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P028018: Difference between segment and segment template (property '<x>')


A segment template with certain properties was assigned to a segment. After the assignment, the value for property <x> was changed at the segment.


Assign the value which was also defined for property <x> at the segment template to property <x> at the segment.

  1. Open the pre-planning navigator and the segment template navigator (command paths: Tab Pre-planning > Command group General > Navigator and Segment templates).
  2. Double-click the message in the Message management dialog.

    The respective segment is marked in the pre-planning navigator.

    The used segment template is marked in the segment template navigator.
  3. Launch the Properties <...> dialog of the segment.
  4. In the Properties group box, determine the value for property <x> as displayed in the message text and write it down.
  5. Switch to the segment template navigator and launch the Properties <...> dialog for the marked segment template.
  6. Bring the Structure segment tab to the front.
  7. In the Properties group box, search for property <x>, which is displayed in the message text, and copy its value to the clipboard.
  8. Close the property dialog of the segment template and re-open the property dialog of the segment via the pre-planning navigator.
  9. In the field for property <x> add the value copied from the clipboard and close the property dialog of the segment with [OK].
  10. If required, start a new check run.