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Defining General Graphics in Forms

The Assignment: Index to graphic form property is required, for example, for displaying a (fixed) graphic in the data area in the terminal diagram.


  • You have opened a project.
  • You have opened the form whose properties you want to edit in the form editor (Tab Master data > Command group Plot frames / forms > Drop-down button Form > Open > Button [Open]).
  • You have opened the Form properties - <Form name> dialog (popup menu item Properties in the form in the navigator dialog Pages - <Project name>).
  1. In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, click [...] in the Value column of the Assignment: Index to graphic property.
  2. In the Assignment: Index to graphic dialog, click (New), to create a new line in the assignment table.
  3. In the Index field, enter a different value, if necessary. The default is always <next_highest_number>.
  4. Click [...] in the Symbol name field.
  5. In the Symbol selection dialog, select the symbol whose graphic you want to assign to the index.
  6. Click [OK].

    The associated data is adopted in the Symbol library and Description fields.
  7. In the Symbol variant field, select the desired symbol from the drop-down list of all the existing variants of the current symbol.
  8. Perform all further assignments in a similar manner.
  9. Click [OK].

    The assignments are stored and can be inserted into the form using placeholders.

In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, the assignments are displayed as follows in the Value column:

<Index number>;<Symbol library>;<Symbol number>;<Variant>|<Index number>;<Symbol library>;<Symbol number>;<Variant>|...


Take care that only the symbols of the stored symbol libraries are displayed.

See also