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Selecting Parts

By means of part selection, you assign one or more parts to a device. The simultaneous assignment of several parts is possible by using the multiple selection of parts. In the process the data of the first part contained in the selection are assigned to the function / component.

Part selection can be called up from different places:

  • From the Properties <...> dialog
  • From the device navigator
  • From the bill of materials navigator
  • From the device list.

Select parts in the Properties <...> dialog


You have opened the Properties <...> dialog for a main function and selected the Parts tab.

  1. Click [...] in the Part number field.
  2. In the Part selection dialog, navigate through the tree structure and select one or more desired parts.
  3. Click [OK].

    The part numbers are transferred to the Properties <...> dialog.
  4. Click [OK].

    All the part numbers entered in the Properties <...> dialog are searched for in the parts database and the associated parts are stored in the project. In the process, the relevant data source for each part is also read, according to the parts data. The function templates of the part are also stored.

    The part properties of the first part contained in the selection are written to the current device (e.g., Cable type, Connection cross-section / diameter, etc.).

    During a future change of the part in the parts management the data at the function / component in the project remain unchanged.

    If a part or technical properties (such as Technical characteristics, Connection point designation, Cable / Conduit: Type, etc.), was already assigned to the device, the Conflict dialog opens. This dialog contains the previous data from the device and the new properties from the part selected.
  5. If required, change the properties and terminate the Conflict dialog by clicking [OK].

    The new data are transferred to the function / component.

    The value from the Technical characteristics field in the Properties tab is only transferred during the part selection if no value is entered for this property at the "main template" or if there are no function templates. The main template is the first function template in the Function templates tab of the parts management whose function definition is set to "Main function".


If you want to assign multiple part numbers to a symbol, you must make sure that an empty row is highlighted for each new assignment. Otherwise the highlighted part number will be overwritten with the new one.


  • The technical properties (such as Technical characteristics, Connection point designations, etc.) can only be transferred from the first selected part in the case of a part selection for the first row in the Part tab. If a renewed part selection is carried out for one of the other assigned parts of a device, the Conflict dialog is displayed, if the part reference data (for example order number, manufacturer, etc.) of the part already assigned and the newly selected part are different to this purpose. In this case only the differing part reference data is listed in the conflict dialog. You can recognize for which part the conflict dialog was opened on the basis of an index number shown in the Property column.
  • During the selection of a part, that has an older state in the project than in the parts database, a prompt is shown. You can then decide whether you want to select this updated part or rather another part. In specific cases (for example, in the case of changed template data) the device data for the updated parts are possibly not transfered to all usages of the part in the project.
    The popup menu item Update device data is available to you in the bill of materials navigator to allow for updating the device data at the functions in the project in such a case nevertheless. In addition to template data, part properties are also transferred during a device selection.

See also