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Dialog Settings: Connection symbols

In this dialog, you can determine the settings relevant to the Drawing of the connection symbols.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Draw connection junctions as:

In this group box, select how the connection symbols should be displayed when inserted in the schematic.

  • With target specification: When you insert a connection symbol, the Specify targets setting is always set by default. The "normal" connection symbols are drawn, in which the order of connection targets is visible.
  • Point wiring: When you insert a connection symbol, the Draw as point setting is always set by default. Junctions or double junctions of connections are drawn as connection points.
  • With target specification or as point: When inserting a connection symbol, a prompt dialog is always displayed. There you can select the angle variants for the connection symbol and decide whether it should be drawn with target specification or as a point. By default, the option that you selected the last time the dialog was called is set.


In the project settings (File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Graphical editing > General), you can determine how the connection symbols will be displayed in the schematic.

Connection symbols with prompt:

If this check box is selected, then a prompt dialog is always displayed when connection symbols are inserted. There you can select the angle variants for the connection symbol and decide whether it should be drawn with target specification or as a point. If you selected the With target specification or as point option in the Draw connection junctions as group box, this check box is automatically selected and grayed out.

If the check box is deselected, then connection symbols are automatically drawn according to the default. Angle variants can be selected by holding [Ctrl] down and turning the symbol with the mouse.

For the With target specification or as point setting, the prompt dialog is always displayed.

Deactivate 'Specify targets' property when inserting a net definition point:

If you select this check box, the Specify targets property is deselected when you insert net definition points.

Carry over connection designations to extent:

If this check box is activated, the Carry over connection designations dialog is displayed during manual changing of a connection designation (in the connections navigator or at a connection definition point). There, you have the possibility of carrying over the changed connection designation to other connections automatically. The connection designation can be carried over to all connections of the potential, the signal or the net.

If the check box is deactivated, changed connection designations are not carried over to other connections automatically.


  • When carrying over connection designations, the filter is taken into account that you have defined for the connection numbering. You specify this filter in the Filter tab of the dialog Settings: Connection numbering (accessible, for example via the command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Connections > Connection numbering).
  • The Carry over connection designations to extent setting does not have any effect when the connection designations are changed via the connection numbering.

See also