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Dialog Rights management: Groups

In this dialog you can create user groups and assign editing rights to them.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

If you have selected the Groups folder in the field on the left then a list of all existing user groups is displayed in the field on the right.

The following predefined user groups are delivered with EPLAN:

User group



Have all rights. This user group can't be edited or deleted.


Have restricted permission to work with the program. This user group can't be edited or deleted.

Master data editors

May edit master data such as symbols, forms, etc. This user group can be edited or deleted, i.e., it serves as an sample user group.

Schematic editors

Have full rights except for editing master data. This user group can be edited or deleted - an example user group.


The names of the user groups supplied will be translated when using another dialog language. Do not change the names of these user groups since otherwise translatability is lost. Names that have been changed once will not be translated again even if you restore the original designation.

The following dialog elements are available for one individual group:


Enter the text for which the search is to be carried out in the rights into this field. You start the actual search with the [Enter] key. If you have not entered a search term, the field is characterized with the gray text "Find".

As soon as entering the first character, the list below the entry field displays all matches. If the entered text is not found in the rights, no matching results are displayed. Note that you do not have to worry about case-sensitivity when entering a search term.

If you select an entry in the list of matching results by mouse-click, then this term is applied to the entry field and search started. Subsequently only the respective right is displayed in the Rights field in the tree view.

If you want to return to the original view of tree display, remove the search term from the entry field. Click (Delete) to do so. As a result the selection originally made is restored in the tree structure.


If you have opened the Groups folder in the left field and selected a single user group, then a list of the possible rights is displayed in this field. The rights are divided into editing rights for commands, dialogs, and API actions. The rights for dialogs are identified by the additional symbol "[dialog]"; rights for API actions are identified by the additional symbol "[interface]". An icon in front of each entry indicates whether the group members have the right or rights below the topic area.



In front of an individual right: The right is assigned. In front of a topic area: All rights below the topic area are assigned.

In front of a topic area: The rights below the topic area are only assigned partially.

In front of an individual right: The right is not assigned. In front of a topic area: All rights below the topic area are not assigned.

For write-protected user groups. In front of an individual right: The right is assigned. In front of a topic area: All rights below the topic area are assigned.

For write-protected user groups. In front of a topic area: The rights below the topic area are only assigned partially.

For write-protected user groups. In front of an individual right: The right is not assigned. In front of a topic area: All rights below the topic area are not assigned.

If certain editing rights are revoked from a user group, the associated commands will be grayed out. If a dialog is blocked for a particular user group, the group members can open the dialog but cannot edit any data or documents. The settings dialogs are an exception: These are hidden if they are blocked for a user group.

If a user group does not have the right for a certain API action, the group members cannot use the associated command in the command line when editing.

Group members:

If you have selected a user group in the left-hand side of the dialog, then all users who are members of this group are displayed here. The user name and associated description text for each user are displayed.

See also