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3D Mounting Layout: Principle

The layout space navigator and the 3D mounting layout navigator are the central tools for configuring layout diagrams for mounting panels in the 3D mounting layout.

Logical structure

The layout space navigator maps the logical structure of the placed part. There are hierarchical dependencies between all the items. If a superior item (such as a mounting rail) is moved or deleted, the devices that are placed on it will be moved or deleted as well. This logical structure can also be included in reports.

Change hierarchy structure using Drag & Drop (only in a macro project)

During the creation of master data in a macro project it is possible to change the hierarchy structure of the items in the layout space navigator per Drag & Drop. This is especially relevant for enclosures and the enclosure components belonging to the standard scope of delivery.

This way, for example, an enclosure door in the item hierarchy can not be assigned to the enclosure anymore but to the "Frame profile vertical right front". This way you can adjust the item hierarchy in the enclosure with simple measures to the individual requirements of the project.

The following objects are possible Drag & drop targets:

  • Chassis, general
  • Rail, general
  • Items of the "Enclosure" function category
  • Items of the "Housing" function category
  • Items of the "System accessories" function category
  • Items of the "Lock systems" function category
  • Items of the "19"-design" function category

Layout space

As well as the logical structure display, there is also a 3D display area that shows the placed device. This display is independent of any project page. The 3D model is displayed in a layout space that allows the 3D bodies and their editing to be viewed.

It is therefore a basic requirement for working with 3D components that a layout space be first created in the layout space navigator. This is the environment for the 3D data and the functional logic that connects it.

You can add, edit, delete, or place devices in the layout spaces.

The layout space shows an isometric view of the 3D model by default with shading (body surfaces filled with color and shaded differently according to the angle).

You can delete layout spaces from the project without at the same time removing the devices contained in the layout spaces from the project.

3D coordinates system (coordinate cross with 3 axes)

All three axes in the coordinates system are visible in the isometric view of the layout space. The axes are distinguished by their color:

  • X-axis: red
  • Y-axis: green
  • Z-axis: blue

Project structure

The 3D mounting layout navigator is used to list the devices available in the project so that they can be placed in a layout space.

  • All devices to which a part is assigned are listed.
  • The view in the 3D mounting layout navigator is always identifier-based.
  • Parts without a device tag are grouped in a separate node.
  • Devices that have already been placed are flagged by an additional icon if there is a matching device in the schematic or in the device navigator. If this is not the case, devices placed in the layout space have the icon.

Multiple entries may be selected in both the tree view and the list view. These selected devices can then be placed on the mounting panel at the same time. It is also possible to select a node in the tree view. All devices that are affected by this selection are placed together.

See also