| Name | Description |
| CONNECTION_ACL_COLOR | Overloaded. Autoconnecting line: Color # 31005. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_ACL_FACTOR | Overloaded. Autoconnecting line: Pattern length # 31018. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_ACL_LAYER | Overloaded. Autoconnecting line: Layer # 31017. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_ACL_STYLE | Overloaded. Autoconnecting line: Line type # 31015. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_ACL_WIDTH | Overloaded. Autoconnecting line: Line thickness # 31016. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_ALTERNATE_WIRECROSSSECTION | Overloaded. Alternative connection cross-section / diameter # 31025. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_ALTERNATE_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | Overloaded. Unit for alternative connection cross-section / diameter # 31065. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_DESCRIPTION | Overloaded. Connection description # 31009. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_DESIGNATION | Overloaded. Connection designation # 31011. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_GROUPING | Overloaded. Grouping # 31069. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_MLWIRENUMBER | Overloaded. Connection: Color (multilingual) # 31061. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| CONNECTION_SLEEVECROSSSECTION_DESTINATION | Overloaded. Target: Sleeve cross-section # 31054. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_SLEEVECROSSSECTION_SOURCE | Overloaded. Source: Sleeve cross-section # 31053. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_STRIPPINGLENGTH_DESIGNATION | Overloaded. Target: Stripping length # 31056. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_STRIPPINGLENGTH_SOURCE | Overloaded. Source: Stripping length # 31055. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_TYPEOFENDSTOP_DESTINATION | Overloaded. Wire termination processing target # 31052. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_TYPEOFENDSTOP_SOURCE | Overloaded. Wire termination processing source # 31051. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION | Overloaded. Connection: Cross-section / diameter # 31002. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | Overloaded. Unit for connection cross-section / diameter # 31059. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION_WITH_UNIT | Overloaded. Connection: Cross-section / diameter with unit # 31007. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH | Overloaded. Connection: Length with unit # 31003. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH_FULL | Overloaded. Connection: Length (full) # 31090. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH_UNIT | Overloaded. Connection: Unit of length # 31001. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH_VALUE | Overloaded. Connection: Length # 31000. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_WIRENUMBER | Overloaded. Connection color / number # 31004. This property isn't indexed. |
| CONNECTION_WIRETYPE | Overloaded. Connection: Type designation # 31048. This property isn't indexed. |
| ExistingIds | Returns array of property ids. Returns array of AnyPropertyId objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) |
| ExistingValues | Returns array of PropertyValue objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) |
| FUNC_BLOCK_FORMAT | Overloaded. Block property: Format # 20202. |
| FUNC_BLOCK_VALUE | Overloaded. Block property # 20201. |
| FUNC_COMMENT | Overloaded. Remark # 20045. This property isn't indexed. |
| FUNC_GRAVINGTEXT | Overloaded. Engraving text # 20025. This property isn't indexed. |
| FUNC_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD | Overloaded. Supplementary field # 20901. |
| FUNC_SYMB_DESC | Overloaded. Symbol description (function) # 20114. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| FUNC_SYMB_NAME | Overloaded. Symbol name # 20112. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| FUNC_SYMB_NUMBER | Overloaded. Symbol number # 20168. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| FUNC_SYMB_VARIANT | Overloaded. Symbol variant # 20113. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| FUNC_SYMBLIB_NAME | Overloaded. Symbol library # 20111. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. |
| FUNCTION_NETBASEDWIRING_ID | Overloaded. ID for net-based connections # 20218. |
| FUNCTION_NETBASEDWIRING_IDS | Overloaded. IDs for net-based connections # 20219. This property isn't indexed. |
| INSTANCE_ACTIVE_PROPERTYSET | Overloaded. Property arrangement # 19307. This property isn't indexed. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_FULLPLACEMENTLOCATION | Overloaded. Placement # 19007. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_PAGEFULLNAME | Overloaded. Page name (full) # 19023. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_PAGENAME | Overloaded. Page name # 19022. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_PAGETYPE | Overloaded. Page type # 19020. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_PATHID | Overloaded. Column number # 19005. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_POSID | Overloaded. Row number # 19006. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_DATE | Overloaded. Modification date (change tracking) # 19032. This property isn't indexed. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_MARKER | Overloaded. Revision marker (change tracking) # 19030. This property isn't indexed. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_MARKER_FORMAT | Overloaded. Revision marker format (change tracking) # 19031. This property isn't indexed. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_TIME | Overloaded. Modification time (change tracking) # 19034. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_REVISION_LOG_USER | Overloaded. Creator (change tracking) # 19033. This property isn't indexed. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_REVISIONID | Overloaded. Revision change marker (from property comparison) # 10153. This property isn't indexed. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_REVISIONMARKER | Overloaded. Revision marker (from property comparison) # 10152. This property isn't indexed. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_TYPE | Overloaded. Representation type / report type # 19021. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_USER_DEFINED_PROPERTYSET | Overloaded. User-defined property arrangement: Name # 19008. This property isn't indexed. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_XCOORD | Overloaded. X coordinate # 19002. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| INSTANCE_YCOORD | Overloaded. Y coordinate # 19003. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.SymbolReferencePropertyList) |
| Parent | StorableObject to which this property list is connected. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList) |
| POTENTIAL_FREQUENCE | Overloaded. Frequency # 33004. This property isn't indexed. |
| POTENTIAL_NAME | Overloaded. Name of potential # 33000. This property isn't indexed. |
| POTENTIAL_NETNAME | Overloaded. Net name # 33007. This property isn't indexed. |
| POTENTIAL_PARENT | Overloaded. Superior potential # 33001. This property isn't indexed. |
| POTENTIAL_SIGNAL | Overloaded. Signal name # 33006. This property isn't indexed. |
| POTENTIAL_TYPE | Overloaded. Potential type # 31006. This property isn't indexed. |
| POTENTIAL_VALID_POTENTIALS | Overloaded. Possible counter potentials # 33005. This property isn't indexed. |
| POTENTIAL_VALUE | Overloaded. Potential value # 33003. This property isn't indexed. |
| Property | Overloaded. Method used by operator[] in order to access indexed properties. |
| PROPUSER_DBOBJECTID | Overloaded. Object identification # 2000. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObjectPropertyList) |
| WRITEPROTECTED_AUTOMATIC | Overloaded. Change protection (hierarchical) # 3015. This property isn't indexed, and is read-only. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList) |