is entered at the network / bus cable-connection points. Describes the additional address / position the bus master uses to manage a bus port. The property is taken into consideration during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_BUS_ADDRESS_2
20387 Physical network: Bus ID / item number 2 (indirect) Function Specifies the name of the second bus ID of the same single-line bus port at a bus port of the "Overview" representation type. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCBUS_ADDRESS_2_INDIRECT
20388 Signal range Function
Function template
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
Signal range that a PLC connection point has. Possible entries are, for example, ranges for the voltage or the amperage: 0...10 V or 0...20 mA or +/-5 V or 4...20 mA. The property can also be stored in the function templates of the parts and is then transferred to the PLC connection points during a part selection. The property is identifiying at the device selection. It can be used for filtering during external editing and editing in a table. In addition the property in the list view of the PLC navigator can be displayed as well as selected in the dialogs in which you select PLC connection points or addresses to place them blockwise. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_SIGNALRANGE
20389 Function template: Description Function
20390 Bus interface: Name (indirect) Function The bus interface name serves to group bus ports for the export of Ethernet-based bus systems. Associated bus ports are combined into a logical unit via this name. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLC_BUS_INTERFACENAME_INDIRECT
20391 Bus interface: Main bus port (indirect) Function Outputs the value of the same single-line bus port at a bus port of the "Overview" or "Multi-line" representation type. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_PLC_BUS_INTERFACENAME_MASTER_INDIRECT
20392 PLC subdevice 4: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 4 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_4_INPUTS
20393 PLC subdevice 5: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 5 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_5_INPUTS
20394 PLC subdevice 6: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 6 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_6_INPUTS
20395 PLC subdevice 7: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 7 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_7_INPUTS
20396 PLC subdevice 8: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 8 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_8_INPUTS
20397 PLC subdevice 9: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 9 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_9_INPUTS
20398 PLC subdevice 10: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 10 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_10_INPUTS
20399 AutomationML GUID (accessories) Function
Connection definition point
In this property the GUIDs for accessory parts are stored in AutomationML AR APC format during the PLC data exchange. All parts that are entered at the positions 2 to 50 on the Parts tab in the property dialog of a main function are considered to be accessories. The GUID is generated automatically and should normally not be modified manually. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_AML_GUID
20400 PLC address Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Full PLC address for channel or PLC connection point. The address is not an identifying characteristic. The format of the address depends on the PLC type. The address must be unique within a CPU. In this context the CPU is identified by means of the full CPU name in the form [Configuration project].[Station ID].[CPU name]. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCADDRESS
20402 Symbolic address Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Manually entered symbolic PLC address of a PLC connection point. This property, if it exists, is transferred on synchronization between overview and schematic. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSYMBOLICADDRESS_MANUAL
20403 Symbolic address (determined) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Using target tracking, the connected sensor (for an input) or actuator (for an output) is found, and its identifying DT is automatically entered as the symbolic address. If no sensor / actuator is found, the identifying DT of the last connected function before the search was canceled is entered. For the determined symbolic address, information from the connection point logic is used to decide at which connection point of the function the search for a sensor / actuator is to be continued. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCSYMBOLICADDRESS_CALCULATED
20404 Symbolic address (automatic) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Shows the content of the manually entered symbolic address or, when that is empty, the automatically determined symbolic address. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCSYMBOLICADDRESS_AUTOMATIC
20405 Data type Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Data type of a PLC connection point. Meaningful entries are, for example, BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD. The data type depends on the PLC type. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDATATYPE
20406 Plug designation Function
Function template
The designation of the plug is connected to the PLC connection point / channel or device connection point. The plug designation can be transferred from the left (or above), as with terminals and supports the identification of PLC connection points or device connection points. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCPLUG_DESIGNATION_MANUAL
20407 Channel designation Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Function template
PLC channel designation for PLC connection points and channels. The channel designation can be manually or automatically assigned. A channel must be unique within a PLC card. For power supply connection points, the assignment is usually graphical. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCCHANNEL_DESIGNATION_MANUAL
20408 PLC station: ID Function PLC station ID at the PLC box. The station ID is used as a grouping element for the network components. As a rule it is assigned depending on the physical place (enclosure, switch box etc.) of the network components. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSTATIONNAME
20409 PLC station: Type Function PLC station: Type at PLC box. The property should be filled in at each PLC box that represents a CPU or a head station. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSTATIONTYPE
20410 PLC card is placed on rack ID Function Describes the rack on which a PLC card is placed. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCRACK
20411 Position (slot / module) Function Slot of the PLC card. Describes the slot / position where this PLC card is plugged on the rack. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSOCKET
20412 Ignore missing bus ID Function This settings possibility is designed for devices in bus systems that do not require a bus ID. If this property is activated at a bus port, the missing bus ID is ignored during the execution of check run 004037, and no check run message is issued for this bus port. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLC_IGNORE_BUSADDRESS
20413 Physical network: Name Function Designation of the bus bundle or name of the physical network on which the bus port is connected. This name must be unique within the configuration project. Only one bus system can exist within a physical network. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDP_SYSTEM
20414 Logical network: Name Function Name of the logical network to which the bus port belongs. This entry has to be unique within a physical network. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCMASTER
20415 Device description: File name Function File name of the device description file of a PLC card. The part allocation during the import of PLC configuration files is carried out on the basis of this property. The file name is entered with the file name extension, but without file path. In addition to the property Device description: File name, the property Object description or Device description: Index in file must also be specified. On the basis of these properties a device is selected within the file during the import of PLC configuration files. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management.
In the Device description: File name property not only the GSD file name but also other entries, for example device IDs of CC Link modules can be stored. To this purpose you enter a prefix followed by a colon before the actual device ID, for example "CSP+:AJ65VBTCE2-8T". This entry is then exported unchanged. If the entry does not contain a prefix (meaning no colon) or the prefix "GSD:", for example "GSD:SIEM8139.GSD", the entry is interpreted as a device description file during the export in the AutomationML AR APC format.
PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICE_ID
20416 PLC type designation Function PLC type designation of a PLC card. The part allocation during the import of PLC configuration files is carried out on the basis of this property (in as far as no device description file is specified). The entry has to be carried out in exactly the same notation as in the hardware catalog of the manufacturer. In the simplest case the PLC type designation corresponds to the order number. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCTYPE_ID
20417 Object description Function PLC object description of a PLC card. Can be automatically entered by the device selection. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCOBJECT_DESCRIPTION
20418 Version Function Used to specify the version, e.g., the firmware version of intelligent PLC modules. The value can be automatically entered by the device selection. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCFIRMWARE_VERSION
20419 Start address of PLC card Function The value entered here specifies the start value for the address range of a PLC card. At the same time the addressing of the inputs and outputs of this card begins with the start value entered here. This value can also be used as the configuration value for readdressing PLC configurations. For a card that has both inputs and outputs, specify the start value of the inputs here. The property is entered on the "PLC box" tab of the property dialog. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS
20420 PLC station: ID (indirect) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
SPS object
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
For a PLC connection point, this shows the station ID of the associated PLC box. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCSTATIONNAME_INDIRECT
20421 PLC card is placed on rack ID (indirect) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
For a PLC connection point this outputs the rack on which the associated PLC card is placed. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCRACK_INDIRECT
20422 Position / (slot / module) (indirect) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
For a PLC connection point, this shows the slot / module of the associated PLC card. Describes the slot / position where this PLC card is plugged on the rack. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCSOCKET_INDIRECT
20423 Start address of PLC card (indirect) Function Provides the start address entered for the relevant PLC box for a PLC connection point. The value entered defines the start value for the address range of a PLC card; this is taken into account for automatic addressing. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_INDIRECT
20424 Logical network: Name (indirect) Function Specifies the name of the logical network of the same single-line bus port at a bus port of the "Overview" representation type. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCMASTER_INDIRECT
20425 Physical network: Name (indirect) Function Specifies the name of the physical network of the same single-line bus port at a bus port of the "Overview" representation type. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCDP_SYSTEM_INDIRECT
20426 Physical network: Bus ID / item number (indirect) Function Specifies the name of the bus ID of the same single-line bus port at a bus port of the "Overview" representation type. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCBUS_ADDRESS_INDIRECT
20427 Rack Function If the PLC box is a rack, then enter the name of the rack here. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCTHISRACK
20428 Channel designation (automatic) Function Channel designation of a PLC power supply connection point. Shows either the contents of the manually entered channel designation or the contents of the channel determined by a related I/O connection point. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCCHANNEL_DESIGNATION_AUTOMATIC
20429 Function template: Template group (multi-line) Function
Shows the designation of the template group defined in the parts management. All the connected functions can be placed together out of the device navigator by grouping to a template group. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_COMBINATION
20430 Prevent numbering with PLC data Function Prevents numbering with PLC data from this PLC connection point. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCPREVENT_NUMERATION
20431 Plug designation (automatic) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Plug designation automatically determined for PLC connection points / channels and device connection points. The plug designation supports the identification of PLC connection points or device connection points. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCPLUG_DESIGNATION_AUTOMATIC
20432 Address range (SIEMENS STEP 7 Classic) Function Enter the size of the address range within the PLC controller that the card occupies here, for example "4 bytes". The property is entered on the "PLC box" tab of the property dialog. To this purpose enter the number of input / output bytes or the number of input / output bits that the PLC card uses by default, depending on the card type. For a card that has both inputs and outputs, the value of the inputs is entered here. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCADDRESSRANGE
20433 CPU: Name Function Outputs a semicolon-separated list of all the CPU names that are entered at the PLC box. The display is effected without gaps, meaning that empty entries are not listed. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCCPU
20434 CPU (indirect) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
SPS object
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
Central processing unit, the processor of a PLC controller. Indirect property for requesting the PLC card property at a PLC connection point. PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCCPU_INDIRECT
20435 Connection point designation (with plug designation) Function Combined property from the plug designation and connection point designation of a PLC connection point or device connection point, separated by a colon. At bus ports the bus interface name of the bus port is displayed in addition to the plug designation. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCPLUG_AND_CONNPTDESIGNATION
20436 Channel designation (determined) Function PLC channel designation for PLC connection points and channels. The channel designation can be manually or automatically assigned. A channel must be unique within a PLC card. For power supply connection points, the assignment is usually graphical. No category Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCCHANNEL_DESIGNATION_CALCULATED
20437 PLC card name Function Name of a PLC card (identifying for PLC devices during PLC data exchange in the AutomationML AR APC or Studio 5000 Architect format). The property can be displayed in reports and used as a filter criterion in the navigators. Depending on whether the PLC box represents a PLC card, a rack or a CPU, the PLC card name must be unique within a rack, a station or a configuration project. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCMODULENAME
20438 Deactivated I/O connection point Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
Identifies a deactivated I/O connection point within a channel. A channel can have several I/O connection points, but only one of them can be active. Deactivated connection points are treated as power supplies. For example, when addressing a filled address, the address from the channel is overwritten. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCDEACTIVATED_IO
20439 Safety address: Target Function Safety address at safety modules (for example F-address for PROFIsafe). In general this value is entered at the modules that are participants of a safety network. Detailed information on this is available from the PLC manufacturer. The properties for the safety addresses are taken into consideration for the PLC data exchange as of AutomationML AR APC Version 1.1.0. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSAFETYADDRESS
20440 Enclosure legend form Function
Model view
Form that is used to generate an enclosure legend for the mounting panel.
If you assign a value using the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data are available in the project.
20441 Suppress generation of the enclosure legend Function
Model view
Suppresses the generation of an enclosure legend for the model view. The model view is also not taken into consideration during the output of the labeling for the report type "Enclosure legend". Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_MOUNTINGPLATE_FORMEVALUATION
20442 Disable resizing Function Blocks the possibility of resizing the box. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_BOXFUNCTION_FIXEDSIZE
20443 Bus interface: Name (with plug designation) Function Composite property from bus interface name and plug designation, without a separator. The property supports the identification of bus ports. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCBUSINTERFACENAME_AND_PLCPLUG
20444 PLC card is placed on head station Function Identifies a PLC card that is placed on a head station or is integrated into it. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLCISMOUNTEDONHEADMODULE
20445 Function exists with 'Function overview (fluid power)' representation type Function Shows whether the function exists in the project with the 'Function overview (fluid power)' representation type. Status Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_FUNCTIONALOVERVIEW
20446 Subnet mask Function The subnet mask defines the splitting of a bus ID (IP address within an Ethernet-based bus system) into a network component and a device / station component. The subnet mask can be used to specify how many devices can be addressed within a subnet. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_SUBNETMASK
20447 Bus interface: Name Function
Function template
The bus interface name serves to group bus ports for the export of Ethernet-based bus systems. Associated bus ports are combined into a logical unit via this name. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_BUS_INTERFACENAME
20448 Bus interface: Main bus port Function Identifies a bus port within an interface as the main bus port. This bus port represents the bus interface and bears the data. During exporting the data are read from the main bus port and written into the PLC configuration file. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_PLC_BUS_INTERFACENAME_MASTER
20449 Connection point logic: Target tracking (PLC) to Function Specifies via the connection point number the other connection points to which the target tracking should continue. Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 100 settings. Function data Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_PLCDESTINATIONTRACKING
20450 Legend item Function
Part reference
Defines the position number for displaying the legend in a part placement. Data Integer No No FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_CAPTIONID
20451 Angle Part reference
20452 PLC subdevice 11: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 11 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_11_INPUTS
20453 PLC subdevice 12: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 12 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_12_INPUTS
20454 PLC subdevice 2: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 2 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC devices exist that consist of several integrated modules and that have several start addresses. Such a device can consist, for example, of an internal CPU module, an internal input-output module as well as internal counter module - however with only one part number. Such integrated modules within a PLC device can be displayed in EPLAN with PLC subdevices. To this purpose up to twelve PLC subdevices are available. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_2_INPUTS
20455 PLC subdevice 2: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 2 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC devices exist that consist of several integrated modules and that have several start addresses. Such a device can consist, for example, of an internal CPU module, an internal input-output module as well as internal counter module - however with only one part number. Such integrated modules within a PLC device can be displayed in EPLAN with PLC subdevices. To this purpose up to twelve PLC subdevices are available. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_2_OUTPUTS
20456 PLC subdevice 3: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 3 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_3_OUTPUTS
20457 PLC subdevice 4: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 4 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_4_OUTPUTS
20458 X extension of part Function
Part reference
Part extension in the X direction, determined from the box. Data Decimal number No Yes FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_PLACEMENT_XSIZE
20459 Y extension of part Function
Part reference
Part extension in the Y direction, determined from the box. Data Decimal number No Yes FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_PLACEMENT_YSIZE
20460 Technical characteristics (of main function) Function
Part reference
Technical characteristics of the main function. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_DEVICE_TECHNICAL_CHARACTERISTIC
20461 Function definition (of main function) Function
Part reference
Function definition of the main function. Data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_DEVICE_FUNCTIONDEFINITION
20462 Mounting site (of mounting panel) Function
Part reference
Mounting site of the mounting panel on which the item is placed. Data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_MOUNTINGPLATE_MOUNTINGLOCATION
20463 Function text (of main function) Function
Part reference
Shows the function text of the associated main function at a part placement. Data Multilingual text No Yes FUNC_ARTICLEPLACEMENT_DEVICE_FUNCTIONTEXT
20464 Item number Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Shows the position number of a part in indexed form. The value can be either manually or automatically entered in the bill of materials navigator. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_POSNR
20465 Mounting panel (identifying) Function
Part reference
20466 Trade Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Device list entry
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Segment definition (pre-planning)
Determines the technology to be applied or selected. The following values are possible:
0 = Electrical engineering,
1 = Mechanics,
2 = Hydraulics,
3 = Pneumatics,
4 = Cooling,
5 = Lubrication,
6 = Process engineering,
7 = Cooling lubricant,
8 = Gas engineering,
9 = Fluid power, general.
Data Integer No No FUNC_CRAFT
20467 Subtrade Connection
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Device list entry
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
A trade can consist of multiple so-called "subtrades". For instance, the trade "Cooling" can consist of the subtrades "Water cooling" and "Oil cooling". The specification of subtrades as additional function property makes it possible to construct very detailed reports in EPLAN Fluid. Data Multilingual text No No FUNC_SUBCRAFT
20468 Macro Connection
Connection definition point
Macro from which the object originates. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_MACRO
20469 Grouped by device Function Shows whether the function belongs to a device group. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_INDEVICEGROUP
20470 Function exists with 'Multi-line' representation type Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows whether the function exists in the project with the "Multi-line" representation type. Status Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_CIRCUIT
20471 Function exists with 'Single-line' representation type Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows whether the function exists in the project with the "Single-line" representation type. Status Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_SINGLELINE
20472 Function exists with 'Pair cross-reference' representation type Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows whether the function exists in the project with the "Pair cross-reference" representation type. Status Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_PAIRCROSSREFERENCE
20473 Function exists with 'Overview' representation type Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows whether the function exists in the project with the "Overview" representation type. Status Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_OVERVIEW
20474 Function exists with 'P&I diagram' representation type Function
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows whether the function exists in the project with the "P&I diagram" representation type. Status Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_PROCESSANDINSTDIAGRAM
20475 Device protection Function
Segment (pre-planning)
Specifies whether a device protection is assigned to the function, connection or planning object. The assigned parts cannot be changed at a device / planning object with device protection. All the properties that are assigned through the part (and the function templates stored at the part) are thus protected. Function data Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_FIXED_DEVICE
20476 Manage unplaced auxiliary functions at the main function Function If this property is activated at a main function, the assigned, unplaced auxiliary functions are managed together with the main function. This means that when the main function is copied and pasted, the unplaced auxiliary functions are also copied and pasted and automatically renamed - analog to the behavior at function templates. If the main function is deleted, the assigned unplaced auxiliary functions are also deleted.
This property calculates the value of the relevant main function for auxiliary functions.
Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_MANAGE_FUNCTIONS
20477 All placements Function Outputs the placements of any representation type of the function. No category Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ALLPLACEMENTLOCATIONS
20478 PLC subdevice 5: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 5 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_5_OUTPUTS
20479 PLC subdevice 6: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 6 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_6_OUTPUTS
20480 DT Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows the device tag of the relevant function for a part reference. Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLEREF_IDENTNAME
20481 Part number Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part number of the part assigned to a device. Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLEREF_PARTNO
20482 Number of units / quantity Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Number of parts. Data Integer No Yes ARTICLEREF_COUNT
20483 Number of units / quantity (placed) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Number of placed parts. Data Integer No Yes ARTICLEREF_COUNT_PLACED
20484 Number of units / quantity (unplaced) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Number of unplaced parts. Data Integer No Yes ARTICLEREF_COUNT_NOTPLACED
20485 Mounting panel Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Mounting panel on which the part is placed. Part Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLEREF_MOUNTINGPLATE
20486 Record type Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Specifies the type of parts data or cross-part data, such as component, assembly, cable, housing, accessory list, drilling pattern, customer. Data Integer No No ARTICLEREF_PARTTYPE
20487 Item number Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
For the part reference, specifies the order in which the parts are output in the bill of materials. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_POSNR
20488 Part variant Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_VARIANT
20489 Function group Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
This field is for informational purposes and can be used, for instance, for filtering during part selection. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_FUNCTIONGROUP
20490 Part group Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part groups are used to group parts of the same type, e.g., in heat or vibration sensitive items. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_PIECETYPE
20491 Part allocation Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Defines whether the assigned part is the main part or an accessory part. Data Integer No No ARTICLEREF_ASSIGNMENT
20492 Assembly Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
A collection of parts that belong to a device (e.g. a pushbutton with a normally open contact, the appropriate mounting and the button). An assembly has its own part number and can also contain (sub) assemblies. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_ASSEMBLY
20493 Part is included in a module Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Specifies whether the part is a module. Modules are parts (assemblies) with several devices. The module has its own part number. It can contain assemblies and other modules. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes ARTICLEREF_MODULE_PART
20494 Suppress in bill of materials (if filtered) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
This setting allows suppressing the part reference in the bill of materials by specifying an appropriate filter there. Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLEREF_SUPPRESSINPARTSLIST
20495 Project part Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Project parts are assigned directly to the project and do not belong to any device. This includes, for instance, parts to be provided with delivery, general installation materials, and so on. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes ARTICLEREF_PROJECTARTICLE
20496 Subset / length Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Subset of a part, e.g. 5 pieces of a part, which are only provided in conduits of up to 100. At parts for cables, connections and their accessories (for example shrink tubes or insulating tubes) the contents of this property is evaluated as a length with specification of the displayed measuring unit and the entry of decimal values is possible, for example "0.7 m". If you do not enter a unit, the unit of length specified in the project settings is used. The value entered here is synchronized with the cable length (Length field in the Cable tab of the property dialog) for the main part of a cable. Data Value with unit No No ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH
20497 Subset / length: Value Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Value of the subset of the part without information about the unit. At parts for cables, connections and their accessories (for example shrink tubes or insulating tubes) the contents of this property is evaluated as a length in "meter" and the entry of decimal values is possible. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_VALUE
20498 Unit for subset / length Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Displayed measuring unit in which the subset or length of the part is specified. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm
2 = cm
3 = dm
4 = m
5 = Meter
6 = km
8 = Inch
9 = "
10 = In
11 = ft
12 = feet
13 = foot
14 = yd
15 = yard
29 = µm.
20499 Total amount (number of units) Part reference (summarized representation types) Shows how often the relevant part is used in reports (summarized parts list) or in the enclosure legend. No category Integer No Yes ARTICLEREF_COUNT_TOTAL
20500 Total cable length Part reference (summarized representation types) Placeholder for the summarized parts list, for one cable part, this adds up all lengths of the cables taken into consideration in the report block and for which this cable part is entered. Every cable is considered only once here. The system recognizes a cable part by the fact that the product group "Cables" and the product subgroup "Undefined" are specified on the part. No category Decimal number No Yes ARTICLEREF_CABLE_LENGTH_SUM
20501 Suppl. field: Text Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Supplementary field for part reference data. Serves for the entry of free additional properties. Outputs the value of the "Supplementary field text" (ID 20915) per part reference. You have to note the meaning specified by you of the supplementary field. This property can be used, for example in block properties or as a filter criterion in reports and during the manufacturing data export. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_ADDITIONAL_TEXTFIELD
20502 Suppl. field: Yes / No Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Supplementary field for part reference data. Serves for the entry of free additional properties that can only assume two values ("Yes" or "No"). Outputs the value of the "Supplementary field Yes / No" (ID 20916) per part reference. You have to note the meaning specified by you of the supplementary field. This property can be used, for example in block properties or as a filter criterion in reports and during the manufacturing data export. In a parts list you can, for example, output only those parts for which this property is activated. Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLEREF_ADDITIONAL_BOOLFIELD
20503 Total purchase price Currency 1 Part reference (summarized representation types) Total purchase price of the required packaging (currency 1) No category Decimal number No Yes ARTICLEREF_TOTALPURCHASEPRICE_1
20504 Total purchase price Currency 2 Part reference (summarized representation types) Total purchase price of the required packaging (currency 2) No category Decimal number No Yes ARTICLEREF_TOTALPURCHASEPRICE_2
20505 Subset / length in unit of project Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Subset or length of the part converted into the unit which is specified in the project settings. The units are not displayed. Data Value with unit No Yes ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_IN_PROJECT_UNIT
20506 Subset / length with unit of project Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Subset or length of the part including unit converted into the unit which is specified in the project settings. Data Value with unit No Yes ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_WITH_PROJECT_UNIT
20507 Quantity / subset in unit of project Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Quantity or subset of a part converted into the unit which is specified in the project settings. The units are not displayed. If the property "Subset / length" has a value (not 0), then this value is entered for "Quantity / subset" in reports, otherwise "Quantity" is used. Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLE_QUANTITY_IN_PROJECT_UNIT
20508 Part of a part definition Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Parts which are assigned to a part definition do not belong to any specific device. They might belong to parts included in the delivery, general installation materials, etc. In contrast to project parts, parts that are assigned to a part definition are assigned to specific project structures. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes ARTICLEREF_ARTICLEDEFINITION
20509 Number of units / quantity (unplaced, 3D) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Number of parts that are available in the project, but that have not been placed in the layout space. Data Integer No Yes ARTICLEREF_COUNT_NOTPLACED_3D
20510 Subset / length (full) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Subset of a part with information about the unit. At parts for cables, connections and their accessories (for example shrink tubes or insulating tubes) the contents of this property is evaluated as a length and the entry of decimal values is possible, for example "0.7 m". The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. This property may be used in bills of materials, for example. Data Value with unit No Yes ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_FULL
20511 Assembly structure Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
20512 Assembly variant Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
20513 Total length with unit of the project Part reference (summarized representation types) This property totals up the lengths of all the functions (for example connections, routing paths, busbars, etc.) having the same part. The length unit is specified in the project settings for connections. You can use the property in forms for the parts list, for example in calculation formulas for calculating the order length. No category Value with unit No Yes ARTICLEREF_LENGTH_SUM
20514 Total number of packagings Part reference (summarized representation types) No category Integer No Yes ARTICLEREF_NUMBEROFPACKAGES
20515 PLC subdevice 7: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 7 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_7_OUTPUTS
20516 PLC subdevice 8: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 8 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_8_OUTPUTS
20517 PLC subdevice 9: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 9 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_9_OUTPUTS
20518 PLC subdevice 10: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 10 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_10_OUTPUTS
20519 PLC subdevice 11: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 11 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_11_OUTPUTS
20520 PLC subdevice 12: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 12 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_12_OUTPUTS
20521 PLC subdevice 1: Name Function In this property you specify the device name of the PLC subdevice. PLC devices exist that consist of several integrated modules and that have several start addresses. Such a device can consist, for example, of an internal CPU module, an internal input-output module as well as internal counter module - however with only one part number. Such integrated modules within a PLC device can be displayed in EPLAN with PLC subdevices. To this purpose up to twelve PLC subdevices are available. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_1
20522 PLC subdevice 2: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_2
20523 PLC subdevice 3: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_3
20524 PLC subdevice 4: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_4
20525 PLC subdevice 5: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_5
20526 PLC subdevice 6: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_6
20527 PLC subdevice 7: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_7
20528 PLC subdevice 8: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_8
20529 PLC subdevice 9: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_9
20530 PLC subdevice 10: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_10
20531 PLC subdevice 11: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_11
20532 PLC subdevice 12: Name Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENAME_12
20533 PLC subdevice 1: Position (slot / module) Function In this property you specify in which slot / at which position on the PLC card this PLC subdevice is located. PLC devices exist that consist of several integrated modules and that have several start addresses. Such a device can consist, for example, of an internal CPU module, an internal input-output module as well as internal counter module - however with only one part number. Such integrated modules within a PLC device can be displayed in EPLAN with PLC subdevices. To this purpose up to twelve PLC subdevices are available. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_1
20534 PLC subdevice 2: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_2
20535 PLC subdevice 3: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_3
20536 PLC subdevice 4: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_4
20537 PLC subdevice 5: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_5
20538 PLC subdevice 6: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_6
20539 PLC subdevice 7: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_7
20540 PLC subdevice 8: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_8
20541 PLC subdevice 9: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_9
20542 PLC subdevice 10: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_10
20543 PLC subdevice 11: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_11
20544 PLC subdevice 12: Position (slot / module) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCDEVICENUMBER_12
20545 Block property: Format (function text, automatic) Function Format for combining an automatic function text. The display of this function text defined by using the block property in the graphical editor is carried out via the placed property Function text (automatic). If a manual function text was entered at a function additionally, the Function text (automatic) property displays this text. Formats Monolingual text No No FUNC_BLOCKFORMAT_FUNCTIONTEXT
20547 PLC subdevice 2: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_2
20548 PLC device: Data length (inputs) Function Required length in the address space for the inputs of the PLC card. The specification is in bits. The address range of the PLC card is determined from the data length together with the start address. Note that there are PLC cards, for example technology modules, which are only assigned to a few inputs / outputs, but still require a larger address range than the one currently occupied. Always enter the maximum required length for the address range of the inputs here. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS
20549 PLC subdevice 2: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_2
20550 PLC device: Data length (outputs) Function Required length in address space for the outputs of the PLC card. The specification is in bits. The address range of the PLC card is determined from the data length together with the start address. Note that there are PLC cards, for example technology modules, which are only assigned to a few inputs / outputs, but still require a larger address range than the one currently occupied. Always enter the maximum required length for the address range of the outputs here. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS
20551 PLC subdevice 3: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_3
20552 PLC subdevice 4: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_4
20553 PLC subdevice 5: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_5
20554 PLC subdevice 6: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_6
20555 PLC subdevice 7: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_7
20556 PLC subdevice 8: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_8
20557 PLC subdevice 9: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_9
20558 PLC subdevice 10: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_10
20559 PLC subdevice 11: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_11
20560 PLC subdevice 3: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_3
20561 PLC subdevice 4: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_4
20562 PLC subdevice 5: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_5
20563 PLC subdevice 6: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_6
20564 PLC subdevice 7: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_7
20565 PLC subdevice 8: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_8
20566 PLC subdevice 9: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_9
20567 PLC subdevice 10: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_10
20568 PLC subdevice 11: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_11
20569 PLC subdevice 12: Data length (outputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_12
20570 PLC subdevice 12: Data length (inputs) Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_12
20571 PLC device: Data length (inputs) Part Property of a part variant. Required length in the address space for the inputs of the PLC card. The specification is in bits. The address range of the PLC card is determined from the data length together with the start address. Note that there are PLC cards, for example technology modules, which are only assigned to a few inputs / outputs, but still require a larger address range than the one currently occupied. Always enter the maximum required length for the address range of the inputs here. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS
20572 PLC subdevice 2: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_2
20573 PLC device: Data length (outputs) Part Property of a part variant. Required length in address space for the outputs of the PLC card. The specification is in bits. The address range of the PLC card is determined from the data length together with the start address. Note that there are PLC cards, for example technology modules, which are only assigned to a few inputs / outputs, but still require a larger address range than the one currently occupied. Always enter the maximum required length for the address range of the outputs here. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS
20574 PLC subdevice 2: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_2
20575 Symbol Symbol data Monolingual text No No FUNC_SYMBOL
20576 Drive Function Drive systems consist of different components such as motors, converters, sensors etc. Such components belonging to a drive can be grouped by means of this property. Through the index up to 64 drives can be assigned to a function. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 64 No FUNC_PLCAXIS_DESIGNATION
20577 Drive: Device type Function For devices that are assigned to a drive you specify the type of device, for example "Synchronous motor", "Converter", "Encoder", etc., more exactly. The values to be entered for the device type are usually specified by the device manufacturer. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_ARTICLE_PLCAXIS_DEVICETYPE
20578 Channel designation (automatic): Suppress search Function Prevents the automatic assignment of a channel designation. If this property is activated at a PLC connection point, the Channel designation (automatic) property remains empty, in as far as no manual value was entered for the channel designation. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_SUPRESS_SEARCH_CHANNELDESIGNATION
20579 Plug designation (automatic): Suppress search Function Prevents the automatic assignment of a plug designation. If this property is activated at a PLC connection point, the Plug designation (automatic) property remains empty, in as far as no manual value was entered for the plug designation. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_SUPRESS_SEARCH_PLCPLUG_DESIGNATION
20580 PLC device: TemplateIdentifier Function Name of a template that is used for the exchange of a device in the PLC configuration program with preset, user-defined part properties. The property is used during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. The name of this template is replaced, but not the contents. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_ARTICLE_PLCTEMPLATEREFERENCE
20581 Configuration project (automatic, at bus ports) Function Outputs the manually entered configuration project at a bus port or, if it is empty, the configuration project of the associated PLC box (main function). PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_PLCCONFIGURATIONPROJECT_AUTOMATIC
20582 PLC subdevice 2: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_2
20583 PLC subdevice 3: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_3
20584 PLC subdevice 4: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_4
20585 PLC subdevice 5: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_5
20586 PLC subdevice 6: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_6
20587 PLC subdevice 7: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_7
20588 PLC subdevice 8: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_8
20589 PLC subdevice 9: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_9
20590 PLC subdevice 10: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_10
20591 PLC subdevice 11: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_11
20592 PLC subdevice 12: PLC type designation Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_12
20593 PLC subdevice 2: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_2
20594 PLC subdevice 3: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_3
20595 PLC subdevice 4: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_4
20596 PLC subdevice 5: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_5
20597 PLC subdevice 6: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_6
20598 PLC subdevice 7: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_7
20599 PLC subdevice 8: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_8
20600 PLC subdevice 9: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_9
20601 PLC subdevice 10: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_10
20602 PLC subdevice 11: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_11
20603 PLC subdevice 12: Device description: Index in file Function PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_12
20604 PLC subdevice 1: Data length (outputs) Function Required length in address space for the outputs of this PLC subdevice. The specification is in bits. The address range of the PLC subdevice is determined from the data length together with the start address. Note that there are PLC cards, for example technology modules, which are only assigned to a few inputs / outputs, but still require a larger address range than the one currently occupied. Always enter the maximum required length for the address range of the outputs here. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_1
20605 PLC subdevice 1: Data length (inputs) Function Required length in address space for the inputs of this PLC subdevice. The specification is in bits. The address range of the PLC subdevice is determined from the data length together with the start address. Note that there are PLC cards, for example technology modules, which are only assigned to a few inputs / outputs, but still require a larger address range than the one currently occupied. Always enter the maximum required length for the address range of the inputs here. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_1
20606 PLC subdevice 1: Device description: Index in file Function Index for PLC subdevice 1 in the device description file of a PLC card. This property has to be filled for PLC subdevices if these are expected as independent devices in the PLC configuration program and are identified via a device description file and the associated index. The device description file is specified at the PLC box (main device). Through the index it is possible to select a device in a language-neutral form within such a file. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management. The property is taken into consideration during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_1
20607 PLC subdevice 1: PLC type designation Function PLC type designation for a PLC subdevice 1 of a PLC card. If a PLC type designation is entered at the main device as well, the device identification for PLC subdevices that are treated as independent devices in the PLC configuration program is effected by means of this property. The entry has to be carried out in exactly the same notation as in the hardware catalog of the manufacturer. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_TYPEIDENTIFIER_1
20608 PLC subdevice 1: Start address (outputs) Function Start address for the outputs of the PLC subdevice 1 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC devices exist that consist of several integrated modules and that have several start addresses. Such a device can consist, for example, of an internal CPU module, an internal input-output module as well as internal counter module - however with only one part number. Such integrated modules within a PLC device can be displayed in EPLAN with PLC subdevices. To this purpose up to twelve PLC subdevices are available. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_1_OUTPUTS
20609 PLC subdevice 1: Start address (inputs) Function Start address for the inputs of the PLC subdevice 1 (for PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format). Can be used in the addressing format. PLC devices exist that consist of several integrated modules and that have several start addresses. Such a device can consist, for example, of an internal CPU module, an internal input-output module as well as internal counter module - however with only one part number. Such integrated modules within a PLC device can be displayed in EPLAN with PLC subdevices. To this purpose up to twelve PLC subdevices are available. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCGROUP_STARTADDRESS_1_INPUTS
20610 Symbolic address: Group Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
With this property you can group areas of symbolic addresses in the assignment list, for example inputs, outputs, safety addresses, etc. The property is used during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSYMBOLICADDRESS_GROUP
20611 Connection point logic: Source / target Function Function data Integer Yes, 1000 No FUNC_LOGDEF_SRC_OR_DEST
20612 Can have parts data Function
No category Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_CANHAVEARTICLEDATA
20613 Standard gateway Function Packets that cannot be directly forwarded within a LAN are sent to the standard gateway (e.g. a router). PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLC_STANDARDGATEWAY
20614 PLC station: TemplateIdentifier Function Name of a workstation-specific template that is used for the exchange of devices with user-defined part properties preset in the PLC configuration program. The property is used during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. The name of this template is replaced, but not the contents. The property should be filled in within the corresponding workstation at each PLC box that represents a CPU or a head station. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSTATION_TEMPLATEIDENTIFIER
20615 Safety address: Source Function Safety address at safety modules (for example F-address for PROFIsafe). In general this value is entered at the module that is the source of the safety network. Detailed information on this is available from the PLC manufacturer. The properties for the safety addresses are taken into consideration for the PLC data exchange as of AutomationML AR APC Version 1.1.0. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSAFETYSOURCEADDRESS
20616 Safety address: Upper value Function Safety address (upper value) at safety modules. Detailed information on this is available from the PLC manufacturer. This property serves solely for displaying information. The value is filled during the import of PLC configuration data in the AutomationML AR APC format. The properties for the safety addresses are taken into consideration for the PLC data exchange as of AutomationML AR APC Version 1.1.0. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSAFETYUPPERBOUNDADDRESS
20617 Safety address: Lower value Function Safety address (lower value) at safety modules. Detailed information on this is available from the PLC manufacturer. This property serves solely for displaying information. The value is filled during the import of PLC configuration data in the AutomationML AR APC format. The properties for the safety addresses are taken into consideration for the PLC data exchange as of AutomationML AR APC Version 1.1.0. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSAFETYLOWERBOUNDADDRESS
20618 Symbolic address: UDT (name) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
With this property you have the possibility to nestle and manage the symbolic address of the PLC connection point within a user-defined data type. "UDT" stands for "User Defined Type". The property is a monolingual text and is used and exchanged as of the AutomationML AR APC format Version 1.3.0. Entry of a decimal point is not permissible. When using this property you additionally have to specify the data type in the "Symbolic address: UDT (data type)" property. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSYMBOLICADDRESS_UDT
20619 Symbolic address: UDT (data type) Function
Free symbolic address (in reports)
When using the "Symbolic address: UDT (name)" property specify the associated user-defined data type here. With these two properties you have the possibility to nestle and manage the symbolic address of the PLC connection point within a user-defined data type. "UDT" stands for "User Defined Type". The property is a monolingual text and is used and exchanged as of the AutomationML AR APC format Version 1.3.0. Entry of a decimal point is not permissible. The actual structure of the UDT is only required in the PLC configuration program and only specified there. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLCSYMBOLICADDRESS_UDT_DATATYPE
20806 Terminal / plug diagram form Function Name of the terminal or plug diagram form to be used for reporting the terminal strip or plug.
If you assign a value using the Application Programming Interface, please ensure that the relevant master data are available in the project.
Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_TERMINAL_FORM
20808 Saddle jumper option Function Indicates the saddle jumper option:
0 = Automatic
1 = Manual, start of jumper
2 = Manual, center of jumper
3 = Manual, end of jumper
4 = No automatic jumper
5 = Automatic, start of jumper
6 = Automatic, end of jumper.
The settings for automatic saddle jumpers are only available for terminals. The settings for manual saddle jumpers are only available for pins.
20809 Sort code (terminal / pin) Function Specifies the order of the pins at plugs.
Specifies the order within the terminal device at terminals. If several terminals/pins have the same sort code or the sort code is empty; these are sorted in the sequence of their designation.
Settings Monolingual text No No FUNC_TERMINALSORTCODE
20810 Sorting (graphical) Function Specifies that the terminal next to the terminal on the left or above should be sorted in (depending on the settings for DT acceptance). Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINALSORTCODE_GRAPHIC
20811 Allow same designations Function This property is used to specify whether a terminal designation within the terminal strip may occur several times. If you place the terminals in several representation types, you should not activate this setting and define each terminal uniquely. Otherwise there may be problems in global editing. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_CANHAVESAMENAME
20812 Numbered using PLC data Function Shows whether the DT (or the terminal / pin designation) was changed by numbering with PLC data. The property is automatically set when numbering but can also be set manually. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CHANGEDBYPLCNUM
20813 Continue numbering with PLC data beyond this function Function If this property is activated at a function where the end of the numbering has been reached, then functions connected to this function are also numbered. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_CONTINUEPLCNUM
20851 No output to terminal / plug diagram Function Suppresses the output of the terminal strip definition or plug definition in the terminal or plug diagram. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_NODIAGRAM
20852 Terminal / plug connection diagram form Function Name of the terminal or pin-connection diagram form to be used for reporting the terminal strip or plug.
If you assign a value using the API interface, please ensure that the relevant master data is available in the project.
20853 No output to terminal-connection / pin-connection diagram Function Suppresses the output of the terminal strip definition or plug definition in the terminal- or pin-connection diagram. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_NOCONNECTIONDIAGRAM
20854 Connected PLC address Function PLC address of a connected PLC connection point for pins and terminals. PLC data Monolingual text No No FUNC_TERMINAL_PLCADDRESS_MANUAL
20855 Connected PLC address (automatic) Function PLC address of a connected PLC connection point for pins and terminals (can be automatically determined over several terminals/pins). PLC data Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_TERMINAL_PLCADDRESS_AUTOMATIC
20856 Plugs: Coding Function Coding is useful in order to distinguish between several plugs. By default, the property is preset with the value of the part property (ID 22103) of the same name of the associated part. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PLUGCODING
20857 No output to terminal-strip / plug overview Function Suppresses the output of the terminal strip definition or plug definition in the terminal strip or plug overview. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_NOOVERVIEW
20858 Identifier for reports Function The property can be used in filters for conditional forms to specify the subform to be reported in the main form. The value of the part property "Identifier for reports" (ID 22214) is displayed via the index. No category Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_REPORT_IDENTIFIER
20859 No output to terminal line-up diagram Function Suppresses the output of the terminal strip definition in the terminal line-up diagram. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNC_TERMINAL_NOLINEUPDIAGRAM
20861 Device group main function Function Identifies the function as the main function of a device group. General Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNC_IS_DEVICEGROUP_MAINFUNCTION
20862 DT (identifying) of device group main function Function Shows the DT of the device group main function for all functions of all devices belonging to the device group. General Monolingual text No Yes FUNC_DEVICEGROUP_MAINFUNCTION_IDENTNAME
20863 Pipe class Function
Function template
The pipe class specifies the range of application in relation to the pressure and temperature, meaning the maximum permissible pressure at which the piping may be operated at a maximum permissible temperature. When doing this, a pipe class contains a fixed number of pipe items, such as pipes, fittings, flanges, nuts, bolts, and gaskets. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_PIPECLASS
20864 Material Function Data Multilingual text No No FUNC_MATERIAL
20865 Nominal pressure level Function The nominal pressure of a pipe system specifies a reference value. The designation PN ("Pressure Nominal") is used, followed by a whole number without dimensions that indicates the design pressure in bar at room temperature (20° C). The permissible pressure is correspondingly smaller at higher temperatures, depending on the permissible material characteristics (yield point). Data Value with unit No No FUNC_PRESSURELEVEL
20866 Hose line length Function Length of a hose line, is used in the hose line identification. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_HOSE_LENGTH
20867 Hose line identification Function The hose line identification in EPLAN fulfills the specifications of the hose line standard DIN 20066 and is made up of the values of the following data:
Abbreviation of the manufacturer
Value of the working pressure + Unit of the pressure indication
Year + Month of manufacturing
Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_HOSE_MARKING
20868 Manufacturing date Function Manufacturing date (Year + Month), is used in the hose line identification. Data Time / Date No No FUNC_HOSE_CREATEDATE
20869 Torsion angle Function The torsion angle is the angle that is specified when two elbow fittings have to be mounted offset to each other at the hose. Data Monolingual text No No FUNC_ROTATION_ANGLE
20870 Max. working pressure Function Working pressure with specification of the unit, is used in the hose line identification. Data Value with unit No No FUNC_PRESSURE
20901 Supplementary field Function
Structure box
Terminal strip (in reports)
Interruption point
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
A max. of 1,000 supplementary fields can be defined for the function using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNC_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD
20902 Function group Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
This field is for informational purposes and can be used, for instance, for filtering during part selection. A max. of 50 function groups can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_FUNCTIONGROUP
20903 Part group Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part groups are used to group parts of the same type, e.g., in heat or vibration sensitive items. A max. of 50 part groups can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_PIECETYPE
20904 Part allocation Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Defines whether the assigned part is the main part or an accessory part. A max. of 50 part assignments can be defined using the index. Part Integer Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSIGNMENT
20905 Assembly Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
A collection of parts that belong to a device (e.g. a pushbutton with a normally open contact, the appropriate mounting and the button). An assembly has its own part number and can also contain (sub) assemblies. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY
20906 Part is included in a module Function Specifies whether this part is part of a module. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Settings Boolean (True / False) Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_MODULE_PART
20907 Spare part Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Identifies a spare part, e.g. the name of the item that can replace the defective or worn part. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_SPARE
20908 Wearing part Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Identifies a wearing part, e.g. the position of an item that is especially prone to wear. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_WEAR
20909 Service time Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
The time during which a technical system or object can be used without exchanging core components or a complete breakdown. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_LIFETIME
20910 Stress Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
The types of stress differentiate between mechanical movement values (static and dynamic) and environmental influences (e.g., moisture, heat, chemical reactions). A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_STRESS
20911 Procurement Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Estimated time required to obtain the part. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_USAGE
20912 Lubrication / maintenance Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Lubrication / maintenance information, e.g. the maintenance interval. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_MAINTENANCE
20913 Trade of part reference Project
Trade of the associated part reference. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Data Integer Yes, 50 No PROJ_ARTICLEREF_CRAFT
20914 Subtrade of part reference Function
Subtrade of the associated part reference. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 50 No PROJ_ARTICLEREF_SUBCRAFT
20915 Suppl. field: Text Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Supplementary field for part reference data. Serves for the entry of free additional properties. Entry is effected in the user interface via a text box. You have to note the meaning specified by you of the supplementary field. The index is used to carry out the assignment of the associated part reference, max. 50 supplementary fields can be specified. The value of this property is transferred to the "Suppl. field Text" (ID 20501) property that can be used, for example, in block properties, in reports and during the manufacturing data export. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_ADDITIONAL_TEXTFIELD
20916 Supplementary field Yes / No Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Supplementary field for part reference data. Serves for the entry of free additional properties that can only assume two values ("Yes" or "No"). Entry is effected in the user interface via a check box. You have to note the meaning specified by you of the supplementary field. The index is used to carry out the assignment of the associated part reference, max. 50 supplementary fields can be specified. The value of this property is transferred to the "Suppl. field Yes / No" (ID 20502) property that can be used, for example, in block properties, in reports and during the manufacturing data export. Part Boolean (True / False) Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_ADDITIONAL_BOOLFIELD
20917 External placement Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Identifies the part as being externally placed and thus excludes it from panel layout reports. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Part Boolean (True / False) Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_PLACEMENT
20918 Part: Mounting surface Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
A max. of 50 mounting surfaces can be defined using the index. Part Integer Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSITE
20919 Order number Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
A max. of 50 order numbers can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_ORDERNR
20920 Supplier Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
A max. of 50 suppliers can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPLIER
20921 Manufacturer Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
A max. of 50 manufacturers can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER
20922 Assembly structure Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
No category Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY_STRUCTURE
20923 Assembly variant Function
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLYVARIANT
20924 Bill of materials group Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
You can use this property to group the parts data of components, serial machines, etc. and to make these groups visible in the bill of materials navigator. The property can be used for filtering in the bill of materials and 3D mounting layout navigator and is available in the reports for the bill of materials and for editing in tables. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLEREF_PARTSLISTGROUP
20930 Messages in message management Function
Interruption point
Connection definition point
Part reference
Segment (pre-planning)
Shows (after a check run) whether messages were generated for a function. These messages can be seen in message management. The property can also be used in the block properties. If messages are available relating to the function; the value "X" is output. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes MESSAGEMGMT_MESSAGES
21000 Connection point designations Function template A max. of 1,000 designations can be defined using the index. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNCTEMPLATE_CONNPT_DESIGNATION
21001 Symbol (compatibility) Function template Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTEMPLATE_SYMBOL
21002 Index for additional data Function template Identifying data for the function template. The meaning is dependent on the function that is to be displayed with the function template. No category Monolingual text Yes, 2 No FUNCTEMPLATE_INDEX
21003 Intrinsically safe Function template Shows whether the function is intrinsically safe. In this case it is guaranteed that during operation or in case of a short circuit no spark can occur which could ignite any explosive atmosphere possibly present (gas or liquid). Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTEMPLATE_INTRINSICALLYSAFE
21004 Function definition Function template Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTEMPLATE_FUNCTIONDEFINITION
21005 Subordinate DT / DT ID Function template In case of nested devices, indicates the subordinate DT.
Example: If a lamp "-H1" is located in a black box "-U1", "-H1" is the subordinate DT, and "-U1" is the higher-level DT.
21006 Safety function Function template Shows whether a function is relevant to safety. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTEMPLATE_SAFETYRELEVANT
21007 Connection point descriptions Function template Up to 1,000 descriptions can be specified using the index. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No FUNCTEMPLATE_CONNPT_DESCRIPTION
21008 Symbol macro (compatibility) Function template Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTEMPLATE_SYMBOLMACRO
21009 Part number / name Accessories (entered at the part) Part number of an accessory part. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPOSITION_PARTNR
21010 Variant Accessories (entered at the part) Part variant of an accessory part. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPOSITION_VARIANT
21011 Record type Accessories (entered at the part) Specifies the type of parts data or cross-part data, such as component, assembly, cable, housing, accessory list, drilling pattern, customer. Data Integer No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPOSITION_PARTTYPE
21012 Accessory placement Accessories (entered at the part) Using this property, you can assign an accessory placement to an accessory part. The accessory placement must previously be defined in parts management ("Accessory placement" hierarchy level). Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPOSITION_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT
21013 Accessory placement Accessory list entry Using this property, you can assign an accessory placement to the components of an accessory list. The accessory placement must previously be defined in parts management ("Accessory placement" hierarchy level). Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEACCESSORYLISTPOSITION_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT
21014 Installation variant Accessory part in accessory placements Installation variant of the part of the "Accessory placement" hierarchy level in parts management. Here, you assign a name to a specific placement variant of the accessory placement. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPLACEMENTPOSITION_NAME
21015 Base point Accessory part in accessory placements Base point of the part of the "Accessory placement" hierarchy level in parts management. Base points are fixed defined mounting points in the layout space; they can be selected in parts management from a drop-down list. Data Integer No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPLACEMENTPOSITION_REFERENCEPOINT
21016 Rotation Accessory part in accessory placements Rotation angle of the part of the "Accessory placement" hierarchy level in parts management. During the placement of the accessories, the accessory part is rotated by the angle stated here. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPLACEMENTPOSITION_ROTATION
21017 Offset in X-direction Accessory part in accessory placements Offset of the accessory part relative to the base point. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPLACEMENTPOSITION_XSPACING
21018 Offset in Y-direction Accessory part in accessory placements Offset of the accessory part relative to the base point. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPLACEMENTPOSITION_YSPACING
21019 Offset in Z-direction Accessory part in accessory placements Offset of the accessory part relative to the base point. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPLACEMENTPOSITION_ZSPACING
21020 Can be moved Accessory part in accessory placements Specifies whether the placed accessory part can be moved in the enclosure or whether it is a fixed element of the enclosure. If the property is deactivated, the "Item is fastened unmovably to the superior item" (ID 36010) property will be activated automatically. Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLEACCESSORYPLACEMENTPOSITION_MOVABLE
21021 Connection point cross-section / diameter Function template Shows the connection point cross-sections / diameters of the function. The index can be used to define a max. of 100 sets of connection point cross-sections / diameters. No category Value with unit Yes, 1000 No FUNCTEMPLATE_CONNPT_CROSSSECTION
21023 Template group (multi-line) Function template By means of this property the function templates of connected functions can be combined into a logical unit. All the connected functions can be placed together out of the device navigator by grouping to a template group. Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTEMPLATE_COMBINATION
21024 Function definition: Category / Group / Definition Function template Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTEMPLATE_CATEGORY_GROUP_ID
21040 Part number Part number of an assembly / module component. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEHIERARCHY_PARTNUMBER
21041 Variant Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEHIERARCHY_PARTVARIANT
21042 Quantity Data Integer No No ARTICLEHIERARCHY_COUNT
21043 Length Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEHIERARCHY_LENGTH
21044 DT Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEHIERARCHY_DEVICETAG
21046 Item number In this property you can enter additional information on a part of an assembly, e.g. the item number of the mounting accessories from the hook-up. The property can, for example, be displayed in reports of the "Assembly/Module overview" type or used for filtering there. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEHIERARCHY_POSNUMBER
21047 Supplementary text In this property you can enter additional information on a part of an assembly, e.g. the design of the mounting accessories from the hook-up. The property can, for example, be displayed in reports of the "Assembly/Module overview" type or used for filtering there. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEHIERARCHY_ADDITIONALTEXT
22000 Trade 'Process engineering' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_PROCESS
22001 Part number Part
Deleted part (base object)
User-defined part
The part number is identifying for a part, it combines the variants of a part. In the case of part variants, the combination of part number and variant designation is the identifier. During entry as many characters as you wish are possible for the part number, but only the first 96 characters in the UTF-8 format are identifying. General Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PARTNR
22002 Type number Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Outputs the type number of the part entered in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "General". General Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_TYPENR
22003 Order number Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
General Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_ORDERNR
22004 Part: Designation 1 Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
General Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_DESCR1
22005 Part: Designation 2 Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
General Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_DESCR2
22006 Part: Designation 3 Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
General Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_DESCR3
22007 Manufacturer Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Short name of the manufacturer. General Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER
22008 Supplier Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Short name of the supplier. General Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_SUPPLIER
22009 Description Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
General Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_NOTE
22010 Graphical macro Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
3D macro that can be placed in the 3D mounting layout / in layout spaces. This macro can be stored at a part. Mounting data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_MACRO
22012 Height Part
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Decimal number No No ARTICLE_HEIGHT
22013 Width Part
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Decimal number No No ARTICLE_WIDTH
22014 Depth Part
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DEPTH
22017 Technical characteristics Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CHARACTERISTICS
22018 Graphical macro (without macro directory name) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Name of the graphics macro (CAD number) for the 2D panel layout, without the directory. Mounting data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLE_MACRONAME
22019 Bus coupler / head station Part Property of a part variant. Identifies a device as a bus coupler or as a head station. In the case of a head station the Rack property has to be filled additionally for the respective PLC card. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_PLCISBUSCOUPLER
22020 CPU Part Property of a part variant. Identifies a device as the central processing unit (the processor) of a PLC controller. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_PLCISCPU
22022 Mounting surface Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Mounting data Integer No No ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSITE
22023 Record type Part
Address (part)
Accessory list
Accessory placement
Drilling pattern
Connection point pattern
Deleted part (base object)
User-defined part
This property shows the type of parts data or cross-part data, such as component, assembly, accessory list, drilling pattern, customer. For parts data and for addresses you can change the record type via the drop-down list (for parts data: component, assembly, module; for addresses: customer, manufacturer / supplier). Data Integer No No ARTICLE_PARTTYPE
22024 Variant Part
Deleted part (base object)
Property of a part variant. Shows the designation of the variant, up to 3 characters may be entered. A part always has at least one variant. By default, the variant designation "1" is assigned to the first variant of each part. General Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_VARIANT
22025 Accessory code Part This property should no longer be used and is only available with old EPLAN versions for reasons of compatibility. In older EPLAN projects (created with Version 1.9 or older), this property was used to assign accessory parts to a part; parts and accessory parts with the same accessory code were grouped together. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_ACCESSORYID
22026 Function group Part This field is for informational purposes and can be used, for instance, for filtering during part selection. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_FUNCTIONGROUP
22027 Part group Part Part groups are used to group parts of the same type, e.g., in heat or vibration sensitive items. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PIECETYPE
22028 Product subgroup Part
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Outputs the product subgroup entered in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "General" > "Product grouping" property. The parts are sorted according to their product groups (including superseding and subgroups) and displayed in tree format in parts management. General Integer No No ARTICLE_PRODUCTSUBGROUP
22030 Cable type / Type designation Part Property of a part variant. The cable type describes the physical properties of the cable. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CABLETYPE
22031 Number of connections Part Property of a part variant. Number of cable connections. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CABLEWIRECOUNT
22032 Connection: Cross-section / diameter Part Property of a part variant. Connection cross-section / diameter of the cable connection of a cable. For pipes and hoses in fluid power and process engineering the property refers to the inner diameter. A corresponding property "External diameter" exists for the external diameter. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CABLEWIRECROSSSECTION
22033 Voltage Part Property of a part variant. Coil operating voltage or of the component (connection point voltage for electricity consumers). At a part with the product group "Relays, contactors" this property refers to the coil. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_VOLTAGE
22034 Cable assignment diagram form Part Property of a part variant. Shows the form to be used for the cable assignment diagram. When selecting a part the contents of this property are transferred to the main function. For the report, only those cables are considered which are assigned a form in the property "Cable assignment diagram form". All other cables are ignored. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CABLEDISPLAYFORM
22035 Plugs: Number of pins Part Property of a part variant. Number of pins in the plug. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PINCOUNT
22036 Connection point cross-section Part Property of a part variant. Evaluates a value calculated on the "Properties" tab in parts management and outputs it in a report, e.g. a terminal diagram, and displays it at the terminal in the schematic. At a part with the product group "Relays, contactors" this property refers to the contact. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CONNECTIONCROSSSECTION
22037 Device description: File name Part Property of a part variant. File name of the device description file of a PLC card. The part allocation during the import of PLC configuration files is carried out on the basis of this property. The file name is entered with the file name extension, but without file path. In addition to the property Device description: File name, the property Object description or Device description: Index in file must also be specified. On the basis of these properties a device is selected within the file during the import of PLC configuration files. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management.
In the Device description: File name property not only the GSD file name but also other entries, for example device IDs of CC Link modules can be stored. To this purpose you enter a prefix followed by a colon before the actual device ID, for example "CSP+:AJ65VBTCE2-8T". This entry is then exported unchanged. If the entry does not contain a prefix (meaning no colon) or the prefix "GSD:", for example "GSD:SIEM8139.GSD", the entry is interpreted as a device description file during the export in the AutomationML AR APC format.
PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICE_ID
22038 Object description Part Property of a part variant. Outputs the object description for parts in the "PLC" product group that has been entered in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "PLC data". PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCOBJECT_DESCRIPTION
22040 Distributed placement of assembly Part Property of a part variant. Controls how an assembly acts in EPLAN Pro Panel: If the property is enabled, the assembly is broken apart in EPLAN Pro Panel, so that the single parts can be individually placed (for example main switch distributed between panel and door). If the property is not enabled, the assemblies act as contactors with auxiliary contacts that are placed together and are defined as an assembly in the bill of materials. Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY_POS_PLACE_SPREADED
22041 Product group Part
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Outputs the product group entered in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "General" > "Product grouping" property. The parts are sorted according to their product groups (including superseding and subgroups) and displayed in tree format in parts management. General Integer No No ARTICLE_PRODUCTGROUP
22042 Quantity unit Part Prices / Other Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_QUANTITYUNIT
22043 Price unit Part Prices / Other Integer No No ARTICLE_PRICEUNIT
22044 Group number Part Outputs the group number entered in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "Data". The group number is used to differentiate between individual parts groups. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_GROUPNUMBER
22045 Image file Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Outputs the name of the image file which has been assigned to the part in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "Mounting data". Mounting data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PICTUREFILE
22046 Weight Part Part weight in kg. Mounting data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_WEIGHT
22047 Space requirement Part Mounting data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSPACE
22048 Certification: General Part Text identifier for a certificate or test number, which is assigned on the basis of a safety check. Certifications Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE
22049 Certification: UL File Number Part Identifier of the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. You can enter e.g. UL certifications, UL file numbers, or other test numbers here. Certifications Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_UL
22050 Certification: VDE Part Identifier of the Association for Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology. Certifications Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_VDE
22051 Attributes Part
Drilling pattern
Accessory list
Accessory placement
Connection point pattern
User-defined part
Shows indexed the values of the attributes which have been assigned to a part variant in the parts management on the "Properties" > "Data" hierarchy level tab. Attributes are independent of the part type. Data Monolingual text Yes, 100 No ARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE
22052 Power supply Part Property of a part variant. Identifies the device as a power supply. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_PLCISPOWERSUPPLY
22053 Bus distribution device Part Property of a part variant. Identifies a device as a bus distribution device. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_PLCISBUSDISTRIBUTOR
22054 Part is accessory Part Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_IS_ACCESSORY
22055 Length (prefabricated) Part Property of a part variant. Length of cables, bundles, pipes, tubes and wires is stored internally in the unit "meter" and is converted to the unit selected for the display. What is meant here is the "unchangeable" length with which a part is to be used, not the delivery length. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_CABLELENGTH
22056 ERP number Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Unique part number in an external ERP system. During entry as many characters as you wish are possible for the part ERP number, but only the first 64 characters in the UTF-8 format are identifying. If you assign a value via the Application Programming Interface you have to assign the same value for all part variants. General Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_ERPNR
22058 Delivery length Part Delivery length of the parts. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value of the delivery length from the parts management. You can use the property in forms for the parts list, for example in calculation formulas for calculating the order length. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DELIVERYLENGTH
22059 Weight in displayed unit Part
Part reference
Mounting data Value with unit No Yes ARTICLE_WEIGHT_DISPLAY_UNIT
22060 Unique part ID Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
This property (cannot be seen in the user interface above) uniquely identifies the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_UNIQUEID
22063 Min. bending radius Part Property of a part variant. Minimum bending radius of the cable with information about the unit in mm, e.g. "8 mm". Value with unit No No ARTICLE_BENDINGRADIUS
22064 Cable / Conduit: Designation in graphic Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Property of a part variant. This field is provided for the entry of text to be later displayed next to the cable in the schematic, e.g., "OELFLEX-SERVO-FD 4G1.5+2x(2x0.75StD) CP". Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_CABLEDESIGNATION
22065 External diameter Part Property of a part variant. External diameter (in mm). Value with unit No No ARTICLE_OUTERDIAMETER
22066 Copper weight Part Property of a part variant. Specifies the proportion of copper in the cable. Since copper is calculated on the current daily value, the copper price is calculated separately from the costs of manufacture of the cable and added to the cable price. In order to avoid minute numerical values, the unit kg/km is used for the entry, for example 33.
The following formula can be used to calculate how high the copper price is:
For 100 m cable: Copper weight*(CU-notation - Basic official price)/1000
Example: Copper surcharge for the cable (N)YM(ST)-J5x1,5/1,5, Basic official price: 300, Day official price: 425
Calculation: 7.7 * (425 - 300)/1000 = EUR 0.96 CU surcharge (for 100 m)
22067 Weight / length Part Property of a part variant. Entry here is relative to the unit kg/km, e.g., "67". Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CABLEWEIGHT
22068 Unit for connection cross-section / diameter Part Property of a part variant. Unit for the cross-section or diameter of the connections of a cable or conduit. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm²
2 = sqmm
3 = AWG
4 = mm
5 = KCM
6 = MCM
7 = Zoll
8 = "
9 = inch
10 = µm
11 = kcmil
12 = µm².
22069 No. of connections and cross-section / diameter Part Property of a part variant. Displays the number of connections multiplied by the cross-section (or diameter), separated by "x". For pipes and hoses in fluid power and process engineering the property refers to the inner diameter. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_WIRECROSSSECTION_AND_DIAMETER
22070 Voltage type Part Property of a part variant. Used for the entry of the voltage type (AC / DC). At a part with the product group "Relays, contactors" this property refers to the coil. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_VOLTAGETYPE
22071 Current Part Property of a part variant. At a part with the product group "Relays, contactors" this property refers to the coil. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_ELECTRICALCURRENT
22072 Switching capacity Part Property of a part variant. Electrical switching capacity (in watt) of a contact at coils of contactors and relays or of a component. At a part with the product group "Relays, contactors" this property refers to the contact. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_ELECTRICALPOWER
22073 Holding power Part Property of a part variant. Maximum holding power (in mVA) of contactor and relay coils. At a part with the product group "Relays, contactors" this property refers to the coil. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_HOLDINGPOWER
22074 Max. power dissipation Part Property of a part variant. Specification of the maximum power dissipation (in watt) at coils of contactors and relays. At a part with the product group "Relays, contactors" this property refers to the coil. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_POWERDISSIPATION
22075 Tripping current Part Property of a part variant. At a part with the product group "Relays, contactors" this property refers to the coil. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_TRIGGERCURRENT
22077 Subtrade 'Electrical engineering' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_ELECTRICAL
22078 Mounting panel: Mounting space Part Property of a part variant. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PANELMOUNTINGSPACE
22079 Door: Mounting space Part Property of a part variant. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DOORMOUNTINGSPACE
22080 Color Part Property of a part variant. This property is available for terminals and wires and is used to show the color of the terminal or the wire. Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_COLOR
22081 Material Part
Connection definition point
Piping definition point
Property of a part variant. Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_MATERIAL
22082 Terminals: Degree of protection Part Property of a part variant. Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_DEGOFPROTECTION
22084 Terminals: Cross-section from Part Property of a part variant. Permissible connection cross-section in mm². Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CROSSSECTIONFROM
22085 Terminals: Cross-section to Part Property of a part variant. Permissible connection cross-section in mm². Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CROSSSECTIONTILL
22086 Terminals: AWG from Part Property of a part variant. AWG stands for "American Wire Gauge" and designates the connection cross-section of cables. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_AWGFROM
22087 Terminals: AWG to Part Property of a part variant. AWG stands for "American Wire Gauge" and designates the connection cross-section of cables. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_AWGTILL
22088 Terminals: Current IEC Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CURRENTIEC
22089 Terminals: Voltage IEC Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_VOLTAGEIEC
22090 Terminals: Current UL Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CURRENTUL
22091 Terminals: Voltage UL Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_VOLTAGEUL
22092 Terminals: Current CSA Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CURRENTCSA
22093 Terminals: Voltage CSA Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_VOLTAGECSA
22094 Subtrade 'Mechanics' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_MECHANICS
22095 Plugs: Pin arrangement Part Property of a part variant. The pin arrangement designates the number, distance, and arrangement of pins within a plug. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CONTACTOR_ARRANGEMENT
22096 Plugs: Clearance Part Property of a part variant. The clearance is defined as the shortest distance through the air between two conductive parts. For the calculation of minimum clearance, besides the rated surge voltage, the degree of pollution is also needed. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_AIRGAP
22097 Plugs: Creepage distance Part Property of a part variant. The creepage distance is defined as the shortest distance along the surface of an insulator between two conducting parts. This insulation does not depend on the length of voltage load. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_CREEPAGEDISTANCE
22098 Plugs: Standard / inverse Part Property of a part variant. In telecommunications technology, the inverse constructions of DIN 41612 plugs have become the standard. The term "inverse" here means that female and male pins are found on the same side of the plug. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_STANDARDINVERS
22099 Plugs: Pin type Part Property of a part variant. Type of pin, e.g. standard, nickel-plated, etc. Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_CONTACTTYPE
22100 Plugs: Type of construction Part Property of a part variant. Type of plug construction according to specifications in the manufacturer catalog or according to DIN 41 612. Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_DESIGN
22101 Plugs: Connecting technique Part Property of a part variant. Connection techniques, for example conductor plate connection, crimp connection, etc. Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_CONNECTIONMETHOD
22102 Plugs: Leading pins Part Property of a part variant. Number of leading pins in the plug. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_ADVANCECONTACTS
22103 Plugs: Coding Part Property of a part variant. Coding is required in order to distinguish between several plugs. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CODING
22104 Version Part Property of a part variant. Used to specify the version, e.g., the firmware version of intelligent PLC modules. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_FIRMWAREVERSION
22105 PLC type designation Part Property of a part variant. PLC type designation of a PLC card. The part allocation during the import of PLC configuration files is carried out on the basis of this property (in as far as no device description file is specified). The entry has to be carried out in exactly the same notation as in the hardware catalog of the manufacturer. In the simplest case the PLC type designation corresponds to the order number. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management. The property is transferred to the main function at a part selection or device selection. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCTYPE
22106 Address range (SIEMENS STEP 7 Classic) Part Property of a part variant. Enter the size of the address range within the PLC controller that the card occupies here, for example "4 bytes". The address range is entered on the "Properties" tab in parts management. To this purpose enter the number of input / output bytes or the number of input / output bits that the PLC card uses by default, depending on the card type. For a card that has both inputs and outputs, the value of the inputs is entered here. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_ADDRESSRANGE
22107 Sales price Currency 1 Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Prices / Other Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SALESPRICE_1
22108 Sales price Currency 2 Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Prices / Other Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SALESPRICE_2
22109 Purchase price/price unit Currency 1 Part Prices / Other Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PURCHASEPRICE_1
22110 Purchase price/price unit Currency 2 Part Prices / Other Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PURCHASEPRICE_2
22111 Purchase price/packaging Currency 1 Part Prices / Other Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PACKAGINGPRICE_1
22112 Purchase price/packaging Currency 2 Part Prices / Other Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PACKAGINGPRICE_2
22113 Certification: CE Part Certificate of the Communauté Européene certificate, i.e. the previous European Community. The CE certification is a prerequisite for teh he first placing on the market of products for which a CE certification in accordance with special EU directives is required, namely in all member states of the European Economic Area. Certifications Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_CE
22114 Intrinsically safe Part Property of a part variant. Shows whether the part is intrinsically safe. In this case it is guaranteed that during operation or in case of a short circuit no spark can occur which could ignite any explosive atmosphere possibly present (gas or liquid). Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_INTRINSICSAFETY
22115 Short-circuit proof Part Property of a part variant. Shows whether a cable is short-circuit proof. In this case, it is guaranteed that the cable will not burn through between individual conductors in case of a short circuit. Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_SHORTCIRCUITRESISTANT
22116 Mounting panel: Usable height Part Property of a part variant. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PANELHEIGHT
22117 Mounting panel: Usable width Part Property of a part variant. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PANELWIDTH
22118 Mounting panel: Max. mounting depth Part Property of a part variant. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PANELDEPTH
22119 Door: Usable height Part Property of a part variant. Door opening height. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DOORHEIGHT
22120 Door: Usable width Part Property of a part variant. Door opening width. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DOORWIDTH
22121 Door: Max. mounting depth Part Property of a part variant. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DOORDEPTH
22122 Quantity/packaging Part Number of quantity units that are contained in a packaging unit. Prices / Other Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PACKAGINGQUANTITY
22123 Number of PE conductors Part Number of PE / PEN cable conductors. No category Integer No Yes ARTICLE_PE_WIRE_COUNT
22124 Max. working pressure Part Property of a part variant. Working pressure (in bar). Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PRESSURE
22125 Control range Part Property of a part variant. Control range for the working pressure (in bar). Decimal number No No ARTICLE_ADJUSTRANGE
22126 Flow Part Property of a part variant. Enter how many liters per minute can flow through the part. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_FLOW
22127 Thread Part Property of a part variant. Thread information. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_THREAD
22128 Inner diameter Part Property of a part variant. Internal diameter (in mm). Value with unit No No ARTICLE_INNERDIAMETER
22129 Length of stroke Part Property of a part variant. Length of stroke (in mm). Value with unit No No ARTICLE_STROKELENGTH
22130 Connection point Part Property of a part variant. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CONNECTION
22131 Trade 'Electrical engineering' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_ELECTRICAL
22132 Trade 'Fluid power' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_FLUID
22133 Trade 'Mechanics' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_MECHANICS
22134 Trade 'Hydraulics' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_HYDRAULICS
22135 Trade 'Pneumatics' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_PNEUMATICS
22136 Trade 'Lubrication' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_LUBRICATION
22137 Trade 'Cooling' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_COOLING
22138 Generic product group Part
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
Outputs the generic product group entered in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "General" > "Product grouping" property. The parts are sorted according to their product groups (including superseding and subgroups) and displayed in tree format in parts management. General Integer No No ARTICLE_PRODUCTTOPGROUP
22139 Wearing part Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Identifies a wearing part, e.g. the position of an item that is especially prone to wear. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_WEAR
22140 Spare part Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Identifies a spare part, e.g. the name of the item that can replace the defective or worn part. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_SPARE
22141 Lubrication / maintenance Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Lubrication / maintenance information, e.g. the maintenance interval. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_MAINTENANCE
22142 Service time Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
The time during which a technical system or object can be used without exchanging core components or a complete breakdown. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_LIFETIME
22143 Stress Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
The types of stress differentiate between mechanical movement values (static and dynamic) and environmental influences (e.g., moisture, heat, chemical reactions). Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_STRESS
22144 Procurement Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Estimated time required to obtain the part. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_USAGE
22145 Schematic macro Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
2D macro which can be placed on schematic path pages as well as 2D panel layout pages. This macro can be stored at a part. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_GROUPSYMBOLMACRO
22146 Free properties: Displayed name Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Description of the free property. More than 1000 assignments can be made using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_DESCRIPTION
22147 Free properties: Value Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Value of the free property. More than 1000 assignments can be made using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_VALUE
22148 Free properties: Unit Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Unit for the value of the free property. More than 1000 assignments can be made using the index. Data Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_UNIT
22149 External document 1 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_1
22150 External document 2 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_2
22151 External document 3 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_3
22152 Mounting clearance Width: Left Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SPACING_LEFT
22153 Mounting clearance Width: Right Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SPACING_RIGHT
22154 Mounting clearance Height: Above Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SPACING_ABOVE
22155 Mounting clearance Height: Below Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SPACING_BELOW
22156 Mounting clearance Depth: Front Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SPACING_FRONT
22157 Mounting clearance Depth: Rear Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SPACING_REAR
22158 Subtrade 'Hydraulics' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_HYDRAULICS
22159 Subtrade 'Pneumatics' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_PNEUMATICS
22160 Door fold Part Rabbet strength of door opening. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DOOR_RABBET
22161 Door opening: Offset top Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DOOR_OFFSET_TOP
22162 Door opening: Offset right Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DOOR_OFFSET_RIGHT
22163 Overhang: Side panel front Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONFRONT
22164 Overhang: Side panel back Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONBACK
22165 Overhang: Side panel top Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONTOP
22166 Overhang: Side panel bottom Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SIDEPANELPROJECTIONBOTTOM
22167 Distance side panel Part Distance side panel from profile level. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SIDEPANELDISTANCE
22168 Side panel: Depth Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SIDEPANELDEPTH
22169 Overhang: Rear panel left Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONLEFT
22170 Overhang: Rear panel right Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT
22171 Overhang: Rear panel top Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONTOP
22172 Overhang: Rear panel bottom Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_REARPANELPROJECTIONBOTTOM
22173 Distance rear panel Part Distance rear panel from profile level. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_REARPANELDISTANCE
22174 Rear panel: Depth Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_REARPANELDPEPTH
22175 Overhang: Cover left Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONLEFT
22176 Overhang: Cover right Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT
22177 Overhang: Cover front Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONFRONT
22178 Overhang: Cover back Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_TOPPANELPROJECTIONBACK
22179 Distance cover Part Distance of roof from profile level. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_TOPPANELDISTANCE
22180 Cover: Depth Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_TOPPANELDPEPTH
22181 Overhang: Base left Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONLEFT
22182 Overhang: Base right Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONRIGHT
22183 Overhang: Base front Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONFRONT
22184 Overhang: Base back Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELPROJECTIONBACK
22185 Distance base Part Distance of roof from profile level. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELDISTANCE
22186 Base: Depth Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BOTTOMPANELDEPTH
22187 Profile horizontal: Height Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PROFILEHEIGHT
22188 Profile horizontal: Depth Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PROFILEDEPTH
22189 Profile vertical: Width Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_VPROFILEWIDTH
22190 Profile vertical: Depth Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_VPROFILEDPETH
22191 Adjoining distance Part Shows the spacing (in mm) between multiple enclosures lined up next to each other. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_PROFILEDISTANCE
22192 Door: Type Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_DOORTYPE
22193 Door: Hinge Part Indicates whether the hinge of the door is attached on the left or the right. Integer No No ARTICLE_HINGEPOSITION
22194 Door: Wall thickness Part Wall thickness of the door (in mm). Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DOORTHICKNESS
22195 Subtrade 'Lubrication' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_LUBRICATION
22196 Subtrade 'Cooling' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_COOLING
22197 Subtrade 'Process engineering' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_PROCESS
22198 Width top Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_WIDTHTOP
22199 Width bottom Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_WIDTHBOTTOM
22200 Busbars: Profile geometry D x H (only EPLAN Cabinet) Part Profile geometry of the busbar system. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_BARGEOMETRY
22201 Busbars: Number of rails Part Integer No No ARTICLE_BARCOUNT
22202 Busbars: Rail spacing Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BARDISTANCE
22203 Busbars: Distance between rails and mounting panel Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BARMOUNTINGPLATEDISTANCE
22204 Busbar support: Part number Part Part number of busbar support within a busbar system. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_BUSBARHOLDERPARTNR
22205 Busbar support: Part variant Part Part variant of busbar support within a busbar system. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_BUSBARHOLDERVARIANT
22207 Busbar support: Vertical offset Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_INSERTPOINTOFFSETX
22208 Barcode number Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Barcodes are used to give goods a unique identification. Different coding standards are used internationally, e.g. the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number). In addition, companies use company-specific or industrial standards.
The contents of this property can be taken into account in manufacturing lists and when importing and exporting parts; it cannot be translated, however.
Prices / Other Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_IDENTCODE
22209 Barcode type Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows the type of coding for a barcode, e.g. 2D code, EAN/GTIN, ISBN etc. The contents of this property can be taken into account in manufacturing lists and when importing and exporting parts; it cannot be translated. Prices / Other Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_IDENTTYPE
22210 External document Part Monolingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT
22211 Clip-on height Part The clip-on height describes the position in the side view or from the top / bottom. When it is placed on a mounting rail, the item is automatically placed on the rail to the correct mounting depth. If the rail is replaced, the item will "move" to the top. The item is thus aligned above the top edge on the basis of the value entered here, rather than on the underside of the rail. Mounting data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SNAPHEIGHT
22212 API Parts Management Extension: Name of add-in Part
Address (part)
Accessory placement
Accessory list
Connection point pattern
Drilling pattern
This property is used by the "API Parts Management Extension" module. Using this module, you can add user-defined data from a database of your own to the parts that are stored in the EPLAN parts database. It is intended for information that you do not want to save to existing part properties. You can assign this information to a part and display it in parts management. If such a part is exported or stored in the project, this information will be stored in the properties "API Parts Management Extension: Name of add-in" (ID 22212) and "API Parts Management Extension: Value from add-in" (ID 22213). In the property ID 22212, the name of the add-in is stored via the index; up to 100 are possible. In the property ID 22213, the value from the add-in with the same index is stored via the index. No category Monolingual text Yes, 100 No ARTICLE_CUSTOM_DATA_INDEX
22213 API Parts Management Extension: Value from add-in Part
Address (part)
Accessory placement
Accessory list
Connection point pattern
Drilling pattern
This property is used by the "API Parts Management Extension" module. Using this module, you can add user-defined data from a database of your own to the parts that are stored in the EPLAN parts database. It is intended for information that you do not want to save to existing part properties. You can assign this information to a part and display it in parts management. If such a part is exported or stored in the project, this information will be stored in the properties "API Parts Management Extension: Name of add-in" (ID 22212) and "API Parts Management Extension: Value from add-in" (ID 22213). In the property ID 22212, the name of the add-in is stored via the index; up to 100 are possible. In the property ID 22213, the value from the add-in with the same index is stored via the index. No category Monolingual text Yes, 100 No ARTICLE_CUSTOM_DATA_VALUE
22214 Identifier for reports Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
You can enter a code in this property that is reported in filters for conditional forms. The property is entered in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "Data for reports". Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_REPORT_IDENTIFIER
22215 Center mismatch Part If you do not want the part to be centered in the front view, enter the offset relative to the middle of the mounting rail. The item will then be automatically offset by this value. Mounting data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_MIDDLEOFFSET
22216 Wall thickness Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_WALLTHICKNESS
22217 Drilling pattern Part The drilling pattern stored at the part. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_REF_CONSTRUCTION_NAME
22218 Coil: Voltage Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_COILVOLTAGE
22219 Texture Part Name of the image file that is mapped during part placement in the layout space on the front side of the placed 3D object. Using an image file as texture displays the surface of a 3D model in more detail and more realistically or illustrates the photo of an original item. Mounting data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_ECABINET_MACRO
22220 External placement Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Identifies the part as being externally placed and thus excludes it from panel layout reports. Mounting data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_PLACEMENT
22221 Discount Part Prices / Other Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DISCOUNT
22222 Manufacturer name Part Full name of the manufacturer. General Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER_NAME
22223 Supplier name Part Full name of the supplier. General Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLE_SUPPLIER_NAME
22224 Pipe class Part
Connection definition point
Piping definition point
Property of a part variant. The pipe class specifies the range of application in relation to the pressure and temperature, meaning the maximum permissible pressure at which the piping may be operated at a maximum permissible temperature. When doing this, a pipe class contains a fixed number of pipe items, such as pipes, fittings, flanges, nuts, bolts, and gaskets. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PIPECLASS
22225 Nominal width Part
Connection definition point
Piping definition point
This property should no longer be used and is only available with old EPLAN versions for reasons of compatibility. In older EPLAN projects (created with version 2.2 or earlier), this property was used to assign the diameter of a pipe / hose line or the size / connection dimension of a control valve (valve, slide) to a part variant. Together with the nominal pressure level, the nominal width defines all dimensions of a pipe. The designation DN ("diameter nominal") is used to specify the nominal width, followed by a number without a unit that is roughly equivalent to the inner diameter in millimeters. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_WIDTHRATING
22226 Nominal pressure level Part
Connection definition point
Piping definition point
Property of a part variant. The nominal pressure of a pipe system specifies a reference value. The designation PN ("Pressure Nominal") is used, followed by a whole number without dimensions that indicates the design pressure in bar at room temperature (20° C). The permissible pressure is correspondingly smaller at higher temperatures, depending on the permissible material characteristics (yield point). Value with unit No No ARTICLE_PRESSURELEVEL
22227 Standard Part
Connection definition point
Piping definition point
Property of a part variant. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_NORM
22228 Symbol for reports Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
In this property, you can enter symbols that will be used in the report of conditional forms. The symbols are entered in parts management on the "Properties" tab > hierarchy level "Data for reports", with a maximum of 20. Monolingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_REPORT_SYMBOL
22229 Alignable Part Shows whether a terminal part (terminal or accessories) can be aligned. Terminals can always be aligned. This property can be changed in the case of accessory parts. The property for accessories with product subgroups "Terminator," "End clamp" and "Partition" is enabled by default; it is not enabled by default for all other product subgroups. Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CAN_BE_LINED_UP
22230 Max. working pressure (full) Part Working pressure with information about the unit. The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. Data Value with unit No Yes ARTICLE_PRESSURE_FULL
22231 Control range (full) Part Control range with information about the unit. The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. Data Value with unit No Yes ARTICLE_ADJUSTRANGE_FULL
22232 Flow (full) Part Flow with information about the unit. The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. Data Value with unit No Yes ARTICLE_FLOW_FULL
22233 Weight (full) Part Weight with information about the unit. The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. Mounting data Value with unit No Yes ARTICLE_WEIGHT_FULL
22234 Free properties: Value and unit (full) Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Value of a free property with specification of the unit. More than 1000 assignments can be made using the index. The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. Data Multilingual text Yes, 1000 Yes ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_FULL
22235 External document 4 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_4
22236 External document 5 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_5
22237 External document 6 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_6
22238 External document 7 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_7
22239 External document 8 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_8
22240 External document 9 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_9
22241 External document 10 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_10
22242 External document 11 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_11
22243 External document 12 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_12
22244 External document 13 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_13
22245 External document 14 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_14
22246 External document 15 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_15
22247 External document 16 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_16
22248 External document 17 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_17
22249 External document 18 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_18
22250 External document 19 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_19
22251 External document 20 Part The "External document [n]" properties always show the nth external document assigned to the part. For example "External document 1" shows the first external document assigned to the part. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_20
22252 Busbars: Part number Part Part number of an individual busbar within a busbar system. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_BUSBARRAILPARTNR
22253 Busbars: Part variant Part Part variant of an individual busbar within a busbar system. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_BUSBARRAILVARIANT
22254 Connection type Part Property of a part variant. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_WIRETYPE
22255 Connection: Unit for connection cross-section / diameter Part Property of a part variant. Units of the connection cross-section or diameter. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm²
2 = sqmm
3 = AWG
4 = mm
5 = KCM
6 = MCM
7 = Zoll
8 = "
9 = inch
10 = µm
11 = kcmil
12 = µm².
22257 Bending radius Part Bending radius of a bent busbar Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLE_BENDINGRADIUS_COPPER
22258 Discontinued part Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Identifies the part as a discontinued part; such a part is no longer to be used. General Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_DISCONTINUED
22259 Maximum bundle diameter Part The maximum bundle diameter indicates the maximum diameter of a bundle of connections that must be met in order to bundle it with this part (e.g., a cable tie or spiral coiled tube). Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BUNDLE_MAXDIAMETER
22260 Minimum bundle diameter Part The minimum bundle diameter indicates the minimum diameter of a bundle of connections that must be met in order to bundle it with this part (e.g., a cable tie or spiral coiled tube). Decimal number No No ARTICLE_BUNDLE_MINDIAMETER
22261 Address range 2 (SIEMENS STEP 7 Classic) Part Property of a part variant. For PLC cards that have both inputs and outputs, you can use this property to specify a separate address range for the outputs. Enter the I/O address range here from which data is transmitted or where the data can be written. The address range is entered on the "Properties" tab in parts management. For this property to be reported during addressing, the Separate address range for inputs and outputs check box must be deactivated in the PLC-specific settings. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_ADDRESSRANGE_2
22262 Trade 'Cooling lubricant' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_COOLINGLUBRICANT
22263 Trade 'Gas engineering' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_GASTECHNOLOGY
22264 Trade 'Fluid power (undefined)' Part The trade determines the technology to be applied or selected. Trades Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_CRAFT_FLUID_UNDEFINED
22265 Subtrade 'Cooling lubricant' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_COOLINGLUBRICANT
22266 Subtrade 'Gas engineering' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_GASTECHNOLOGY
22267 Subtrade 'Fluid power (undefined)' Part This property can be used to create several subtrades for a trade. Trades Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_SUBCRAFT_FLUID_UNDEFINED
22268 Mounting depth Part Mounting data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_INSTALLATION_DEPTH
22269 PLC station: Type Part Property of a part variant. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCSTATIONTYPE
22270 Certification: ATEX identifier Part Certification for explosion protection in accordance with the ATEX Directive of the European Union. The designation ATEX is derived from the French abbreviation for "ATmosphère EXplosibles". Certifications Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_ATEX
22271 Rail cross-section Part Decimal number No No ARTICLE_RAILCROSSSECTION
22272 Rail material Part Integer No No ARTICLE_RAILMATERIAL
22273 Conductivity (at +20 °C) Part Specific electrical conductivity at +20 °C. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CONDUCTIVITY
22274 Temperature coefficient Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT
22275 Fluid / process engineering Wall thickness of the connection Part Property of a part variant. Value with unit No No ARTICLE_FLUID_WALLTHICKNESS
22277 Connection point pattern: Offset X-direction Part
Part (referenced)
22278 Connection point pattern: Offset Y-direction Part
Part (referenced)
22279 External document: Designation Part Multilingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_DESIGNATION
22280 External document: File / hyperlink Part Monolingual text Yes, 20 No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_URL
22281 Connection dimension source Part Value with unit No No ARTICLE_TERMINALSIZE_SOURCE
22282 Connection dimension target Part Value with unit No No ARTICLE_TERMINALSIZE_DESTINATION
22283 Device description: Index in file Part Property of a part variant. Index in the device description file of a PLC card. Through the index it is possible to select a device in a language-neutral form within such a file. The property is transferred to the main function at a part selection or device selection. The property is taken into consideration during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICE_INDEX
22285 Finger width Part Width of a wire duct finger. This part property is required solely for the manufacturing data export for the Rittal Secarex cutting center. This property does not have any influence on the graphical representation of the wire duct in a layout space. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_TAB_WIDTH
22286 Slot width Part Width of a slot between two wire duct fingers. This part property is required solely for the manufacturing data export for the Rittal Secarex cutting center. This property does not have any influence on the graphical representation of the wire duct in a layout space. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SLOT_GAP
22287 Distance of the pinch point Part Distance of the pinch point from a wire duct fin. This part property is required solely for the manufacturing data export for the Rittal Secarex cutting center. This property does not have any influence on the graphical representation of the wire duct in a layout space. Decimal number No No ARTICLE_DISTANCE_WIRE_HOLD_BACK_NOSE
22288 Distributed placement of module Part Property of a part variant. Controls how a module is placed in EPLAN Pro Panel:
0 = Place module parts and elements
1 = Place only module parts
2 = Place only elements
22289 Bill of materials group Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
You can use this property to group the parts data of components, serial machines, etc. and to make these groups visible in the bill of materials navigator. The property can be used for filtering in the bill of materials and 3D mounting layout navigator and is available in the reports for the bill of materials and for editing in tables. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_PARTSLISTGROUP
22290 PLC card is placed on head station Part Property of a part variant. Identifies a PLC card that is placed on a head station or is integrated into it. PLC data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_PLCISMOUNTEDONHEADMODULE
22291 PLC subdevice 3: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_3
22292 Break up in summarized parts list Part Through this property the behavior during the breaking up of assemblies and modules in the summarized parts list is influences.
0 = From settings
1 = Always break up
2 = Never break up
22293 PLC subdevice 1: Name Part Property of a part variant. In this property you specify the device name of the PLC subdevice. PLC devices exist that consist of several integrated modules and that have several start addresses. Such a device can consist, for example, of an internal CPU module, an internal input-output module as well as internal counter module - however with only one part number. Such integrated modules within a PLC device can be displayed in EPLAN with PLC subdevices. To this purpose up to twelve PLC subdevices are available. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_1
22294 PLC subdevice 2: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_2
22295 PLC subdevice 3: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_3
22296 PLC subdevice 4: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_4
22297 PLC subdevice 5: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_5
22298 PLC subdevice 6: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_6
22299 PLC subdevice 7: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_7
22300 PLC subdevice 8: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_8
22301 PLC subdevice 9: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_9
22302 PLC subdevice 10: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_10
22303 PLC subdevice 11: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_11
22304 PLC subdevice 12: Name Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENAME_12
22305 PLC subdevice 1: Position (slot / module) Part Property of a part variant. In this property you specify in which slot / at which position on the PLC card this PLC subdevice is located. PLC devices exist that consist of several integrated modules and that have several start addresses. Such a device can consist, for example, of an internal CPU module, an internal input-output module as well as internal counter module - however with only one part number. Such integrated modules within a PLC device can be displayed in EPLAN with PLC subdevices. To this purpose up to twelve PLC subdevices are available. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_1
22306 PLC subdevice 2: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_2
22307 PLC subdevice 3: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_3
22308 PLC subdevice 4: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_4
22309 PLC subdevice 5: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_5
22310 PLC subdevice 6: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_6
22311 PLC subdevice 7: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_7
22312 PLC subdevice 8: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_8
22313 PLC subdevice 9: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_9
22314 PLC subdevice 10: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_10
22315 PLC subdevice 11: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_11
22316 PLC subdevice 12: Position (slot / module) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCDEVICENUMBER_12
22317 PLC subdevice 4: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_4
22318 PLC subdevice 5: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_5
22319 PLC subdevice 6: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_6
22320 PLC subdevice 7: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_7
22321 PLC subdevice 8: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_8
22322 PLC subdevice 9: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_9
22323 PLC subdevice 10: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_10
22324 PLC subdevice 11: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_11
22325 PLC subdevice 12: Data length (inputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_12
22326 PLC subdevice 3: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_3
22327 PLC subdevice 4: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_4
22328 PLC subdevice 5: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_5
22329 PLC subdevice 6: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_6
22330 PLC subdevice 7: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_7
22331 PLC subdevice 8: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_8
22332 PLC subdevice 9: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_9
22333 PLC subdevice 10: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_10
22334 PLC subdevice 11: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_11
22335 PLC subdevice 12: Data length (outputs) Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_12
22336 User-defined properties: Identifying name Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Identifying name of the user-defined property. More than 1000 assignments can be made using the index. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 No ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_IDENTNAME
22337 User-defined properties: Value Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
No category Multilingual text Yes, 1000 No ARTICLE_FREE_DATA_NEWVALUE
22338 PLC device: TemplateIdentifier Part Name of a template that is used for the exchange of a device in the PLC configuration program with preset, user-defined part properties. The property is used during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. The name of this template is replaced, but not the contents. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCTEMPLATEREFERENCE
22340 Drive: Device type Part For devices that are assigned to a drive you specify the type of device, for example "Synchronous motor", "Converter", "Encoder", etc., more exactly. The values to be entered for the device type are usually specified by the device manufacturer. PLC data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCAXIS_DEVICETYPE
22341 PLC subdevice 2: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_2
22342 PLC subdevice 3: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_3
22343 PLC subdevice 4: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_4
22344 PLC subdevice 5: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_5
22345 PLC subdevice 6: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_6
22346 PLC subdevice 7: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_7
22347 PLC subdevice 8: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_8
22348 PLC subdevice 9: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_9
22349 PLC subdevice 10: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_10
22350 PLC subdevice 11: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_11
22351 PLC subdevice 12: PLC type designation Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_12
22352 PLC subdevice 2: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_2
22353 PLC subdevice 3: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_3
22354 PLC subdevice 4: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_4
22355 PLC subdevice 5: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_5
22356 PLC subdevice 6: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_6
22357 PLC subdevice 7: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_7
22358 PLC subdevice 8: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_8
22359 PLC subdevice 9: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_9
22360 PLC subdevice 10: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_10
22361 PLC subdevice 11: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_11
22362 PLC subdevice 12: Device description: Index in file Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_12
22363 PLC subdevice 1: Data length (inputs) Part Property of a part variant. Required length in address space for the inputs of this PLC subdevice. The specification is in bits. The address range of the PLC subdevice is determined from the data length together with the start address. Note that there are PLC cards, for example technology modules, which are only assigned to a few inputs / outputs, but still require a larger address range than the one currently occupied. Always enter the maximum required length for the address range of the inputs here. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_INPUTS_1
22364 PLC subdevice 1: Data length (outputs) Part Property of a part variant. Required length in address space for the outputs of this PLC subdevice. The specification is in bits. The address range of the PLC subdevice is determined from the data length together with the start address. Note that there are PLC cards, for example technology modules, which are only assigned to a few inputs / outputs, but still require a larger address range than the one currently occupied. Always enter the maximum required length for the address range of the outputs here. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_DATALENGTH_OUTPUTS_1
22365 PLC subdevice 1: PLC type designation Part Property of a part variant. PLC type designation for a PLC subdevice 1 of a PLC card. If a PLC type designation is entered at the main device as well, the device identification for PLC subdevices that are treated as independent devices in the PLC configuration program is effected by means of this property. The entry has to be carried out in exactly the same notation as in the hardware catalog of the manufacturer. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_TYPIDENTIFIER_1
22366 PLC subdevice 1: Device description: Index in file Part Property of a part variant. Index for PLC subdevice 1 in the device description file of a PLC card. This property has to be filled for PLC subdevices if these are expected as independent devices in the PLC configuration program and are identified via a device description file and the associated index. The device description file is specified at the PLC box (main device). Through the index it is possible to select a device in a language-neutral form within such a file. During a part selection or device selection the property is filled with the corresponding value from the parts management. The property is taken into account during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PLCGROUP_INDEXINFILE_1
22367 Product grouping Part
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Part reference
In this property the classification of a part into "Generic product group", "Product group" and "Product subgroup" is made in the parts management in the tab "Properties" > Hierarchy level "General". The classification is displayed here like the directory path in a breadcrumb trail (e.g. "Electrical engineering > Cable > General"). General Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_PRODUCTGROUPING
22368 Certification: UL Category Control Number Part Identifier of the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. You can enter e.g. UL certifications, UL file numbers, or other test numbers here. Certifications Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CERTIFICATE_UL_CNN
22369 External documents Part Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_ALL
22870 Schematic macro: IEC Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
22871 Schematic macro: NFPA mm Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
22872 Schematic macro: NFPA inch Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
22873 Schematic macro: GB/CCC Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
22874 Schematic macro: GOST Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
22880 Schematic macro: Name for company standard Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
22881 Schematic macro: Macro for company standard Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
22882 Schematic macros for company standard Part
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
22900 Short name Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Deleted part (base object)
Short designation of manufacturers/suppliers or customers. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_SHORTNAME
22901 Last editor / Modification date Part (referenced)
Last change to the part. Shows the sign-in name of the user who last edited the record along with the date and time of the last change. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_LASTCHANGE
22902 Creator / Creation date Part (referenced)
Creation date of the part. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_CREATE
22908 Full name Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Full name of manufacturers/suppliers or customers. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_LONGNAME
22909 Title Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Title of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_TITLE
22910 Name 1 Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Name of manufacturer/supplier or customer; can be output when printing addresses. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_NAME1
22911 Name 2 Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Name of manufacturer/supplier or customer; can be output when printing addresses. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_NAME2
22912 Name 3 Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Name of manufacturer/supplier or customer; can be output when printing addresses. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_NAME3
22913 Street Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Street of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_STREET
22914 Zip code (City) Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Zip code of city of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_ZIPTOWN
22915 City Part (referenced)
Address (part)
City of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_TOWN
22916 Zip code (P.O. box) Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Zip code of P.O. box of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_ZIPPOBOX
22917 P.O. box Part (referenced)
Address (part)
PO box of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_POBOX
22918 Country Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Country of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_STATE
22919 Phone Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Phone number of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_PHONE
22920 E-mail Part (referenced)
Address (part)
E-mail address of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_EMAIL
22921 Customer number Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Number managed under personal details. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_NUMBER
22922 Description (address) Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Descriptive text for a customer, manufacturer or supplier in the parts management. This property is used for entering internal information or remarks, e.g. "responsible for sales, part....., good credit, etc." and so on. Data Multilingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_NOTE
22923 Fax Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Fax number of manufacturer/supplier or customer. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_FAX
22930 Description (Drilling pattern) Part (referenced)
Drilling pattern
Description of the drilling pattern. Data Multilingual text No No PART_CONSTRUCTION_DESCRIPTION
22931 Name Part (referenced)
Drilling pattern
Deleted part (base object)
Name of the drilling pattern. Data Monolingual text No No PART_CONSTRUCTION_NAME
22932 Drilling pattern variant Part (referenced)
Drilling pattern
22936 Creator / Creation date (accessory list) Part (referenced)
Accessory list
Creation date of the accessory list (hierarchy level "Accessory list" in parts management). Revision Monolingual text No No PART_ACCESSORYLIST_CREATE
22937 Last editor / Modification date (address) Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Last change to manufacturer/supplier or customer details. Shows the sign-in name of the user who last edited the record along with the date and time of the last change. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_ADDRESS_LASTCHANGE
22938 Last editor / Modification date (drilling pattern) Part (referenced)
Drilling pattern
Last change to the drilling pattern in parts management. Shows the sign-in name of the user who last edited the record along with the date and time of the last change. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_CONSTRUCTION_LASTCHANGE
22939 Creator / Creation date (drilling pattern) Part (referenced)
Drilling pattern
Creation date of the drilling pattern. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_CONSTRUCTION_CREATE
22941 Connection point pattern Part (referenced)
The connection point pattern stored at the part. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_REF_TERMINAL_NAME
22942 Additional length (default) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
This property is used if no additional length has been entered for the individual connection point in the connection point pattern. Specifies the default value for the additional length of the connection point arrangement. Data Decimal number No No PART_TERMINAL_ADDITIONALLENGTHDEFAULT
22943 Creator / Creation date (connection point pattern) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
Creation date of the connection point pattern. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_TERMINAL_CREATE
22944 Last editor / Modification date (connection point pattern) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
Last change to the connection point pattern in parts management. Shows the sign-in name of the user who last edited the record along with the date and time of the last change. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_TERMINAL_LASTCHANGE
22945 Name (connection point pattern) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
Deleted part (base object)
Name of the connection point pattern. Data Monolingual text No No PART_TERMINAL_NAME
22946 Description (Connection point pattern) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
Description of the connection point pattern. Data Multilingual text No No PART_TERMINAL_DESCRIPTION
22947 Wire termination processing (EPLAN Cabinet, default) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
This property is only required for reasons of compatibility with EPLAN Cabinet. It is used if no wire termination processing has been entered for the individual connection point in the connection point pattern. Shows how the end of the connection is handled, for example with stripping or crimping. Is entered in parts management for connection points and specifies the default value for a group of connection points.
0 = Undefined
1 = Cut
2 = Strip
3 = Crimp
4 = Other
from 5 = User-defined.
22948 Routing direction (default) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
This property is used if no routing direction has been entered for the individual connection point in the connection point pattern. The property is entered in parts management for connection point patterns and specifies the default value of the routing direction for a group of connection points.
0 = Automatic
1 = Move up
2 = Down
3 = Left
4 = Right.
22958 Last editor / Modification date (accessory list) Part (referenced)
Accessory list
Last change of the accessory list (hierarchy level "Accessory list" in parts management). Shows the sign-in name of the user who last edited the record along with the date and time of the last change. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_ACCESSORYLIST_LASTCHANGE
22959 Description (Accessory list) Part (referenced)
Accessory list
Description of the accessory list in parts management. Data Multilingual text No No PART_ACCESSORYLIST_DESCRIPTION
22960 Name (accessory list) Part (referenced)
Accessory list
Deleted part (base object)
Name of the accessory list (hierarchy level "Accessory list" in parts management). Data Monolingual text No No PART_ACCESSORYLIST_NAME
22963 Part number in accessory Part (referenced)
This property can be used in filters to determine where the part will be used as an accessory. No category Monolingual text No Yes PART_USED_AS_ACCESSORY_FILTER
22966 Part number in module Part (referenced)
This property can be used in filters to determine where the part will be used in a module. No category Monolingual text No Yes PART_USED_IN_MODULE_FILTER
22967 Part number in assembly Part (referenced)
This property can be used in filters to determine where the part will be used in an assembly. No category Monolingual text No Yes PART_USED_IN_ASSEMBLY_FILTER
22968 Connection category (default) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
This property is used if no connection category has been entered for the individual connection point in the connection point pattern. Specifies the connection point type of a connection more precisely:
0 = Undefined
1 = Screw clamp connection single
2 = Screw clamp connection double
3 = Cage clamp connection
4 = Insulation-displacement connection
5 = Screw-type connection (ring or U cable lug)
6 = Ferrule connection (cable lug)
7 = Plug connection
8 = Conductor plate connection
9 = Plug-in connection (Fluid)
10 = Nipple
11 = Internal thread
12 = External thread
13 = Compression nut
14 = Compression fitting
15 = User-defined
1015 = Screw connection
1016 = Spring pulley connection
1017 = Push-in connection
1018 = Penetration connection
1019 = Push-in fitting
1020 = Push-wire connection
1021 = Bolt connection
1022 = Flat plug-in connector
1023 = Crimp connection
1024 = Band connection
1025 = Rail connection
1026 = Soldering lug connection
1027 = Wrap post.
22969 Connection dimension (default) Part (referenced)
Connection point pattern
This property is used if no connection dimension has been entered for the individual connection point in the connection point pattern. A connection dimension can be specified in this property for bolt connections, flat plug-in connectors, band connections, rail connections, internal threads and external threads.
Example: For a terminal with the connection category "Bolt connection" you can specify the bolt diameter here, for example "3 mm". For a push-in fitting with the connection category "External thread" you can specify the connection thread here, for example "M3" or "G1/8".
22970 Name (accessory placement) Part (referenced)
Accessory placement
Deleted part (base object)
Name of the part of the "Accessory placement" hierarchy level in parts management. Data Monolingual text No No PART_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_NAME
22972 Creator / Creation date (accessory placement) Part (referenced)
Accessory placement
Creation date of the part of the "Accessory placement" hierarchy level in parts management. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_CREATE
22973 Last editor / Modification date (accessory placement) Part (referenced)
Accessory placement
Last change to part in the "Accessory placement" hierarchy level in parts management. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_LASTCHANGE
22974 Description (accessory placement) Part (referenced)
Accessory placement
Description of the accessory placement in parts management. Data Multilingual text No No PART_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_DESCRIPTION
22980 Last editor Part (base object)
Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Accessory list
Accessory placement
Drilling pattern
Connection point pattern
Shows the sign-in name of the user who last edited the record. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_LASTCHANGE_USER
22981 Modification date Part (base object)
Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Accessory list
Accessory placement
Drilling pattern
Connection point pattern
Shows the date and time of the last change. Revision Time / Date No No PART_LASTCHANGE_DATE
22982 Creator Part (base object)
Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Accessory list
Accessory placement
Drilling pattern
Connection point pattern
Shows the sign-in name of the user who created the record. Revision Monolingual text No No PART_CREATE_USER
22983 Creation date Part (base object)
Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Accessory list
Accessory placement
Drilling pattern
Connection point pattern
Shows date and time when the record was created. Revision Time / Date No No PART_CREATE_DATE
22984 Unique external part ID Part
Part reference
Part (referenced)
Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_CPMS_GUID
22985 Creation date (UTC) Part (base object)
Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Accessory list
Accessory placement
Drilling pattern
Connection point pattern
Shows date and time when the record was created. The time is output in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Revision Time / Date No No PART_CREATE_DATE_UTC
22986 Modification date (UTC) Part (base object)
Part (referenced)
Address (part)
Accessory list
Accessory placement
Drilling pattern
Connection point pattern
Shows the date and time of the last change. The time is output in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Revision Time / Date No No PART_LASTCHANGE_DATE_UTC
23001 Macro: File name Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Protected group
File name (including path specification) of the macro. Macro Monolingual text No No MACROBOX_MACRO
23002 Macro: Version Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Version designation of the macro. Macro Monolingual text No No MACROBOX_MACRO_VERSION
23003 Macro: Source / reference Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Describing text in which you can, for example, specify where the schematic originates (e.g., "Siemens catalog"). Macro Monolingual text No No MACROBOX_MACRO_SOURCE
23004 Macro: Description Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Description text for the macro. Macro Multilingual text No No MACROBOX_MACRO_DESCRIPTION
23005 Macro: Source project Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Name of the project used to create the macro. Macro Monolingual text No No MACROBOX_SOURCEPROJECT
23006 Macro: Inserted by Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Name of the user who inserted the macro. Macro Monolingual text No No MACROBOX_INSERTED_BY
23007 Macro: Representation type Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Protected group
Representation type of macro. Possible values are:
1 = Multi-line
2 = Single-line
3 = Pair cross-reference
4 = Overview
5 = Graphic
6 = Panel layout
7 = P&I diagram
8 = Multi-line Fluid power
9 = Topology
10 = 3D mounting layout
11 = Functional
12 = Pre-planning.
23008 Macro: Variant Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Protected group
Macro variant. Macro Integer No No MACROBOX_VARIANT
23009 Macro: Name Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Protected group
File name of the macro (without path specification). Data Monolingual text No No MACROBOX_NAME
23010 Macro: Type Macro box (referenced) Macro type, for example window macro or page macro. Macro Integer No Yes MACROBOX_TYPE
23011 Macro: Type of usage Macro box (referenced)
Macro box
The type of usage is used to differentiate macros in the macro navigator, and specifies which of the functionalities "Generate macros automatically" and "Update macros" can be executed and which not.
0 = Not specified: Generation and updating are possible.
1 = Defining: Is only taken into consideration for generating.
2 = Referencing: Is only taken into consideration for updating.
3 = Subordinate: Neither generating nor updating is possible.
Macro Integer No No MACROBOX_USAGE
23012 Macro: Protected group Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Determines at a macro box in a macro project that a protected group is created during the insertion of a macro. The inserted macro cannot be graphically changed or further broken down in the schematic project. Macro Boolean (True / False) No No MACROBOX_USEPROTECTEDGROUP
23013 Macro: Also insert macro box Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Specifies the behavior of the macro box during insertion of the associated macro.
0 = From project settings: The macro box is also inserted when the project setting "Also insert macro boxes" is activated.
1 = Yes: The macro box is always inserted.
2 = No: The macro box is never inserted.
23014 Macro: Take connection point designations into account Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Specifies for the macro, whether connection point designations are taken into account for device assignment when macros are updated.
0 = From user settings: The connection point designations are taken into account during the device assignment, if the user setting "Take the connection point designations into account during the device assignment" is activated.
1 = Yes: The connection point designations are always taken into account.
2 = No: The connection point designations are never taken into account.
23015 Macro: Directory Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
Data Monolingual text No No MACROBOX_DIRECTORY
23016 Macro: Standard Macro box (referenced)
Macro box
Data Integer No No MACROBOX_NORM
23017 Macro: Company standard Macro box
Macro box (referenced)
23100 Project option group: Name Project option
Project option section
Project options group
Name of the project options group. Data Monolingual text No Yes OPTIONGROUP_NAME
23101 Project option: Name Project option
Project option section
Name of the project option. Data Monolingual text No Yes OPTION_NAME
23102 Project option section: Name Project option section Name of the section within a project option. Data Monolingual text No Yes OPTIONFRAGMENT_NAME
23103 Project option active Project option
Project option section
Specifies whether the project option is switched on or off. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes OPTION_ISACTIVE
23104 Project option group: Description Project options group
Project option
Project option section
The description can be multi-language and is shown in the status bar when the project options group is selected in the project options navigator tree. Data Multilingual text No No OPTIONGROUP_DESCR
23105 Project option section: Description Project option section The description can be multi-language and is shown in the status bar when the section is selected in the project options navigator tree. Data Multilingual text No No OPTIONFRAGMENT_DESCR
23106 Project option: Description Project option
Project option section
The description can be multi-language and is shown in the status bar when the project option is selected in the project options navigator tree. Data Multilingual text No No OPTION_DESCR
23200 Part number Device list entry Part number in the bill of materials. Data Monolingual text No No DEVICELISTENTRY_PARTNR
23201 Number allowed Device list entry Shows the number of units of the current part that can be used in the project. Data Integer No No DEVICELISTENTRY_COUNTALLOWED
23202 Device description Device list entry Data Monolingual text No No DEVICELISTENTRY_DESCRIPTION
23203 Type number Device list entry Shows the type number of the relevant part in a device list. Data Monolingual text No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_TYPENR
23204 Total number allowed Device list entry Sums the permitted quantities of all parts with the same part number. Data Integer No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_COUNTALLOWEDALL
23205 Used unit quantity Device list entry Indicates how often a part was actually used in the project. (The part references are counted for this.) Data Integer No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_COUNTUSED
23206 Spare Device list entry Data Integer No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_RESERVE
23207 Order number Device list entry Shows the order number of the relevant part in a device list. Data Monolingual text No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_ORDERNR
23208 System part Device list entry Data Monolingual text No No DEVICELISTENTRY_PLANT
23209 Variant Device list entry Shows the part variant of the relevant part in a device list. Data Monolingual text No No DEVICELISTENTRY_VARIANT
23210 Part: Designation 1 Device list entry Shows the "Designation 1" of the relevant part in a device list. Data Multilingual text No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_DESIGNATION1
23211 Part: Designation 2 Device list entry Shows the "Designation 2" of the relevant part in a device list. Data Multilingual text No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_DESIGNATION2
23212 Part: Designation 3 Device list entry Shows the "Designation 3" of the relevant part in a device list. Data Multilingual text No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_DESIGNATION3
23213 Manufacturer Device list entry Shows the manufacturer of the relevant part in a device list. Data Monolingual text No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_MANUFACTURER
23214 Macro Device list entry Shows the macro, which is specified for the relevant part, in a device list. Data Monolingual text No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_MACRO
23215 Discontinued part Device list entry Shows the "Discontinued part" property of the relevant part in a device list. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_DISCONTINUED
23216 ERP number Device list entry ERP number in a bill of materials. Data Monolingual text No Yes DEVICELISTENTRY_ERPNR
23300 Communication unit PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Name of the communication unit. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_NAME
23301 Configuration project PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Main group orientation element of bus data. All objects to which the same configuration project is assigned belong together and represent the PLC configuration. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_CONFIGURATIONPROJECT
23302 End IP address PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. End IP address of the current project. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_ENDIPADDRESS
23303 PLC object ID PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Unique identifier for data exchange / synchronization between EPLAN Electric P8 and PLC configuration systems. The object ID uniquely identifies objects of this configuration system. Data Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_PLCOBJECTID
23304 Bus system PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Type of bus system to which a communication unit is assigned as a bus node. No category Integer No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_BUSSYSTEM
23305 Subnet mask (do not use anymore) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. The subnet mask defines the splitting of a bus ID (IP address within an Ethernet-based bus system) into a network component and a device / station component. The subnet mask can be used to specify how many devices can be addressed within a subnet. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUBNETMASK
23306 Standard gateway (do not use anymore) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Packets that cannot be directly forwarded within a LAN are sent to the standard gateway (e.g. a router). No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_STANDARDGATEWAY
23307 MAC address PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Media Access Control: Unique identifier of a network device (for example network card or WLAN card). The MAC address is centrally assigned and the first 24 bits identify the respective device manufacturer. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_MACADDRESS
23308 DNS/PROFINET device name PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Domain name, name of an address in a network. Using the index, you can differentiate up to 10 names. The DNS (Domain Name System) is used to implement domain names in the associated IP addresses. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_DNS
23309 Node group (Interbus) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Grouping element in Interbus systems. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_PARTICIPANTGROUP
23310 Alternative (Interbus) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Grouping element in Interbus systems. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_ALTERNATIVE
23311 Service info (Interbus) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Grouping element in Interbus systems. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SERVICEINFO
23312 Bundle / Network ID (do not use anymore) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Designation of the bus bundle or net on which the communication unit hangs. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_DP_SYSTEM
23313 Address range PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Area for PLC addresses for a communication unit. The property is entered on the "bus data" tab of the property dialog. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_ADDRESSRANGE
23314 Start address of PLC card PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Specifies the default value for the byte address of a communication unit; this can be taken into account for automatic addressing. The property is entered on the "bus data" tab of the property dialog. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_GROUP_STARTADDRESS
23315 Bus master / Bus coupler (do not use anymore) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. If a communication unit is a bus master or bus coupler, this property shows the name of this bus master or coupler. This property can be used in reports, for example. It is populated with the value that has the property of the same name (ID 20136) for the index, corresponding to the communication unit. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_THISMASTER
23316 To bus master / bus coupler ID (do not use anymore) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Shows the name of the bus master / coupler to which the communications unit belongs. This property can be used in reports, for example. It is populated with the value that has the property of the same name (ID 20137) for the index, corresponding to the communication unit. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_MASTER
23317 Position / Bus ID (do not use anymore) PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. PLC bus ID of the communication unit. Describes the ID / position the bus master uses to manage a communication unit. This property can be used in reports, for example. It is populated with the value that has the property of the same name (ID 20138) for the index, corresponding to the communication unit. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_BUS_ADDRESS
23318 Object ID of communication unit PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Unique identifier for data exchange / synchronization between EPLAN Electric P8 and PLC configuration systems. The object ID uniquely identifies communication units within P8. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_OBJECTID
23319 Start IP address PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Start IP address of the current project. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_STARTIPADDRESS
23320 Domain Postfix PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Name extension for PROFINET devices. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_DOMAINPOSTFIX
23321 Use DHCP PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) facilitates the dynamic assignment of an IP address and other configuration parameters to computers in a network (e.g. internet or LAN) using the relevant server. No category Boolean (True / False) No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_USEDHCP
23322 Subslot PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Some modules have built-in inputs and outputs or integrated interface modules that are shown as subslots. These subslots are not shown in the PLC navigator and are treated differently for data exchanges. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUBSLOT
23323 Data transfer rate PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Here, enter the data transfer rate of the bus system at the bus master. The input consists of a value and unit (permitted units are: bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, and Tbps). Make sure to enter only values that are supported by the target system. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_TRANSMISSIONRATE
23330 Supplementary field 1 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01
23331 Supplementary field 2 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD02
23332 Supplementary field 3 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD03
23333 Supplementary field 4 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD04
23334 Supplementary field 5 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD05
23335 Supplementary field 6 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD06
23336 Supplementary field 7 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD07
23337 Supplementary field 8 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD08
23338 Supplementary field 9 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD09
23339 Supplementary field 10 PLC communication unit This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. No category Monolingual text No No COMMUNICATIONENTITY_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD10
23400 Name of the communication unit Free symbolic address (in assignment list) This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. PLC addresses can be assigned to a particular communication unit of a PLC card. This property represents the second part of the reference to the communication unit. The first part of the reference is the database ID of the associated PLC box. No category Monolingual text No No PLCIOENTRY_COMMUNICATIONENTITY_NAME
23403 Direction Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
Free symbolic address (in reports)
PLC connection points can be inputs or outputs. Input and output addresses can be recognized by the direction (input, output, undefined). No category Integer No No PLCIOENTRY_DIRECTION
23404 Pre-planning Free symbolic address (in reports) Outputs the planning object to which this PLC address is assigned. No category Monolingual text No Yes PLCIOENTRYCOMPOUND_RELATEDPLANNINGOBJECT_DESIGNATION
23500 Drilling pattern: Name Drilling pattern frame Name of the drilling pattern. Data Monolingual text No No DRILLPATTERNBOX_DRILLPATTERN_NAME
23501 Drilling pattern: Description Drilling pattern frame Description text for the drilling pattern. Macro Multilingual text No No DRILLPATTERNBOX_DRILLPATTERN_DESCRIPTION
23502 Drilling pattern: Subdirectory for outline (NC data) Drilling pattern frame Subdirectory for the outlines of the drilling pattern. Data Monolingual text No No DRILLPATTERNBOX_CONTOURPATH
24000 Target of interruption point Interruption point Provides the (first) target of an interruption point for display in the cross-reference; only used internally. No category Monolingual text No Yes INTERRUPTIONPOINT_DESTINATION
24001 Automatically generated Interruption point Indicates whether the interruption point was generated automatically. These interruption points are created when pasting and cutting schematic elements if the Smart connect option is enabled. No category Boolean (True / False) No No INTERRUPTIONPOINT_AUTO_CREATED
24020 Display all cross-references Interruption point At an interruption point, shows cross-references to all other interruption points with the same name. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No INTERRUPTIONPOINT_SHOWALLCROSSREFERENCES
24021 Display of all counter targets Interruption point If this setting is switched on at an interruption point, then the "Cross-reference (configurable)" (ID 24300) and / or the "Counter target in cross-reference" (ID 24351) properties show all counter targets.
If this property is activated and the project setting "Display target at pair cross-references" is deactivated, the setting trumps at the interruption point, and all targets are displayed.
If this property is deactivated and the project setting "Display target at pair cross-references" is activated, the first target is displayed.
24300 Cross-reference (configurable) Interruption point For interruption points and structure boxes, this outputs the cross-reference. This also outputs target information when the "Display of all counter targets" (ID 24021) property is enabled. Devices Monolingual text No Yes INTERRUPTIONPOINT_CROSSREFERENCE
24301 Cross-reference Interruption point Specifies the cross-reference. Devices Monolingual text No Yes INTERRUPTIONPOINT_CROSSREFERENCEONLY
24302 Cross-reference for NFPA standard Interruption point Normal cross-reference, which inserts a line break between the page cross-reference and the row / column cross-reference, for the NFPA standard. Devices Monolingual text No Yes INTERRUPTIONPOINT_CROSSREFERENCE_NFPA
24350 Separator between interruption point and cross-reference Interruption point Separator displayed between the interruption point name and the cross-reference. Settings Monolingual text No Yes INTERRUPTIONPOINT_CROSSREFSEPARATOR
24351 Counter target in cross-reference Interruption point Provides the (first) counter target of an interruption point for display in the cross-reference. Devices Monolingual text No Yes INTERRUPTIONPOINT_CROSSREFDESTINATION
24809 Sort code (interruption point) Interruption point Defines the sequence in which the interruption points are sorted. Settings Integer No No INTERRUPTIONPOINT_SORT_CODE
24810 Interruption point: Description Interruption point Data Multilingual text No No INTERRUPTIONPOINT_DESCRIPTION
24811 Interruption point: Description (automatic) Interruption point Shows the interruption point description. The value is automatically taken from the first interruption point (according to the position in the schematic). Data Multilingual text No Yes INTERRUPTIONPOINT_DESCRIPTIONAUTOMATIC
24901 Database name Parts database Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_DATABASENAME
24902 Database name (complete) Parts database Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_FULLDATABASENAME
24903 Database version Parts database Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_DATABASEVERSION
24904 EPLAN Data Portal: Version Parts database No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLELIBRARY_EPDVERSION
24905 Log deleted part Parts database No category Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLELIBRARY_SUPPORTDELETEDOBJECTS
24906 Number of parts Parts database Data Integer No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_ARTICLE_COUNT
24907 Number of accessory lists Parts database Data Integer No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_ACCESSORYLIST_COUNT
24908 Number of accessory placements Parts database Data Integer No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_ACCESSORYPLACEMENT_COUNT
24909 Number of drilling patterns Parts database Data Integer No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_CONSTRUCTION_COUNT
24910 Number of connection points Parts database Data Integer No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_TERMINAL_COUNT
24911 Number of customers Parts database Data Integer No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_CUSTOMER_COUNT
24912 Number of manufacturers / suppliers Parts database Data Integer No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_MANUFACTURER_COUNT
24913 Number of part variants Parts database Data Integer No Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_ARTICLEVARIANT_COUNT
24914 Name of the configured tree node Parts database Data Multilingual text Yes, 1000 Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_TREENODE_NAME
24915 Type of the configured tree node Parts database Data Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_TREENODE_TYPE
24916 Quantity in the configured tree node Parts database Data Integer Yes, 1000 Yes ARTICLELIBRARY_TREENODE_COUNT
24917 Configurable connection point end treatment Parts database Settings Multilingual text Yes, 64 No ARTICLELIBRARY_WIRETERMINATIONPROCESSINGTYPES
24918 Currency 1 Parts database Settings Monolingual text No No ARTICLELIBRARY_CURRENCY_1
24919 Currency 2 Parts database Settings Monolingual text No No ARTICLELIBRARY_CURRENCY_2
25000 Trade (Defined working sections) Connection
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Segment (pre-planning)
Can be used in the filter schemes for defined working sections in order to filter pages, functions, and connections by trade. The following values are possible:
0 = Electrical engineering
1 = Fluid power, general
2 = Mechanics
3 = Process engineering.
99 = General.
In this context, the "Fluid power, general" setting includes also the trades Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Cooling, and Lubrication. Pages contain the additional trade setting "General". The "General" trade is the default setting when generating report pages. If you filter defined working sections by certain trades, pages with the "General" trade are output along any other trade.
No category Integer No Yes EDITINGAREA_CRAFT
25020 Counter page number Page This property automatically increments the pages in the project in accordance with the order in the page structure. You can insert this property as special text and use it for displaying a sequential page number, for example in the page properties, in the graphical editor or on report pages. Data Monolingual text No Yes PAGE_COUNTERPAGENUMBER
25030 AutomationML GUID Connection
Segment (pre-planning)
Connection definition point
Structure identifiers
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
Free symbolic address (in reports)
This property is required for the AutomationML export and import. Each object is identified in AutomationML by a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) that is unique worldwide. The GUID is generated automatically and should normally not be modified manually. Data Monolingual text No No AUTOMATIONML_OBJECTID
25031 AutomationML GUID 2 Function
Free symbolic address (in assignment list)
Free symbolic address (in reports)
The property manages a second GUID that is required during a PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. The GUID is generated automatically and should normally not be modified manually. Only the index [1] is used here. In this property the GUID of the symbolic address is stored at PLC connection points that are digital or analog inputs / outputs. At PLC boxes the GUID of the rack is stored in this property. Data Monolingual text Yes, 12 No AUTOMATIONML_OBJECTID_2
25100 Subproject of Project Specifies at a subproject from which original project it was created. Special Monolingual text No No PROJECT_SUBPROJECTORIGIN
25101 Subproject number Page
Layout space
Segment (pre-planning)
Function (base object)
Number of the subproject. During the creation of subprojects a name is assigned automatically to each subproject. This is made up of the name of the original project and the subproject number. The subproject numbers are assigned in accordance with the order of defined working sections. Special Monolingual text No No SUBPROJECT_NUMBER
25102 Cross-reference (external) Function
Interruption point
Structure box
31000 Connection: Length Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Length in "meter" without specification of the unit. No category Decimal number No No CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH_VALUE
31001 Connection: Unit of length Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Display unit of the length. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm
2 = cm
3 = dm
4 = m
5 = Meter
6 = km
8 = Inch
9 = "
10 = In
11 = ft
12 = feet
13 = foot
14 = yd
15 = yard
29 = µm.
31002 Connection: Cross-section / diameter Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Function template
Cross-section / Diameter of the connection. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION
31003 Connection: Length with unit Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Length of a connection with specification of the displayed measuring unit. If you do not enter a unit, the unit of length specified in the project settings is used. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH
31004 Connection color / number Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Function template
Color or number of the connection, this property identifies the connection. This property is automatically filled by the connection numbering process. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_WIRENUMBER
31005 Autoconnecting line: Color Connection
Connection definition point
Autoconnect line
Potential definition point
31006 Potential type Connection
Potential definition point
Function template
31007 Connection: Cross-section / diameter with unit Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Cross-section / Diameter of the connection, including units. Data Value with unit No Yes CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION_WITH_UNIT
31008 Subset / length Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Subset of a part, e.g. 5 pieces of a part, which are only provided in conduits of up to 100. At parts for cables, connections and their accessories (for example shrink tubes or insulating tubes) the contents of this property is evaluated as a length with specification of the displayed measuring unit and the entry of decimal values is possible, for example "0.7 m". If you do not enter a unit, the unit of length specified in the project settings is used. The value entered here is synchronized with the cable length (Length field in the Cable tab of the property dialog) for the main part of a cable. Using the index, you can differentiate between 50 entries. Part Value with unit Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH
31009 Connection description Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Data Multilingual text No No CONNECTION_DESCRIPTION
31010 Subset / length: Value Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Value of the subset of the part without information about the unit. At parts for cables, connections and their accessories (for example shrink tubes or insulating tubes) the contents of this property is evaluated as a length in "meter" and the entry of decimal values is possible. Using the index, you can differentiate between 50 entries. No category Decimal number Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_VALUE
31011 Connection designation Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Designation of the connection. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_DESIGNATION
31012 Unit for subset / length Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Displayed measuring unit in which the subset or length of the part is specified. Using the index, you can differentiate between 50 entries. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm
2 = cm
3 = dm
4 = m
5 = Meter
6 = km
8 = Inch
9 = "
10 = In
11 = ft
12 = feet
13 = foot
14 = yd
15 = yard
29 = µm.
31013 Exchange source and target Connection
Connection definition point
The source and target of a connection are determined by the device tag of the connected functions. Using this property, you can reverse the direction of the individual connection on the connection. Data Boolean (True / False) No No CONNECTION_SWAP_SRC_DEST
31014 Part description Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Description of the part, carried over from parts management. Using the index, you can differentiate between 50 entries. Part Multilingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_NOTE
31015 Autoconnecting line: Line type Connection
Connection definition point
Autoconnect line
Potential definition point
31016 Autoconnecting line: Line thickness Connection
Connection definition point
Autoconnect line
Potential definition point
Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No CONNECTION_ACL_WIDTH
31017 Autoconnecting line: Layer Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
31018 Autoconnecting line: Pattern length Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Settings Coordinates (only X or Y) No No CONNECTION_ACL_FACTOR
31019 Source Connection Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_SOURCE
31020 Target Connection Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_DESTINATION
31021 Source: Placement Connection Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_LOCATION_SOURCE
31022 Target: Placement Connection Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_LOCATION_DESTINATION
31023 Source: Target number Connection Number of the source of the connection. Data Integer No No CONNECTION_NR_SOURCE
31024 Target: Target number Connection Number of the target of the connection. Data Integer No No CONNECTION_NR_DESTINATION
31025 Alternative connection cross-section / diameter Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Alternative cross-section / diameter of the connection. Has to be entered manually and enables you to display the connection cross-section / diameter in parallel in different units. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_ALTERNATE_WIRECROSSSECTION
31026 Name of page containing connection Connection
Connection definition point
No category Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_PAGENAME
31027 Associated connections: Device tag (identifying) Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_DT
31028 Associated connections: Connection designation Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_DESIGNATION
31029 Associated connections: Connection cross-section / diameter Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Value with unit No Yes CDP_CON_WIRECROSSSECTION
31030 Intrinsically safe Connection
Functions, connections, and connection definition points are defined as intrinsically safe using this property. The intrinsic safety at the function forces intrinsic safety at the associated connection points for which intrinsic safety is possible. Function data Boolean (True / False) No No INTRINSICSAFETY
31031 Associated connections: Connection: Color / number Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_WIRENUMBER
31032 Associated connections: Connection description Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Multilingual text No Yes CDP_CON_DESCRIPTION
31033 Associated connections: Length Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Value with unit No Yes CDP_CON_WIRELENGTH
31034 Associated connections: Remark Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Multilingual text No Yes CDP_CON_NOTE
31035 Associated connections: Function definition Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Multilingual text No Yes CDP_CON_TYPE
31036 Associated connections: Exchange source and target Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes CDP_CON_SWAP_SRC_DEST
31037 Associated connections: Line thickness of autoconnecting line Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. No category Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_ACL_WIDTH
31038 Associated connections: Color of autoconnecting line Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. No category Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_ACL_COLOR
31039 Associated connections: Line type of autoconnecting line Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. No category Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_ACL_STYLE
31040 Subset / length in unit of project Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Subset or length of the part converted into the unit which is specified in the project settings. The units are not displayed. Part Value with unit Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_IN_PROJECT_UNIT
31041 Associated connections: Pattern length for autoconnecting line Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. No category Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_ACL_FACTOR
31042 Associated connections: Layer for autoconnecting line Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. No category Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_ACL_LAYER
31043 Subset / length with unit of project Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Subset or length of the part including unit converted into the unit which is specified in the project settings. Using the index, you can differentiate between 50 entries. Part Value with unit Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_WITH_PROJECT_UNIT
31044 Quantity / subset in unit of project Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Quantity or subset of a part converted into the unit which is specified in the project settings. The units are not displayed. If the property "Subset / length" has a value (not 0), then this value is entered for "Quantity / subset" in reports, otherwise "Quantity" is used. Using the index, you can differentiate between 50 entries. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_QUANTITY_IN_PROJECT_UNIT
31045 Valid data Connection definition point Specifies the data that may be entered at the connection definition point:
0 = All data
1 = No connection designation
2 = Only connection designation.
Settings Integer No No CDP_ALLOWED_DATA
31046 Manually set Connection definition point
Controls the editing possibilities of the connection numbering. Connection definition points which have this property can be excluded by the actions "Designate," "Realign," "Format" as well as being deleted. This property can be automatically set on designation (depending on the settings). Settings Boolean (True / False) No No CDP_SET_AS_MANUAL
31048 Connection: Type designation Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Type designation of the connection part, e.g., the type number of the wire type, pipe type or tube type. During a part selection the value of the property "Cable type / type designation" (ID 22030) or "Connection type" (ID 22254) is transferred into this property. These properties can be found in the parts management in the "Properties" tab below the hierarchy level "Technical data". But the value can also be entered manually. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_WIRETYPE
31049 Shielded by Connection
Function template
Specifies the name of the shield that shields the connection / conductor. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_CABLEWIRE_SHIELDEDBY
31050 Pair index Connection
Connection definition point
Function template
The pair index (twisting index) shows another way of identifying the connection/conductor when this has the same colors/numbers. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_CABLEWIRE_PAIRINDEX
31051 Wire termination processing source Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Specifies for the source connection point of the connection the manner in which the connection is to be closed, e.g., with a conductor sleeve or a cable lug. This property is needed for transmissions to the manufacturing machines or for reports for manual manufacturing. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_TYPEOFENDSTOP_SOURCE
31052 Wire termination processing target Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Specifies for the target connection point of the connection the manner in which the connection is to be closed, e.g., with a conductor sleeve or a cable lug. This property is needed for transmissions to the manufacturing machines or for reports for manual manufacturing. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_TYPEOFENDSTOP_DESTINATION
31053 Source: Sleeve cross-section Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
If the connection is closed with a conductor sleeve, specify the cross-section of the sleeve here. This property is required for the transfer to packaging machines. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_SLEEVECROSSSECTION_SOURCE
31054 Target: Sleeve cross-section Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
If the connection is closed with a conductor sleeve, specify the cross-section of the sleeve here. This property is required for the transfer to packaging machines. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_SLEEVECROSSSECTION_DESTINATION
31055 Source: Stripping length Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Here you specify the length of the connection insulation to be removed. This property is required for the transfer to packaging machines. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_STRIPPINGLENGTH_SOURCE
31056 Target: Stripping length Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Here you specify the length of the connection insulation to be removed. This property is required for the transfer to packaging machines. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_STRIPPINGLENGTH_DESIGNATION
31057 Pressure line / control line Connection
Connection definition point
Shows whether the connection is a pressure or control line. Settings Integer No No CONNECTION_WORKING_CONTROL_LINE
31058 Cable connection Connection
Connection definition point
This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Indicates whether the connection can be part of a cable. If this property is not assigned to a connection or a connection definition point, the connection points determine whether this is a cable connection for the connection. No category Boolean (True / False) No Yes CONNECTION_IS_CABLE
31059 Unit for connection cross-section / diameter Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Units of the connection cross-section or diameter. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm²
2 = sqmm
3 = AWG
4 = mm
5 = KCM
6 = MCM
7 = Zoll
8 = "
9 = inch
10 = µm
11 = kcmil
12 = µm².
31060 Unit for connection cross-section / diameter (automatic) Connection
Connection definition point
Automatically determined units of the connection cross-section or diameter. Possible values are:
0 = Undefined
1 = mm²
2 = sqmm
3 = AWG
4 = mm
5 = KCM
6 = MCM
7 = Zoll
8 = "
9 = inch
10 = µm
11 = kcmil
12 = µm².
31061 Connection: Color (multilingual) Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Stores the connection color as a multilingual text. The color code is taken from the "Connection color / number" property (or the "Color / number" field of the property dialog) and is assigned to a color corresponding to the assignment table in the project settings. It is case-sensitive. The property is automatically updated with every change to the connection color / number. Data Multilingual text No Yes CONNECTION_MLWIRENUMBER
31062 Associated connections: Potential type Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Integer No Yes CDP_CON_POTENTIAL_TYPE
31063 Associated connections: Unit of connection cross-section / diameter (automatic) Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CDP_CON_AUTO_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT
31064 Alternative connection cross-section / diameter with unit Connection
Connection definition point
Alternative cross-section / diameter of the connection, including units, automatically determined. Data Value with unit No Yes CONNECTION_AUTO_ALTERNATE_WIRECROSSSECTION_WITH_UNIT
31065 Unit for alternative connection cross-section / diameter Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
The alternative unit belonging to the alternative cross-section/diameter of the connection. Has to be entered manually and enables you to display the connection cross-section / diameter in parallel in different units. Possible values are:
0 = As in project
1 = mm²
2 = sqmm
3 = AWG
4 = mm
5 = KCM
6 = MCM
7 = Zoll
8 = "
9 = inch
10 = µm
11 = kcmil
12 = µm².
31066 Associated connections: Trade Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Integer No Yes CDP_CON_CRAFT
31067 Associated connections: Subtrade Connection definition point This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. On a connection definition point, this shows the corresponding property of the connection running below the connection definition point. Data Multilingual text No Yes CDP_CON_SUBCRAFT
31068 Substance Connection
Connection definition point
Piping definition point
Specifies the substance that is transported through the respective piping in the process engineering (such as "water", "oil", "oxygen"). Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_MEDIUM
31069 Grouping Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Using this property, free groups of connections can be defined that can then be given special names using connection numbering. This property is available for connections, connection definition points, potentials, signals, and potential definition points. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_GROUPING
31075 Type of administration Connection Specifies at a connection the manner in which the connection is to be managed in EPLAN. The property can be used to sort the connections in the connection navigator. Possible values are:
0 = Placed: Placed connection.
1 = Unplaced: Unplaced connection.
2 = Net-based: A connection in a net that is defined at a net definition point.
3 = Direct (automatic): Direct connection between male and female pins; is generated by symbols with direct connection points.
4 = Multi-line (automatic): Multi-line connection that is defined on a connection definition point in the single-line representation.
5 = Jumper (automatic): Automatically generated jumper; this occurs if manual saddle jumpers are defined on terminals or pins or, when creating the jumper, between distributed terminals.
6 = Routed: Routed connection (in the layout space or in the topology)
7 = Not routed: Connection that is not routed; it is created, for example, during the data transfer from EPLAN Cabinet.
No category Integer No Yes CONNECTION_TYPE
31076 Net index Connection Identifies the net in the case of net-based connections. No category Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_NET_INDEX
31077 Daisy chain index Connection Identifies the daisy chain within a net in the case of net-based connections. No category Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_DAISYCHAIN_INDEX
31078 Connection index Connection Identifies the connections within a daisy chain in the case of net-based connections. No category Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_CONNECTION_INDEX
31080 Connection: Connection point length source Connection
Connection definition point
Indicates the item length of the connection that is required to connect the source item. It is by this value that the connection must project at the last routing point. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_SOURCE_CP_LENGTH
31081 State (substance) Connection
Piping definition point
Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_STATE
31082 Pressure Connection
Piping definition point
Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_PRESSURE
31083 Connection: Connection point length target Connection
Connection definition point
Indicates the item length of the connection that is required to connect the target item. It is by this value that the connection must project at the last routing point. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_DEST_CP_LENGTH
31084 Temperature Connection
Piping definition point
Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_TEMPERATURE
31085 Flow Connection
Piping definition point
Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_FLOW
31086 Conduit connection Connection
Connection definition point
This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Indicates whether the connection can be part of a conduit. No category Boolean (True / False) No Yes CONNECTION_IS_PACKET
31089 Connection definition point exists Connection Shows whether at least one connection definition point has been placed on the connection. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes CONNECTION_HAS_CDP
31090 Connection: Length (full) Connection
Connection definition point
Potential definition point
Length of a connection with information about the unit. The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. Data Value with unit No Yes CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH_FULL
31091 Subset / length (full) Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Subset of a part, entered for the function, with information about the unit. At parts for cables, connections and their accessories (for example shrink tubes or insulating tubes) the contents of this property is evaluated as a length and the entry of decimal values is possible, for example "0.7 m". The full value with all decimal places is always stored; the value is not rounded up. This ensures precision is retained when converting to a different unit. Using the index, you can differentiate between 50 entries. Part Value with unit Yes, 50 Yes FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_FULL
31092 Bundle Connection
Connection definition point
Specifies the bundle to which the connection belongs. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_WIRE_BUNDLE
31093 Bundle group Connection
Connection definition point
Specifies the bundle group to which the connection belongs. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_BUNDLE_GROUP
31094 Layout space: Routing track specification Connection This property stores routing paths and routing ranges that a routed connection in the layout space has to run through. This has priority over all other defaults.
This property is extended in each case to include routing paths and routing ranges to which a connection is pulled. If the connection is pulled away from a routing path or routing range entered here, the routing path / routing range will be removed from the property.
31095 Layout space: Routing track Connection
This property stores routing paths and routing ranges that a routed connection in the layout space runs through. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_WIRING_PATH
31096 Connection dimension source Connection
Connection definition point
When routing connections, it is here that the connection dimension of the source connection point is entered. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_TERMINALSIZE_SOURCE
31097 Connection dimension target Connection
Connection definition point
When routing connections, it is here that the connection dimension of the target connection point is entered. Data Value with unit No No CONNECTION_TERMINALSIZE_DESTINATION
31098 Dual sleeve prescribed at 2 targets at the source Connection
Connection definition point
This property is activated during routing if the "Dual sleeve prescribed" (ID 35560) property is activated for the connection point at the source of the connection. Data Boolean (True / False) No No CONNECTION_DOUBLE_SLEEVES_SOURCE
31099 Dual sleeve prescribed at 2 targets at the target Connection
Connection definition point
This property is activated during routing if the "Dual sleeve prescribed" (ID 35560) property is activated for the connection point at the target of the connection. Data Boolean (True / False) No No CONNECTION_DOUBLE_SLEEVES_DESTINATION
31100 Layout space: Specification for entry into routing path network (source) Connection Displays the DT of the channel or routing path through which the connection is to enter the routing path network from the source item. The property is filled upon the manual definition of the entry into the routing path network. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_WIRING_PATH_PRESETTING_AT_SOURCE
31101 Function designation (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_FULLPLANT_AUTOMATIC
31102 Function designation: Main identifier (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_PLANT_AUTOMATIC
31103 Location designation (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_FULLLOCATION_AUTOMATIC
31104 Location designation: Main identifier (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_LOCATION_AUTOMATIC
31105 Functional assignment (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_FULLFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_AUTOMATIC
31106 Functional assignment: Main identifier (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_AUTOMATIC
31107 Installation site (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_FULLPLACEOFINSTALLATION_AUTOMATIC
31108 Installation site: Main identifier (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_PLACEOFINSTALLATION_AUTOMATIC
31109 User-defined structure (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_FULLUSERDEFINED_AUTOMATIC
31110 User-defined structure: Main identifier (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_USERDEFINED_AUTOMATIC
31111 Higher-level function number (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_FULLINSTALLATIONNUMBER_AUTOMATIC
31112 Higher-level function number: Main identifier (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER_AUTOMATIC
31113 Protected routing Connection
Connection definition point
Prevents a routing connection from being re-routed and overwritten. Also prevents that a cable is rerouted and overwritten in the topology. Data Boolean (True / False) No No CONNECTION_PROTECTED_ROUTING
31114 Routing direction source Connection
Connection definition point
The routing directions are defined automatically on the basis of the implemented routing of the connection. They reflect the direction of the routing of the wire from the devices to the routing track. Data Integer No No CONNECTION_ROUTING_DIRECTION_SOURCE
31115 Routing direction target Connection
Connection definition point
The routing directions are defined automatically on the basis of the implemented routing of the connection. They reflect the direction of the routing of the wire from the devices to the routing track. Data Integer No No CONNECTION_ROUTING_DIRECTION_DESTINATION
31116 Layout space: Specification for entry into routing path network (target) Connection Displays the DT of the channel or routing path through which the connection is to exit the routing path network toward the target item. The property is filled upon the manual definition of the entry into the routing path network. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_WIRING_PATH_PRESETTING_AT_DESTINATION
31117 ERP number Connection
Connection definition point
Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
This property can be used to filter in project data navigators. By default, the property is preset with the value of the part property "ERP number" (ID 22056) of the associated part. During entry as many characters as you wish are possible for the part ERP number, but only the first 64 characters in the UTF-8 format are identifying. A max. of 50 definitions can be defined using the index. Part Monolingual text Yes, 50 No FUNC_ARTICLE_ERPNR
31118 Connection: Associated terminal connection point (connection point designation) Connection This property can be used in terminal diagrams in the data area of the cable chart (via the placeholder elements "Cable chart data area external" and "Cable chart data area internal"). Indicates the connection point designation of the terminal to which the connection is connected. Thus, you can see from the cable chart which connection is to be connected to which terminal connection point. For example, this is helpful if you use the placeholder elements "Target via connection point", "Connection via connection point" or "Connection / cable via connection point" to output several terminal connection points in a row. No category Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_TERMINAL_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION
31119 Topology: Routing track specification Connection In this property, a routing path is stored that a connection routed in the routing path network must pass through. This has priority over all other defaults.
Here, it is always the last routing path to which a connection is drawn that is stored. If the connection is pulled away from the routing path entered here, the routing path will be removed from the property.
31133 Product: Main identifier (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_PRODUCT_AUTOMATIC
31134 Product (automatic) Connection If a DT is entered on the connection, the corresponding structure identifier is output. Otherwise, the structure identifier from the connection source is output. The source is determined by its position in the schematic and can be exchanged with the target over a connection definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_FULLPRODUCT_AUTOMATIC
31135 Phase busbar connection Connection
Connection definition point
This property is no longer in use and only taken into consideration in old projects. Indicates whether the connection can be part of a phase busbar. No category Boolean (True / False) No Yes CONNECTION_IS_PHASEBAR
31136 Connection splicers passed through Connection Outputs the DTs of the connection splicers which pass through the connection. The individual values are separated by a semicolons and sorted alphanumerically. This property can be used in reports. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_DISTRIBUTORS
31137 Topology: Connection splicers passed through (sorted) Connection Outputs the DTs of the connection splicers which pass through the connection at a routing connection. The individual connection splicers are differentiated in the order from source to target through the index. This property can be used in reports. Data Monolingual text Yes, 20 No CONNECTION_CABLING_DISTRIBUTOR
31138 Topology: Distance between connection splicers and source Connection Outputs the position of the connection splicers passed through on this connection at a routing connection. To this purpose the distance between the connection splicer and the source of the connection is specified. The individual connection splicers are differentiated in the order from source to target through the index. This property can be used in reports. Data Monolingual text Yes, 20 No CONNECTION_CABLING_DISTRIBUTOR_DISTANCE
31139 Connection splicers exist Connection Shows whether connection passes through at least one connection splicer. This property can be used as a filter criterion for connection lists. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes CONNECTION_HAS_DISTRIBUTOR
31140 Internal / External index: Source Connection Indicates the internal / external index that the connection point at the source of the connection has. The internal / external index defines for a connection point in the connection point pattern the number of the internal or external connection point that this connection point represents. Data Integer No Yes CONNECTION_TARGETINFO_SOURCE
31141 Internal / External index: Target Connection Indicates the internal / external index that the connection point at the target of the connection has. The internal / external index defines for a connection point in the connection point pattern the number of the internal or external connection point that this connection point represents. Data Integer No Yes CONNECTION_TARGETINFO_DESTINATION
31142 Connection: Association Connection
Connection definition point
This property specifies whether the connection is an individual connection or can be part of a cable, conduit, phase busbar, etc. Possible values are:
0 = Individual connection
1 = Cable
2 = Conduit
3 = Phase busbar
4 = Line.
31143 Wire harness name Connection
Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Data Monolingual text No No HARNESS_NAME
31146 Line Connection
Connection definition point
Indicates whether the connection can be part of a line. This property is activated or deactivated in accordance with the set value for the Connection: Association (ID 31142) property. No category Boolean (True / False) No Yes CONNECTION_IS_PIPE
31148 Routing track source: X coordinate Connection X coordinate for the source of the routing track. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No Yes CONNECTION_ROUTE_SOURCE_XPOS
31149 Routing track source: Y coordinate Connection Y coordinate for the source of the routing track. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No Yes CONNECTION_ROUTE_SOURCE_YPOS
31150 Routing track source: Z coordinate Connection Z coordinate for the source of the routing track. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No Yes CONNECTION_ROUTE_SOURCE_ZPOS
31151 Routing track target: X coordinate Connection X coordinate for the target of the routing track. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No Yes CONNECTION_ROUTE_DESTINATION_XPOS
31152 Routing track target: Y coordinate Connection Y coordinate for the target of the routing track. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No Yes CONNECTION_ROUTE_DESTINATION_YPOS
31153 Routing track target: Z coordinate Connection Z coordinate for the target of the routing track. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No Yes CONNECTION_ROUTE_DESTINATION_ZPOS
31157 Piping name Connection
Piping definition point
Name of the piping. Data Monolingual text No No CONNECTION_PIPENAME
31160 Object identification: Source Connection Internal object identifier. No category Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_SOURCE_DBOBJECTID
31161 Object identification: Target Connection Internal object identifier. No category Monolingual text No Yes CONNECTION_DESTINATION_DBOBJECTID
33000 Name of potential Connection
Potential definition point
Name of the potential. Data Monolingual text No No POTENTIAL_NAME
33001 Superior potential Potential definition point
Name of the superior potential to which the selected signal belongs. Data Monolingual text No No POTENTIAL_PARENT
33003 Potential value Potential definition point
Data Monolingual text No No POTENTIAL_VALUE
33004 Frequency Potential definition point Connection Monolingual text No No POTENTIAL_FREQUENCE
33005 Possible counter potentials Potential definition point Enter here which other potentials may be connected to the same consumer. This property is only used for information purposes and can be output in the potential overview for documentation purposes. Connection Monolingual text No No POTENTIAL_VALID_POTENTIALS
33006 Signal name Potential definition point
Name of the signal. Data Monolingual text No No POTENTIAL_SIGNAL
33007 Net name Connection
Potential definition point
Name of the net. Data Monolingual text No No POTENTIAL_NETNAME
33100 Outline definition point: Name Outline definition point Name of outline definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONTOURDEFINITIONPOINT_NAME
33101 Outline definition point: Type Outline definition point Type of outline definition point. Data Monolingual text No Yes CONTOURDEFINITIONPOINT_TYPE
33301 Piping: Exchange source and target Piping definition point Through this entry you specify whether the target designations of a piping correspond to the targets of the underlying connection or the source and target have been exchanged. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No PIPELINE_CHANGE_SOURCE_TARGET
35000 Terminal strips: Number of SH terminals Terminal strip (in reports) Number of SH terminals on the terminal strip. Shields will be connected to these terminals. Data Integer No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFSH
35001 Terminal strips: Total number of objects on terminal strip Terminal strip (in reports) Quantity of all objects on the terminal strip, including the terminal strip definition, terminals, terminal accessories, and function templates. Data Integer No Yes TERMINAL_COUNTOFINTERNALOBJECTS
35002 Terminal strips: Number of general terminals Terminal strip (in reports) Total number of terminals on the terminal strip that are not N, PE, PEN or SH terminals. Data Integer No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFCOMMON
35003 Terminal strips: Number of N terminals Terminal strip (in reports) Quantity of N terminals on the terminal strip. Data Integer No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFN
35004 Terminal strips: Number of PE terminals Terminal strip (in reports) Quantity of PE / PEN terminals on the terminal strip. Data Integer No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFPE
35005 Terminal strips: Number of terminals and accessories for terminal diagram Terminal strip (in reports) Quantity of terminals and accessories displayed on the terminal diagram. Data Integer No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_ITEMCOUNT
35006 Terminal strips: Number of terminals Terminal strip (in reports) Quantity of terminals on the terminal strip (independent of type). Data Integer No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFTERMINALS
35007 Terminal strips: First terminal Terminal strip (in reports) Designation of the first terminal on the terminal strip. Data Monolingual text No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_FIRSTTERMINAL
35008 Terminal strips: Last terminal Terminal strip (in reports) Designation of the last terminal on the terminal strip. Data Monolingual text No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_LASTTERMINAL
35009 Terminal strips: Page name of terminal diagram Terminal strip (in reports) Name of the first page of the terminal diagram for the reported terminal strip. Can be used in reports / forms. Data Monolingual text No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_DIAGRAMPAGE
35010 Terminal strips: Page name of terminal-connection diagram Terminal strip (in reports) Name of the first page of the terminal-connection diagram for the reported terminal strip. Can be used in reports / forms. Data Monolingual text No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_CONNECTIONDIAGRAMPAGE
35011 Terminal strips: Page name of terminal line-up diagram Terminal strip (in reports) Name of the first page of the terminal line-up diagram for the reported terminal strip. Can be used in reports / forms. Data Monolingual text No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_TERMINALLINEUPDIAGRAMPAGE
35012 Terminal strips: Number of main terminals Terminal strip (in reports) Number of main terminals on the terminal strip (regardless of type). No category Integer No Yes TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFTERMINALMAINS
35100 Cables: Number of used connections Cables (in reports) Automatically calculated number of cable connections used. Data Integer No Yes CABLE_COUNTOFUSEDWIRES
35101 Cables: Number of free connections Cables (in reports) Number of unused cable connections in the cable. Data Integer No Yes CABLE_COUNTOFFREEWIRES
35102 Cables: Number of shields Cables (in reports) Number of cable shields. Data Integer No Yes CABLE_COUNTOFSHIELDS
35103 Cables: Number of PE conductors Cables (in reports) Number of PE / PEN cable conductors. Data Integer No Yes CABLE_COUNTOFPEWIRES
35104 Cables: Number of N conductors Cables (in reports) Number of N cable conductors. Data Integer No Yes CABLE_COUNTOFNWIRES
35105 Cables: Number of general connections Cables (in reports) Total number of connections in the cable that are not N, PE or PEN conductors. Data Integer No Yes CABLE_COUNTOFNORMALWIRES
35106 Cables: Page name of the cable diagram Cables (in reports) Name of the first page of the cable diagram for the reported cable. Can be used in reports / forms. Data Monolingual text No Yes CABLE_DIAGRAMPAGE
35107 Cables: Page name of cable connection diagram Cables (in reports) Name of the first page of the cable-connection diagram for the reported cable. Can be used in reports / forms. Data Monolingual text No Yes CABLE_CONNECTIONDIAGRAMPAGE
35108 Cables: Number of all connections Cables (in reports) Sum of free and used cable connections. Data Integer No No CABLE_COUNTOFALLWIRES
35109 Number of connections used (single-line cables) Function Manually entered number of used cable connections for single-line cables and shields. Data Integer No No CABLE_COUNTOFUSEDWIRES_MANUAL
35110 Cables: Number of connections to this target / this source Cables (in reports) Number of cable connections for a specific target or source; used in reporting. Data Integer No Yes CABLE_COUNTOFWIRES_DESTINATION
35111 Cables: Connection splicers passed through Cables (in reports) Outputs the DTs of the connection splicers which pass through the cable. The individual values are separated by a semicolons and sorted alphanumerically. This property can be used in cable reports, for example during the evaluation of single-line cables. Data Monolingual text No Yes CABLE_DISTRIBUTORS
35200 Plugs: Number of SH pins Plugs (in reports) Number of SH pins in the plug. Shields will be connected to these pins. Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_COUNTOFSH
35201 Plugs: Page name of plug diagram Plugs (in reports) Name of the first page of the plug diagram for the reported plug. Can be used in reports / forms. Data Monolingual text No No PLUGSTRIP_DIAGRAMPAGE
35202 Plugs: Page name of pin-connection diagram Plugs (in reports) Name of the first page of the pin-connection diagram for the reported plug. Can be used in reports / forms. Data Monolingual text No No PLUGSTRIP_CONNECTIONDIAGRAMPAGE
35203 Plugs: First pin Plugs (in reports) Designation of the first pin in the plug. Data Monolingual text No No PLUGSTRIP_FIRSTCONTACT
35204 Plugs: Last pin Plugs (in reports) Designation of the last pin in the plug. Data Monolingual text No No PLUGSTRIP_LASTCONTACT
35205 Plugs: Number of PE pins Plugs (in reports) Number of PE / PEN pins in the plug. Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_COUNTOFPE
35206 Plugs: Number of N pins Plugs (in reports) Number of N pins in the plug. Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_COUNTOFN
35207 Plugs: Number of pins and accessories for plug diagram Plugs (in reports) Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_ITEMCOUNT
35208 Plugs: Number of general pins Plugs (in reports) Total number of pins in the plug that are not N, PE, PEN or SH pins. Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_COUNTOFCOMMON
35209 Plugs: Total number of pins Plugs (in reports) Total number of pins in the plug. Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_COUNTOFINTERNALOBJECTS
35210 Plugs: Number of male pins Plugs (in reports) Number of male pins in plug. Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_COUNTOFPINS
35211 Plugs: Number of female pins Plugs (in reports) Number of female pins in plug. Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_COUNTOFSOCKETS
35212 Plugs: Number of pins (male and female pin) Plugs (in reports) Number of pins consisting of a male-female combination in plug. Data Integer No No PLUGSTRIP_COUNTOFJOINED
35500 Drill type Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Shows the type of drill hole for groups of drill holes of the same type. The value is chosen from a drop-down list on the "Cut-outs" tab in parts management. Data Integer No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_TYPE
35501 Subtype Cut-out (in drilling patterns) For certain drill types (e.g. "Rectangular"), you can select a subtype that describes the drill hole in greater detail. Data Integer No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_SUBTYPE
35502 Outline name Cut-out (in drilling patterns) For the "Free outline" drill type, you can enter a designation for the outline here. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_OUTLINENAME
35503 X position Cut-out (in drilling patterns) X position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_XPOS
35504 Y position Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Y position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_YPOS
35505 Angle Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_ANGLE
35506 1st dimension Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_DIMENSION1
35507 2nd dimension Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_DIMENSION2
35508 3rd dimension Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_DIMENSION3
35509 Repetitive spacing Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Shows the spacing between all further drill holes. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_SPACINGREPEAT
35510 End spacing Cut-out (in drilling patterns) The minimum clearance of the last drill hole to the right edge of the object, i.e. no drill hole will be placed closer to the edge of the object than the value specified here. For (e.g.) cable ducts you can use this setting to define how far away the drill hole is from the edge of the cable duct, so that no problems occur when screwing it tight. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_SPACINGEND
35511 Drill every n-th hole Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Specifies which holes are to be drilled; for example, enter "4" to drill only every fourth hole. Data Integer No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_DRILLNTHHOLE
35512 Part number Accessory list entry Part number of the accessory list (hierarchy level "Accessory list" in parts management). Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEACCESSORYLISTPOSITION_PARTNR
35513 Variant Accessory list entry Variant of the accessory list (hierarchy level "Accessory list" in parts management). Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEACCESSORYLISTPOSITION_VARIANT
35514 Always make Cut-out (in drilling patterns) Shows that the drill hole must always be carried out, even if the part is not placed directly on the mounting surface (for example, on a mounting rail). Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLEDRILLINGPOSITION_FABRICATEALWAYS
35550 Connection point designation Connection point (in connection point patterns) Designation of the connection point in the connection point pattern (entered on the "Connection points" tab for connection point patterns in parts management). Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_NAME
35551 X position Connection point (in connection point patterns) X position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_XPOS
35552 Y position Connection point (in connection point patterns) Y position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_YPOS
35553 Z position Connection point (in connection point patterns) Z position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_ZPOS
35554 Routing direction Connection point (in connection point patterns) Routing direction of an individual connection point in the connection point pattern, which is selected from a drop-down list.
0 = Automatic
1 = Move up
2 = Down
3 = Left
4 = Right.
The routing direction specifies the direction of the search for a possible entry point into a routing path network.
35555 Additional length Connection point (in connection point patterns) Additional length of an individual connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_ADDITIONALLENGTH
35556 Wire termination processing (EPLAN Cabinet) Connection point (in connection point patterns) This property is only required for reasons of compatibility with EPLAN Cabinet. For a connection point, this shows how the end of the connection is handled, for example with stripping or crimping. Is selected from a drop-down list in parts management on the "Connection points" tab where user-defined values can also be assigned. Data Integer No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_CONTACTTYPE
35557 Min. cross-section Connection point (in connection point patterns) Minimum connection cross-section to be connected for a connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_MINCROSSSECTION
35558 Max. cross-section Connection point (in connection point patterns) Maximum connection cross-section to be connected for a connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_MAXCROSSSECTION
35559 Max. number of connections Connection point (in connection point patterns) Maximum number of connections that can be connected to the connection point; defined in the connection point pattern. Data Integer No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_MAXWIRECOUNT
35560 Dual sleeve prescribed Connection point (in connection point patterns) Specifies for a connection point in the connection point pattern that dual sleeves are to be used if two connections lead to this connection point. Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_TWINSLEEVE
35561 Connection category Connection point (in connection point patterns) Specifies the connection point type of a connection more precisely for an individual connection in the connection point pattern:
0 = Undefined
1 = Screw clamp connection single
2 = Screw clamp connection double
3 = Cage clamp connection
4 = Insulation-displacement connection
5 = Screw-type connection (ring or U cable lug)
6 = Ferrule connection (cable lug)
7 = Plug connection
8 = Conductor plate connection
9 = Plug-in connection (Fluid)
10 = Nipple
11 = Internal thread
12 = External thread
13 = Compression nut
14 = Compression fitting
15 = User-defined
1015 = Screw connection
1016 = Spring pulley connection
1017 = Push-in connection
1018 = Penetration connection
1019 = Push-in fitting
1020 = Push-wire connection
1021 = Bolt connection
1022 = Flat plug-in connector
1023 = Crimp connection
1024 = Band connection
1025 = Rail connection
1026 = Soldering lug connection
1027 = Wrap post.
35562 Connection dimension Connection point (in connection point patterns) A connection dimension can be specified in this property for bolt connections, flat plug-in connectors, band connections, rail connections, internal threads and external threads.
Example: For a terminal with the connection category "Bolt connection" you can specify the bolt diameter here, for example "3 mm". For a push-in fitting with the connection category "External thread" you can specify the connection thread here, for example "M3" or "G1/8".
35563 Plug designation Connection point (in connection point patterns) Plug designation of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_DEVICETAG
35564 Level Connection point (in connection point patterns) Level of the connection point (if it is a terminal) in the connection point pattern. Data Integer No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_LEVEL
35565 Internal / External index Connection point (in connection point patterns) Defines for a connection point in the connection point pattern the number of the internal or external connection point that this connection point represents. Data Integer No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_TARGETINFO
35566 Terminal designation Connection point (in connection point patterns) Terminal designation, used in the connection point patterns of topology functions. No category Monolingual text No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_TERMINALNUMBER
35567 X vector Connection point (in connection point patterns) X-vector of the connection point direction in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_XDIR
35568 Y vector Connection point (in connection point patterns) Y-vector of the connection point direction in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_YDIR
35569 Z vector Connection point (in connection point patterns) Z-vector of the connection point direction in the connection point pattern. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_ZDIR
35571 Min. AWG Connection point (in connection point patterns) Minimum connection cross-section to be connected for a connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_MINCROSSSECTION_AWG
35572 Max. AWG Connection point (in connection point patterns) Maximum connection cross-section to be connected for a connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_MAXCROSSSECTION_AWG
35573 Socket size Connection point (in connection point patterns) A screwing tool (for example screwdriver) consists of the drive and the socket. The drive is the component that moves the tool, for example a handle or a motor shaft. The socket is the component that is moved, for example the tip of the screwdriver. The socket size describes the dimensions of the socket (of the blade or tip), for example 3 x 0.5 mm = width 3 mm and thickness 0.5 mm. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_SCREWDRIVES
35574 Bus interface: Name Connection point (in connection point patterns) Bus interface name of the connection point in the connection point pattern. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_PLC_BUS_INTERFACENAME
35575 Min. tightening torque Connection point (in connection point patterns) Minimal value of the tightening torque. It is specified in Newton meters. It describes the force with which, for example, a screw is tightened, meaning the force that acts from the drive on the socket. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_MINTIGHTENINGTORQUE
35576 Max. tightening torque Connection point (in connection point patterns) Maximal value of the tightening torque. It is specified in Newton meters. It describes the force with which, for example, a screw is tightened, meaning the force that acts from the drive on the socket. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_MAXTIGHTENINGTORQUE
35578 Stripping length Connection point (in connection point patterns) Length in millimeters in which the wire fabrication machine is to cut off the insulation. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_STRIPPINGLENGTH
35580 X position: Tool Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for specifying coordinate values for the position of the tool describe the position of a terminal screw in an item with screw connection. Entry for example "12 mm". Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_XPOS
35581 Y position: Tool Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for specifying coordinate values for the position of the tool describe the position of a terminal screw in an item with screw connection. Entry for example "12 mm". Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_YPOS
35582 Z position: Tool Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for specifying coordinate values for the position of the tool describe the position of a terminal screw in an item with screw connection. Entry for example "12 mm". Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_ZPOS
35583 X vector: Tool Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the vector of the tool describe the position and the screwing direction of a terminal screw in an item with screwed connection. Entry for example "-1". Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_XDIR
35584 Y vector: Tool Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the vector of the tool describe the position and the screwing direction of a terminal screw in an item with screwed connection. Entry for example "-1". Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_YDIR
35585 Z vector: Tool Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the vector of the tool describe the position and the screwing direction of a terminal screw in an item with screwed connection. Entry for example "-1". Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_ZDIR
35586 Shaft diameter Connection point (in connection point patterns) The shaft diameter describes the size of the hole in which the terminal screw sits. Entry for example "5 mm". Data Decimal number No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_HOLEDIAMETER
35587 Clamping space offset Connection point (in connection point patterns) Describes the offset of the clamping space from the item edge into the item. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_OFFSET
35594 X starting point: Clamping space Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_STARTXPOS
35595 Y starting point: Clamping space Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_STARTYPOS
35596 Z starting point: Clamping space Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_STARTZPOS
35597 X end point: Clamping space Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_ENDXPOS
35598 Y end point: Clamping space Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_ENDYPOS
35599 Z end point: Clamping space Connection point (in connection point patterns) The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No ARTICLETERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_ENDZPOS
35800 Identifying name Data Monolingual text No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_IDENTNAME
35801 Displayed name Data Multilingual text No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_DISPLAYNAME
35802 Assignments Data Monolingual text No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_ASSIGNMENT
35805 Default value for selection list Data Multilingual text Yes, 100 Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_INPUTASSISTANCE_VALUE
35806 Do not use anymore Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_DONOTUSE
35807 Usage count Specifies how often a user-defined property is used in the project. Data Integer No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_USAGE
35808 Part reference assigned Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_USED_BY_ARTICLEREF
35809 Translate property value Specifies whether the property value is considered for the translation. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_TRANSLATE_VALUE
35811 Description Data Multilingual text No No DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_DESCRIPTION
35812 Subcategory 1 No category Integer No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_SUBCATEGORY_1
35813 Subcategory No category Integer No Yes DMUSERPROPDEFTABLEENTRY_SUBCATEGORY_2
35900 Identifying name Property arrangement Identifying name of the property arrangement. Data Monolingual text No Yes PROPERTYVIEW_IDENTNAME
35901 Displayed name Property arrangement Data Multilingual text No Yes PROPERTYVIEW_DISPLAYNAME
35902 Standard arrangement Property arrangement Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes PROPERTYVIEW_DEFAULT
35903 Usage count Property arrangement Specifies how often a user-defined property arrangement is used in the project. Data Integer No Yes PROPERTYVIEW_USAGE
35904 Type Property arrangement Specifies the type of the property arrangement:
-1 = Undefined
0 = Component
1 = Part placement (3D)
2 = Model view.
35905 Assignment Property arrangement Function definition or symbol to which the property arrangement is assigned. Data Monolingual text No Yes PROPERTYVIEW_ASSIGNMENT
36000 Item designation 3D function Contains the item designation of a mechanical item. This property is particularly useful for items that do not have a DT, e.g. cable ducts. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_DESIGNATION
36002 Grouping sign for item designation (automatic) 3D function Shows the contents of the "Grouping sign for item designation" property (ID 36012). If no preceding sign is entered for the item, this is defined from the first superior item for which a preceding sign is entered in the "Grouping sign for item designation" property. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_DESIGNATIONPREFIX_AUTOMATIC
36003 Mounting site (describing, common) 3D function
Part reference
Shows the contents of the manually entered "Mounting site (describing)" property or if this is empty, the "Mounting site (describing)" property entered at the main function. Data Multilingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_MOUNTINGLOCATION_AUTOMATIC
36004 Machining 3D function Specifies whether machining is necessary (e.g., a drill hole). Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_ISFORMECHANICALPROCESSING
36005 Local connection point pattern 3D function If this property is activated, the connection point data is saved locally at the part placement. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_ARTICLETERMINAL_ISLOCAL
36006 Cut-out: Diameter of the hole 3D function Drill hole diameter. The units are imported from the project settings or converted to mm in case of input in inches. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNCTION3D_OPENING_DIAMETER
36007 Cut-out: Nominal diameter of the threaded hole 3D function Nominal diameter of the threaded hole. The units are imported from the project settings or converted to mm in case of input in inches. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_OPENING_NOMINAL_DIAMETER
36010 Item is fastened unmovably to the superior item 3D function If this property is enabled, then the item cannot be moved relative to the superior item. Moving the entire mounting panel by means of the "Move" functionality is still possible. The fixation can be temporarily revoked for individual items by pressing the [Shift] key while moving via Drag & Drop. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_ELEM_ISFIXONPARENT
36011 Prefabricated 3D function Indicates whether form and dimensions of an item can be modified. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_ISPREFABRICATED
36012 Grouping sign for item designation 3D function Shows a grouping preceding sign for item designation for the item and all subordinate items, which provides for better arrangement of parts. The preceding sign is displayed in the "Full item designation" property and placed before the actual item designation. Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTION3D_DESIGNATIONPREFIX
36013 Full item designation 3D function Contains the item designation of a mechanical item including the preceding sign for the item designation. The preceding sign is usually taken from the enclosure. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_FULLDESIGNATION
36014 Item requires holes in mounting surface 3D function Specifies whether a drill hole is required for an item that has been placed on a mounting surface. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_ELEM_NEEDSDRILL
36015 Is associated mounting material 3D function Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_ISINSTALLATIONMATERIAL
36016 Designation in mechanics structure 3D function Provides the designation, which has the function or mechanical item within the mechanical structure for identification purposes. This is the DT for electrical engineering or fluid power functions, and the designation for mechanical items. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_IDENTNAME_IN_MECHANICAL_STRUCTURE
36017 Distance to mounting surface 3D function If an offset was entered during the placement of a part, this property will display the distance of the part placement from the mounting surface. Data Decimal number No No FUNCTION3D_MOUNTINGPLATEDISTANCE
36018 Item description 3D function Contains the item description of a mechanical item. This property is particularly useful for items that do not have a DT, e.g. cable ducts. Data Multilingual text No No FUNCTION3D_DESCRIPTION
36019 Macro: Variant Layout space Macro variant. Macro Integer No No INSTALLATIONSPACE_MACRO_VARIANT
36020 Cut-out: Width 3D function Width of the cut-out. The units are imported from the project settings or converted to mm in case of input in inches. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_OPENING_WIDTH
36021 Cut-out: Height 3D function Height of the cut-out. The units are imported from the project settings or converted to mm in case of input in inches. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_OPENING_HEIGHT
36022 Cut-out: Length 3D function Length of the cut-out. The units are imported from the project settings or converted to mm in case of input in inches. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNCTION3D_OPENING_LENGTH
36023 Cut-out: Radius / Chamfer distance 3D function Radius and / or chamfer distance of the cut-out. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNCTION3D_OPENING_CHAMFER_OR_RADIUS
36024 Cut-out: Edge length 3D function Edge length of the cut-out. The units are imported from the project settings or converted to mm in case of input in inches. Data Value with unit No Yes FUNCTION3D_OPENING_EDGE_LENGTH
36025 Cut-out: Outline 3D function Outline of the cut-out. Here, the file name of a user-defined outline file (*.fc1) is displayed. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_OPENING_CONTOUR
36026 Layout space: Connection filter 3D function Filter for generating routing path networks. Is used for routing to control which connections may be routed along which routing tracks (channel, manual routing path, routing range, wiring cut-out). Connection filters are taken into account only if the "Layout space: Routing track specification" (ID 31094) property has not been activated. Settings Monolingual text No No FUNCTION3D_ROUTING_CONNECTIONFILTER
36027 Routing path / Curve: Length 3D function Manually entered length of a routing path or curve placed in the layout space. Is used during routing to calculate the precise length of the associated connection. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FUNCTION3D_ROUTING_SEGMENT_LENGTH_MANUAL
36028 Routing path / Curve: Length (automatic) 3D function Length of a routing path or curve placed in the layout space. Is used during routing to calculate the precise length of the associated connection. Shows the content of the manually entered length or, when that is empty, the geometric length in the layout space. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No Yes FUNCTION3D_ROUTING_SEGMENT_LENGTH_AUTOMATIC
36029 Routing path / Curve: Cross-section 3D function Cross-section of a routing path or curve. Is used for calculating the fill capacity of channel. Data Value with unit No No FUNCTION3D_ROUTING_SEGMENT_CROSSSECTION
36030 Routing path / Curve: Automatically generated 3D function Indicates that the routing path or curve was generated automatically (e.g., for routing paths in channels). Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNCTION3D_ROUTING_SEGMENT_CREATED_AUTOMATICALLY
36031 Extra length 3D function The extra length indicates the length that is added once to a connection running through a routing range. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No FUNCTION3D_ROUTING_WIRING_OPENING_EXTRALENGTH
36032 Output in mounting list 3D function If this property is activated for a 3D part placement, the 3D part placement is output when mounting lists are generated. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_CREATE_MOUNTINGLIST
36033 Superior mounting surface 3D function Specifies the mounting surface on which the 3D part placement has been placed. The property is used in filters to filter for 3D part placements that have been installed on other 3D part placements. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_PARENT_OBJECTID
36035 Item ID (relative to macro, EEC) 3D function Identifies the individual 3D part placements for a part that consists of several combined 3D part placements. The property is required by the EPLAN Engineering Configuration in order to define the items of a macro on which other items are installed. Data Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_ID_RELATIVE
36036 Multiple cut-out possible 3D function Indicates whether multiple cut-outs are possible for an item, and allows for the "inheriting" of cut-outs. This way, cut-outs can be carried over from a drilling pattern to another item. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_CANHAVE_MULTI_OPENING
36037 Cut-out depth (copper) 3D function Cut-out depth for automatic drill holes. Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTION3D_OPENING_DEPTH_COPPER
36040 Superior device 3D function The property supplies the directly superior device as the value. The following property values are combined: Full item designation, full DT, legend item. No category Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_PARENT_OBJECT
36041 Variable for placeable functions (EEC One) 3D function The property serves to identify 3D part placements in EEC One, so that specific other 3D part placements can be placed automatically on them during the automatic generation of a layout space. Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTION3D_ID_EEC_ONE
36042 Name of the M-CAD file 3D function This property is used during data exchange with external CAD systems. The full file name and the full file path of the imported STEP file is stored in this property and is entered at the created design space and at the imported 3D objects. Data Monolingual text No No FUNCTION3D_DOCNAME
36044 Thermal design: Simultaneity factor (automatic) 3D function Is required for calculating the power dissipation. Displays the value of the simultaneity factor (if it exists). Otherwise the value from the project settings is used. Thermal design Decimal number No Yes FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_SIMULTANEITYFACTOR_AUTOMATIC
36045 Thermal design: Simultaneity factor (device) 3D function Deviating simultaneity factor for this device compared to the project properties. Is required for calculating the power dissipation. Thermal design Decimal number No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_SIMULTANEITYFACTOR
36046 Thermal design: Air-conditioning field (automatic) 3D function Number of the air-conditioning field (1 to 100). Is required for calculating the power dissipation. Thermal design Integer No Yes FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_ZONE_AUTOMATIC
36047 Thermal design: Air-conditioning field (device) 3D function Deviating number of the air-conditioning field of this device from the number of the air-conditioning field of the enclosure (1 to 100). Is required for calculating the power dissipation. Thermal design Integer No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_ZONE
36048 Thermal design: Device power dissipation 3D function Calculated value of the power dissipation of this device under consideration of the simultaneity factor. Thermal design Value with unit No Yes FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_AUTOMATIC
36049 Thermal design: Installation situation 3D function Installation situation of the enclosure, e.g. "Single housing free-standing". Is required for calculating the power dissipation. Thermal design Integer No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_CABINET_SITUATION
36050 Thermal design: Min. external temperature 3D function Minimum external temperature of an enclosure. Thermal design Value with unit No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_CABINET_MIN_OUT_TEMP
36051 Thermal design: Max. external temperature 3D function Maximum external temperature of an enclosure. Thermal design Value with unit No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_CABINET_MAX_OUT_TEMP
36052 Thermal design: Min. internal temperature 3D function Minimum internal temperature of an enclosure. Thermal design Value with unit No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_CABINET_MIN_IN_TEMP
36053 Thermal design: Max. internal temperature 3D function Maximum internal temperature of an enclosure. Thermal design Value with unit No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_CABINET_MAX_IN_TEMP
36054 Thermal design: Air-conditioning field 3D function Number of the air-conditioning field (1 to 100). Is required for calculating the power dissipation. Thermal design Integer No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_CABINET_ZONE
36055 Thermal design: Operating current 3D function Operating current of a busbar. Is required for calculating the power dissipation. Thermal design Value with unit No No FUNCTION3D_POWERDISSIPATION_BUSBAR_CURRENT
36056 Connection point pattern: X position 3D function X position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_XPOS
36057 Connection point pattern: Y position 3D function Y position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_YPOS
36058 Connection point pattern: Z position 3D function Z position of the connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_ZPOS
36059 Connection point pattern: Routing direction 3D function Routing direction of an individual connection point in the connection point pattern, which is selected from a drop-down list.
0 = Automatic
1 = Move up
2 = Down
3 = Left
4 = Right.
The routing direction specifies the direction of the search for a possible entry point into a routing path network.
36060 Connection point pattern: Additional length 3D function Additional length of an individual connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_ADDITIONALLENGTH
36061 Connection point pattern: Wire termination processing (EPLAN Cabinet) 3D function This property is only required for reasons of compatibility with EPLAN Cabinet. For a connection point, this shows how the end of the connection is handled, for example with stripping or crimping. Is selected from a drop-down list in parts management on the "Connection points" tab where user-defined values can also be assigned. No category Integer Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_CONTACTTYPE
36062 Connection point pattern: Min. cross-section 3D function Minimum connection cross-section to be connected for a connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_MINCROSSSECTION
36063 Connection point pattern: Max. cross-section 3D function Maximum connection cross-section to be connected for a connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_MAXCROSSSECTION
36064 Connection point pattern: Max. number of connections 3D function Maximum number of connections that can be connected to the connection point; defined in the connection point pattern. No category Integer Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_MAXWIRECOUNT
36065 Connection point pattern: Dual sleeve prescribed 3D function Specifies for a connection point in the connection point pattern that dual sleeves are to be used if two connections lead to this connection point. No category Boolean (True / False) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_TWINSLEEVE
36066 Connection point pattern: Connection category 3D function Specifies the connection point type of a connection more precisely for an individual connection in the connection point pattern:
0 = Undefined
1 = Screw clamp connection single
2 = Screw clamp connection double
3 = Cage clamp connection
4 = Insulation-displacement connection
5 = Screw-type connection (ring or U cable lug)
6 = Ferrule connection (cable lug)
7 = Plug connection
8 = Conductor plate connection
9 = Plug-in connection (Fluid)
10 = Nipple
11 = Internal thread
12 = External thread
13 = Compression nut
14 = Compression fitting
15 = User-defined
1015 = Screw connection
1016 = Spring pulley connection
1017 = Push-in connection
1018 = Penetration connection
1019 = Push-in fitting
1020 = Push-wire connection
1021 = Bolt connection
1022 = Flat plug-in connector
1023 = Crimp connection
1024 = Band connection
1025 = Rail connection
1026 = Soldering lug connection
1027 = Wrap post.
36067 Connection point pattern: Connection dimension 3D function A connection dimension can be specified in this property for bolt connections, flat plug-in connectors, band connections, rail connections, internal threads and external threads.
Example: For a terminal with the connection category "Bolt connection" you can specify the bolt diameter here, for example "3 mm". For a push-in fitting with the connection category "External thread" you can specify the connection thread here, for example "M3" or "G1/8".
No category Value with unit Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_TERMINALSIZE
36068 Connection point pattern: Plug designation 3D function Plug designation of the connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_DEVICETAG
36069 Connection point pattern: Level 3D function Level of the connection point (if it is a terminal) in the connection point pattern. No category Integer Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_LEVEL
36070 Connection point pattern: Internal / External index 3D function Defines for a connection point in the connection point pattern the number of the internal or external connection point that this connection point represents. No category Integer Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_TARGETINFO
36071 Connection point pattern: Terminal designation 3D function Terminal designation, used in the connection point patterns of topology functions. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_TERMINALNUMBER
36072 Connection point pattern: X vector 3D function X-vector of the connection point direction in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_XDIR
36073 Connection point pattern: Y vector 3D function Y-vector of the connection point direction in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_YDIR
36074 Connection point pattern: Z vector 3D function Z-vector of the connection point direction in the connection point pattern. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_ZDIR
36076 Product configurator identifier 3D function General Monolingual text No Yes FUNCTION3D_ID_EXTERNALPRODUCTCONFIGURATOR_AUTOMATIC
36077 Connection point pattern: Min. AWG 3D function Minimum connection cross-section to be connected for a connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_MINCROSSSECTION_AWG
36078 Connection point pattern: Max. AWG 3D function Maximum connection cross-section to be connected for a connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_MAXCROSSSECTION_AWG
36079 Max. tightening torque 3D function Maximal value of the tightening torque. It is specified in Newton meters. It describes the force with which, for example, a screw is tightened, meaning the force that acts from the drive on the socket. No category Decimal number Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_MAXTIGHTENINGTORQUE
36080 X starting point: Clamping space 3D function The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_STARTXPOS
36081 Y starting point: Clamping space 3D function The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_STARTYPOS
36082 Z starting point: Clamping space 3D function The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_STARTZPOS
36083 X end point: Clamping space 3D function The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_ENDXPOS
36084 Y end point: Clamping space 3D function The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_ENDYPOS
36085 Z end point: Clamping space 3D function The properties for the clamping space expansion describe the expansion of a clamping space relative to the item edge. Enter the coordinate values of the starting point or the end point of the clamping space, for example "1 mm" for the starting point or "5 mm" for the end point. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_ENDZPOS
36086 Clamping space offset 3D function Describes the offset of the clamping space from the item edge into the item. No category Decimal number Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_CLAMPSPACE_OFFSET
36087 Shaft diameter 3D function The shaft diameter describes the size of the hole in which the terminal screw sits. Entry for example "5 mm". No category Decimal number Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_HOLEDIAMETER
36088 X position: Tool 3D function The properties for specifying coordinate values for the position of the tool describe the position of a terminal screw in an item with screw connection. Entry for example "12 mm". No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_XPOS
36089 Y position: Tool 3D function The properties for specifying coordinate values for the position of the tool describe the position of a terminal screw in an item with screw connection. Entry for example "12 mm". No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_YPOS
36090 Z position: Tool 3D function The properties for specifying coordinate values for the position of the tool describe the position of a terminal screw in an item with screw connection. Entry for example "12 mm". No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_ZPOS
36091 X vector: Tool 3D function The properties for the vector of the tool describe the position and the screwing direction of a terminal screw in an item with screwed connection. Entry for example "-1". No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_XDIR
36092 Y vector: Tool 3D function The properties for the vector of the tool describe the position and the screwing direction of a terminal screw in an item with screwed connection. Entry for example "-1". No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_YDIR
36093 Z vector: Tool 3D function The properties for the vector of the tool describe the position and the screwing direction of a terminal screw in an item with screwed connection. Entry for example "-1". No category Coordinates (only X or Y) Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_OPERATIONVEC_ZDIR
36094 Socket size 3D function Describes the form of the screw head for applying a screwdriver or a wrench. Enter of, for example PZ 1 or PH 1 or TX 5 or 0.5x3.0. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_SCREWDRIVES
36095 Min. tightening torque 3D function Minimal value of the tightening torque. It is specified in Newton meters. It describes the force with which, for example, a screw is tightened, meaning the force that acts from the drive on the socket. No category Decimal number Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_MINTIGHTENINGTORQUE
36096 Stripping length 3D function Length in millimeters in which the wire fabrication machine is to cut off the insulation. No category Decimal number Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_STRIPPINGLENGTH
36100 Object was transferred during part migration 3D function Identifies objects that were transferred unchanged after the migration of the part. Data Boolean (True / False) No No FUNCTION3D_OUTDATED
36101 Connection point pattern: Bus interface name 3D function Bus interface name of the connection point in the connection point pattern. No category Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes FUNCTION3D_TERMINALPOSITION_PLC_BUS_INTERFACENAME
36103 Has mounting lines 3D function Specifies whether the item has mounting lines. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNCTION3D_HAS_MOUNTINGLINES
36104 Has mounting points 3D function Specifies whether the item has mounting points. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNCTION3D_HAS_MOUNTINGPOINTS
36105 Has mounting grid 3D function Specifies whether the item has mounting grids. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNCTION3D_HAS_MOUNTINGGRIDS
36106 Has base points 3D function Specifies whether the item has base points. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes FUNCTION3D_HAS_REFERENCEPOINTS
36450 Grid size Layout space Distance of the grid points for the graphical editing in the 3D view. No category Coordinates (only X or Y) No No INSTALLATIONSPACE_GRIDSIZE
36451 Layout space in draft mode Layout space When you carry out changes in a layout space in a revision, it is identified as "Draft". This is displayed graphically by a watermark in the 3D view and this property is assigned to the layout space. This identifier stays there until you close the layout space. Revision Boolean (True / False) No No INSTALLATIONSPACE_REVISION_LOG_DRAFT
36452 Layout space name Layout space The layout space name normally consists of a number. The next number up is automatically suggested when creating new layout spaces. Data Monolingual text No No INSTALLATIONSPACE_DESIGNATION
36453 Layout space name (identifying) Layout space Identifying layout space name; contains layout space names and the identifying but not describing identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No Yes INSTALLATIONSPACE_IDENTNAME
36454 Layout space name (full) Layout space Full layout space name; contains layout space names and the identifying and describing identifier blocks. Data Monolingual text No Yes INSTALLATIONSPACE_FULLNAME
36455 Layout space name (in reports) Layout space This property is intended for use in reports. The layout space name is specified here in brackets to differentiate it from page names. Data Monolingual text No Yes INSTALLATIONSPACE_NAME_IN_EVALUATION_FORMAT
36456 Automatically generated Layout space Indicates whether the layout space was generated automatically, and the information on the creator:
0 = No
5 = EPLAN Engineering Configuration.
36457 Keep parts at placement Layout space This property is evaluated during the generation of macros from a macro project, and assigned to the generated macro variants. If the property is activated, the macro stored on the part is placed unchanged when a device is inserted. The part number of the device is not used in this case, but instead the part numbers entered in the macro are retained.
If the property is deactivated, the part number of the device is used, and carried over to the main function of the macro.
36458 Copper bundle: Name Copper bundle
Designation of the copper bundle; this name is displayed, for example, in the layout space navigator. Data Monolingual text No No COPPERBUNDLE_DESIGNATION
36460 Thermal design: Maximum reach 3D part placement (base object) Area parameter for calculating the optimally air-conditioned area (area that an air-conditioning unit can reliably air-condition on the basis of its air circulation capacity). Describes the distance in meters at which the flow speed of the emitted air drops below a value of 0.5 m/s. Thermal design Coordinates (only X or Y) No No DMCABBASE_THERMDIST
36461 Thermal design: Intake angle 3D part placement (base object) Area parameter for calculating the optimally air-conditioned area (area that an air-conditioning unit can reliably air-condition on the basis of its air circulation capacity). Describes the width of the angle in which the air to be cooled / heated can enter the cooling device. Amounts uniformly to 60° for all devices. Thermal design Decimal number No No DMCABBASE_ANGLE_IN
36462 Thermal design: Discharge angle 3D part placement (base object) Area parameter for calculating the optimally air-conditioned area (area that an air-conditioning unit can reliably air-condition on the basis of its air circulation capacity). Describes the width of the angle in which the cooled / heated air can exit the cooling device. Amounts uniformly to 60° for all devices. Thermal design Decimal number No No DMCABBASE_ANGLE_OUT
36500 Model view: Description Model view Description of the model view; drilling view or copper unfold; multilingual entry is allowed. Data Multilingual text No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_DESCRIPTION
36501 Model view: Manual displacement Model view Moving the center of the model view, drilling view or copper unfold. No category Coordinates (X/Y) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_MANUAL_CENTER
36502 Model view: Frozen Model view If this property is activated, the model view, drilling view or copper unfold will no longer be updated. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_FROZEN_VIEW
36503 Model view: Name Model view Designation of the model view, drilling view or copper unfold. Data Monolingual text No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_DESIGNATION
36504 Model view: Layout space name Model view Name of the layout space for which the model view, drilling view or copper unfold was created. Data Monolingual text No Yes DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_BUILDINGAREA
36505 Model view: Layout space description Model view Description of the layout space for which the model view, drilling view or copper unfold was created. Data Multilingual text No Yes DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_BUILDINGAREA_DESCRIPTION
36506 Model view: Selection scheme Model view Scheme for item selection in model view or drilling view. The selection scheme specifies the item types to be displayed in the model view or drilling view. Data Monolingual text No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_UNITSELECTIONSCHEME
36507 Model view: Item labeling Model view Scheme for item labeling in the model view, drilling view or copper unfold. Data Monolingual text No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_LABELINGSCHEME
36508 Model view: Apply viewpoint to mounting surface Model view If this property is activated, the viewpoint of the model view refers to the first mounting surface of the basic items. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_CONSIDER_TRANSFORM_OF_PLANE
36509 Model view: Basic item Model view The basic item is used to specify what is to be displayed in the model view. You can also further restrict the content of the layout space that is displayed. In the case of 2D drilling views and model views, the basic items can also be components of lower item hierarchy levels, e.g. mounting surfaces. In the case of copper unfolds, this is not possible.
If the selected basic items do not contain any graphics, the next-higher item with graphics is added automatically.
36510 Model view: Scale Model view Specifies the scale of the model view, drilling view or copper unfold. Data Monolingual text No Yes DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_SCALE
36511 Model view: Scheme for automatic dimensioning Model view Scheme for the automatic dimensioning of the items in the model view, drilling view or copper unfold. Data Monolingual text No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_ADIMSCHEME
36512 Model view: Name of the report template Model view Name of the used report template for the automatic generation of model views, copper unfolds or 2D drilling views. At a renewed report this report template is used again. No category Monolingual text No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_TEMPLATE_NAME
36513 Model view: Display item silhouettes Model view If this property is activated, the basic outlines of extruded items (e.g., mounting rails and wire ducts) and the lateral boundary lines of the 3D body generated from the basic outline will be displayed. Disabling this setting will accelerate the output of complex 2D drilling views, but will impair the quality of the illustration of the items. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_SHOWSILOUETTES
36514 Model view: Rotation Model view Rotates the content of the model view by 90°, 180° or 270° counterclockwise. This can be useful in order to make optimum use of highly-formatted model views on pages in landscape orientation. The border of the model view is not rotated. Texts in a model view that is rotated by 90° are rotated by the same angle. The exception are property texts to be read from the right. For them to remain legible, they are rotated by -90°. Data Integer No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_ORIENTATION
36515 Model view: Display freely routed cables Model view If this property is activated, freely routed cables are also displayed in the model view. If the property is deactivated, freely routed cables are not displayed. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_DISPLAY_FREE_ROUTED_CABLES
36516 Model view: Display freely routed wires Model view If this property is activated, freely routed cable connections / wires are also displayed in the model view. If the property is deactivated, freely routed cable connections / wires are not displayed. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_FREE_ROUTED_CONNECTIONS
36517 Model view: Display freely routed hose lines Model view If this property is activated, freely routed hose lines are also displayed in the model view. If the property is deactivated, freely routed hose lines are not displayed. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_ROUTED_HOSE_ASSEMBLY
36518 Model view: Display freely routed hoses Model view If this property is activated, freely routed hoses are also displayed in the model view. If the property is deactivated, freely routed hoses are not displayed. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_FREE_ROUTED_HOSES
36519 Show drilling pattern Model view If this property is activated, the drill holes on the copper item are displayed in the unfold. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_SHOWDRILLINGS
36520 Show bending line Model view If this property is activated, the bending lines of the individual bending positions are displayed as solid lines in the unfold. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_SHOWBENDINGLINES
36521 Show bending extents Model view If this property is activated, the bending extents of the individual bending positions are displayed as dotted lines in the unfold. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_SHOWBENDINGAREA
36522 Show bending note Model view If this property is activated, the information regarding the bending direction, bending angle and bending radius is displayed as texts on the bending lines. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_SHOWBENDINGHINT
36523 Model view: Display freely routed pipes Model view If this property is activated, freely routed pipes are also displayed in the model view. If the property is deactivated, freely routed pipes are not displayed. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_DISPLAY_FREE_ROUTED_PIPES
36524 Model view: Edge width Model view With this property you can set the width of the edge lines in the model view, 2D drilling view and copper unfold to a fixed value, for example 0.5 mm. During zooming and at scale changes the line width is adapted correspondingly. During PDF export the edge lines are output with the specified width. If no value is entered, the line thickness amounts to one pixel. Data Coordinates (only X or Y) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_EDGE_WIDTH
36525 Model view: Do not automatically rotate texts from layout space Model view If the property is activated, the property texts are aligned according to the definition in the layout space and the rotation of the view. If this property is deactivated, property texts are generated readable norm-compliant from below or the left in the model view. The setting only affects property texts that are transferred from the layout space. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_TEXTDIRECTION_LIKE_IN_3D
36526 Model view: Display item edges in black Model view If this property is activated, the item edges in the model view are displayed in black. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMG_VIEWPLACEMENT_SHOWBLACKWIHTE
36600 Deleted object: Name Deletion markers Shows the name of the deleted object at a deletion marker at the time of deletion, e.g. the DT for a function or the page names for a page. Revision Monolingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_OBJECTNAME
36601 Deleted object: Type Deletion markers Shows the type of deleted object at a deletion marker, e.g., function, structure box, page, etc. Revision Monolingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_OBJECTTYPE
36602 User name Deletion markers Shows, at the deletion marker, the name of the user who deleted the object. Revision Monolingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_USER
36603 Delete date Deletion markers Shows the time (time and date), at the deletion marker, at which the object was deleted. Revision Time / Date No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_TIME
36604 Associated revision name Deletion markers Outputs the name of the associated project revision at the deletion marker for the deleted page. Revision Monolingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_PROJECTREVISION_NAME
36605 Deleted object (further): Name Deletion markers Using the index, this property outputs the name of the other deleted objects which were placed at the same place as the deletion marker. In other words, the name of the second deleted object is output using the index [1]; the name of the third deleted object is output using the index [2] etc. The first deleted object has the highest index value. (The name of the last deleted object is output to the "Deleted object: name" property (ID 36600).) Revision Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_OBJECTNAME_HIST
36606 Deleted object (further): Type Deletion markers Using the index, this property outputs the types of the other deleted objects which were placed at the same place as the deletion marker. In other words, the type of the second deleted object is output using the index [1]; the type of the third deleted object is output using the index [2] etc. The first deleted object has the highest index value. (The type of the last deleted object is output to the "Deleted object: type" property (ID 36601).) Revision Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_OBJECTTYPE_HIST
36607 User name (further) Deletion markers Using the index, this property outputs the user name of the other deleted objects which were placed at the same place as the deletion marker. In other words, the user name of the second deleted object is output using the index [1]; the user name of the third deleted object is output using the index [2] etc. The first deleted object has the highest index value. (The user name of the last deleted object is output to the "User name" property (ID 36602).) Revision Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_USER_HIST
36608 Delete date (further) Deletion markers Using the index, this property outputs the delete date of the other deleted objects which were placed at the same place as the deletion marker. In other words, the delete date of the second deleted object is output using the index [1]; the delete date of the third deleted object is output using the index [2] etc. The first deleted object has the highest index value. (The delete date of the last deleted object is output to the "Delete date" property (ID 36603).) Revision Time / Date Yes, 50 No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_TIME_HIST
36609 Associated revision name (further) Deletion markers Using the index, this property outputs the associated project revision name of the other deleted pages which are entered at the deletion marker. In other words, the associated project revision name of the second deleted page is output using the index [1]; the associated project revision name of the third deleted page is output using the index [2] etc. The first deleted page has the highest index value. (The associated project revision name of the first deleted page is output to the "Associated project revision name" property (ID 36604).) Revision Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_PROJECTREVISION_NAME_HIST
36610 Associated project revision Deletion markers Outputs the internal index value of the associated project revision at the deletion marker for the deleted page. No category Monolingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_PROJECTREVISION
36611 Associated project revision (further) Deletion markers Using the index, this property outputs the associated project revision of the other deleted pages which are entered at the deletion marker. In other words, the associated project revision of the second deleted page is output using the index [1]; the associated project revision of the third deleted page is output using the index [2] etc. The first deleted page has the highest index value. (The associated project revision of the first deleted page is output to the "Associated project revision" property (ID 36610).) No category Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_PROJECTREVISION_HIST
36614 Deleted object: Revision index Deletion markers Text for identifying a deleted object. The text can be entered directly while deleting the object when the "Always prompt for description of page modification" project setting is enabled. The text can be edited later in the property dialog of the deletion marker. Revision Monolingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_REVISION_LOG_NAME
36615 Deleted object: Revision description (change tracking) Deletion markers Revision description for a deleted object. The text can be entered directly while deleting the object when the "Always prompt for description of page modification" project setting is enabled. The text can be edited later in the property dialog of the deletion marker. Revision Multilingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_REVISION_LOG_DESCRIPTION
36616 Deleted object: Reason for revision change (change tracking) Deletion markers Revision change reason for a deleted object. The text can be entered directly while deleting the object when the "Always prompt for description of page modification" project setting is enabled. The text can be edited later in the property dialog of the deletion marker. Revision Multilingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_REVISION_LOG_CHANGE
36617 Defined working section Deletion markers The property is used during the revisioning of defined working sections. Displays the name of the defined working section to which the page belongs in the Deleted pages dialog. Revision Multilingual text No No DMDELETEDOBJECTINFO_EDITINGAREA
36700 Protected group: Part number Protected group Part Monolingual text No Yes DMPROTECTEDGROUP_PARTNR
40321 Safety-related values: Hierarchy level 1 Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Safety-relevant use cases can be structured hierarchically. The selection criteria that must be combined for a use case are entered in hierarchy levels. There are five hierarchy levels. Data Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_HIERARCHY_1
40322 Safety-related values: Hierarchy level 2 Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Safety-relevant use cases can be structured hierarchically. The selection criteria that must be combined for a use case are entered in hierarchy levels. There are five hierarchy levels. Data Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_HIERARCHY_2
40323 Safety-related values: Hierarchy level 3 Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Safety-relevant use cases can be structured hierarchically. The selection criteria that must be combined for a use case are entered in hierarchy levels. There are five hierarchy levels. Data Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_HIERARCHY_3
40324 Safety-related values: Hierarchy level 4 Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Safety-relevant use cases can be structured hierarchically. The selection criteria that must be combined for a use case are entered in hierarchy levels. There are five hierarchy levels. Data Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_HIERARCHY_4
40325 Safety-related values: Hierarchy level 5 Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Safety-relevant use cases can be structured hierarchically. The selection criteria that must be combined for a use case are entered in hierarchy levels. There are five hierarchy levels. Data Multilingual text No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_HIERARCHY_5
40326 Safety-related values: Input (Collect) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Function range of safety function: Input (Collect). This can be realized via a sensor, for example. Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_INPUT
40327 Safety-related values: Output (React) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Function range of safety function: Output (React). This can be realized via an actuator, for example. Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_OUTPUT
40328 Safety-related values: Logic (Generate report) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Function range of safety function: Logic (Generate report). Data Boolean (True / False) No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_LOGIC
40329 Safety-related values: PL Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Indicates the ability of safety-relevant parts of a control to carry out a safety function under foreseeable conditions (short for "Performance Level"). Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_PL
40330 Safety-related values: SIL CL Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
SIL limit (short for "Safety Integrity Level Claim Limit"). The safety integrity level SIL (short for "Safety Integrity Level") specifies the requirements of the safety functions of a control system. Level 1 denotes the lowest requirements; Level 4 the highest. The SIL limit is the maximum SIL required for a subsystem. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_SILCL
40331 Safety-related values: PFHD Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Average probability of a dangerous failure (short for "Probability of Dangerous Failure per Hour"). Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_PFHD
40332 Safety-related values: TMT1 Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Duration of use, Mission Time; proof-test interval. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_TMT1
40333 Safety-related values: MTTFD Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Median time to the dangerous event (short for "Mean Time To Dangerous Failure"). Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_MTTFD
40334 Safety-related values: Lambda-D Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Rate of dangerous failures. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_LAMBDAD
40335 Safety-related values: MTTF Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Median time to the event (short for "Mean Time To Failure"). Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_MTTF
40336 Safety-related values: MTBF Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Median time between two failures (short for "Mean Time Between Failures"). Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_MTBF
40337 Safety-related values: RDF Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Percentage of dangerous failures relative to all failures (short for "Ratio of Dangerous to all Failures"). Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_RDF
40338 Safety-related values: B10 Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Mean number of cycles up to which 10% of the components have failed. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_B10
40339 Safety-related values: B10 D Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Safety-related value
Mean number of cycles up to which 10% of the components have failed dangerously. Data Decimal number No No ARTICLE_SAFETYRELATED_B10D
40340 Used drilling pattern: Name Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Outputs the name of the used drilling pattern. Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLEREF_CONSTRUCTION_NAME
40342 Sorting of part on terminal strip Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Sort code for the order of the alignable accessories on the terminal strip. The value is assigned in accordance with the order of the accessory parts in the dialog Edit terminal strip. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_TERMINALSORTCODE
40343 Trade of part reference Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
40344 Subtrade of part reference Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Data Multilingual text No Yes ARTICLEREF_SUBCRAFT
40345 Safety-related values: Use case in use Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Indicates the use case that is used for the safety-related values of a part. Data Integer No Yes ARTICLEREF_USED_SAFETYRELATEDVALUE
40346 Safety-related values: Use case in use (name) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Indicates the use case that is used for the safety-related values of a part. Data Multilingual text No Yes ARTICLEREF_USED_SAFETYRELATEDVALUE_NAME
40347 Harness proD GUID Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
In this property Harness proD stores references to its own objects during the data exchange. Data Monolingual text No Yes ARTICLEREF_HARNESSPROD_GUID
40348 AutomationML GUID (accessories) Part reference
Part reference (summarized representation types)
In this property the GUIDs for accessory parts are stored in AutomationML AR APC format during the PLC data exchange. All parts that are entered at the positions 2 to 50 on the Parts tab in the property dialog of a main function are considered to be accessories. The GUID is generated automatically and should normally not be modified manually. Data Monolingual text No No ARTICLEREF_AML_GUID
44001 Segment definition: Name (identifying) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Pipe class
Identifying name of the segment definition, e.g., "EPLAN.Base.Component.Common". No category Monolingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_DEFINITIONNAME
44002 Display format: Segment name Segment definition (pre-planning) Format for displayed name, define at the segment definition, and displayed at the planning objects / structure segments. Formats Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_DISPLAYNAME_FORMAT
44003 Segment definition: Displayed name Segment definition (pre-planning) Displayed name of segment definition, e.g., "Planning object general". Formats Multilingual text No No DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_NAME
44004 Designation Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Name of the structure segment or planning object. This name is identifying on a structure level in the space. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_DESIGNATION
44005 Description (Segment) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Description of the structure segment or planning object (multi-lingual). Data Multilingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_DESCRIPTION
44006 Technical description Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
You can enter any characteristic and particular features (multi-lingual). Is used for output in reports.
Example: Three-phase motor 11 kW; star-delta control; one direction.
44007 Documents Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Any external documents can be stored at a planning object or structure segment. You can output these documents in the reports as hyperlinks. Data Monolingual text Yes, 20 No DMPLAOBJECT_DOCUMENTS
44008 Macro Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
At each planning object in the tree view of the pre-planning navigator, a macro can be entered that contains parts of the circuit or the entire circuit. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_MACRO
44009 Designation (full) Segment template (pre-planning)
Segment (pre-planning)
Part reference (summarized representation types)
Shows the full designation from the top structure level in the tree up to this planning object. In the P&I diagram the property shows the complete designation of the PCT loop / PCT loop function including the structure identifiers of all the superior segments. Data Monolingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_FULLDESIGNATION
44010 Power consumption Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The power consumption necessary to operate this planning object. Data Value with unit No No DMPLAOBJECT_POWER_REQUIREMENT
44011 Total power consumption Segment (pre-planning) Displays the total of the required power consumption that was estimated for the realization of the current segment. To this purpose the required power consumption of the current segment (at a planning object) and of all the planning objects lying below this segment are added up. The property is available in reports. No category Value with unit No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_POWER_REQUIREMENT_TOTAL
44012 Expenditure planning Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The necessary time spent until the planning of this planning object. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_PLANNINGTIME
44013 Total expenditure planning Segment (pre-planning) It displays the total of the time that was estimated for the planning of the current segment. To this purpose the required times of the current segment (at a planning object) and of all the planning objects lying below this segment are added up. The property is available in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_PLANNINGTIME_TOTAL
44014 Expenditure construction Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The necessary time spent to build this planning object. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_BUILDINGTIME
44015 Total expenditure construction Segment (pre-planning) It displays the total of the time that was estimated for building the current segment. To this purpose the required times of the current segment (at a planning object) and of all the planning objects lying below this segment are added up. The property is available in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_BUILDINGTIME_TOTAL
44016 Expenditure software Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The necessary time spent to program this planning object. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_PROGRAMMINGTIME
44017 Total expenditure software Segment (pre-planning) It displays the total of the time that was estimated for the programming of the current segment. To this purpose the required times of the current segment (at a planning object) and of all the planning objects lying below this segment are added up. The property is available in reports. No category Monolingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_PROGRAMMINGTIME_TOTAL
44018 Calculation value Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Estimated value that is required to realize the current planning object (for example an estimated price for a loop). Data Decimal number No No DMPLAOBJECT_PRICE
44019 Total calculation value Segment (pre-planning) Displays the total of the calculation values that were estimated for the realization of the current segment. To this purpose the calculation values of the current segment (at a planning object) and of all the planning objects lying below this segment are added up. The property is available in reports. No category Decimal number No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_PRICE_TOTAL
44020 PLC address: Direction Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Enter the direction here (input, output, undefined). The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. PLC data Integer Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_DIRECTION
44021 PLC address: Data type Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Enter here the data type here. The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_DATATYPE
44022 PLC address: CPU Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Enter here the processor to which the PLC connection point is assigned. A CPU is uniquely identified by specification of the CPU name in the form [Configuration project].[Station ID].[CPU identifier]. The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_CPU
44023 PLC address: Address Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Enter here the PLC address. The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_ADDRESS
44024 PLC address: Symbolic address Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Enter here the symbolic address. The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_SYMBOLICADDRESS
44025 PLC address: Function text Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Enter here the function text. The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. PLC data Multilingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_FUNCTIONTEXT
44026 Level in tree Segment (pre-planning) Indicates the hierarchy level of the planning object or structure segment in the tree view of the pre-planning navigator. The top level (directly below the project) has the value "1"; for the levels below, the value is incremented. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_TREELEVEL
44027 Pre-planning item number Segment (pre-planning) Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_POSITIONNUMBER
44028 Total number of digital PLC inputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the digital PLC inputs for the current planning object and the subordinate planning objects and (in accordance with the tree structure in the pre-planning navigator). Digital PLC addresses are such addresses that have the data type "BOOL". This is not case-sensitive. Inputs and outputs are recognized by the direction of the PLC address. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_DIGITAL_PLCINPUT_COUNT
44029 Total number of digital PLC outputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the digital PLC outputs for the current planning object and the subordinate planning objects and (in accordance with the tree structure in the pre-planning navigator). Digital PLC addresses are such addresses that have the data type "BOOL". This is not case-sensitive. Inputs and outputs are recognized by the direction of the PLC address. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_DIGITAL_PLCOUTPUT_COUNT
44030 Total number of analog PLC inputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the analog PLC inputs for the current planning object and the subordinate planning objects and (in accordance with the tree structure in the pre-planning navigator). Analog PLC addresses are such addresses that have a data type that is not "BOOL". Inputs and outputs are recognized by the direction of the PLC address. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_ANALOG_PLCINPUT_COUNT
44031 Total number of analog PLC outputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the analog PLC outputs for the current planning object and the subordinate planning objects and (in accordance with the tree structure in the pre-planning navigator). Analog PLC addresses are such addresses that have a data type that is not "BOOL". Inputs and outputs are recognized by the direction of the PLC address. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_ANALOG_PLCOUTPUT_COUNT
44032 Structure identifier (Segment) Segment (pre-planning) Specifies all structure identifiers including preceding sign entered at the structure segment or planning object, provided they have a value. No preceding sign is displayed for empty structure identifiers. For example, instead of the string "==A1+-", only "==A1" is displayed. Data Monolingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_ALLSTRUCTUREPARTS
44033 Structure identifiers without separators Segment definition (pre-planning) If this property is activated, same-type structure identifiers of nested segments are combined without separators.
Example: A segment has the structure identifier "=A1" and the subordinate segment "=12". In the full designation of the subordinate segment, "=A112" is displayed if the property is activated; otherwise, "=A1.12".
44034 Do not check for pre-planning depth Segment (pre-planning) Indicates that the structure segment or planning object is not taken into account in the error checking for the pre-planning depth. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No DMPLAOBJECT_IGNORE_MANDATORY_PROPERTY_VERIFICATION
44035 Technical facility Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
"Technical facility" component of the designation of a PCT loop / PCT loop function. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_PCT_IDENTIFIER
44036 Measurand Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
"Measurand" component of the designation of a PCT loop / PCT loop function. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_PCT_MEASURAND
44037 Processing function Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
"Processing function" component of the designation of a PCT loop / PCT loop function. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_PCT_FUNCTION
44038 Number Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
"Number" component of the designation of a PCT loop / PCT loop function. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_PCT_NUMBER
44039 Basic segment definition: Name (identifying) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Pipe class
Identifying name of the basic segment definition, e.g., "Eplan.Base.StructureNode". No category Monolingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_BASEDEFINITIONNAME
44040 Pre-planning finished Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Indicates that the structure segment or planning object is ready for the detailed planning. Settings Boolean (True / False) No No DMPLAOBJECT_PLANNING_COMPLETE
44041 Segment definition: Displayed name Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Pipe class
Displayed name of segment definition, e.g., "Planning object general". Data Multilingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_DEFINITIONDISPLAYNAME
44042 Basic segment definition: Displayed name Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Pipe class
Displayed name of the basic segment definition, e.g., "Structure segment" or "Planning object". Data Multilingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_BASEDEFINITIONDISPLAYNAME
44043 Implementation Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Realization from the PCT type. The following values are possible:
0 = General
1 = PCS
2 = Process computer
3 = PLC.
44044 Activation site Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Activation site from the PCT type. The following values are possible:
0 = On-site
1 = Measuring station
2 = Control room
3 = Measuring station (not visible)
4 = Control room (not visible).
44045 Segment definition: Preceding sign Segment definition (pre-planning) Enter here the character that is displayed in front of the designation of a segment with this segment definition in the Full designation property. If this field is empty, a space is used by default. Formats Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_PREFIX
44046 Segment definition: Preceding sign also at the beginning Segment definition (pre-planning) If this check box is enabled, the preceding sign of a segment with this segment definition is always displayed in the full designation. The preceding sign is displayed also if a segment forms a top hierarchy level in the tree structure and its designation is at the beginning of the full designation.
If the check box is deactivated, the preceding sign will be hidden if the segment in question is at the beginning of the full designation. This is the default setting.
44047 PLC address: Workstation Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Enter here the station to which the PLC connection point is assigned. (A CPU is identified uniquely through the specification of the configuration project, station ID, and CPU name.) The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_STATION
44048 PLC address: Configuration project Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Enter here the configuration project to which the PLC connection point is assigned. (A CPU is identified uniquely through the specification of the configuration project, station ID, and CPU name.) The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_CONFIGURATIONPROJECT
44049 Segment template: Description Segment template (pre-planning)
Pipe class
Displayed name of the segment template. General Multilingual text No No DMPLASPECIFICATION_DESCRIPTION
44050 Segment template: Name (identifying) Segment template (pre-planning)
Pipe class
Identifying name of the segment template. The segment template is managed in EPLAN under this name. General Monolingual text No Yes DMPLASPECIFICATION_NAME
44051 Segment template Segment (pre-planning) Segment template of the planning object or structure segment. General Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_SPECIFICATIONNAME
44052 PLC address: Symbolic address (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Specify a (unique) single component of the symbolic address for each input and output. The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. These single components are used to determine the symbolic address and are attached to the single components of the symbolic address that was entered at the superior segments. The automatically determined symbolic address thus results as a combination of the single components that were entered at the current planning object and at all the superior segments. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_SYMBOLICADDRESS_PART
44053 Symbolic address (single component) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
At segments, a single component of the symbolic address can be entered. These single components are linked at the PLC inputs and outputs of the planning objects starting with the top node and provide the automatically determined symbolic address. PLC data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_SYMBOLICADDRESS_PART
44054 User-defined property: Name Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
This property can be used in reports and displays the name of a user-defined property. Up to 100 properties can be differentiated by using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 100 Yes DMPLAOBJECT_USERPROPERTY_NAME
44055 User-defined property: Value Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
This property can be used in reports and displays the value of the associated user-defined property with the same index. Up to 100 properties can be differentiated by using the index. Data Multilingual text Yes, 100 Yes DMPLAOBJECT_USERPROPERTY_VALUE
44056 Hook-up Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Displays the first assembly part from the "Hook-up" product group that is entered in the properties dialog of the planning object or of the segment template in the Part tab. Part Monolingual text No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_HOOKUP
44057 Usage count Segment template (pre-planning) This property can be used in reports and shows for a segment template the number of planning objects to which the segment template is assigned. Data Integer No Yes DMPLASPECIFICATION_OBJECT_COUNT
44059 Total number of PLC counter inputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the PLC counter inputs (meaning PLC inputs identified as counters) for the current planning object and the subordinate planning objects (same as the tree structure in the pre-planning navigator). Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_PLCCOUNTER_COUNT
44060 Relevant to safety Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The property can be displayed in the P&I diagram at the placed measuring points or consumers and serves to represent PCT tasks in accordance with the standard DIN EN 62424. This property is additionally available at planning objects and containers. On the basis of the symbols displayed in the graphical editor you can recognize whether a placed measuring point or consumer is relevant to safety, or GMP- or quality-relevant. The property can be output in the reports, during the manufacturing data export and it can also be output in the block properties for the planning objects. In the navigators for pre-planning you can use the property as a filter criterion or display it in the list view as a column. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMPLAOBJECT_SAFETY_RELEVANT
44061 GMP-relevant Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The property can be displayed in the P&I diagram at the placed measuring points or consumers and serves to represent PCT tasks in accordance with the standard DIN EN 62424. This property is additionally available at planning objects and containers. GMP stands for "Good Manufacturing Practice". On the basis of the symbols displayed in the graphical editor you can recognize whether a placed measuring point or consumer is relevant to safety, or GMP- or quality-relevant. The property can be output in the reports, during the manufacturing data export and it can also be output in the block properties for the planning objects. In the navigators for pre-planning you can use the property as a filter criterion or display it in the list view as a column. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMPLAOBJECT_GMP_RELEVANT
44062 Quality-relevant Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The property can be displayed in the P&I diagram at the placed measuring points or consumers and serves to represent PCT tasks in accordance with the standard DIN EN 62424. This property is additionally available at planning objects and containers. On the basis of the symbols displayed in the graphical editor you can recognize whether a placed measuring point or consumer is relevant to safety, or GMP- or quality-relevant. The property can be output in the reports, during the manufacturing data export and it can also be output in the block properties for the planning objects. In the navigators for pre-planning you can use the property as a filter criterion or display it in the list view as a column. Data Boolean (True / False) No No DMPLAOBJECT_QUALITY_RELEVANT
44063 Linked segments: Name Segment (pre-planning) Shows at a segment which other segments are linked to this segment through a links. Up to 10 links can be differentiated by using the index. The complete designation of the linked segment is displayed as a value. Data Monolingual text Yes, 10 Yes DMPLAOBJECT_LINK_CHILD_NAME
44064 PLC address: Counter Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. Specify a (unique) single component of the symbolic address for each input and output. The individual PLC inputs and outputs are differentiated via the index, with a maximum of 50. These single components are used to determine the symbolic address and are attached to the single components of the symbolic address that was entered at the superior segments. The automatically determined symbolic address thus results as a combination of the single components that were entered at the current planning object and at all the superior segments. PLC data Boolean (True / False) Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_COUNTER
44065 Designation (visible) Segment (pre-planning) By means of this property you can have a "reduced" designation displayed at the PCT loops / PCT loop functions which are placed in a structure box in the P&I diagram. In this property the designation of the superior structure box is abbreviated, meaning that the partial structure in which the PCT loop / PCT loop function is located is displayed.
If a PCT loop / PCT loop function belongs to a different structure, a "reduced" designation is displayed. In this case a ">" is displayed before the designation.
44066 Is linked to superior segments Segment (pre-planning) Shows whether the current segment is linked to different superior segments. The property can be used for filtering in the pre-planning navigator and in the reports for the pre-planning. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_IS_LINKED
44067 Has linked segments Segment (pre-planning) Shows whether links to other segments exist below the current segment. The property can be used for filtering in the pre-planning navigator and in the reports for the pre-planning. Data Boolean (True / False) No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_HAS_LINKS
44068 Documents: File / hyperlink Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
File name or hyperlink of an external document. Any external documents can be stored at a planning object or structure segment. You can output these documents in the reports as hyperlinks. Data Monolingual text Yes, 20 No DMPLAOBJECT_DOCUMENTS_URL
44069 Documents: Designation Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Designation of an external document. Any external documents can be stored at a planning object or structure segment. You can output these documents in the reports as hyperlinks. Data Multilingual text Yes, 20 No DMPLAOBJECT_DOCUMENTS_DESIGNATION
44070 Source segment Segment (pre-planning) Source segment of a connection planning object. Like a connection, a connection planning object must have a source and a target. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_SOURCE_SEGMENT
44071 Target segment Segment (pre-planning) Target segment of a connection planning object. Like a connection, a connection planning object must have a source and a target. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_TARGET_SEGMENT
44072 Pipe class Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
The pipe class specifies the range of application in relation to the pressure and temperature, meaning the maximum permissible pressure at which the piping may be operated at a maximum permissible temperature. When doing this, a pipe class contains a fixed number of pipe items, such as pipes, fittings, flanges, nuts, bolts, and gaskets. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_PIPECLASS
44073 Part number Pipe class Shows the part numbers assigned to a piping. The individual parts are addressed via an index. The property can be output in reports, for example. Data Monolingual text Yes, 1000 Yes DMPLAPIPECLASS_PARTS
44074 Automatically generated Segment (pre-planning) Indicates whether the segment was generated automatically, and shows the information on the creator:
0 = No
5 = EPLAN Engineering Configuration
9 = Import.
44075 Nominal pressure level Pipe class The nominal pressure of a pipe system specifies a reference value. The designation PN ("Pressure Nominal") is used, followed by a whole number without dimensions that indicates the design pressure in bar at room temperature (20° C). The permissible pressure is correspondingly smaller at higher temperatures, depending on the permissible material characteristics (yield point). Data Value with unit No No DMPLAPIPECLASS_PRESSURELEVEL
44076 Material Pipe class Data Multilingual text No No DMPLAPIPECLASS_MATERIAL
44077 Standard Pipe class Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAPIPECLASS_NORM
44078 Substance Segment (pre-planning) Specifies the substance that is transported through the respective piping in the process engineering (such as "water", "oil", "oxygen"). Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_SUBSTANCE
44079 Number of digital PLC inputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the digital PLC inputs for the current planning object. Digital PLC addresses are such addresses that have the data type "BOOL". This is not case-sensitive. Inputs and outputs are recognized by the direction of the PLC address. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_SEGMENT_DIGITAL_PLCINPUT_COUNT
44080 Number of digital PLC outputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the digital PLC outputs for the current planning object. Digital PLC addresses are such addresses that have the data type "BOOL". This is not case-sensitive. Inputs and outputs are recognized by the direction of the PLC address. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_SEGMENT_DIGITAL_PLCOUTPUT_COUNT
44081 Number of analog PLC inputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the analog PLC inputs for the current planning object. Analog PLC addresses are such addresses that have a data type that is not "BOOL". Inputs and outputs are recognized by the direction of the PLC address. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_SEGMENT_ANALOG_PLCINPUT_COUNT
44082 Number of analog PLC outputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the analog PLC outputs for the current planning object. Analog PLC addresses are such addresses that have a data type that is not "BOOL". Inputs and outputs are recognized by the direction of the PLC address. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_SEGMENT_ANALOG_PLCOUTPUT_COUNT
44083 Number of PLC counter inputs Segment (pre-planning) Shows the sum of the PLC counter inputs (meaning PLC inputs identified as counters) for the current planning object. Data Integer No Yes DMPLAOBJECT_SEGMENT_PLCCOUNTER_COUNT
44084 Macro for pre-planning and P&I diagram Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
Macro with the "Pre-planning" and / or "P&I diagram" representation type for the extension of an existing pre-planning with graphical representations and P&I diagram. Data Monolingual text No No DMPLAOBJECT_PLAMACRO
44085 Connection: Cross-section / diameter Segment (pre-planning) Cross-section / Diameter of the connection. Data Value with unit No No DMPLAOBJECT_CROSSSECTION
44086 Color for P&I diagram Segment (pre-planning) In order to recognize in the P&I diagram which containers, PCT loops, pipings etc. are linked with segments in the pre-planning you can color these components and objects in the P&I diagram. With this property you specify the desired color. In addition the settings for the coloring of components and pipings in the P&I diagram must be activated in the project settings for the pre-planning. Settings Integer No No DMPLAOBJECT_PID_COLOR
44087 PLC address: Symbolic address: Group Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. With this property you can group areas of symbolic addresses in the assignment list, for example inputs, outputs, safety addresses, etc. The property is used during the PLC data exchange in AutomationML AR APC format. PLC data Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_SYMBOLICADDRESS_GROUP
44088 PLC address: Symbolic address: UDT (name) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. With this property you have the possibility to nestle and manage the symbolic address of the PLC connection point within a user-defined data type. "UDT" stands for "User Defined Type". The property is a monolingual text and is used and exchanged as of the AutomationML AR APC format Version 1.3.0. Entry of a decimal point is not permissible. When using this property you additionally have to specify the data type in the "PLC address: Symbolic address: UDT (data type)" property. No category Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_SYMBOLICADDRESS_UDT
44089 PLC address: Symbolic address: UDT (data type) Segment (pre-planning)
Segment template (pre-planning)
PLC inputs and outputs that are required for controlling can be defined at a planning object. When using the "PLC address: Symbolic address: UDT (name)" property specify the associated user-defined data type here. With these two properties you have the possibility to nestle and manage the symbolic address of the PLC connection point within a user-defined data type. "UDT" stands for "User Defined Type". The property is a monolingual text and is used and exchanged as of the AutomationML AR APC format Version 1.3.0. Entry of a decimal point is not permissible. The actual structure of the UDT is only required in the PLC configuration program and only specified there. No category Monolingual text Yes, 50 No DMPLAOBJECT_PLCADDRESS_SYMBOLICADDRESS_UDT_DATATYPE