In the Edit terminal strip dialog you can assign alignable accessories such as mounting rails, partition plates, end clamps, etc. to a terminal strip. The accessory is saved as a parts entry at the main terminals, or in the terminal strip definition if you are not using main terminals.
The alignable accessory is displayed in the dialog in a separate line. In the Preview column a schematic preview of the accessory is shown.
If the accessory is already assigned to a terminal, the terminal and accessory are displayed as a block. The row numbers are grouped together in one field in the Row column.
- Appropriate accessories are available in parts management.
- You have selected a terminal or a terminal strip definition in the terminal strip navigator, the device navigator or the graphical editor. You have opened the Edit terminal strip dialog (command path: Tab Devices > Command group Terminals > Terminal strip).
Add alignable accessories
- In the Edit terminal strip dialog click the field with the line number of the desired terminal.
- Select the popup menu item Add alignable accessories.
- In the Part selection dialog scroll through the tree structure and select the alignable accessory required. Multiple selection is possible.
- Click [OK].
The alignable accessories are inserted into the Edit terminal strip dialog below the current cursor position as a separate, shaded line. You can move every row as you wish. In the "Row" column, a small arrow visualizes the direction in which the accessory is assigned to the upper or lower main terminal.
- Select the popup menu item Enter alignable accessories at upper main terminal to specify at which main terminal the part of the alignable accessories is entered.
- Click [Apply].
The alignable accessory is assigned to the terminal and the parts are entered at the terminal. The terminal and accessory are combined into a block which can be moved as one unit. In the "line" column, the line numbers are grouped in one field.
If the Do not use main terminals property is selected for the terminal strip, the parts are entered at the terminal strip definition. The lines for the alignable accessory and the direction arrows for the assignment are retained.
When moving alignable accessories, the sequence of the parts on the terminal strip is stored in a sort code. The value is entered into the Sorting of part on terminal strip property which is either visible at the associated main terminal or at the terminal strip definition in case you do not use main terminals.
You can also perform the Add alignable accessories action for several marked terminals. The alignable accessories selected in the subsequent dialog are then entered at the marked main terminals or multi-level terminals.
Delete alignable accessories
- In the Edit terminal strip dialog, click in the line in question with the line number field in order to select the block formed from a terminal and an alignable accessory.
- Click the
(Split) button.
The alignable accessory is displayed as a separate line.
- In the Edit terminal strip dialog, click in the line in question with the line number field in order to select the alignable accessory.
- Select the popup menu item Delete alignable accessories.
The selected accessory is deleted, i.e. the parts entry at the main terminal / in the terminal strip definition is removed.
See also