Importing Connectable Objects

The Import connectable objects function allows for importing connectable objects from *.csv and *.txt files into the workspace / workdesk environment. Connectors, connectable objects, and terminals can be imported here.


For the special characters to be imported correctly, the text file must be UTF-8 encoded.

In the source file you specify which connectable objects from the library are to be used, the names they are to have after being imported to Studio, and the locations where they are to be placed, together with their orientation.

The import considers existing connectable objects with the highest version number in the active library. If they are not available there, they will not be imported. In this case, a corresponding task is added to the Tasks list.

The X, Y and Z coordinates that define the position of the connectable object in the workspace / workdesk working window can be specified in the source file. In addition, the X, Y and Z coordinates that define the rotation of the connectable object in the workspace / workdesk working window can also be specified in the source file.

  1. Select the File > Import connectable objects menu items or the button on the toolbar.

    The Import connectable objects wizard is opened.
  2. Click [...] in the Source file field.

    A file selection dialog is opened.
  3. Browse to the desired location, select the desired file, and click [Open].

    The file selection dialog is closed.
  4. Select a template file by proceeding in the same way.
  5. Click [Next].
  6. In the next step of the Import connectable objects wizard you determine the data selection, i.e., you define the separator, which rows are to be ignored in the source file, and which columns and rows are to be used for the imported connectable objects.
  7. Enter a character into the Ignore rows starting with field so that rows in the source file starting with this character are ignored during the import.
  8. Determine the number of columns and rows respectively to specify which columns and rows are to be ignored during the import. The fields are defaulted to the numbers of columns and rows actually used in the source file.

    The Preview area of the dialog displays the columns according to the settings made.
  9. Click [Next].
  10. In the next step of the Import connectable objects wizard you specify the column mapping.

    The Data source table displays the current settings: The ID column specifies the names of the connectable objects in the tree view. The Part number column specifies the Library-specific connectable objects by their part number. The X, Y and Z columns specify the position of the imported connectable objects in the workspace / workdesk working window, while the Rot X, Rot Y and Rot Z columns specify the rotation of the imported connectable objects. The Option column assigns Electrical options to the imported connectable objects. Electrical options specified in the source file must exist in the workspace / workdesk working window. If you want to assign more than one electrical option, separate them by the | character.
  11. Activate the Update existing ones check box of the Import options group box to make the other check boxes in this group box available (i.e., "ungrayed"). If only this option is activated, the connectable objects are imported regardless of whether they exist in the workspace / workdesk working window.
  12. Activate the Delete all before import check box to make the other check boxes in this group box unavailable (i.e., they become grayed). This option will then remove all connectable objects and the wires / cables attached to them from the workspace / workdesk working window.
  13. Activate the Delete objects not in list check box to remove existing connectable objects that are not specified in the source file from the workspace / workdesk working window.
  14. Activate the Update changed objects check box if the position and rotation is to be updated according to the source file for connectable objects with the same ID and Part number properties in the workspace / workdesk working window. Objects such as wires, cables, bundles, and surface protections are updated as well. The control points of these latter objects do, however, remain at the same position.
  15. Activate the Check for highest library version check box to import the connectable objects with a higher version number in Library into the workspace / workdesk working window. In order to do so, the connectable objects in Library must have pins with the same name as the pins of the connectable objects that are connected to wires or cables in the workspace / workdesk working window.
  16. In the Add accessories group box, activate the Mandatory check box if mandatory accessories are to be placed within the imported connectable objects.
  17. Activate the Optional check box if optional accessories are to be placed within the imported connectable objects.
  18. Activate the Use rapid prototype parts check box if rapid prototype connectable objects are to be imported in case the connectable objects specified in the source file are not found in the library. Note that for this the ID and Part number columns must be filled.
  19. Activate the Case-sensitive check box to ensure that connectable object names in the source file match capital and small letters in the connectable object library name or part number. If the connectable object's tree view name specified in the source file does not match the capital / small letters in the tree view, the connectable object will not be updated.
  20. Click the Save as template link if the current settings of the wizard are to be saved as a template file.

    The Save as dialog is opened for you to browse to a suitable location and assign a name for the template file to be created.
  21. Click [Save].

    The Save as dialog is closed, and the template file is saved at the specified location and under the entered name, with the *.hxcit file extension automatically added.
  22. Click [Start].

    The Import result step of the Import connectable objects wizard displays information about the actions taken during connectable object import (whether they were successfully imported, replaced with a higher version from Library, etc.).
  23. Click [Finish] to close the wizard.