Routing points are required to build up a routing path network. For example as a jump-in position for the connection to a target, as a position for a junction to other routing paths or for connecting routing paths.
Structure routing points represent a specific identification structure. Through these special routing points it is possible to route connections between different identification structures without the connected topology functions having to be placed.
You have opened a topology page in the graphical editor.
- Select the following commands: Tab Insert > Command group Topology > Routing point.
- Click the graphical editor to place the routing point.
The Properties <...> dialog opens (if in the Property dialogs category, the While inserting routing points and routing paths (topology) check box has been activated in the user settings for graphical editing).
- Enter the data for the routing point in the Routing point tab.
- If you want to insert a structure routing point, click [...] next to the Function definition field. Select the "Topology structure routing point" in the subsequent dialog.
The additional tab Connected structures is displayed for structure routing points. There you can specify a filter that is used during the automatic generation of topology functions.
- Click [OK].
- End the action via the Cancel action popup menu item or via the [Esc] button.
You can use the Generate routing point popup menu item to generate unplaced routing points in the topology navigator.
See also
Inserting Routing Paths (Topology)
Routing Connections between Different Identification Structures