Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.E3D Namespace / PointMate Class / SnapTo Method / SnapTo(PointMate,Double) Method
Target point mate for snapping.
Rotation angle (in radians).

SnapTo(PointMate,Double) Method
Snap the mate to another point mate.


Target point mate for snapping.
Rotation angle (in radians).
Thrown when param is null value. Check exception message for more info.
Thrown when operation failed. Check exception message for more info.
Snapping means that the position and/or orientation of the associated placement will change, so that this mate fits to the target mate. Usually after the snapping, Placement3D becomes a child of the 'owner' of a target mate. There are however exceptions. For example when placing a component on a mounting point (like RP16) and in the same position there is a mounting surface, then component is arranged hierarchically below the mounting surface. If there is no mounting surface, then the component is arranged under cabinet.
See Also