Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.MasterData Namespace / MDPartsManagement Class / OpenDatabase Method / OpenDatabase(String) Method
The file name of access database. or a string for selecting a SQL Server database. The syntax of that string is: "Server|Database|0" Windows authentication "Server|Database|2|Username|Password" SQL Server authentication, username and password not encrypted.

In This Topic
    OpenDatabase(String) Method
    In This Topic
    Opens the given parts database.
    public MDPartsDatabase OpenDatabase( 
       string databaseName
    MDPartsDatabase^ OpenDatabase( 
       String^ databaseName


    The file name of access database. or a string for selecting a SQL Server database. The syntax of that string is: "Server|Database|0" Windows authentication "Server|Database|2|Username|Password" SQL Server authentication, username and password not encrypted.
    Thrown when database name is null
    Thrown when database name is empty
    Thrown when it was not possible to connect with the database. Please refer to the system messages for further information.
    See Also