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Dialog Designate connections

In this dialog you can designate those connection definition points that are able to possess a connection designation.

Once you have called up the menu item, the connections are first automatically newly generated.

Overview of the main dialog elements:


Select a scheme defining the settings for the connection numbering from the drop-down list. Click [...] to open the Settings: Connection numbering dialog. Define the numbering settings here and store them in a scheme.

Start value / increment:

The table lists all connection groups that are defined in the current setting and contain a counter and /or subcounter in the format. For these groups the counter begins with the specified start value and increases by the specified increment. Both values can be changed in the table.

If the Group check box is activated for a connection group, the counters for the connection group will be combined. In this case, the start value and increment are the same for all the counters / subcounters in a group.
If the check box is deactivated, you can specify separate values for the start value and increment for each counter / subcounter.

The counter sequence is defined by the sequence of the format groups in the Settings: Connection numbering dialog (Designation tab) and the counter sequence in the groups.


The increment "0" is also permitted; in this case, the counter will not be incremented. The next free value will then be determined according to the setting in the Avoid identical designations field.


In this drop-down list you specify the connection definition points where the designation should be overwritten:

  • All: The designations are overwritten for all connection definition points that can possess a connection designation.
  • Except for "manually set": Connection designations with the Manually set property will not be overwritten. The designations are overwritten for all other connection definition points that can possess a connection designation. The Manually set property is reported by the connection and not by the connection definition points contained in the selection.
  • None: Connections that already have a designation remain unchanged and are not redesignated. All other connections with an empty connection designation or with a designation containing one or more "?" marks will be given a new connection designation.

If the Except for "manually set" and None settings are selected, existing connection designations are applied. Connections which are added to an existing scope adopt the connection designation of the scope. If more than one connection designation exist, the graphically first used and the other designations are overwritten. For example, connections with the same signal will also be given the same connection designation when being renumbered.

The connection definition points of connections which were excluded from connection numbering by one of these settings adopt the connection designation of the connection below.


If you manually place a connection definition point and assign the Manually set property to it, the Manually set property will be applied for the entire connection. However, the remaining connection properties, i.e., the Connection designation property, will be assigned to the connection from the graphically first connection definition point.

Avoid identical designations:

In this drop-down list you specify whether identical designations are permitted. The following settings are available:

  • None: Identical designations are generally permitted.
  • In the selection: Each connection in the selection is given a unique connection designation. The connection designations are only unique within the selection, otherwise identical designations are permitted in the project.
  • In entire project: Identical designations are avoided in the entire project, i.e. every connection has a unique connection designation within the project.
  • Per counter reset range (structure / page): Identical designations are only avoided within the range defined for counter resetting. The connection designations are only unique within a counter reset range, otherwise identical designations are permitted in the project. The counter reset range only affects counters but not subcounters.

If identical designations are avoided, then formats with counters or subcounters will not be given existing designations. Instead, the counter or subcounter will be incremented (except when the same scope is contained in the selection). All of the available connection designations in this case will be taken into consideration, as will those that were assigned in the same numbering scheme in the previous connection groups.

If the format contains counters and subcounters, the counters will be incremented if the subcounter is still at its lowest value. Otherwise the subcounter is incremented.

Multiple designations are allowed within one scope if the format is specified as such and the entire scope is contained in the selection. In this case, the format elements must not come from the individual connection.


From this drop-down list select the connections that are to be shown:

  • Do not modify: The designations are displayed how they are defined, that is, connection designations defined as hidden will not be displayed. This is the default setting.
  • All visible: This setting makes all designations visible, even ones specified as "hidden".
  • Once per page and range: This setting switches on visibility for connection designation of the graphically first connection and switches it off for all others with the same scope.

Mark as "manually set":

If this check box is selected, all of the connection definition points that were given a connection designation during connection numbering will be assigned the Manually set property.

See also