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Permissions and Access

Not all users have the same access rights to settings. The access rights allowing settings to be edited or change is controlled via the rights management.

In the rights management the administrator divides the users into groups. He assigns the users specific rights for the editing and modification of project-specific settings.

Users with reader rights can read locked files but not edit them.

If users belong to particular user groups, then they can only make settings in the areas for which they have been allocated access rights. In this way, the users only have access to the settings that are required for their particular tasks.

Only the administrator can change and adapt settings at any time.

Rules for access to project-specific settings

  • Multiple users cannot edit or change settings at the same time. This applies even when both of them belong to the same user group and have the same access rights.
  • If a user attempts to open a locked settings dialog then they receive an appropriate message.
  • If a user has opened several projects, then only the project settings that he is currently editing are locked. The project settings of the other projects are not locked at this time and other users can edit them.
  • Two users cannot edit project settings at the same time if these require "exclusive access". If a user attempts to change a setting in an open project then he/she receives a message. From this message, he/she can see which user currently has the project open.

See also