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Calculation Properties

In EPLAN it is possible to create a calculation formula by means of format elements and thus define a calculation property at various points:

  • Placeholder texts in the form and plot frame editor
  • Manufacturing data export / Labeling
  • User-defined block properties
  • Indexed block properties
  • Predefinition of indexed formats for block properties at the project
  • Configuration of segment definitions for pre-planning

In the form and plot frame editor as well as during the export of manufacturing data or labeling, it is possible to create calculation formulas both for project data as well as for parts data of the parts stored in the project. If you create calculation properties as user-defined block properties, only project data are offered, since these properties are stored project-specifically.

The data determined via the calculation formula can be displayed in the project or output in reports. You create the calculation formula in the dialog Format: Calculation. Depending on the context, different format elements are available there.

Usage of user-defined block properties

Calculation properties can be created as user-defined block properties. To this purpose you create a property with the field type "Monolingual text" or "Value with unit" and the display type "Block property" in the dialog Configure properties. After you have clicked the adjacent button [...], select the format element Calculation in the dialog Format and move it to the right. In the dialog then opened Format: Calculation you can use format elements to compile a calculation formula.

If you create a calculation formula for indexed block properties and insert a property there, the values entered at the respective object are displayed during the property selection. This makes it easier to find the desired property and, if necessary, recognize the unit used. When creating a user-defined block property, values are also displayed during the property selection. Depending on the context, the values originate from the object that was selected before you opened the dialog Configure properties or from the superior object.

Specification of units

Units are generally not taken into consideration in the calculation formulas. Only the numerical values are calculated and only one numerical value without unit is output.

EPLAN internally calculates using the basic units of the international system of units (SI). For properties with the field type "Value with unit" - when a valid unit is recognized - the numerical part is converted into the SI unit before a calculation and the calculation carried out with this value. If no unit is detected, the value is assumed to be given in an SI unit and is thus calculated without conversion.
For all other properties, the numerical value is used unchanged as it is entered.

You can specify the associated unit for a calculated value by using the format element Separator. To do so, insert the format element Separator after the format element Calculation. If you enter a blank followed by the unit as the separator, EPLAN recognizes this as a unit.


In the dialog Format: Calculation the property values of the marked object are displayed in the Selected format elements field in the Preview column. The numerical values that are used for calculation are displayed in brackets behind the property value.

See also