Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.MasterData Namespace / MDPartsDatabase Class / ImportParts Method / ImportParts(String,String,ImportMode,Boolean,ImportIdentifier,String) Method
Full file name
Converter long name, see XPamImport for converters
Import mode. The enumeration MDPartsDatabase.ImportMode defines the supported values. If an invalid value is set, the value AppendNewRecords = 0 will be used.
Specifies if multilanguage properties of records should be updated with another language rather then be replaced.
Import Identifier. The enumeration MDPartsDatabase.ImportIdentifier defines the supported values.
Specifies a field mapping scheme. This parameter may be an empty string in which case the scheme last used in GUI will be taken.

In This Topic
    ImportParts(String,String,ImportMode,Boolean,ImportIdentifier,String) Method
    In This Topic
    Imports part to this database.


    Full file name
    Converter long name, see XPamImport for converters
    Import mode. The enumeration MDPartsDatabase.ImportMode defines the supported values. If an invalid value is set, the value AppendNewRecords = 0 will be used.
    Specifies if multilanguage properties of records should be updated with another language rather then be replaced.
    Import Identifier. The enumeration MDPartsDatabase.ImportIdentifier defines the supported values.
    Specifies a field mapping scheme. This parameter may be an empty string in which case the scheme last used in GUI will be taken.
    Thrown in case of invalid parameters.
    An error occurred while importing parts data.
    See Also