Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel Namespace / ArticleReference Class

ArticleReference Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see ArticleReference members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyReturns the article of this articlereference. This is the Article stored in the Project, can be NULL if the article is not found in Project.  
Public PropertyReturns true, if the article reference contains to an article placement  
Public PropertySets and gets count  
Public PropertyReturns an array of objects cross-referenced with this object (i.e. having the same name - in case of functions - or otherwise associated) (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public PropertyReturns the project as number. The number is unique for all open projects in one session. The number changes when the project is closed and opened again. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public PropertyReturns an array of transient object (of Connection or Function type) that represent function templates associated with the article referenced by this object.  
Public PropertyGets the identifying device tag of the parent function(property ArticleReferencePropertyList.ARTICLEREF_IDENTNAME).  
Public PropertyRepresents this reference an assembly  
Public Property

Determines if the the StorableObject is locked.

The StorableObject is locked when it was explicitly or implicitly locked.

(Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public PropertyDetermines if StorableObject is read-only (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public Property

Determines if the the StorableObject is transient.

The StorableObject is transient when it was created by default constructor and:

it is a Page and it was not assigned a Project,

it is a Placement or any class derived from it and was not assigned a Page.

(Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public PropertyDetermines if StorableObject is correct database object and is not deleted. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public PropertyReturns the object identifier as number. The number is unique for all objects of this type. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public PropertyReturns the Object this ArticleReference belongs to.  
Public PropertyReturns ArticleReference's part number.  
Public PropertyReturns the project the StorableObject belongs to. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public PropertyRepresents ArticleReference properties  
Public PropertyReturns the index of the ArticleReference reference for the given article if it is referenced by a Function. This number is useful when reading values of article reference properties (indexed properties on function, e.g. FUNC_ARTICLE_COUNT). It is not equal to the 0-based position of element in the table of articles which is returned by Function.Articles/>  
Public PropertyReturns the type of the object as number. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObject)
Public PropertySets and gets ArticleReference's variant number.  
See Also