Eplan Platform API
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    Eplan.EplApi.MasterData Namespace
    In This Topic
    This namespace contains classes for working with master data. Mainly the access to parts management is available via this namespace.
    ClassBase class for exceptions thrown from MasterData.
    ClassMDAccessoryList objects can hold a list of accessory positions These are represented by a MDAccessoryListPosition object
    ClassMDAccessoryPlacement objects can hold a list of accessory positions These are represented by a MDAccessoryPlacementPosition object
    Classeach part can store a list of accessories. Each accessory is represented with MDAccessoryPosition object That accessory can be a part (type = Component), than Name and Variant is used. Or a accessorylist (type = AccessoryList), than only Name is used. Type property is automatically set after Part or AccessoryList is correctly set
    ClassClass for customer and manufacturer/supplier This class represents an address in the parts database. That address can be a customer or manufacturer/supplier - depending on the Type (MDPartsDatabaseItem.Enums.Type)
    ClassUtility class that represents id and index of P8 API properties.
    ClassBase class for null arguments
    ClassClass represents cable function template of part.
    ClassThrown when error occurred while adding new symbol position into MDPart.
    ClassClass represents function template of part which type = component.
    ClassThis class represents connection points in the parts database. That connection points has a unique name (Name) and a list of connection terminals (MDConnectionPointPosition)
    ClassA ConnectionPointInfo object (MDConnectionPointInfo) can hold a list of connection points. Each of them is represented with a MDConnectionPointPosition object.
    ClassWhen a part will be fixed on a mounting panel, several holes are nessesary. The definition how to drill that holes is represented by a MDConstruction object
    ClassRepresents one section of user defined contour.
    ClassThrown when error occurred while connecting to parts database.
    ClassThrow when database not allows any writing If parts database is read only or the database scheme ist not up to date, than any writing is forbidden. It could be prevented by checking database.UpdateScheme()
    Classpart with productgroup mechanical / cabinet can store door-parts Each door-part ist represented with MDDoorPosition object
    ClassMDConstruction objects can hold a list of drilling positions These are represented by a MDDrillingPosition object
    ClassClass represents electrical relay function template of part.
    ClassThrow when property is empty and couldn't return logic value; It could be prevented by checking PropertyValue::Empty.
    ClassRepresents internal properties of MDFunctionTemplatePosition
    ClassThrown when name used for creating an object has incorrect format.
    ClassBase class for invalid arguments
    ClassThrow when internally used handle is not valid. May occur if the user has several objects pointing to the same place in project, and on one of them calls for example ::Delete or ::Remove, In such situation , properties returned by another objects will throw InvalidHandleException.
    ClassIs thrown when given properties' index is incorrectly - when index is less then 1 or greater then MaxIndex
    ClassThrow when given or result time value isn't valid.
    ClassClass represents function definition of part which product top group = mechanics.
    ClassThrows when user try to fetch not-indexed property using index;
    ClassThrown when MasterData object cannot be created.
    ClassTo filter objects by conditions, there is the class MDObjectFilter. Works like known from the filter-technique in the UI.
    ClassThrow when MasterData object is used, but has not been created yet.
    ClassThis class represents a part in the parts database. That part can be a component, assembly or module - depending on the Type (MDPartsDatabaseItem.Enums.Type)
    ClassRepresents an item on the assemblies list
    ClassBase class for MDPartAssemblyPosition and MDPartModulePosition.
    Classparts of product top group: mechanic and product group: housing can hold a list of locked mounting areas These are represented by a MDPartLockedMountingAreaPosition object.
    ClassRepresents an item on the modules list
    ClassClass represents mounting panel items which can be stored by parts having product top group 'Mechanic' and product group 'Cabinet'.
    ClassParts of product top group: mechanic, product group: busbar and product sub group: busbar adapter can hold a list of support bar parts These are represented by a MDPartSupportBarPosition object.
    ClassClass for defining use cases of safety-related values of a part. Please specify at least one function range using following properties: IsInput, IsLogic, IsOutput.
    ClassThis is the class that represents a parts database
    ClassBase class of all items stored in parts database
    ClassThat class contains enums for classes based on MDPartsDatabaseItem
    ClassBase class for child-data from MDPart, MDConstruction or MDConnectionPointInfo e.g. MDDoorPosition, MDConnectionPointPosition.
    ClassThis class represents collection of P8 properties of MDPartsDatabaseItem class. Please check also base classes for other properties which are available for MDPartsDatabaseItem objects:
    ClassA transaction object for a parts database
    ClassMDPartsDatabaseTransactionManger is an internal helper class to manage with MDPartsDatabaseTransaction objects
    ClassTo open or create a parts database there is the management class MDPartsManagement.
    ClassParts of product top group: mechanic, product group: busbar and product sub group: busbar adapter can hold a list of support bar parts These are represented by a MDPartSupportBarPosition object.
    ClassBase class for errors caused by missing permission.
    ClassClass represents PLC function template of part.
    ClassClass represents plug function template of part.
    ClassThrow when property already exists.
    ClassThis class provides information about property.
    ClassThrown when read-only value is being set.
    ClassClass holding value of P8 Master Data property.
    ClassThrown if the type of property does not match.
    ClassMDSymbol is a master data symbol stored in a symbol library. A Symbol is identified by an Id and a Name. A MDSymbol contains up to 8 MDSymbolVariant.
    Classenums for MDSymbol
    ClassA structure representing a property placements configuration. Such configuration is described by name and ID.
    ClassClass represents list of property arrangements.
    ClassThis class represents one connection point of a symbol variant. It's defined with a location an a direction.
    ClassThis class is a interface to manage symbols libraries
    ClassThis class represents collection of P8 properties of MDSymbolLibrary class. Please check also base classes for other properties which are available for MDSymbolLibrary objects:
    ClassClass represents symbol data stored in MDPart object.
    ClassThis class represents collection of P8 properties of MDSymbol class. Please check also base classes for other properties which are available for MDSymbol objects:
    ClassSymbol variant of a symbol object. A MDSymbol object can have up to 8 variants.
    ClassThis class represents collection of P8 properties of MDSymbolVariant class. Please check also base classes for other properties which are available for MDSymbolVariant objects:
    ClassClass represents terminal function template of part.
    ClassRepresents translation database.
    ClassRepresents user-defined property definition stored in the parts management database.
    ClassRepresents user defined property position
    ClassClass represents a wire function template of part.
    ClassProperties is a class holding enums defining property ids. It also stores collections of all properties related to given DM API classes.
    ClassThe parent of all MasterData API classes.
    ClassBase class of all property list classes.
    StructureRepresents connection category
    EnumerationBase points are predefined mounting points in a layout space where accessory placements can be installed. There are automatically generated and user defined base points.
    EnumerationThe type of the drilling. Depending on that type the other parameters will be used.
    EnumerationPossible ways how contour element can be drawn.
    EnumerationThe sub type of the drilling. Depending on that sub type the other parameters will be used.
    EnumerationThe type of the drilling. Depending on that type the other parameters will be used.
    EnumerationThe type of terminal function (if function defintion is terminal)
    Enumerationavailable Types for MDPartLockedMountingAreaPosition.Type
    EnumerationData type for import/export
    EnumerationImport Identifier
    EnumerationImport mode
    EnumerationType of parts database
    EnumerationThis are the different groups of database items that can be stored in parts database.
    EnumerationThis are the different subgroups of database items that can be stored in parts database.
    EnumerationThis are the different topgroups of database items that can be stored in parts database.
    EnumerationThis are the different types of database items that can be stored in parts database. Component, Assembly, Module are represented by MDPart Construction is represented by MDConstruction ConnectionPointInfo is represented by MDConnectionPointInfo Customer, manufacturer are represented by MDAddress
    EnumerationState of connection to database that is currently used.
    EnumerationImport Indentifier
    EnumerationImport mode
    EnumerationTypes of stored values
    EnumerationThis are the different types of a Symobol
    EnumerationMode of Open method.
    EnumerationContains possible types of category.
    EnumerationUsage of a user-defined property definition.
    EnumerationContains possible types of input aid.
    EnumerationIdentificators of properties owned by MDPartsDatabaseItem class.
    EnumerationIdentificators of properties owned by MDSymbol class.
    EnumerationIdentificators of properties owned by MDSymbolLibrary class.
    EnumerationIdentificators of properties owned by MDSymbolVariant class.
    See Also