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P028019: The macro at the planning object does not correspond to the placed macro


The macro entered at the planning object has a different name to the macro placed on the schematic page.


  1. Locate the placed macro in the schematic using the Go to (graphic) functionality from the popup menu in the Message management dialog.
  2. Call up the Properties <...> dialog of the macro box and note down the name entered in the Macro box tab.
  3. Close the property dialog.
  4. Open the pre-planning navigator (command path: Tab Pre-planning > Command group General > Navigator).
  5. Mark the message in the Message management dialog and select the popup menu item Synchronize selection.

    The respective planning object is marked in the pre-planning navigator.
  6. Call up the Properties <...> dialog of the planning object and bring the Macro tab to the front.
  7. Compare the entry in the Macro field with the name that you noted down.
  8. Click [...] next to the Macro field and in the subsequent dialog select the name of the macro that was placed on the schematic page.
  9. Confirm your entries.
  10. If required, start a new check run.