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EPLAN Fluid: Device Structure

In EPLAN, "device structure" means the combination of all device identifier structures used in the project.

In EPLAN Fluid , the term "fluid device" covers the following device types:

  • General fluid devices (e.g., valves, filters, cylinders, etc.)
  • Fluid connection splicer and line connector.

The identifier structures for both types of devices can be defined independently of each other.

In EPLAN Fluid the following preceding signs and identifier blocks are available, and allow you to create standard-conformant, hierarchically structured device tags:

Preceding sign

Identifier block


Functional assignment


Function designation


Installation site


Location designation

Higher-level function number


User-defined structure


Device (consists of the identifier components "Prefix", "Identifier", "Counter", "Separator" and "Subcounter")

These identifier blocks allow numerous structuring possibilities in EPLAN Fluid. For example, you can structure the DTs norm-compliant to EN 81436 or also to ISO 1219- 2.

Device tags conforming to fluid power standard ISO 1219-2

ISO 1219-2 stipulates the following ID code for fluid power items:

  • Plant designation
  • - (separator)
  • Media code
  • Circuit number
  • . (separator)
  • Item number

Instead of the Plant designation identification specified by the standard, the program makes the identification block Higher-level function number available. Since EPLAN Fluid does not have any special identifier blocks for the structure elements required by the standard, namely "Media code", "Circuit number" and "Item number", these components of the ID code can be created by using the project setting Fluid power: Use trade identifier as identifier (media code) (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > DT).

The identifier components required in accordance with ISO 1219- 2, namely "Media code", "Circuit number" and "Item number" are assigned automatically in EPLAN Fluid to the components of the "Device" identifier block, i.e. the "normal" DT components (see following table).

Structure elements according to ISO 1219-2

Identifier components in EPLAN Fluid

Plant designation

Corresponds to the Higher-level function number identifier block . The higher-level function number is entered without a prefix.


Separator (fixed pre-defined)

Media code

Corresponds to the Trade identifier. Is assigned to the DT part Identifier.

Circuit number

Is assigned to the DT part Counter.


Separator (fixed pre-defined)

Item number

Consecutive number. Is assigned to the DT part Subcounter.

The assignment of the structure elements can be seen in the table structure of the Full DT dialog. To do this, call up the Properties <...> dialog for a fluid device identified according to ISO 1219-2, and click [...] next to the Full DT field.


  • In accordance with ISO 1219-2 the plant designation (in EPLAN the "Higher-level function number") can be omitted if the fluid circuit consists of only one higher-level function.
  • In addition, the media code (in EPLAN the "Trade identifier") can also be omitted in accordance with this standard if only one medium is used in the higher-level function. This requirement is met in EPLAN Fluid by means of the project setting Fluid power: Hide identifier (media code) in the graphic (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > DT). To this purpose the check box has to be deactivated. However, the trade identifier is only no longer displayed graphically in the displayed DT of a fluid function, it remains in the visible and complete DT of the property dialog with this setting.


EPLAN Fluid supports you in planning according to the standard ISO 1219-2. To this purpose the basic project FL_1219-2_bas001.zw9 is available after the.installation of the program. If you use this basic project, the correct settings for standard-compliant device identification are offered automatically for fluid devices as well as for fluid power connection splicers and line connectors.

See also