The master person data can only be viewed and edited in the tree structure; the list shows only the parts data but no manufacturers, suppliers, or customers.
- You have opened the dialog Parts management (Tab Master data > Command group Parts > Management).
- In the Tree view you have marked the hierarchy level "Customer" or "Manufacturer / supplier" or a record below this hierarchy level.
- Select the New popup menu item.
EPLAN automatically generates a new record with the short name New_<consecutive_number>.
- In the right-hand section of the dialog change to the Properties tab.
- Change the automatically assigned entry for the Short name property in the Data hierarchy level.
- Enter the further data of the customer or manufacturer / supplier (e.g. the long name) in the Properties tab.
- Click [Apply] to save the entries and modifications without leaving parts management.
The short names of customers and manufacturers / suppliers must be unique. If you accidentally enter a name which already exists, EPLAN warns you as soon as you click [Apply], [Close] or in another field. The record can only be saved after you have assigned a new name.