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Creating Outlines

When creating an outline, the Outline properties - <Outline name> dialog is opened, in which you specify the most important properties of the new outline. (This dialog can also be called up for an opened outline after the event to allow you to change the properties at any time.)


You have opened a project.

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Master data > Command group Outline / form > Drop-down button Outline (...) > New.
  2. In the Create outline dialog, select the drive and directory, in which the new outline should be saved.
  3. In the File name field, enter a descriptive name for the outline.

    The File type drop-down list is already preset for the outline type ("Outline extrusion" or "Outline NC record generation") that you have selected via the corresponding command. Subsequent changes can then not be made to this property.
  4. If you want to return to the default setting for the drive and directory, click the EPLAN icon and the directory listed below this in the left-hand navigation area. (The default directory is either the program-specific default setting <Program drive>:\<Program directory>\Macros\<Company code> or the directory specified in the settings for macros: File > Settings > User > Management > Directories.)
  5. Click [Save].
  6. In the Outline properties - <Outline name> dialog, select as required the properties to be shown in the list below from the Category drop-down list.
  7. Specify the values for the properties by either entering or overwriting an entry or selecting a template value from a drop-down list, or jump to a special dialog in which you can enter additional data.
  8. Click [OK].

    The new outline is saved according to your entries, with the selected outline type determining the file extension, and is displayed in the outline editor.

    The origin of the coordinate system is highlighted by a red circle. You can move the origin if necessary.

You can check the outline during editing as required, so that you are quickly aware of any incorrect input, which you can then resolve immediately.


You can use drag & drop to insert existing outlines by dragging a selected outline from Windows Explorer into the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog of your project.

See also