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P004116: Address range of the subdevice '<x>' is located partially or completely outside the address range of the PLC card '<y>'


The address range of a subdevice of a PLC card was defined in such way that it overlaps with the address range of a PLC card or is located completely outside the address range of the PLC card.


  1. Locate the PLC box of the PLC card in the schematic via the popup menu of the Message management dialog.
  2. Call up the property dialog of the PLC box and bring the first tab to the front.
  3. In the properties table adjust the values of the fields PLC subdevice x: Start address (...) and PLC subdevice x: Data length (...) in such a way that the address range of the subdevice lies within the address range of the PLC card.
  4. Confirm your entries.
  5. If required, start a new check run.