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Dialog Insertion mode

In this dialog you define the manner in which devices are to be numbered on insertion. The dialog is opened when you insert a copied or cut schematic element or macro into a schematic page. Which device types (e.g. plug, cable, or general device) are numbered depends on the numbering formation you specified in the Numbering format field.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Do not modify:

If this option is selected, then the displayed DT remains unchanged. The counter is not incremented. The full DT receives the structure identifier of the page if the original displayed DT did not contain a structure identifier.

Components with the same names are displayed in the message management if the following applies:

  • The components are main functions and have the same DT.
  • The components are functions having the same DT and the same connection point designation.


If this option is selected, then the inserted devices are renumbered. The specified numbering format is taken into consideration here.

The starting value for the DT counter is the first free counter of the appropriate identifier.

Number with flag "?":

If this option is selected, then the inserted devices are automatically renumbered on insertion and tagged with a question mark. The specified numbering format is taken into consideration here.

Numbering format:

Shows the online numbering format that you selected in the project settings (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Device > Numbering (online)) in the group box On insertion of macros and copies in the Numbering format field. From the drop-down list, you can select a different online numbering format or go to [...] and create a new one. This setting will be adopted in the global settings. In numbering formats, you specify which format elements are to be used and which device types are to be taken into consideration during numbering.

Number prefix if existing:

This field is available if the Number option is selected.

This setting allows numbering of the prefix of the DTs of inserted device copies or inserted devices in macros. This functionality only affects device groups for which the Keep prefix numbering format setting in the DT format dialog that you can access in the project settings is activated (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Device > Numbering (online)).

Number circuit number if existing:

If the Fluid power: Use trade identifier as identifier (media code) check box has been activated in the project settings, the Number circuit number if existing field is displayed instead of the Number prefix if existing field for fluid power functions. This setting allows numbering of the circuit number (this corresponds to the counter) of the DTs of inserted device copies or inserted devices in macros.

Always use this insertion mode:

If this check box is selected, then the selected insertion mode is used for all subsequent insertion actions. The Insertion mode dialog is no longer displayed. You can reactivate the Insertion mode dialog by using File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Device > Numbering (online) to select the With prompt option.

See also