MountingPanelService Class Methods
In This Topic
For a list of all members of this type, see MountingPanelService members.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| CreateArticlePlacement | Overloaded. Produces an article placement on the mounting panel. The article must be in the project's database. |
| Dispose | Destructor |
| ReorganizeLegendNumbers | Reorganize legend Ids of a panel layout. |
| ReorganizeLegendNumbersWithSameNumbers | Reorganize legend Ids of a panel layout. |
| UpdateMainElements | Overloaded. Transfers part references of a part placement to the corresponding main function. Corresponds to the 'Devices -> 2D panel layout -> Navigator -> Update main elements' ribbon item. |
| UpdatePartDimensions | Overloaded. Transfers dimensions from articles to article placements. Corresponds to the 'Devices -> 2D panel layout -> Navigator -> Update part dimensions' ribbon item. |
See Also