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P026057: Connection cross-section is smaller than specified in the connection point pattern


The cross-section of the routed connection is smaller than the cross-section set in the connection point pattern of the part placement in the Min. cross-section / diameter column.


  1. Increase the value of the cross-section at the routing connection (or the corresponding multi-line connection in the schematic) so that it amounts to no less than the value entered in the connection point pattern in the Min. cross-section / diameter column. Or, alternatively, adjust in this column the cross-section value to the cross-section of the routing connection by decreasing the value accordingly.
  2. If required, start a new check run.


The check run considers the entered values in the Min. AWG field of the connection point pattern of the part placement as follows:

If a value that has the unit "AWG" is stored at the routing connection in the layout space or in the multi-line connection in the schematic in the Cross-section / diameter field, the value entered in the connection point pattern of the part placement in the Min. AWG column is taken into consideration during the check, in as far an entry is available there. If no entry is available there, the cross-section specification entered in the connection point pattern in the column Min. cross-section / diameter is used for the check if the value is greater than 0.01 mm².

If no "AWG" value is stored at the routing connection in the layout space or in the multi-line connection in the schematic in the Cross-section / diameter field, the value entered in the connection point pattern of the part placement in the Min. cross-section / diameter column is considered during the check, in as far an entry is available there. If no entry is available there, the value entered in the connection point pattern in the column Min. AWG is used for the check.