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Dialog "SQL server setting" / Dialog "Generate SQL server database"

In this dialog, you define the default settings for the SQL server that is to be used when working with the dictionary or project management.

In this dialog, you define the default settings for the SQL server that is to be used when working with parts management and / or part selection. These settings are exclusive, i.e. settings made for the parts management do not automatically apply to the part selection.

In this dialog you can generate a new, still empty, SQL server database.


As for the conversion of the dictionary to an SQL server, the EPLAN platform supports the versions of the Microsoft SQL server approved in the performance description. This also applies for conversion of the parts database and for setting of the internal part selection to an SQL server.

Overview of the main dialog elements:


Here you define the name of the server on which the databases are managed.


Select the type of sign-in used for the SQL server from this drop-down list:

  • Windows authentication: This setting allows you to access the SQL server as soon as you have signed in as a Windows user. A separate password for the SQL server is then not required.
  • SQL server: With this setting, you can only access the SQL server after providing user authentication in the two fields below. To do this, an appropriate access rights database must be created and filled with data on the SQL server.

User / Password:

These fields are only active when you have selected the SQL server option under Sign-in!
Here you enter the name and password to be used when access to the SQL server is to be password-protected. The characters entered are replaced with periods in order to preserve secrecy.


Store here the name of the database that is to be used for the dictionary or project management database. Or select the name of a database existing on the specified server from the drop-down list.


If you wish to transfer the data of the dictionary or the parts management from an existing internal EPLAN database to an SQL server database, first export the data from the dictionary or the parts management in the XML file format, generate a new SQL server database, and then import the data into the new database.

See also