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Specifying the Settings for Excel Output


  • You have opened a project.
  • You have defined an Excel template.
  1. Select the following commands: File > Export > Command group Manufacturing data > Manufacturing data > Labeling.
  2. Click [...] next to the Settings field in the dialog Export manufacturing data / output labeling.
  3. Select a user-defined scheme in the Scheme field of the dialog Settings: Manufacturing data export / labeling.

    You can Create a new export / labeling scheme via (New).
  4. On the File tab in the File type field, select the "Excel file (*.xlsx, *.xlsm)" file type.
  5. Click next to the Target file field, and select a directory and an existing file in the subsequent dialog or enter a name for a new file in the File name field.
  6. Click next to the Template field, then select an Excel template in the subsequent dialog.

See also