This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Action: preparemacros




Project name with complete file path (optional).
If nothing is entered, the selected project will be used if the action is to be run over the user interface (e.g. via the script or ribbon). When executing from the Windows command line, PROJECTNAME must be specified or ProjectAction has to be used before that. Otherwise a system message will appear.


Names of the pages to be considered (optional). Here, n is a number (for example /PAGENAME1:=AP+ST1/2 /PAGENAME2:=AP+ST1/4 /PAGENAME3:=AP+ST1/7, etc.).


Specifies whether macro boxes and their contents are grouped (optional, 0 = No, 1 = Yes).
Default value: 1


Specifies whether the contents of a page macro is grouped (optional, 0 = No, 1 = Yes).
Default value: 0.


Specifies whether the Activate handles check box of the respective macro is to be activated (optional, 0 = No, 1 = Yes).
Default value: 0.


Only such projects where the Type of project property is set to "Macro project" are taken into consideration.