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Dialog Optimize distributed terminals

In this dialog you make the settings for optimizing the distributed terminals, e.g. which part or which function definition is assigned to the various terminal types. Distributed terminals connected with each other can be summarized and sorted by jumpers.

In addition, optimizing the distributed terminals helps you to designate the occupied distributed terminal connection points and summarize the distributed terminals into complete terminal functions. For each connection point to which at least one wire (so any function, jumper etc. except for saddle and internal jumpers) is connected, a connection point designation is given automatically. The Main terminal check box is activated automatically for the first distributed terminal of a terminal function (as per the display in the terminal strip navigator).

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Part number group box

Terminal ... SH terminal:

In these fields you specify the parts that are to be used for the PE / PEN, N, and SH terminals. Via [...] you open the Part selection dialog and can there select a terminal; the terminal's part number is then transferred to the associated field.

If function templates for terminals have been entered for a part, the data of the first function template is assigned to the terminals to be optimized. All properties of the distributed terminal are overwritten with the corresponding values from the function template; previously filled fields, too, are overwritten with empty values.


If in the optimization of the distributed terminals a part is entered whose function templates include a terminal designation, the part will not be included in the optimization. In such a case, a message is displayed that the distributed terminal has not been included in the optimization. Terminal designations are not included, because if a terminal designation were applied, all selected distributed terminals would be combined into one terminal.

Group (function definition):

In this field you set the function group that is assigned by default to distributed terminals when entering them if the terminal cannot be assigned to any part or no part number is entered in the Part number group box. Click [...] to open the Function definitions dialog and select the function definition you want there, if required.

Keep existing terminal designations:

If this check box is activated, existing terminal designations for distributed terminals are retained. If several terminals have the same terminal designation, a distributed terminal index is assigned automatically. Here, distributed terminals connected with each other with the same DT and the same terminal designation are "collected" until the number of the occupied connection points matches the number of connection points for the part or the function definition selected above. For each connection point of the part or function definition there must be an occupied connection point on a distributed terminal. The distributed terminals "collected" in this way receive the same Distributed terminal index and are therefore summarized into one terminal function.

If the check box is deactivated the terminal designations are re-assigned as per the settings for the online numbering. Here distributed terminals connected with each other with the same DT are "collected" until the number of the occupied connection points matches the number of connection points for the part selected above or the function definition selected above. For each connection point of the part or function definition there must be an occupied connection point on a distributed terminal. The distributed terminals "collected" in this way receive the same Terminal designation and are therefore summarized into one terminal function.

Keep existing connection point designations:

If this check box is activated, existing connection point designations for distributed terminals are retained. Even connection point designations of unoccupied connection points or connection points connected to only one saddle jumper or an internal jumper are retained.

If the check box is deactivated, connection point designations that were entered on the distributed terminals are initially deleted and then filled with the values from the part selected above or the function definition selected above. Only occupied connection points receive a connection point designation. Connection point designations of unassigned connection points or connection points connected to only one saddle jumper or one internal jumper are deleted.

Keep existing distributed terminal index:


This setting only has an effect if the Keep existing terminal designations check box is activated.

If this check box is activated, existing values for the Distributed terminal index property are retained. It does not matter if the values were manually entered or automatically assigned during an earlier optimization of the distributed terminals.

If the check box is deactivated, the distributed terminal index is reassigned during optimization of the distributed terminals.

Allow combining of terminals that are connected to one another:

If this check box is activated terminals connected with each other are re-arranged such that they are next to each other - sorted by jumpers. PE / PEN terminals are excluded by default as they should sometimes be distributed in the terminal strip.

If the check box is deactivated, the terminals are not resorted.

Also PE terminals:

If this check box is activated, PE / PEN terminals are considered when resorting terminals connected with each other.

If the check box is deactivated, PE / PEN terminals are not resorted.


Use the drop-down list to specify which distributed terminals are to be optimized:

  • Selected: Only the distributed terminals contained in the selection are optimized.
  • All of the selected terminal strips: All of the distributed terminals of the selected terminal strips are optimized.
  • All of all terminal strips: The distributed terminals of all terminal strips in the project are optimized.

See also