In the parts database to be checked function templates with connection dimensions were defined at the part that do not agree with the connection dimensions of the connection point pattern selected at the part.
- In the message management dialog mark the line with the message and select the Properties popup menu item.
The Parts management dialog is opened, the respective part is already marked.
- Bring the Function templates tab to the front.
- Note the connection dimensions entered in the properties table for the connection points.
- Switch to the Properties tab.
- Open the Data hierarchy level in the property table.
- Note the names stored in the Connection point pattern value field of the property.
- Close the parts management.
- Open the parts management again, this time by using the command path: Tab Master data > Command group Parts > Management.
- In the tree view mark the connection point pattern whose name you have noted.
- In the property table switch to the Connection points tab.
- Transfer the connection dimensions of the connection points from the function templates that you noted beforehand into the table, so that the connection point pattern and the function templates have identical values.
- Close the parts management, save the modified data, and carry out a parts synchronization.
- If required, start a new check run.