Complex devices can be realized by means of a device group. Functions from different trades and devices tags can be grouped graphically and logically into one device. This way, for example, Fluid power devices can be grouped with electrical engineering components.
The functions combined as a device group are as a rule saved as a macro. Therefore the creation and ungrouping of device groups is only possible in a macro project.
The following criteria can / must be fulfilled to create a device group:
- There must be exactly one main function to which the "multi-line" or "P&I diagram" representation type is assigned.
- There must be exactly one main function to which the "Pair cross-reference" representation type is assigned. (The configuration of the trade for main or auxiliary functions doesn't apply here.)
- The "Graphic" representation type can contain any number of components. (These components are included graphically but not logically.)
- It can contain any number of graphical elements (lines, rectangles, etc.). (These elements are included graphically but not logically.)
In the device navigator, the functions of a device group to which the "Pair cross-reference" representation type has been assigned are displayed below the multi-line main function, even though these functions have other device tags.
Create device groups
Device groups can only be created in a macro project. To group devices you must first select the functions and graphical elements to be grouped in the schematic. Then select the following commands: Tab Edit > Command group Group > Device. The program first checks whether the criteria for creating a device group have been fulfilled. If not, a message is displayed indicating this. If the criteria are met, the group is created.
Please note that the functions grouped into a device group are treated as a group only when the Consider groupings option has been activated. Otherwise, the functions are not treated as a group but as individual functions with actions like block editing, deleting, copying, moving, etc.
Ungroup device groups
Device groups can be broken down into their individual components again in a macro project. Before device groups can be ungrouped, the group must be selected in the schematic. Subsequently ungroup these by using the following commands: Tab Edit > Command group Group > Ungroup.
In schematic projects you can use the command Ungroup to ungroup only the grouping of element groups (meaning a grouping of graphical elements).
Behavior of device groups in the schematic project
If you move the cursor in the graphical editor over a device group when the Grouping button is activated, all the elements of this group are highlighted in the same color.
The logical elements of a device group are always considered individually when the Grouping button is activated. This means that you can select the individual functions of a device group (auxiliary functions, pair cross-references) and can open the respective property dialog.
In a schematic project the functions and graphical elements of a device group cannot be deleted from the device group.
Unplaced device groups
The placement of a selected device group can be deleted completely in the schematic project with the following commands: Tab Home > Command group Clipboard > Drop-down button Delete > Placement. It is irrelevant whether the deleting of the placement is carried out in the device navigator or in the graphical editor.
Unplaced device groups behave exactly like other unplaced functions and can, for example, be placed again from the device navigator as a complete device group in the graphical editor, if the device group was inserted as a device with stored part macro.
Block properties for device groups
As concerns the functions of a device group, in block properties the Format dialog comes with the "Device group (further functions)" format element. Using this format element, within one device group you can access the properties of the other functions from a function of a device group. This way, for example, you can display the parts data or property values of the main function at a function of the device group on an electric engineering schematic page, while the main function with the device group is placed on a page of the "Fluid power schematic" type.
In order to access the further functions of a device group via the block properties first select an element from the group "Device group (further functions)" and click the (Next level) button in the Format dialog. From the starting function you can go to the other functions of the device group and there select the required parts data (e.g., Part number) or function properties (e.g., Function text, Remark, etc.).
- If you selected the top format element without index value, the property values for all functions of the device group are output with the exception of the currently selected function.
- If you selected the "Function properties 1" element in the child property group, navigate via the
(Next level) button to the indirect properties of a different function of the device group. If at that time you are in the property dialog of an auxiliary function, the values of the main function will be output as a result.
See also