A window macro that is not placed in the "single-line" representation type was entered in the property dialog of a planning object in the Macro tab. Or a page macro was entered at the planning object that contains a single-line schematic page that is unplaced.
- Open the project page on which the window macro is to be placed.
- Open the pre-planning navigator (command path: Tab Pre-planning > Command group General > Navigator).
- Mark the message in the Message management dialog and select the popup menu item Synchronize selection.
The respective planning object is marked in the pre-planning navigator.
- Select the Place popup menu item in the pre-planning navigator.
The macro assigned to the planning object hangs on the cursor. It automatically receives the representation type which matches the selected page type.
- Place the macro on the project page by clicking there.
- In the subsequent dialog select the desired insertion mode.
- Click [OK].
- If required, start a new check run.
If a page macro with a page of the "Schematic single-line" type was entered at the planning object, drag & drop the planning object from the pre-planning navigator into the page navigator. The page macro is then added to the project as a single-line page.