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P004202: Siemens: Incorrect bus port: <x>


EPLAN has determined a faulty bus port. Which PLC card is affected and which properties of the bus port may have to be corrected is specified in the placeholder '<x>' of the message. The following information could be contained in the placeholder:

  • The bus port of the PLC card with the device identification '<y>' may not have a plug designation
  • The bus port of the PLC card with the device identification '<y>' has a faulty value in at least one of the properties: 'Bus system', 'Bus interface name', 'Plug designation'


Possibility 1

The first information in the placeholder is output:

  1. Locate bus port in the schematic using the Go to (graphic) functionality that is provided by the popup menu of the Message management dialog.
  2. Open the property dialog of the bus port.
  3. Bring the PLC connection point tab to the front.
  4. Check the value of the Plug designation property and correct it.
  5. Click [OK].

Possibility 2

The second information in the placeholder is output:

  1. Proceed as described under Possibility 1 with regard to Points 1 and 2.
  2. Bring the Bus data tab to the foreground when errors are reported with regard to the properties Bus system, Bus interface name and / or Plug designation and correct these.
  3. Click [OK].

If required, start a new check run.