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Changing Functions

If a function is used in a project, then the function definition in turn provides particular pre-defined properties. The function definition data is only comprised of default values and can be overwritten for every individual component. You can also add extra properties.

Changing properties


You have placed a function (i.e. a component) on a schematic page. Or you have generated a function in one of the navigators.

  1. Select the function.
  2. Select the Properties popup menu item.
  3. In the Properties <...> dialog, you can modify the properties of the function. Use the different tabs and input fields to do this.
  4. If required, specify additional properties which were not predefined in the function definition.
  5. Click [OK].

    The new and changed properties are stored to the function.

    The current properties are displayed on the component (as long as they are selected for display).

Select connection point designations and descriptions

For each function definition, ten sets of connection designations and connection descriptions can be specified. When creating a function, the first set of connection designations is used as a default value.


You have placed a function (i.e. a component) on a schematic page. Or you have generated a function in one of the navigators.

  1. Select the function.
  2. Select the Properties popup menu item.
  3. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the <Function category> tab.
  4. In the Connection point designation field, select an entry from the drop-down list or enter the connection point designation manually.
  5. In the Connection point description field, select an entry from the drop-down list or enter the connection point description manually.
  6. Click [OK].

    The connection point data is assigned to the function.

See also