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Dialog Message management - <Project name>

In this dialog those messages that arose due to errors or inconsistencies during the offline or online check are listed in a table.

The column headers of the table can be configured freely. The Configure representation menu item in the popup menu can be called up to this purpose. In the dialog then opened specify the display of the desired columns and determine their order.

The messages can be sorted by double-clicking on the column headers.

If you have opened the graphical preview (Tab Home > Command group Graphical preview > Open), the page that the message relates to is displayed there, and the faulty function is highlighted.

Overview of the main dialog elements:


In addition to the message number and the message text the following columns can be added to the table:

  • Status: Shows the message category assigned to the message in the form of an icon.
  • Category: States the message category assigned to the message in abbreviated form.
  • Page: Shows the page on which the erroneous object is located.
  • Layout space: The layout space in which the erroneous object is located is shown here.
  • DT: The DT of the device in which the error occurred is shown here.
  • Part number: If a part entry with missing or impermissible data were determined during the parts database check, the associated part number is displayed in this field.
  • Part variant: In addition the variant of the part is displayed in addition to the part number in the cause of a fault.
  • Source: The DT of the source function that is connected to the device which is reported as faulty is displayed here.
  • Target: The DT of the target function that is connected to the device which is reported as faulty is displayed here.
  • Completed: Select this check box if you have corrected an error. You can filter on this property and therefore gain an overview of the errors already corrected and those which are still open.
    In addition you have the option to check only the corrected messages in a subsequent check run. This way you can check whether your corrections in the project have been successful.
  • Generated by: Shows who defined the message. In most cases, the messages are defined by EPLAN. Using the API interface, however, you have the option of defining your own messages.
  • X / Y: The coordinates at which the erroneous device is located are shown here. The values for the coordinates are rounded. Decimal places are not shown.
  • Generated through type of check: Shows the method by which a message was created, for example whether the message arose during an offline or an online check.
  • Connection point designation (with plug designation (automatic)): If a PLC connection point, bus port or device connection point was reported as faulty during the check, the combination of plug designation and connection point designation of this connection point is displayed here.

Popup menu:

The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (e.g. date, integer, multilingual) - the following menu items that are, depending on the situation, available for influencing the table or editing the values in the fields. You can find an overview of these popup menu items in the section Popup menu items.

In addition, the following dialog-specific popup menu items are available:

Menu item


Delete display

Deletes all displayed messages from the dialog. Until the next project-wide update, only the new messages you have caused will be displayed.

Check project

Opens the Check project dialog, in which you can run the check using the current or different settings.

Check only completed messages

Checks all messages for which the Completed check box is activated. The Check project dialog is not opened in this context.

Go to (cross-referenced)

Enters cross-referenced functions into the Go to list and opens it.

Go to (all representation types)

Enters all of the representation types of a function (e.g., on a schematic page, an overview page, and / or a report page) into the Go to list and opens it.

Go to (graphic)

Jumps to the first placed object containing a reference to the selected function.

Go to 2nd coordinate

Positions the cursor on the insertion point of the erroneous object in the graphical editor. There you can open the dialog to edit the properties of the object directly by double-clicking it.

Synchronize selection

Selects the object which caused the message in the opened navigators.

Configure representation

Opens the Configure representation dialog in which you can define the properties to be displayed in the list.

Edit in table

Opens tabular editing, with the option of editing the properties of the functions.


Opens the Properties (components): <...> dialog. Allows the editing of the function properties.

Properties (global)

Opens the Properties (global): <...> dialog. Allows the editing of the device properties.


Use [...] to open the Filter: Messages dialog, which you can use to define a filter for messages.

Select the Active check box so that only those messages will be displayed which correspond to the filter.


After the execution of check runs, faulty functions are identified with an exclamation mark in the navigators. If you select a function there and select this check box, then only the messages relating to this function are displayed in the message management. If you select the check box while you are in the page navigator, then only the messages relating to the objects on respective pages are displayed in the message management; if you select the check box from the graphical editor, only the messages relating to the currently selected component, connection definition points, and interruption points are displayed.


  • The Selection check box results in a synchronization of the message management with the selection in the page navigator, in one of the project data navigators or in the graphical editor, only if there are no more than 1,000 messages in the message database. If necessary, limit the number of messages by using the project setting Max. number of check run messages: (File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Message management).
  • Extensive descriptions and correction suggestions are available in the help system for all check run messages. Click in the line with the corresponding message and press the [F1] key to call the help for this message.

See also