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MS Excel Templates for the Manufacturing Data Export / Labeling

You can create Excel templates for the export in the Excel file format. These templates allow you to make specific specifications with regard to appearance and formatting of the Excel tables. The output Excel files can be edited in Microsoft Excel as well as in other Office applications that can read this format. An Excel template may, for example, appear as follows:

The individual columns are filled according to the format element selected in the tabs Header, Label, and Footer. The following assignments apply:
#H# stands for format elements of the Header tab
### stands for format elements of the Label tab
#F# stands for format elements of the Footer tab.

The sequence in which the data values appear in Excel is defined by the schema settings. The report for the format elements is generated from top to bottom and from left to right.

For example, if a format element has been selected for the header, the "#H#" entry must also exist in the template precisely once (as seen in the example figure above).

After a successful export, all columns are formatted to optimum width.


The "Page break when change of DT" format element (for footers) forces a page break at each change of DT (e.g., at the change of DT of a terminal strip on output of terminal diagrams) and also writes this DT in the tab of the individual worksheets.