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P004030: Missing symbolic address (automatic)


No symbolic address is stored at a PLC connection point. In addition, the connection point does not have any connected target that could automatically form a symbolic address with its DT.


Only those PLC connection points are checked that are inputs and outputs.


Possibility 1

Open the Properties <...> dialog for the corresponding PLC connection point. Enter a symbolic address in the PLC connection point tab in the Symbolic address field.

Possibility 2

  1. Select the following commands: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > PLC.
  2. In the Settings: PLC dialog, select the [...] button next to the PLC-specific settings field.
  3. In the subsequent dialog bring the Format of symbolic address tab to the front and activate the check box Generate symbolic addresses automatically using.
  4. Confirm your entries.
  5. Connect the PLC connection point with a sensor or actuator that has a device tag.

    EPLAN now automatically determines the connected DT by means of the target tracking and generates a symbolic address from it.
  6. If required, start a new check run.

If required, start a new check run.