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Editing Forms

As soon as you have opened the form you want to edit in the form editor, you can edit its components.


  • You have opened a project.
  • You have opened the form you want to edit in the form editor (Tab Master data > Command group Plot frames / forms > Drop-down button Form > Open > Button [Open]).

Edit static components

Static components are elements that have no influence on the data generated by the program when the schematic logic is evaluated. These are, for example, frames, graphical elements such as rectangles, lines, embedded bitmaps, etc. The static components are edited exactly like the corresponding objects on schematic pages. That is, they can be filled, moved, or pulled to a different position and you can assign them certain properties, such as line type, text direction, etc.

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Insert > Command group Graphic and a corresponding button to insert (further) graphical elements such as rectangles, lines, etc.
  2. Select the following commands: Tab Insert > Command group Text > Text to store text information.
  3. Select the following commands: Tab Insert > Command group File >Image file to select a graphic in the Select image file dialog and to insert it, for example, as a logo in the footer of your form.
  4. Double-click an element already added in order to open the element-specific Properties dialog and view or change the properties.


You can use Drag & Drop to insert text by dragging a selected text from an Office application into your open form.

Inserting placeholder texts

Select the following commands: Tab Insert > Command group Text > Drop-down list Forms > Placeholder text.

Placeholder texts are used in forms to define the position for the placement of fields in a record. They are evaluated and automatically multiplied for each object, where the position is determined by a predefined offset in the X and Y directions. Use the Column width and Row height form properties to specify the offset. Placeholder texts are only filled during the evaluation run and not updated online.


If the placeholder does not have an alignment box, or it has an alignment box and the Remove breaks check box is also selected (under the Border) property, line breaks are filtered out in the reports.

Insert special texts

Select the following commands: Tab Edit > Command group Form > Special text.

Special texts for forms are special placeholders for project or page properties. They are automatically filled in by the program with the appropriate properties depending on the data entered.

See also