The functionality Insert device allows you to insert the first graphical representation (symbol or macro), the part and all the functions or function templates of a device into the project in a single action.
The New device popup menu item that is available in some project data navigators also allows the insertion of a device, however without placement.
- When inserting devices or individual objects, you have the option of using the [N] key to browse through the functions and select the one you want. The connection point designations of the selected function are displayed on the symbol. When inserting a macro, [Shift] + [Tab] is used to browse through the representation types. Use [Tab] to browse through the macro variants of a representation type.
- It is also possible to place an auxiliary function first. The main function (and thus the device) is thus created as an unplaced function.
- In order to retain the variants selected via the [Tab] key for the inserting / placing of devices, you can activate the setting Retain symbol / macro variant when placing device (Menu path: Options > Settings > User > Device > General).
- You have opened a page in the graphical editor.
- You have entered a macro at the part in the parts management, or have defined function templates. A symbol or symbol macro can be entered additionally at the function templates, but does not have to be.
- If you have not defined function templates, but have stored macros at the parts, the system reads the functions from the macro so that the device can be generated completely. To this purpose it is imperative that the setting Consider macro when generating devices (under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > General) be activated.
Insert devices in the graphical editor
- Select the following menu items: Insert > Device
- Select a part in the Part selection dialog and click [OK].
The system selects the macro or symbol that best suits the opened page. The representation type is determined via the page type in the process.
- If you want to use a different representation type or a different macro or symbol, press the [Backspace] key before the actual inserting.
- Specify the insert options in the dialog Insert device and click [OK].
Depending on the selected option a subsequent dialog is opened. If you have for example selected the option Macro selection, the Select macro dialog is opened.
The assigned or selected macro / symbol hangs on the cursor.
- Insert the symbol or macro in the schematic.
The parts data are written to the main function.
If the part has several functions, then the next symbol will subsequently hang on the cursor.
- Insert the further functions of the device.
When you sequentially insert all functions of the device, the DT adoption is also taken into account.
After all of the device functions have been inserted, the first device function is once again hanging on the cursor and you can insert it again if you wish.
- When inserting auxiliary functions, hold down the [Spacebar] if you want to interrupt the insertion of the auxiliary functions and start again with the renewed insertion of the same device.
- End the action via the Cancel action popup menu item or via the [Esc] button.
Inserting Devices from the Device List
You can use the popup menu item Insert device to insert a device immediately with its associated parts data in the device list as well as in the part master data navigator and in the bill of materials navigator. The procedure is the same as for inserting devices in the graphical editor.
You can add parts to a device placed in the graphical editor using Drag&Drop. To do this, select the desired part in the device list, press the [Ctrl] + [Shift] key combination, and pull the part onto the component. If the device already has one or more parts, then a query is displayed asking whether the existing parts should be enhanced or replaced.
See also
Procedure for Inserting Devices