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Navigation via Block Properties to the Subordinate Device

In nested devices it was already possible in the past to call up the data of the superior device at a device by means of block properties. To this purpose the Main function of superior device format element is available in the Format dialog when the block format is specified. In this version the field Available format elements of the dialog Format has now been extended by the new format element Main function of the subordinate device.


With the new format element "Main function of the subordinate device" you can now also access the data of a subordinate device at a device.

You can access the properties of the main function of up to 50 subordinate devices via the index and the button (Next level). You can also access the properties of the further functions of the subordinate device via other format elements (for example "Other functions of the device") as usual at this level. This means, for example, that in the case of two nested PLC boxes you can use the property Physical network: Bus ID / item number to have the IP address of a bus port which is placed in the subordinate inner PLC box displayed at the outer PLC box.

See also