| Name | Description |
 | AddAccessoryList | Adds a new accessory list to the parts database |
 | AddAccessoryPlacement | Adds a new accessory placement to the parts database |
 | AddConnectionPointInfo | Adds a new connection point info to the parts data |
 | AddConstruction | Adds a new construction to the parts database |
 | AddCustomer | Adds a new customer to the parts database. |
 | AddManufacturer | Adds a new manufacturer to the parts data |
 | AddPart | Overloaded. Adds a new part into the parts database. |
 | Close | Closes the database |
 | CreateFunctionTemplatesFromMacro | Creates new function templates out of the macro that is referenced from all the parts in the parts database. |
 | CreateTransaction | Creates a new database transaction. |
 | Dispose | Destructor for deterministic finalization of MDPartsDatabase object. |
 | ExistsConnectionPointInfo | Checks if a connection point info with the given name exists. |
 | ExistsConstruction | Checks if a construction with the given name exists. |
 | ExistsCustomer | Checks if a customer info with the given short name exists. |
 | ExistsManufacturer | Checks if a manufacturer / supplier info with the given short name exists. |
 | ExistsPart | Checks if a part with the given part number exists. |
 | ExportMDUserDefinedPropertyDefinitions | Exports parts user defined properties. |
 | ExportParts | Overloaded. Exports parts from the system's parts database. |
 | ExportPartsDatabaseItems | Overloaded. Exports parts and other parts management items like addresses, constructions, terminals, accessory lists and accessory placements from the system's parts database. |
 | ExportUntranslatableWords | Export all untranslatable words from article database to file. |
 | GetAccessoryList | Gets a accessory list with the given name that is stored in the parts database. |
 | GetAccessoryPlacement | Gets a accessory placement with the given name that is stored in the parts database. |
 | GetConnectionPointInfo | Gets a connection point info with the given name that is stored in the parts database. |
 | GetConstruction | Gets a construction with the given name that is stored in the parts database. |
 | GetCustomer | Gets a customers that ist stored in the parts database. |
 | GetManufacturer | Gets a manufacturer with the given name that is stored in the parts database. |
 | GetPart | Overloaded. Gets the part with the given part number. If there are several variants of that part, the first one is taken. First means, that if you sort that parts by their variant that the topmost variant is taken. |
 | GetParts | Overloaded. Gets filtered parts. When the filter is empty, than all parts are read. |
 | GetPartsWithFilterScheme | Gets parts using the filter from GUI. |
 | GetPartVariants | Gets all part variants with the given part number. |
 | ImportMDUserDefinedPropertyDefinitions | Imports parts user defined properties. |
 | ImportToDictionary | Imports parts database translations to the system dictionary (MDTranslationDatabase) |
 | RemoveAccessoryList | Removes a accessory list out of the parts datbase. |
 | RemoveAccessoryPlacement | Removes a accessory placement out of the parts datbase. |
 | RemoveAllTranslations | Removes all the translations form parts database |
 | RemoveConnectionPointInfo | Removes a connection point info out of the parts database. |
 | RemoveConstruction | Removes a construction out of the parts database. |
 | RemoveCustomer | Removes a customer out of the parts database. |
 | RemoveManufacturer | Removes a manufacturer out of the parts database. |
 | RemovePart | Removes the given part from the parts database. |
 | RemoveTranslation | Removes translations form parts database |
 | Translate | Translates all multilingual texts in an article database |
 | UpdateScheme | Updates the scheme of the database. |