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Dialog Symbol selection

In this dialog you select symbols for editing:

  • It is possible to select several symbols in the symbol editor (Tab Master data > Command group Symbols > ...).
  • In the graphical editor (when editing schematics) and in the parts management, only one symbol can be selected.

Overview of the main dialog elements:


This drop-down list displays all the available filters. A selected filter is automatically activated and is applied to both the tree and the list view. The "- Not activated -" entry deactivates the filter and causes an unfiltered display of the data. Click [...] to open the Filter dialog. Here you can create, edit, delete, copy, export, import, and manage filters.

The popup menu of the Filter drop-down list contains the following entries:

  • Deactivate: This popup menu item is available if a filter has been set: Resets the filter setting to the "- Not activated -" entry.
  • Activate <filter name>: This popup menu item is available if the filter setting is "- Not activated -": Reactivates the last active filter.

This allows you to toggle rapidly between the unfiltered representation and a representation filtered in accordance with your requirements.


The tree view lists the symbols in a hierarchical structure.

As soon as you mark a symbol in the tree view or in the preview of the symbol selection, additional information (for example the associated symbol description) in shown in an info area below the tree view and in the status bar.

Popup menu:

Menu item



Shows the symbol libraries in the upper nodes of the tree. Under them are the function definitions.


Shows the functional categories (such as "Coils and contacts" and "Signal devices") in the upper nodes of the tree.


Opens the Settings: Symbol libraries dialog. Here you select the symbol libraries to be displayed by selecting / deselecting the corresponding check boxes, or select new symbol libraries to be stored (click [...] in the Symbol libraries field), or delete those that you no longer require. You can also specify the preceding sign for the symbol libraries here. (This dialog can also be called up by using the following commands: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Symbol libraries.)


The list view lists the symbols vertically in columns, where the order and number of the columns shown can be individually configured; you can sort in an ascending or descending manner within any column displayed by clicking once on the column header. The direction is shown in the column header with a graphical icon.

Direct entry:

Enter a string of characters into this field. The cursor jumps to the first symbol matching your entry as soon as you enter a single character, and selects it. The search always occurs in the first list column. If the first list column is the symbol name, then the symbol names are searched; If the first list column is the symbol number, then the symbol numbers are searched etc. (The appropriate setting is made in the popup menu item Configure representation.)

Popup menu:

The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (e.g. date, integer, multilingual) - the following menu items that are, depending on the situation, available for influencing the table or editing the values in the fields. You can find an overview of these popup menu items in the section Popup menu items.

In addition, the following dialog-specific popup menu items are available:

Menu item


Name with preceding sign

With this option the Name with preceding sign column is automatically displayed in the first position of the list view. The identifier of the symbol library specified under Preceding sign (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Symbol libraries) is displayed here along with the symbol name (for example I:SL for an NO power contact of the symbol library IEC_Symbol<X>, whose preceding sign is I in this case). This preceding sign serves to distinguish between the symbol libraries, where EPLAN suggests the first letter of the symbol library. The preceding sign may be duplicated; this allows several symbol libraries to be combined in the list view.


Opens the Settings: Symbol libraries dialog. Here you select the symbol libraries to be displayed by selecting / deselecting the corresponding check boxes, or select new symbol libraries to be stored (click [...] in the Symbol libraries field), or delete those that you no longer require. You can also specify the preceding sign for the symbol libraries here. (This dialog can also be called up by using the following commands: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Symbol libraries.)


The selected symbol is displayed irrespective of whether you are in tree or list view. If only one symbol is selected, all the available variants are displayed. If several symbols are selected (for example a hierarchy level in the tree), they are all displayed in the preview, but without the available variants.


If you have activated the graphical preview (Tab Home > Command group Graphical preview > Open), the currently selected symbol is shown there in the magnified display. This symbol is shown regardless of whether it was selected in the list, tree or symbol selection preview.


This drop-down list is only available when several symbols are selected. Here you select which variants are to be displayed in the preview. If only one symbol is selected, all variants of this symbol are shown in the preview, and the drop-down list is grayed out.

Through the "Default variant" you select the variant that was specified as the default variant in the project settings for the symbol libraries or in the symbol properties.

The subsequent setting options are only available if you have called up the Symbol selection dialog from the Symbol / function data tab.

Display only symbols suitable for representation type:

If this check box is activated, only such symbols are shown that are suitable for the representation type of the current function.

Only display symbols of the same function category:

If this check box is selected, then only symbols of the same function category are displayed.

Only exchange symbol:

If this check box is selected, only symbols are that no longer have connection points as the current function definition are offered. In this case, only the symbol is exchanged and the function definition is retained.

See also