Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.HEServices Namespace / Backup Class / Project Method / Project(String,String,String,String,Type,Double,Amount,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) Method
An entire path to the project. (File extensions, e.g. *.elk, don't have to be specified.)
String that is written as a comment into the corresponding backup property in the backed up project.
Destination path where the backed up project is stored.
File name under which backed up project is to be saved.
An Enum constant, which may have the following values:

Backup : Project is backed up

SourceOut : Project is filed off

Archive : Project is archived. Must not be set when "eBakMedia" parameter is "EMail".

Pack : Project is packed. Param strTargetPath is ignored.

If the project is to be compressed before being backed up, it is possible to automatically split the destination file into smaller sections to easily send them by e-mail. SplitSize indicates the maximum file size in megabytes. If rdSplitSize = 0, the file is not split up. If the eBakMedia parameter = Disk, rdSplitSize is ignored!
An Enum constant, which may have the following values:

All : The entire project directory is backed up.

Min : Only the database files required to restore the project are backed up; redundant database files are ignored.

If true, the database is compressed before the backup is made (at DISAM level, the EPLAN project is not compressed).
If true, external documents are included in the backup (files in the project subdirectory \DOC).
If true, image files are included in the backup (files in the project subdirectory \Images).
If true, external files that are referenced by the project are copied to the project's directory (the '\DOC' subdirectory) before the backup.

In This Topic
    Project(String,String,String,String,Type,Double,Amount,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Backs up an entire project. Project is backed up on hard disk, diskette... The path specified in strProjectPath parameter becomes invalid after the backup.


    An entire path to the project. (File extensions, e.g. *.elk, don't have to be specified.)
    String that is written as a comment into the corresponding backup property in the backed up project.
    Destination path where the backed up project is stored.
    File name under which backed up project is to be saved.
    An Enum constant, which may have the following values:

    Backup : Project is backed up

    SourceOut : Project is filed off

    Archive : Project is archived. Must not be set when "eBakMedia" parameter is "EMail".

    Pack : Project is packed. Param strTargetPath is ignored.

    If the project is to be compressed before being backed up, it is possible to automatically split the destination file into smaller sections to easily send them by e-mail. SplitSize indicates the maximum file size in megabytes. If rdSplitSize = 0, the file is not split up. If the eBakMedia parameter = Disk, rdSplitSize is ignored!
    An Enum constant, which may have the following values:

    All : The entire project directory is backed up.

    Min : Only the database files required to restore the project are backed up; redundant database files are ignored.

    If true, the database is compressed before the backup is made (at DISAM level, the EPLAN project is not compressed).
    If true, external documents are included in the backup (files in the project subdirectory \DOC).
    If true, image files are included in the backup (files in the project subdirectory \Images).
    If true, external files that are referenced by the project are copied to the project's directory (the '\DOC' subdirectory) before the backup.
    An error occurs during a data backup operation.
    The interface to the backup system cannot be generated.
    The project could not be locked for back up.
    If the specified directory already contains a backup file with the same name, this file is overwritten. Archive names of the form <some name>.nnn (n = a digit 0 - 9) are forbidden, because an archive name of this form ( with a three-digit-extension)is automatically created when the backup file is split into several parts.
    Following example shows how to use the method:
    Backup oBackup = new Backup();
      "Project backup - test comment",
      0.0 /*do not split*/,
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Backup of project was created !");
    See Also